Hello everyone,
Storm made another blog post, where he encourages players to ask about the New Year “KTTS” edition (the one with HD graphics introduction). Here’s what was answered in the discussion:
- the turrets will fly (after ammo rack explosion) off even for those with Havoc disabled, as it is calculated server-side
- the issue whether it will be possible to shoot a house and bury someone in the rubble is still being investigated, but this will most likely not come
- behavior of the tank will not change by the introduction of the independent suspension, the independent suspension is only client-side visual, the movement pattern will be the same for all the models, because the server doesn’t have the capacity to calculate every roadwheel movement independently
- in historical battles, the amount of ammo carried will be similiar to the real values (SS: limited amount of gold ammo)
- currently, Wargaming is planning to increase crit chances by HE shells (!), it’s possible they will be also further rebalanced otherwise
- the situation where you wait for the MM for (let’s say) 30 seconds to put your vehicle into battle even if there are tons of vehicles of your tier in queue is due to the fact one of the main MM rules is the even spread between battle tiers (SS: as in, the MM is waiting to put your tier 6 tank into tier 8 battle even though there are plenty of other tier 6 tanks in the queue)
- developers haven’t decided yet, whether the HD client will be a special client (as in, two clients – one for HD, one regular) or whether there will be simply one client and HD textures will come in a separate (optional) texture pack
- Storm states that the option with two client sucks, because there would have to be double testing, double client build assembly etc.
- the autodetection of settings mechanism will be reworked
- there will definitely be two renders (improved and old) and two sets of content (regular and HD textures)
- developers haven’t decided yet whether debris from buildings will be able to damage your vehicle
- the heavier the flying turret (after ammo rack explosion) will be, the more damage will it do to you if it lands on you
- Storm states that the fact Maus turret would fly off (if only a bit) after ammo rack explosion is realistic.
- tier 10 TD nerf (SS: reduced alpha) will come in 8.11, some TD’s will not keep their DPM (SS: that means some TD’s will have their DPM nerfed too by not only reducing the alpha, but also by not compensating the reduction by ROF buff)
- apparently, 9.0 will also bring new sounds for the vehicles (for movement and engine, not guns), such as the realistic “clanking” of tracks (Storm: “Something like that”), there will also be (“when it’s done it’s done”) turret rotation sound
- it’s not yet clear when will new reworked chat system come (resp. it’s not clear whether it will be in 9.0 or not)
- new tier 8 premium vehicle will not come anytime soon – in one of the recent streams, some community guy (Evilly?) mentioned something about a new tier 8 premium coming soon, but Storm categorically states that it is him, who decides what tank gets released when and that tier 8 premium is not planned for near future
- there are no plans apparently for PhysX introduction
- armor of turrets flying off will not be considered apparently (Storm states that the ripped off turret will act “just like a destroyed vehicle – impenetrable”), but it will be possible to tip them over on their roof
- “T95 will be a special tank, not regular” (SS: according to this, it’s possible the second American medium branch might not get the T95 as a top tank at all – who knows?)
- there are no plans for 2014 to introduce the possibility to penetrate dead tanks (wrecks) – Storm: “And do we need it? It could change the gamplay strongly at some points” – later, he adds: “We discussed the option of having penetrable wrecks – it wouldn’t stress the server much. The real question is – why the hell would we do it?”
- there are no plans to introduce visual “aging” of the vehicle (SS: as in, a vehicle used a lot would look worn out), the only thing that is planned is the tank getting dirty in battle
- the damage and penetration of shells in historical battles will not differ from those in random battles, apart from the amount of ammo carried, which will be set in advance (apparently a T-34/76 will carry half of the shells as AP, half as HE and several pieces of gold ammo)
- it’s not yet known, what kind of computer will be required to run the HD client
- KV-5 will most likely not be buffed or nerfed anytime soon, Storm states that its stats and profitability are fine
- the first part of the HD graphics will come in 9.0
- Q: “How will the historical battle interface look?” A: “You’ll see on the common test :))”
- Storm “wants to level the profitability of all tier 8 premium tanks to the current Jagdtiger 88 level” (SS: this most likely means an improvement to the majority of tier 8 prems, as Jagdtiger 88 is currently third from above in profitability, according to Storm)
- ammo rack explosion will apparently not damage nearby tanks (Storm states that the explosion is generally contained within the tank), it will not also be possible to make the ammo rack detonate after the tank is dead
- large buildings will not be completely destroyable, they will crumble, but their “skeleton” (framework) will remain
- when demolishing a building (second floor), this will affect most likely the artillery shell trajectory (SS: as in, if you demolish the second floor, it will stop being an obstacle for artillery shell flight)
- the optimization for weak computers and the new graphics are both developed at the same time
- 8.11 will not bring much in the way of optimization: WoT will start running on new BigWorld version (2.4.1) and there will be some small memory and processing optimizations
- more graphic optimization will appear in 9.0: “New graphic features will eat FPS and in order not to fall out of the set boundaries, we’ll have to optimize”
- apparently, Wargaming managed to find the RU251 prototype and the owner (not specified who) sent them some photos of it, they are waiting for further documents
- maps bigger than 1,5×1,5km will not come soon
- Q: “When will there be a revamp of light tanks” A: “Hell if I know”
- Storm confirms: Americans will get the Chaffee LT branch prolonged to tier 8
- first tanks to be reworked to HD will be mass-produced (Panzer IV, T-34/76) and legendary (Tiger, Maus)
- apparently the 8.11 will bring the features announced earlier (SS: like switching off the battle chat) “if we manage to fit it in”
- developers tried to disable the possibility to shoot at allies, but they decided not to do it, as it sometimes interferes badly with the gameplay
- there will be no Havoc “cheats”, because Havoc doesn’t influence anything gameplay-wise, only visuals
- map Kharkov will not come in 8.11
- houses and flora in game will have their polygons increased as well
- 8.11 will most likely come in February according to the regular schedule
- turning the tanks on the roof (tipping over) will be implemented BEFORE all the tanks are remodelled, as WG discovered almost all the models are in good enough quality to have this implemented
- building destruction will be introduced in batches throughout the year, not all at once
- developers are still deciding, whether to introduce new maps to Team Battles
- the new formula for Personal Rating published? “Not yet”
- it will be possible to see in advance, what map you will be getting in Team Battles and to adjust your team’s tank setup accordingly
- SU-26 getting it’s 122mm gun back? “Hell if I know” (SS: in this case, the meaning is unclear – Russian phrase “Chuj znaet” can also mean a dismissal, like “fuck off”)
- there will be “a few event vehicles” in 8.11 (SS: in this case “event” means any type of tank that is not regular, eg. premium, special, promo etc.), there will be a “very cool” new map in 8.11 too
- there are plans to rework even new maps like Pearl River
- there will be no “return previously sold crew” function in client, it’s possible to ask for this return via a support ticket though
- regarding low tier TD rebalance, Storm states that some TD’s might get a camo nerf
- Storm confirms that there is a new motion model in works, that will include for example shifting gears, he states that the difference between gearboxes will be in the amount of gears the vehicles have (SS: sort of important, because on tracked vehicles in real life, switching gears produces a “jerk”, that could theoretically screw up aiming), it will however not be possible to shift manually
- the amount of transferred info from client to server (in order to make the game run better on bad connections) will not be reduced
- for now, gold ammo will not be rebalanced (including the idea to reduce the damage done by HEAT shells)
- visual changes in barracks, shop etc. are not planned for anytime soon
- new Soviet voiceover will come “it’s done when it’s done”
- for now, Storm doesn’t want to buff the Super Pershing
- E-25 will not get to carry more ammo
- it’s not yet decided whether the Italians will get a full tree or will be in the EU tree
- apart from disabling the battle chat, there will apparently be an option to see chat history
- it’s possible that during HD rework, other tanks will have their models completely reworked like the IS-4 (SS: missing MG etc.)
- Storm states that in order for a nation to be implemented as a separate tree, it HAS to have all the class branches up to tier 10
- there are no plans to introduce the Mag’Ach, Tiran and other Israeli tanks – for now
- Storm’s three favourite games are Fallout (Fallout 2 and New Vegas), Heroes of Might and Magic and Gothic
- Havoc will run in parallel on all the processor cores
- it’s possible WoT will support multiple videocards running at once
- Storm stated he will not yet disclose, how exactly will the HD client track model work, but he added that it will be something optimized, like the way War Thunder has it
- specifically adding more viewrange to vehicles that are open-topped but suck (SU-85B) is not planned
- E-25 is not better than other tanks of its tier according to Storm
- Storm on BigWorld and whether he likes it: “Hard to say. It has its advantages and disadvantages. I would have chosen it anyway, because the networking part of it is really good.”
- Havoc was selected over PhysX, because it has “good support for both platforms”
- Storm admits that War Thunder tanks did influence WG in making some plan adjustments
- WG started to plan the DX11 support for the future
- for now there are no plans to introduce the T88 (105mm Hellcat) US premium TD (SS: that is also because it might not appear as a TD at all. In real life it was actually an artillery vehicle and that’s how the US office wants it implemented)
- MTLS will definitely not appear on RU server
- Storm states that all the mods for remodelling will stop working in 8.11
- developers haven’t decided yet, whether the HD client will be a special client (as in, two clients – one for HD, one regular) or whether there will be simply one client and HD textures will come in a separate (optional) texture pack
- Storm states that the option with two client sucks, because there would have to be double testing, double client build assembly etc.
Oh, I dunno … I kinda like the idea of a First Class client and a Scum class one. /troll-face
I see Storm has a good taste for games. :D
Who on Earth dosn’t LOVE Heroes of Might and Magic? =))))
I hate everything turn-based,but I know that I will go to hell for this.
As long as you know it. Blasphemer.
I don’t like all these magic RPGs that are out there but I did like Heroes, I still have the 3 installment on my PC.
Never played it… *runs away in fear*
Dude, I love Heroes III : of Might and Magic too. Other version sucks. I only love Heroes III
>> – currently, Wargaming is planning to increase crit chances by HE shells (!), it’s possible they will be also further rebalanced otherwise
Please, buff them against structures: give secondary, bigger radius or secondary damage.
Stocking up on Large Repkits as we speak.
don’t forget large med-kits ;)
- specifically adding more viewrange to vehicles that are open-topped but suck (SU-85B) is not planned
СУ-85Б does not suck…hell, its one of the more OP tier 4 vehicles because it has huge view range for its tier (390) along with the beastly gun, A good TD player can make it dance in ways that can decimate a whole enemy team.
I hope the idiot who asked that question specifically about SU-85b gets banned for like 3 months read only.
Yeah, the view range on it is fantastic, and it has a rather enormously powerful gun for the tier. Whoever asked about getting it more view range probably just wants it overbuffed, so that it gets horribly nerfed in the next patch.
I got my highest WR on SU-85B, 64% after 300+ solo battles. It’s a mean little machine if you know how to use it.
Oh yes oh yes please, my 70% WR SU-85B needs to club more seals.
- for now, Storm doesn’t want to buff the Super Pershing
So Veidar says they will buff it, but Storm doesn’t want to. Hmmmm.
-Storm admits that War Thunder tanks did influence WG in making some plan adjustments
Translation: We have some of our employees beta testing, so we freaked out and lost our shit and decided to go ahead with all those great ideas you guys have been proposing such as garage battles, historical battles, and night battles. We’ve been lazy and sitting on our fat asses until now, but since we have competition, we have to work for our dollars.
At least I’m hoping they will not copy that shitty physics from WT.
Doubt they’ll copy WT physics. They need to keep the game as an arcade one and focus on doing things that’ll keep the game from going stale like adding more game modes and fixing the sorry excuse for a game mechanic known as the spotting system.
WT ground forces physics much more better than this game…
WT ground forces physics much more better than this game…
After a long study I have come to the conclusion that the language used has similarities to British English. Although similar in some ways, this language is definitely NOT to be seen as being British English.
In a further study I will try to find out if this may be some sort of dialect.
lol. WoT fanboys bitching about unfinished physics in an unfinished product. Sweet.
Bitching? Rather ROTFLing hard.
Yeah, in real life tanks were shaking like boats, flipping over randomly and moving like cardboard boxes…
Well, they weren’t acting like in WoT either so… Why so hostile?
dont bother with him.. one day there might come a day when he feels real stupid for saying what he said
The current physics in War Thunder ground forces are placeholders anyway, so I’ll agree with you.
I also hope that World of Tanks doesn’t implement placeholder physics in a release update, :P.
Edited for typo: “We have some of our employees beta testing WT Ground Forces…”
The physics in War Thunder will change. The physic engine you see now is a placeholder.
FFS, it’s OBVIOUS any game entering the same or similar niche on the market will have influence on plans of other companies, unless they are un by total retards. I dunnow why you rotfl so hard.
Besides, WoT and WT GF are two ENTIRELY different games, you can suck in one and rock in the other. They need another approach and will be enjoyed by different players.
No, just no. Both games require situational awareness, map knowledge and good thinking. They’re both *not* twitch shooters like CoD and the like, they favor a more laid-back approach. The skills required to be good at both are for the most part the same, I’m pretty certain we will see WoT unicum become WT GF unicums as well, and the WoT tomatoes wont suddenly become any better in WT. If anything, the gap will increase because WT GF is less forgiving of errors, what wiht the OHKs.
>> – tier 10 TD nerf (SS: reduced alpha) will come in 8.11, some TD’s will not keep their DPM (SS: that means some TD’s will have their DPM nerfed too by not only reducing the alpha, but also by not compensating the reduction by ROF buff)
You know, this is a strange one. First there was “nerf arty” whine and counterargument to it was that tds become too strong and second in queue to nerf – and the answer was that no such thing can happen…
But just tier 10 TDs will be nerfed, not all tiers. And I kinda agree, when you meet a Foch 155 or a WT E-100 in front of you, you’re quite screwed unless he’s reloading.
to be honest, the WT E-100′s only issue is how fast it can unload its ammo, a Foch 155 I can’t seem to dream of penning frontally. I’d rather face the WT E-100 down than the impenetrable Foch 155 lol but yes, you’re screwed either way. the Foch 155 can be fixed with lower alpha, the WT E-100 can be fixed with a lower firing rate. (maybe 1 shot every 5 seconds for the 128mm and every 8 seconds for the 150mm).
With my Leo 1 I pen Foches’ rangefinder 8 times out of 10 on distance of 200+ meters, with no problems. And HEAT rounds go through the UFP like a hot knife through the butter (although I usually do not use HEATs on Foch 155).
“(maybe 1 shot every 5 seconds for the 128mm and every 8 seconds for the 150mm).”
That’s damn retarded.
Well, I also got the Leo and I agree with you, I also pen the Foches with ease….but Leo has the best accuracy of all tier 10 meds, along with the E50M.And it also has the best aim time.
But it’s not normal to pen that hellish tank often only with certain tanks
Really?? 5secs between shots? 8 secs between shots? And I suppose you also want them to want the 50-60 secs to load the clip too? You seem to forget there is nearly a minute when they can’t do anything.
Yeah, what would be the point of using such machine. Let’s see:
1) Paper Armor
2) 5-8 secs between shots
3 50 secs to load the clip
Yeah….sure. That balanced now.
And you posted this???
forget about that retard… may be he one of those guys who try to shot at WT UFP and cry because it armor is “OP”. alpha damage neft only affect 4 vehicle: Object 268, Foch 155, T110e3 and T110e4
I was merely suggesting the tweaking needed on the WT E-100, it’s not an alpha issue like what may be the case for the Foch 155, it has to do with its firing rate. Nowhere did I state anything about the magazine reload itself (which could of course be tweaked as well). There’s no need to throw insults. I was merely suggesting a possible solution on fixing the WT E-100 and giving an example as to how it could be done.
“t’s not yet decided whether the Italians will get a full tree or will be in the EU tree”
One can only hope…
“like the way War Thunder has it”
They’re definitely getting scared.
Doubt it. Scared? WG is simply too big. It’s like Blizzard was to get scared by some new competition. It’s just that WG is not foolish enough to underestimate their competition. They will observe what Gaijin does and react accordingly.
You think Blizzard has no reason to be scared? Pfffft.
Let’s see:
1. Diablo 3 FLOPPED. RoS isn’t going to save it. Nope. RoS fixes some of the issues with D3 Vanilla, but it’ll be the nail in the coffin. Diablo’s dead in the water.
2. WoW’s losing customers left and right. Its days are numbered.
3. Starcraft 2 is on its way out. All the 3rd party community websites that used to foster competitions and its streams are ghost towns. If you want further evidence it’s no longer the dominant e-sport, check out how it’s doing in Korea. It’s done.
Blizzard can’t be scared anymore because they got roflstomped by LoL.
His point was a giant company isn’t scared of a small up and coming one. Though I do have to say that WG is nowhere near on par with Blizzard (regardless of your opinions) and they SHOULD be scared of WT. Either way, it’s good news for us because it will foster competition and as stated in the post above WG has already adjusted their plans due to WT.
I got the analogy, but it was a terrible, terrible one. What I’ve said about Blizzard isn’t mere “opinion,” it’s all a statement of facts. I was actually a loyal customer of Blizzard for nearly 20 years. I watched its rise and I am all too aware of its current decline. The problem with Blizzard is all the guys who made the company what it once was are all now gone. It’s the same issue I’m seeing with Arenanet/NCSoft, the guys who started Guild Wars who coincidentally also left Blizzard right around the time WoW was starting to get good.
And I agree it’s great for us the competition is forcing Wargaming to be more proactive. I’ve been saying for the longest time WoT needs it. If WoT gets the Golden Joystick again in 2014, it’ll only be because they worked their butts to keep the game going strong, thanks to Gaijin.
WoW is still generating more cash per day than wg is in a whole month. Hardly dead, losing it’s charm after almost 10 years, sure, but will easily be profitable and updated for another 10 years.
People have been pronouncing wow’s death since the day of release and with every new mmo release another flock of idiots pronounced it’s demise (the irony, most had to shutdown or switch to some shitty p2w model to remain sustainable), it’s quite tiring.
As for D3, RoS brings a lot of improvements and new features, but it’s not an mmo, eventually you’ll be done with it just like you would be with any other single player. (or at least, the majority of them)
Diablo 3 sold very well, and now its coming out to PS4 aswell as an up-coming expansion that will remove the lame auction.
WoW might be losing customers but its still the biggest MMO, with an expansion on the way too.
Starcraft 2 has a HUGE e-sports scene and will not go down anytime soon.
And then there’s Hearthstone, a F2P that will rack in huge amounts of money.
“for now, Storm doesn’t want to buff the Super Pershing” How Terrible
“there are no plans to introduce the Mag’Ach, Tiran and other Israeli tanks – for now” – Really Israeli tanks It might be the final tank tree?
“for now there are no plans to introduce the T88 (105mm Hellcat) US premium TD (SS: that is also because it might not appear as a TD at all. In real life it was actually an artillery vehicle and that’s how the US office wants it implemented)” – So they finally add a new american premium for the Tds or maybe Artyies(OKAY This is confusing)?
Does anyone have a clear view of what Will actualy be in 8.11 Update
Few thinks… but i dont remember one so its not an Important Update. I think the most player’s wait for the 9.0 Graphics Update.
So from this post I understand that 8.11 and 9.0 will be separate patches?
- Storm states that all the mods for remodelling will stop working in 8.11
Lots of work for GUP community ahead (and for other modders as well)
It’s funny how they react on custom camos as we don’t want pink tanks with flowers on them and yet they are cooperating with GuP really close. Now i’m not really competent to talk about neither of those, but pink tanks and anime kind of is similar in terms in ridiculousness when you implement it in war game about tanks.
>> – turning the tanks on the roof (tipping over) will be implemented BEFORE all the tanks are remodelled, as WG discovered almost all the models are in good enough quality to have this implemented
Lol, are they jealous of the new “flip them over” tactics that competition brought to the field :P ?
And seems like they are jealous about wrong stuff. Physics in WT are shit atm and those tanks fliping over like they are made of cardboard looks plain dumb and unrealistic.
You know, Gajin is used to work with “flight models” so there is a cause to that :P . And similar one is why WoWp planes ride in the air instead of flying ;) .
hmmm… that reminds me, how much of WT content other than game engine (models, textures, flight models) comes from Wings of Prey?
- behavior of the tank will not change by the introduction of the independent suspension, the independent suspension is only client-side visual, the movement pattern will be the same for all the models, because the server doesn’t have the capacity to calculate every roadwheel movement independently
So the tank will still seesaw just when you stop to shoot making you wait for 5 bloody seconds to stop rocking up and down. Great. Why do we need independent suspension in the first place?
- in historical battles, the amount of ammo carried will be similiar to the real values (SS: limited amount of gold ammo)
When you limit the gold ammo loadout for standard battles this game will rise again. Fuck the prem ammo spammers who can’t aim.
- the situation where you wait for the MM for (let’s say) 30 seconds to put your vehicle into battle even if there are tons of vehicles of your tier in queue is due to the fact one of the main MM rules is the even spread between battle tiers (SS: as in, the MM is waiting to put your tier 6 tank into tier 8 battle even though there are plenty of other tier 6 tanks in the queue)
I think every experienced player knows this. If only 80% of my fucking battles wouldn’t be in high tiers. If you are waiting ~20 seconds in queue most probably you’ll end up in +2 tier battle. That’s why i restart the queue sometimes. But sometimes it doesn’t work because it wants to forces you to high tier battles no matter what.
- for now, gold ammo will not be rebalanced (including the idea to reduce the damage done by HEAT shells)
Just limit it for the SAKE of FUCK. How hard is to realise how greatly this would improve the gameplay? Premium ammo spammers will disappear, BUt you will still have gold ammo in game. And all those noobies who became gold ammo only shooters will think before they would throw away their few gold shells. Did tank crews irl shot only HEAT/APCR rounds? I don’t think so. So why we need to have those monkeys spamming “ssssss” shells at you.
- specifically adding more viewrange to vehicles that are open-topped but suck (SU-85B) is not planned
Did someone just said SU-85b suck and that it needs more view range? Did someone just went full retard? 130mm pen and 160 alpha on a T4 TD with good stealth and 390m view range suck? Wow, some players really are powercreep morons.
Agree with your prem ammo part and I hope WG will finally think same – set a limit of much gold ammo you can carry.
Will the historical battles come in 8,11?
That’s a good question…
Should that not already known? But how the Dev’s talk about i don’t think that it’s ready for Release.
Not likely. Considering the work that might be needed to get it going I don’t expect it before 9.1 or so.
”- map Kharkov will not come in 8.11”
damn fuck you WG if you give us one more open map like prokhorovka I’ll stop WoT until you introduce some CITY maps… last 5 maps sux as hell and we are still not gettin CITY maps.
right now WoT has 20 open maps with only 1, 2 vilages and only 4-5 city maps. WG fucktards even removed Port in 8.10…
I get your point about the maps in general in WoT but Port imo sucked dicks. It was too small and most of the map were those annyoing railways and rail cars. I kind of like that they remove it.
Port was a retarded map.
1 team was stuck between tbe rail carts in time the other team was free to roam the middle ridge.
The only defense 1st team had were the objects that became penetrable in 8.10, making the map useless for that side.
Still better than Redshire, Northwest, Hidden Village, and tundra. I do admit tho that the mountain is nice for movies and that kinda thingy in Hidden Village.not so much that every single damn hoovy gets channeled on mid, and that the city is 100% Killzone.
>> – tier 10 TD nerf (SS: reduced alpha) will come in 8.11, some TD’s will not keep their DPM (SS: that means some TD’s will have their DPM nerfed too by not only reducing the alpha, but also by not compensating the reduction by ROF buff)
This is the best piece of information in a while! Cant wait for February!!!
Anyway, SilentStalker, i wonder whats you stance on the issue of tier 10 TDs. Are they OP or not? Thanks in advance.
Personally, I am content about the state the TD’s are in. I don’t see a reason to whine or anything. The only thing really broken is the WT E-100.
Should leave the T110E4 alone. :)
Imo (and this is from a player who plays TDs a lot) TDs are kind of OP, but only high tier ones. And by high tier ones i mean some of them, not all. But i also think that low-mid tier TDs kind of are UP. Again not all of them, but they are really badish compared to other classes. First they have way less HP for their tier and second the lack of turret makes them much more harder to play. Some buff for those who stink the most and nerf for those powercreep high tier ones are okay in general.
Yeah, the WT E-100 fires too fast I find, aside from that it’s a vulnerable vehicle at least. the Foch 155 on the other hand, you need the almighty on your side to pen it frontally which is what makes it so dangerous.
“Chuj znaet”
You should definitely translate it as “dick knows”.
Well, that’s what it means literally :)
In my language (which is in the same group as Russian) we have the same expression (only worded different) which means literally “i have no idea”. It can indeed be said in a manner to diss someone (as in “fuck off with your stupid question”) but over the internetz (that is without live expressions) i think its pretty safe to assume it means “i have no idea” (or dont know yet / havent thought about it).
In Polish it’s “chuj wie” (idk, piss off) :D
“Storm confirms: Americans will get the Chaffee LT branch prolonged to tier 8″
But when? qq
And what tank will be tier 8.I’ve heard about nerfing Chaffee and changing its MM, adding T37 at tier 6 and M41 Walker Bulldog as tier 7, but no tier 8 material. They considered Sheridan but without its awesome shells, just regular 15 cm gun
- for now there are no plans to introduce the T88 (105mm Hellcat) US premium TD (SS: that is also because it might not appear as a TD at all. In real life it was actually an artillery vehicle and that’s how the US office wants it implemented)
Ahhh. It is good to see somebody is actually doing the right thing. The poor M10 actually ended up being a mobile artillery piece in Italy because artillery support was very much needed by troops and M10 provided a very mobile and ready platform that could quickly shift locations to provide support as needed. The M10 crews disliked the job as they wanted to shoot vehicles (Cars, Trucks, Half_tracks and Tanks).
Well and the fact that the 10.5 cm gun is a poor choice for the Anti-Tank role when you consider that it’s main job is to fire HE shells to support the infantry .
- in historical battles, the amount of ammo carried will be similiar to the real values (SS: limited amount of gold ammo)
- the damage and penetration of shells in historical battles will not differ from those in random battles, apart from the amount of ammo carried, which will be set in advance (apparently a T-34/76 will carry half of the shells as AP, half as HE and several pieces of gold ammo)
Most tanks were supposed to carry a 50/50 (AP/HE) shell mix or near 50/50 (AP/HE) shell mix. AP however could mean any of about 6-7 different AP shell configs. AP, APC, APCBC, APCR, APDS, AP-HE. You get the idea. Plus room for canister and smoke rounds.
But most shells beyond AP, HE, AP-HE and APC were basically in extremely short supply. IE 1-15 rounds were available per tank. Ofc the amount depended on the month, year and location because what was available over time changed considerably..
- new Soviet voiceover will come “it’s done when it’s done”
Thank god! You can’t hear shit from the Soviet voices now.
Also they want to make all T8 prems as profitable as the JT 88, which is the third profitable now. What are the second and first? Löwe second and T34 first?
Type 59 and FCM 50t are very profitable.
They all are, but I think that T34 and Löwe are more.
Type 59 is doubtlessly the first in net income (statistically, without prem account, see ), however I don’t see a reason to nerf Type 59 profitability as it takes much more effort to get the extra income for a Type 59 while JT88 earns by just sitting and shooting.
- regarding low tier TD rebalance, Storm states that some TD’s might get a camo nerf
Just don’t even fucking think of nerfing my Bathtub of Doom, hero of France. It is an incredibly easy vehicle to kill, and the camo is incredible.
The mantlet is surprisingly bouncy.
See that’s why i hate the whiners who will always whine about someting. They QQed about arties, now they are QQing about TDs. And as a result of their tears WG will probably nerf all TDs including the low-mid tier ones which not only don’t need nerf, but are a little bit UP. I do agree that high tier(T10) TDs are OP, but why the hell would they touch low tiers when we all know those whiners aren’t QQing about bathtub and Stug, but about WTFe100, Foch155 that rape their asses on a regular basis
well the US TDs are OP on all tiers
T25/2, T28 Proto, T28 and T95 are disagreeing you.
- WG started to plan the DX11 support for the future
This can be a big deal when it comes to optimizations, dx11 is more efficient. It’s just that when you have a dx11 game, there is always more effects added. If they kept the same graphics and upgraded to dx11 we’d see fps improvements.
This is really only true for Gen 2+ Dx11 cards. One of the things that hae been holding Dx11 back rather horribly is the state those Gen 1 cards were released in (yes I’m looking at you 5850 and the entire GT300 range). None of them were fully Dx11 compatible, lots of stuff ended up being emulated by the driver and overall it can make for a horrible rendering experience if you own one and try to play a fully Dx11 rendered game on it.
Fortunately most of these cards are no longer in circulation because the build quality on them (in particular the nVidia range) was also very shit.
Under same settings, gen 1 cards still got the same/more fps from DX 11.
STALKER CoP (first DX 11 game) has better fps in DX11 then DX 10.1 on my 5770.
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- for now there are no plans to introduce the T88 (105mm Hellcat) US premium TD (SS: that is also because it might not appear as a TD at all. In real life it was actually an artillery vehicle and that’s how the US office wants it implemented)
hmmm… that’s weird, because WG had no remorse of adding an artillery vehicle (T82) as a TD, and TD vehicle (T57, the tier II one) as an arty…
- “T95 will be a special tank, not regular” (SS: according to this, it’s possible the second American medium branch might not get the T95 as a top tank at all
Godforbid the US to get Two Med tanks like the Ru or a GOOD Med for once failures
- tier 10 TD nerf = foch , obj
- no super peshing buff = :°°° a little pen buff same t44-85 please :P
Well, something has to be done to the alpha of the Foch 155 if only to compensate for its indestructable frontal hull. the WT E-100 is also OP at present, but due to different reasons (firing rate). I haven’t had too many issues witht he Obj though.
WT E-100 is only powerful when it can fire without getting shot at the same time or its just 1vs1. Its very easy to kill WT E-100 just point at its turret, while foch 155 needs careful aiming not just point and click.
SU-85B and suck? Those words just don’t stick together, it is one of the best tier 4 TDs.
True, it’s fucking awesome. Much better than all them derp tier 4 TDs.
“- tier 10 TD nerf (SS: reduced alpha) will come in 8.11, some TD’s will not keep their DPM (SS: that means some TD’s will have their DPM nerfed too by not only reducing the alpha, but also by not compensating the reduction by ROF buff)”
Does this also count for the UP JPE100?
the Jagdpanzer E-100 seems to be mostly balanced, maybe a slight buff somewhere would bring it closer to balance. Glancing at other stats though, the tier 6 Hellcat appears to be grossly OP on the charts using that new rating method.
If the improved tank suspension is only eye candy then can shove it up their a**es – or get more servers to allow computing that server-side, too!
Oh, those fail programmers again. I am so fed up with this damn game.
” for now, Storm doesn’t want to buff the Super Pershing”
Fuck you, Storm. FUCK. YOU.
- developers haven’t decided yet, whether the HD client will be a special client (as in, two clients – one for HD, one regular) or whether there will be simply one client and HD textures will come in a separate (optional) texture pack
- Storm states that all the mods for remodelling will stop working in 8.11
this is what pissing me off. Give me option not to use HD client at all. I want to use my old 7 gb animu skins!
- tier 10 TD nerf (SS: reduced alpha) will come in 8.11, some TD’s will not keep their DPM
I just hope that they won’t nerf Obj. 268 too much…….it’s my favorite TDs
- apparently, Wargaming managed to find the RU251 prototype and the owner (not specified who) sent them some photos of it, they are waiting for further documents
Obj 268 should get at least the same reload as other Non-turret T10 TDs (like T110E3)
“the MM is waiting to put your tier 6 tank into tier 8 battle even though there are plenty of other tier 6 tanks in the queue”-yeah, every fcking time, only in tier 8 battles with all my tier 6 tanks and sometimes in tier 7 battles…
“apparently, 9.0 will also bring new sounds for the vehicles”-who needs that when you’ve got GnomeFather’s gun and engine sounds mod. It’s better than whatever WG can do…
“Chuj znaet” is definitely does not mean “fuck off”. It rather means “hell if i know”.
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HD client? why not make it a free DLC/xpansion pack? Then people can REALLY choose if they want it or not.
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