Retarded Russian Projects – Motorsled

Author: Yuri Pasholok

To continue the “Retarded Russian Project” series from Yuri Pasholok’s posts:
This is the proposal for motorized sled from December 1942 by V.I.Lekaj. Yuri Pasholok comments: “Unknown episode from the life of SerB – breaking news”

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15 thoughts on “Retarded Russian Projects – Motorsled

  1. Strange bug with the picture, when I press the 1st picture only the 2nd one opens… so basically you can’t see the 1st picture enlarged, is it just me?

  2. Is there a way to turn this thing? Otherwise, i can’t see this as retarded, it’s just a child of doctrine with tankettes being machinegun platforms, mobile (but not very mobile) and with protection only against small arms. This project was most likely for Finnish front.

  3. Bet you that would of been fun to lay down with your head parked right next to the engine.

  4. Russians used on Finnish-Russo war 1939-1940 (Winter War) also armored sledges that were towed by tanks to move infantry towards frontlines. It was possible to penetrate those with ATR, or, from sides that were not that good armored.

    And, they used also some armored snowmobiles:

    I think the latter was used on patrol duties at bigger lakes during the Continuation War (1941-1944).

  5. Die drecks Russen spielen sich auf wie Zigeuner auf der Jagd nach Pfandflaschen in West-Berlin. Dieses Spiel hat nichts mehr mit Spaß zu tun, es dient nur der Ausbeutung der Schwachen, welche entweder nur genetisch teilverwandt und daher minderwertig, oder sich nach Zuwanderung nur den Lebensraum teilend mit unserer arischen Herrenrasse, sind. Diese slawisch-stämmigen Untermenschen kopieren westliche ökonomische Strategien um die Unterbemittelten auszunehmen. Sie (insbesondere Serb, der hässlische Mongo) führen in ihrem Spiel deutsche Technologie ad absurdum und ficken in ihrer Dekadenz lieber Nutten anstatt sich sozial derer zu widmen, welche ein rechtschaffendes Leben zum Wohle der Gemeinschaft führen und das erwirtschaften, was der niedere Rest von Europa Wohlstand nennt, zu schützen und zu mehren.


  6. Would you please ban “deine mutter” from this page, he is raging nazi-style here, maybe because he is bad in the game and not improving, anyway posts like this have NOTHING to do here! thx! (otherwise great blog!)