Hello everyone,
this Thursday, there will be the second round of the test and Storm is posting a bit more about 8.11:
- Waffenträger E-100 will be nerfed by 200 hitpoints, otherwise everything will stay the way it is in round 1 of the test
- developers are working on various 8.11 issues, such as client crashes and interface bugs, practically every problem reported will be fixed, how exactly and what exactly – Storm will tell that later
- T-54 model in test 1 was apparently unfinished: it will get the same height as Type 59
From discussion:
- Storm states that the new Soviet premium medium tank will most likely be the “light” T-54 with 80mm frontal hull and 180mm turret, but it’s not yet entirely sure, the developers haven’t started working on it yet
- the log on T-54 was moved to the side, because that’s where it was on the 120mm frontal armor T-54 model
- T-54 model change is finally “historical” after 3 years, Storm states it’s not in order to prepare for HD client, it’s just a fix
- apparently the gold camo on test server (SS: the announced change with gold camo staying “saved” even if you sell the tank) is working correctly
- Storm states that it’s not like WTE-100 allows 40 percent WR tomatoes to deal 5k damage, he adds that there is a difference between WT E-100 and other TDs in damage, but much smaller
- Windstorm size is 1000×1000
- Storm: there are no camo changes in 8.11 and there will be no camo changes further (SS: that means the issue Edrard discovered with the missing camo loss when shooting coefficient is some sort of bug – or intended to hide these data)
- apparently, the “fixes” Storm mentions concern also the FOV changes
- there will be no changes in “national battles” between 8.11 test and live 8.11
- 9.0 is being worked on in parallel to the 8.11 patch
- Storm said he played national battles, they are okay
- it’s theoretically possible according to Storm to create a medal for hunting TD’s (SS: the way it is now with arty and light tanks)
- apparently, in the future, any new vehicles might be tested the way premium tanks are tested now (SS: as in, first on CT for supertesters, a patch later for common players), Storm states that any new tech needs two rounds of testing
- apparently, there is a bug where some players cannot use their accounts to log on the test server (SS: in this case, it’s a Russian player complaining, but I have seen a complaint from EU server too), this bug however will not be fixed, it’s irrelevant to the testing itself according to Storm
- Lowe collision model was not changed (SS: some player was complaining about being hit and whatnot)
- the model where stock tank would be of different tier (SS: or MM weight) than elite tank was scrapped a long time ago, this won’t be implemented
- no plans to buff or nerf British tier 10 TD and IS-7 for now
- current round of TD nerfs is “the result of complex testing of tier 10 tank destroyers”
- standard mode (SS: as in – two sides, two bases) will not be made optional
- it’s possible WT E-100 will be further changed after 8.11, but Storm said that more changes would require more testing and there is not enough time in 8.11 for that
- Q: “After losing 200hp, WT E-100 will be too weak – so, the plan to make an OP vehicle and then nerf it so as many people as possible buy it for free XP worked?” A: “Yes. I bought four yachts and three Bentleys for myself. And a golden toilet.”
- Storm states that the option to disable maps you don’t want to play was not implemented, because it would stress the MM mechanism too much
- for now, tier 10 TD hitpoints (as a whole) won’t be nerfed
For some reason when I log in on the test server, I log in with my US account instead of my EU account.
Weird since both have different passwords.
yeah i have the same problem i cant log in with my eu account it logs in with a us account where i only have tier 1 tanks
Same here.
Same problem…
All a part of our Amerikanish Conspiracy to install Imperialist Capitalism everywhur 11!!!I!1
- Storm states that it’s not like WTE-100 allows 40 percent WR tomatoes to deal 5k damage, he adds that there is a difference between WT E-100 and other TDs in damage, but much smaller
It’s not the tomatoes driving it that bother me, it’s everyone above yellow that does.
It’s like he has never seen what a green/blue player can do with it… and purples just farm damage like there is no tomorrow with the damn thing.
Agreed. Imo that is the most broken vehicle they ever implemented. It’s just wrong. And this is from a german fanboi and TD player coming. :P
I’m part of the WN8 team, and the average damage is about 3300 for a 1600 WN8 (green) player. Which is way more than anything else.
WG obviously knows it, but won’t admit it like most of the issues till they finally get around to fixing the problem (if ever). In some cases, I can understand that WG couldn’t easily predict the imbalance a vehicle may cause, but with WTE100, my GOD… how can WG not see from the start, given their experience with plenty of auto-loaders so far. To start with, the time delay between shots for 128 should have been 3 secs (its 2.78 for french autoloaders in comparison), there should have been 4 128 rounds in clip (3 for 15cm), overall clip reload time reduced of course, and the TD shouldn’t have had 2200HP, max 2k, which they will give it now.
6 (560 dmg) shots in 10 secs with 128, with many shooting APCR only, is retarded.
- the log on T-54 was moved to the side, because that’s where it was on the 120mm frontal armor T-54 model
What is their historical purpose, anyway?
to help ditching the tank out of mud ;)
Fact that fuel tank was placed where log was seemed to hint at something.
to unditch the tank in muddy areas
As (sloppily) demonstrated by this Mark IV WW1 tank, to chain it to the tracks so you can get a bit of extra traction when stuck in mud or struggling to get up a slippery slope.
And logs were also used as bumpers in some way. It would allow another tank to push the tank without damaging the hull or anything on it at the back. The log would take the beating.
WTF100 getting 200hp nerf despite indirect buff to damage(since other worthwhile TD have been nerfed in damage) made it too weak? How terrible.
Anyone that’s above 45% can do some damage with full load of APCR; two mags penning 6 shots and it’s already overperforming for the n00bs.
I have yet to find a 45% something tomato in a waffletrager E-100 that doesnt complete suck with it.
Of course they suck.
But autoaiming with 352mm pen APCR will at least pen most of tier 8 and 9.
YOu can get away with playing aggresive on the t8 & 9 waffentragers, however if you try the same thign with a WFT E-100,
And that’s the reason why tomatoes in WFT E-100′s suck and continue to suck, they are the t10 version of KV-1s.
Exactly! … the concept of a noob on a auto-loader (in general) doing “theoretical” damage is “nutz” and does not belong in a sane discussion of anything. It’s theatrics meant to sway the opinion of others by making up impressive hypothetical statistics, and possible outcomes.
A tomato in an Waffle Thrower 100 dies so fast they rarely even score more than 2 or 3 hits with half penetrating.
IMO the WT-E100 should be made without any nerf to the gun or its offensive abilities, but should instead take a 400-500hp nerf, maybe even 600hp. Then it would be a glass cannon – currently with the hit points it has and the ability of non-armored tanks in the game to “TANK” several shots on them until they are low on Hp’s is the problem here… WG is changing the style of the tank from glass cannon (with the glass part really only when it is low on Hp) to a dumbed down more boring vehivle to fight in and to fight against. When i come up vs these tanks they should feel intimidating and dangerous, but also a rewarding challenge when you take them out for being weak.
IMO the only issue is that it takes too long – in time ie. seconds – to take advantage of a mistake in the driver to take it down… it simply has too many Hp’s just like the Rhm, and waffle tier9… they have no armor but can withstand many high power hits … and now TD’s vs them will have a harder time if not properly loaded with HE rounds ahead of time, thus back to the concept that the “glass” part is the only thing missing.
WG please make a true glass cannon – fearsome yet vulnerable – NOT take the teeth from the tiger so to say…if the WT-E100 had 1200Hp or 1100Hp it would be perfect, as long as its still just as powerful on the offense as it is now.
As it is now is a bad ass cannon that’s only glass after several TD’s have shot it already. Take away 400-500-or 600 hp and it will change the overtly risky (for tomatoes) and calculated (for good players) assault nature of the vehicle, and it will be a much better played vehicle in game. Scary yet very vulnerable. If you nerf its offense its retreating from the glass cannon concept, which isn’t so fine an idea really, just that with the amount of Hp it has now it can sponge way too much damage before a good driver get cautious with it.
I think the issue with it is that it can get away with aggressive driving for far too much time in a match, that it really shouldn’t. Same goes for the entire line of the glass cannon td’s IMO.
THE biggest problem the the whole OP tank this, OP tank that, UP tank there – is this: People want to blame anything else for there own mistakes, or lack of wanting learning, so they blame the vehicle. 9 times out of 10 you get wrecked because of you own darn stupid mistake that was taken advantage of by another player, NOT the vehicle they were driving NOR the own you were in either – but noooo, can’t be some one own darn fault or mistaken decision making, or not know how to confront an apposing group of tanks in game.
Look the stats of even known OP vehicles or like 5% higher over thousands/hundred of thousands of battles – how does that affect 1 particular battle that one is in, MORE than your own decision making and that of the apposing tanker? – pretty much nothing.
Is an FV183 staring at you? hmmm should I stay there and aim back at him and shoot, then complain my tank got subsequently annihilated by claiming that its OP? or use some hindsight and realize you should have not been sitting there, all the while KNOWING your gonna get smacked! nope, no gonna do it, it must be OP!!!
Plus every single player has a different idea of what the game should be like, just because its not how you want or it gets changed so your pet bush, rock, hill strategy is no longer viable is no excuse. Stand in front of a WT-e100 for 10 full seconds in a tier10 tank is no excuse…same thing vs a foch155 … count the shots, KNOW how many its got before you get in front of it, or else evade!, until you can get it.
Instead of accepting challenges in every match, people who whine away about OP this or MM that etc, etc really want to play a a very simpleton play style. I don’t have a foch155 but i love the challenge of finding one and dealing with it, that for me is fun, and keeps the game fun, and not boring, nor nothing to rage about.
Trust me the OP that, OP this will never end if people who refuse to learn, nor challenge themselves, or even try to improve themselves are given a recognized voice, the issue will NEVER end, it will always be something to complain or rage about.
Find me someone who can afford to spend 25k to 35k (for the 150mm) plus blisteringly high repair costs while half-hitting a target with it and I will show you someone who has so much money he right down deserves to do what the fuck he wants.
Implying most players tend to get a second clip out in the WTE, let alone a first one. Not to mention half a clip penning is probably over performing for most players.
- so, the plan to make an OP vehicle and then nerf it so as many people as possible buy it for free XP worked?
converting free xp for money to get the new T10 at first day is just stupid … its thair own bad. dont blame WG for that.
I got a WFT E-100 myself, and i see nothign wrong with this. 200 hp nerf is a small price to pay if i still get to keep my sickening burst potential.
In a world where TDs burst damage by the thousand, getting worked up over 200 hp seems almost quaint.
And it’s not like 2000 is the worst HP count, it’s the same as the FV215(Fuck-you gun)’s.
Now arty like the GW E100 can one shot a WT E100 using its average damage instead of relying on a high damage roll.
As a GW E100 driver, I welcome this change.
In my FV4202 I can now kill one with only 4 full damage HESH hits…. but since when did HESH ever do full damgw for 4 shots in a row…?
Since you fire at 20mm-thick turret of WT E100? Also, those Wafflefragers will now be one-shottable by Death Stars’ HESH rounds as well.
I’m happy with my FV now ^.^
A: “Yes. I bought four yachts and three Bentleys for myself. And a golden toilet.”
+1 , and they can use edible gold flakes to actually shit gold xD
- Storm said he played national battles, they are okay
1/10 , will try 3 battles in this mode , then inevitable switching off will occur.
Define okay , is 15 FV (183) against 15 WTF E100 okay? Biggest BS ive ever seen , and ive seen encounter and assault modes.
- Windstorm size is 1000×1000
Kool. :-)
It’s the test server, the MM is screwed over by the amount of high-tier testing and overall fucking around. These battles will have even more tier spread I’d wager to find enough players too.
If it works right , it could produce interesting results.
15 FV (183) against 15 WTF E100 okay
Totally right, why wouldn’t it be? It’s an interesting battle after all and should be quickly over once they stop camping~
Implying they will ever stop camping. I’ve seen battles with “only” 2-3 waffles/183, but mostly waffles on both sides. It’s worst camping than before 8.6 arty nerf where there was 4-5 arties per side usually. Now imagine 15 of those on both sides. No one will dare to move.
Implying that 2/3s of any team on test server are not always TDs, especially when the patch is about to nerf them. On regular server there are not that many TDs (and there will be less), and Tier 10s get to battles with 9s and 8s. Stop the butthurt pls.
So implying some tanks are grossly OP is now called butthurt? Smart response. Really.
Q: “After losing 200hp, WT E-100 will be too weak – so, the plan to make an OP vehicle and then nerf it so as many people as possible buy it for free XP worked?” A: “Yes. I bought four yachts and three Bentleys for myself. And a golden toilet.”
Well, they are restoring Dorniers and building their own cities on Cyprus.
- it’s theoretically possible according to Storm to create a medal for hunting TD’s (SS: the way it is now with arty and light tanks)
I don’t see how it’s just ”theoratically possible”. Can someone who sees the bigger picture elaborate?
It’s mechanically possible. Doesn’t mean they will do it but it also doesn’t mean it is a completely stupid idea like what they usually get.
- Waffenträger E-100 will be nerfed by 200 hitpoints, otherwise everything will stay the way it is in round 1 of the test
Oh yes finally WT E 100 will be balanced, it wont kill every tank in 12 seconds on 600m range! oh wait
Don’t have one but on the last test server I was playing El Halluf and parked up on the mound at D9 where with binos I could spot anything that moved on the opposite ridge. It was fucking slaughter and I was earning spotting damage when reloading and I only had to move 30 meters in the whole game. And they say arty was OP – never that OP!
Only a Tomato stays around for 10 seconds ( not 12…you don’t experience the reload of the 1st shot btw ;) versus the 128mm 6 shooter, and the 15cm is 9 seconds to just sit with your thumb up your *** ) and sits there doing nothing while getting shot at.
Leave the hypotheticals out of the discussion please.
The nerf is good enough
I dont understand the.comment about.camo
Q: “After losing 200hp, WT E-100 will be too weak – so, the plan to make an OP vehicle and then nerf it so as many people as possible buy it for free XP worked?” A: “Yes. I bought four yachts and three Bentleys for myself. And a golden toilet.”
- Trolling Forever! :D
- Q: “After losing 200hp, WT E-100 will be too weak – so, the plan to make an OP vehicle and then nerf it so as many people as possible buy it for free XP worked?” A: “Yes. I bought four yachts and three Bentleys for myself. And a golden toilet.”
I gonna love him too
Pls keep nerfing the WT E-100. Its among my few sources of dmg with a scout in tier 10 battles. I always found it crap and always will, regardless of what the rest of the world says.
Just…. no..
Yeah a decent scout tank driver can easily shut down a WTe100, effectively negating its presence in a match, or causing its quick untimely demise, muahahaha!
A question for you, do think the scout tank’s rol is too narrow currently?
“Yes. I bought four yachts and three Bentleys for myself. And a golden toilet.”
What is it with Bentleys? I remember that Overlord joked about buying Bentleys as well.
Is it some kind of a Russian thing, i.e. Bentleys are some kind of symbols of luxury over there or something? Or maybe it’s some WG in-joke?
from Q&A, regarding national battles:”Storm answers that no, not really, it was not much work – just one change in the MM mechanism and a few interface changes”
.. and here: ” Storm states that the option to disable maps you don’t want to play was not implemented, because it would stress the MM mechanism too much”
makes sense.
Of course it does – even the possibility to disable just one map would be much more difficult to implement (in a way that wouldn’t affect map selection for everyone) that a new simple game mode like that.
Only 3 Bentleys?
i have unlock now wt e100..fuck WG .
“- it’s theoretically possible according to Storm to create a medal for hunting TD’s”
What’s the point, if TD’s are most played class right now?
They are always more TD’s than Mediums in random battle, and usually more than Heavy Tanks.
It would only make sense with difficulty bar being “5 killed TD’s” or something like that.
Wt E100 should get an engine nerf. Making it less mobile and less turret turning speed would help a lot.
“apparently, the “fixes” Storm mentions concern also the FOV changes”
Hopefully we get the old FOV. The new one doesn’t have the zoom setting I like. I can either be in too close or too far back. I like it where I am as close in as I can be while still being able to see my whole tank. With this FOV I can’t do that.
Not a big problem when mods are converted to 8.11
- it’s theoretically possible according to Storm to create a medal for hunting TD’s (SS: the way it is now with arty and light tanks)
Give it name, Hunter’s Hunted
Where is the MM whit skils?If the mm is not coming to wot serb can go and play the wot whit kids alone. :) its so useless to play this game anymore whit 10000 kids who doent have any clue what to do in this game.At least make a server for only paying customers!
- Q: “After losing 200hp, WT E-100 will be too weak – so, the plan to make an OP vehicle and then nerf it so as many people as possible buy it for free XP worked?” A: “Yes. I bought four yachts and three Bentleys for myself. And a golden toilet.”
A golden throne maybe but your shit still stinks,
Serb mc turd burglary
PS,do real peoples still buy Bentleys,NO,only muppet trolls
“- apparently the gold camo on test server (SS: the announced change with gold camo staying “saved” even if you sell the tank) is working correctly”
Well.. it’s not. I already posted a bug report about it, but it seems no one noticed. When you remove gold camo (bought prior to 8.11) from your tank without changing it to another camo, it just disappears and you need to buy it again for gold in order to use it.
does someone know when the next round of the test server starts? they seem to be down, actually