About the “Roll Out: Facts and Figures” video…

Hello everyone,

so I guess you’ve seen the “Facts and Figures” video? Kinda interesting, isn’t it? I mean: I didn’t know there are WoT players in Vatican City. Of course, before we go all “hurr durr the Pope plays WoT”, Vatican has civillian workers too, not just the clergy.

Still, interesting. I wonder how the latency is in Panama though. Anyway, this post is not about that. Check this out, this is from the part they talk about “historical realism” (pictures by _Reaper and Attin):


Oh yea, that’s not the FV215b (183), that’s the fake FV215b with the 120mm gun that never existed even in blueprints. Very historically accurate. It gets better though…


Google translate FTW!

For one, it’s apparently a British Sherman, even though in the game it’s an American vehicle. Anyway, look at the “stats” – so, amount of hitpoints is “strength” now? Why? Oh, that’s right – in Russian, the amount of hitpoints term is “prochnost”, which can be translated also as “strength”, if you don’t know what you are talking about.

Carriage is apparently googletranslated from the word “ekipazh”, which means “crew” in Russian, but also “carriage” (the same way “pipe” means that thing the water flows thru and also the thing you use to smoke crack – two different things, same word). So, the gunner is now “aimer”? Again, in Russian, the term for gunner is “navodchik”, the word is based on the word “navodka”, which means literally “aiming”. Why is it suddenly “the driver” and not just “driver” and why is the last crewmember called “charging”? (the Russian word for loader is “zaryazhayuschij”, which comes from the word “zaryazhat”, which means literally “to charge”, so in Russian, the word can literally be translated as “the one who is charging”.

Now, this might be nitpicking, but it’s also a symptom – of the fact that WG EU can’t do its job right. They probably outsourced the translation to some moron, who googletranslated it without context and sent it back – and noone doublechecked it. We know how often that happens (hint: every week).

The stats are interesting though and the video got one thing right: the game is great. So, Wargaming, all the best in new year and make us happy! Hard job, I know, but I trust SerB :D

49 thoughts on “About the “Roll Out: Facts and Figures” video…

  1. I noticed the 183 thing too, immediately. WG fails yet again. WG never fails to disappoint in the amount of fails, though.

    • They should have used the real 215, MOAR LIEK.
      You’d have “unique” gameplay with a rather unaccurate but hard-hitting HT with a 183mm gun. AFAIK that was the sole reason to move the turret backwards on the conqueror design – the 183mm was too big and heavy.

  2. You know, since nobody gives a fuck anyway, more and more “professionals” start using google translate :( . Books will soon be done the same way, i find more and more mistakes in newer ones, even though nobody ever gave me a job as a translator…

    Crap, does this bitching mean that i am getting older or is really world getting worse…?

    • I sincerely doubt books would ever be done in the same way. Some businesses are just too cheap to get themselves translators that’s all.

    • Wait 100 years or so then maybe google translate can do proper translations. That is if we havent nuked ourself by then. Happy new year anyway to you all :)

      • If i just could live 100 years to see it… i would be 115 years old then. yea!! but taking in note that i play wot every day on my computer isn’t very healthy, i might have a chance if cancer isn’t gonna pick me up, but rare human lives so long, maybe i’m gonna have to make a time machine so i can see the future. Spend my whole life looking for a way to teleport in time and notice that i’m stupid.

  3. The picture of the M4, it’s also showing the Price, HP, and Weight of the Lee, while showing the British Sherman hull, with the US 76mm turret/gun

    That’s actually more effort than showing the damn thing properly, wth

  4. Calling the wrong Tank really sucks.
    On the “failed” translations I am not so much for givning them too much blame… It’s common practice that translators are not provided with much context for their work, and it is VERY common that stuff isn’t translated properly [Just take a look at localizations of most "Call of Duty" parts, or Terry Pratchet's novels :P]
    The strenght “typo” is ridiculous, though….

    • Russian is a hard language to translate too, I noticed that by some russian classic books I read. Words can have several meanings. I wish I knew russian and could read crylic its a fascinating language. French and Russian are languages I wish i knew but im too lazy to learn.

  5. A marvelous new game developed by WG in Europe called “spot the fail” has been released!
    To play the game simply go onto the world of tanks website and spot as many fails as you can!

  6. -“pipe” means that thing the water flows thru and also the thing you use to smoke crack

    wow, holy shit, either I’m smoking the wrong thing in my pipes or Peterson and Sam Gawith are actually making crack and not tobacco.

      • Hahaha, yeah, I’m instantly giving a bad name to something only because I have this pony avatar which I don’t remember where and how put up in my brony stage like 2 years back and haven’t changed because I don’t know how to change it.

        And I’m totally giving a bad name to pipes (or maybe your beloved crack?) because I’m saying that they aren’t only the ones that water flows through and the glass or metal or whatnot peaces of shit in which crack is smoked. But maybe I am wrong, maybe there is someone who would smoke crack in him custom made 200$ briar pipe.

        I can only wish you to think next time before saying something. And probably I’ll actually try to find out how to change avatar for wordpress account so short-minded people like you could take the same person seriously.

        • Short-minded people like me keeps you under their foot. I wish you happy new year and remember go fuck yourself. KTHXBYE! This conversation is over.

          • Only thing under your foot is dog shit, not me or anyone else. Bye and have a wonderful new year.

  7. Pretty fucking nit-picky SS, who cares about the background pics that show for like 1/2 a second in a little seen promotional vid for newbs.

    • Amen! Looking forward to when they finally will make a client that uses multicore dont care much about graphics just as long as the game runs smooth.

  8. ROFL….i mean how hard is to check it before releasing it….CHARGIq??? WTF?? How hard is to make crew positions right? I think even the biggest newbie know it’s loader….and that’s made by people who are WG’s emoployees and get paid for their job…seriously does WG RU and developers ever watch EU site and their videos? This is pushing the limits of incompetence and arrogance on to a whole new level…

  9. what the hell
    maby they do that on purpose. They cant be that stronk so make such stronk mistake(s)

  10. Well. about latency. At least from South Easth Brazil i average 130-190 (NA East) and 190-250(NA West).

    The lower values is when the connection has a “Good Mood”.

  11. Thanks for the mention.
    Just wanted to point out this horrible tank they made up once more, and what better way than using their own video?

    • ” who cares about the background pics that show for like 1/2 a second in a little seen promotional vid for newbs.” (c) Sakuji

      I believe that Voyager’s speed is also a fake.

  12. Quite expensive for a Sherman…
    That is a price for a tier VII tank, lol. And 19.25 tons? We wish, it would be a whole lot of a quicker and a more expensive tank. For a Great-Brita… I mean US tank.