8.11 Test 2 patchnotes

Hello everyone,

Test round 2 is here. Patchnotes (changes compared to round 1):

- improved the performance (FPS) on Hidden Village and Windstorm
- finished screwing up reworking T-54 and Type 59
- fixed client crashes when using magazine and depot
- fixed some errors on various maps
- fixed visual errors and visual/damage model inconsistencies of several objects
- fixed the track effect flickering on winter maps
- fixed visual model errors of T-54, WZ-120, KV-1S, Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 59
- fixed camo errors of WZ-120
- fixed gun models on M48A1 Patton and Conqueror
- WT E-100 nerfed by 200 hitpoints
- changed the FOV during various zoom levels in arcade mode
- fixed the saving of the camera zoom after battle
- fixed some errors of replay saving
- fixed a large number of bugs in the Missions window
- fixed some render bugs, that appear when the user switches to another window and then to the game again
- fixed some errors in logic of retraining the tankers to another tank
- reworked the ricochet effects
- reworked the sounds of falling trees
- the cursor in text window bug was fixed
- Naydin medal now counts towards “courageous resistance”
- fixed some errors, appearing when you change graphic settings
- fixed the bold font in the tank destruction window

(a number of small UI and graphic bugs was also fixed)

- the “Tanker – Sniper” medal now requires 8 hits or more
- fixed the error where you bought the gold camo and it got “forgotten” in 8.11

Furthermore, following points were forgotten in the round 1 of the test patchnotes:

- British national voiceover is now available
- new teamkiller/teamdamage punishment and compensation system

47 thoughts on “8.11 Test 2 patchnotes

    • It’s very strict on test server.

      For deliberate teamkilling on tier 10 of one tank (like, from full to zero), you recieve 1 day ban straight away, after that it’s like 3 days, a week, a month and permaban.

      • I got a 1 hour ban for an accidental 1 hit teamkill. A popup message stopped me right in the middle of battle and I was kicked. Never saw anything like it, though I’ve never had a ban of any kind before.

      • Thats cool. I often get rid of ally tomatoes (usually scouts or lower tiers) who e.g. stand directly behind you so you cant reverse from an exposed spot or camp in places where they are useless so others canĀ“t use these places. AMX12t sniping T10s from hill on Arctic region is one of the best examples.

        I have never killed any ally without serious reason (heavy tomatoidness, monkeylitida, donkeyitus, retardation). Now stupids get another protection? (besides favourite RNG and better mm?)

        • How somebody plays a game doesn’t mean you should teamkill him just because YOU have a problem with him.

          “oh no, he isn’t suiciding in his AMX scout, now I will kill that noob. There is no way he is a new player who doesn’t know how to play it. He must be a tomato something something and must die.”

          Stop complaining or stop playing. Simple as that.

          • I second this comment, killing players just because we think they should do something else is plain retard, period.

        • Your serious reasons are the ideas surrounds your mind.Your playstyle might be the best for your tank but killing someone in your team because he was just a newbie or waiting at the wrong spot does not mean or does not give you any rights to kill him/her.

          We were all just tomates before get experienced,lets admit it ! So there is no point being enraged and attacking someone on the same side. However if the guys on your team attacks each other because of bad MM or attack to you ,you will get a protection as well.

          Better protection is a getting control of your sanity :)

      • Are we getting compensation for premium accounts ?
        I mean, oneshotting teammates is something that happens – especially in KV-2 or arty.
        Getting a day ban and losing day of premium because of stupid RNG is way too much.

      • I know it will be harsh on accidental TK’s…we’ve all done it, and suffered it. But I think I welcome a stricter implementation of penalties. I’ve lost track of the number of games that start with a platoon of say Tier 4s in a Tier 6 game typing ” FUuuuuuuuuuuu MM” and starting to shoot each other or other team members. If this stricter policy comes to the main servers, it may stop that. Even by only a small percentage.

        • Problem for the system is “how do you know it was accidental ?”

          How many times you try to snipe (so you can’t really see your close teammates moves) and at the exact second you shoot, they place in front of you ?

          There is a mod that prevents this by disabling shooting abilities when you aim at a teammate…not sure it will prevent your shots when you shoot on long distance and all of a sudden, your teammate decides to place on the trajectory…

          • Solution is simple and I think it actually is working that way already.
            Client recognizes how long have you aim at ally target – if it’s accidental team dmg / team kill as you describe above, aim time will be ml sec before the shot. From the other hand, if you are TKing someone on purpose, you will usually aim at him 1-2 seconds…

            Also, could you please give me a name or link to that mod? I was trying to google it but no dice.


      • Im not sure cause I team killed someone on the test server in the Conqueror GC with one shot and I didn’t get banned

    • - fixed the saving of the camera zoom after battle
      I think sentence like this comes every patch too. But how camere changed its default position from battle to battle, so it keeps doing it at least for me for several patches already :)

  1. Guess this bug when I can’t login using my EU account because of the same mail on US server was not fixed … I hoped they will surprise us …

  2. Yet again the Type 59 is nerfed, I remember back in the good old days it would bounce E-75 shoots if you angled it correctly and they hit your frontal plate

        • You need to angle the armour extremely or he hit you at an extreme angle, my point is that the Type 59 used to have better armour and they nerfed it pretty badly.

          • No they didn’t. Type 59′s never been directly nerfed.

            Go thru all of the patch notes since the vehicle is released and you will not find one significant nerf. Not a single one. You will, however, find several significant buffs..

            Everytime the Type 59 shows up in patch notes, you get people like this guy screaming “OH GOD ANOTHER TYPE 59 NERF!!!” when it’s never actually been nerfed and been buffed multiple times..

            You want to see a history of nerfs on a premium tank? Look at the T34.

            This “nerf” people are crying about is so inconsequential that you can’t even tell if it’s +0.5* or -0.5*..

          • They’ve never changed the Type 59′s armour, you just miss the easy mode it had when it would see T5 and T6 tanks that it could rolf stomp. If you know how to play the Type 59 is fine and it has never been nerfed. People were just used to shooting like T-34′s with it and feeling like god.

  3. let’s face it, if the TK system is anywhere close to being effective enough, it will get drowned out on the forums again with tears about people who complain about being banned even though they had a perfectly legit reason for that TK, such as
    - he blocked my favorite spot
    - he was polish
    - he stole my kill
    - he rammed me for 3 points of hp damage and my tracks are yellow now

    This community won’t get the TK System it needs, just the one it deserves.

    Just like last patch when they added a stronger system. I saw dozens of forum posts of people complaining about being kicked for a “legit” TK. I didn’t see anyone complaining about being kicked for accidentally damaging one team member. And I saw that stupid T54 arty-pushing guy getting kicked linked 20 times. And they took that system down again.

  4. OMG the WT E 100 is gonna get nerfed so much :) Now i will be able to oneshot it with my 183 :) This is gon be my favorite tonk :)

    • It has no armor to begin with so the hit point “nerf” is not a big deal. Plus, if your spotted your doing it wrong anyways.

      If you want to complain about lack of hitpoints and balance complain about how overly hit to the floor SPGs were hit.

  5. - fixed client crashes when using magazine and depot
    I think the magazine here means store, right?
    This happened b4 in the QA… I can still remember…

  6. Something I noticed in test 1 is that if the enemy team has no players in the game when the time runs out, even if they are defending (assault mode), then they lose. This means you can still win if enemy tanks are ‘alive’ but the players have quit to garage (or possibly disconnected). The after battle report lists these tanks as dead, killed by ‘having left the game’ (paraphrase).

    Also, I would wait for a definitive statement regarding the TD camo bonuses, especially if people are just going off of something disappearing in the game files (it might have just been shifted to the server only). If there has been one, could someone point me to it?