I will just leave this here. Taken during primetime (21.2., 20:58).
111 thoughts on “Stronk Confrontation MM”
German bias. /s
No way! German team has a tier 8 Ferdi, MM has to make up for that, no!? XD
To all you frikkin whiners that don’t like this:
I love this mode, ya, it may not always be fair, but honestly, who cares.
Fucking whiney bitches…
Its not the gamemode u damn r*****.
F****** no clue flamers……
Its that awsome Matchmaking putting 7 T10 TDs vs 7 T9 heavs.
Thats WG at its best. obviously MM working as intended.
*how terrible*
Such butthurt in one post, yummi yummi ass tears :,-)
“Not sure if trolling or stupid”
Thats far from butthurt dude xD
If you watch closely I was referring to his post repeating his comments dragging them to make them ridiculous.
There was no tear shred ever. As if I would even consider caring about such a retard.
If I was really “flaming” there woulld not have been this ***-bullshit but some way more nasty words.
Try to feed ur ass somewhere else troll. Nothing to see here.
whats up with all thouse asses and tears in this post ?!
Not sure if trolling or stupid…
Well, ppl get such MM cause there are not enough ppl playing this mode…. So turn it on, give it a bigger choice and see how matchups improve seems to be legit…
NO ;__;
R.I.P team 2 =.=!
This gamemode is bad and WG should feel bad for implementing it.
Really? the biggest issue I see is how the tanks have been balance, they weren’t designed for this kind of conflict, they were designed to balance of each-other (mixed nation) against another (mixed nation force)
So are you disagreeing with me or what?
Cause it sounds like you agree.
Only on tier 10, on lower tiers it works fine
This mode will help them prove how there is no Russian bias. It will also help them understand how each nation tier balances against the other, not by general statistics like they did before. It’s actually a useful mode, they never had clear statistics until now, just a lot of noise in which you can barely distinguish trends. Plus, if you don’t like it, you can always choose not to play it.
Guess what? The ENTIRE game was developed having only one game mode in mind:
-tanks were balanced in order to give each nation its idientity, for instance most of the french tanks are made of paper while most of the soviet ones are well armored
-until now it was supposed to see them fighting together, so it was in the interest of the game to give each tank a precise roles, and these roles are also tied with the nation (just think: while an american HT can block the enemy while in a hull-down position, a Tiger I can snipe them from a better position, and the opposite wouldn’t work as well)
Confrontation is a complete nonsense because it changes the rules of the game without changing the game.
Or they put the basis to slowly change the game to give more “national flavor”
If USSR win, that will be a miracle XD
if USSR wins, then they’ll be op and will confirm the Russian bias.
Which team won?
You really need to ask?
A screen shot of the team after battle result would be good just to see how big the spanking was.
I have had similar MM for a normal random.
I see u Skullhead.
totally balance
noob I wish you was the ferdinand against 8 more IS-7 or IS-4 or bigger russian tier10 TD to feel a lose like how is not balance= dump noob.
Nice…another one who doesn’t know what “noob” means…
Seems you didn’t got the sarcasm filip had in his post, did you?…
Sarcasm is unknown word for some players..
this battle mode is pos
likely will disable it
WG did drink about 3 litres of vodka and then invented one of the worst things on wot
then disable it in options and stfu already, those of us that don’t mind this will continue to have fun
Half of russian tanks were found afk in the base :D
They were rather found dead than afk(you know…russians are blind in time germans got some decent viewrange…especially on the WTF’s)
Yes, very blind.
IS-8 – 400m
T-54 390m
Obj 704 – 390m
ST-1 – 380m
All Tier Xs – 400m +
I already turned this mode off after the first battle. Totally useless. Don’t like assault too, I think that is imbalanced too.
Only encounter is a nice mode
except when the battle ends at 0:0 in less than 2 mins
Here is a thought : If a team cannot be arsed enough about that whole “base” thing to send even one lonely soul there, they don’t deserve to even be given a chance to win.
I leave assault and encounter off, but have confrontation on for the lulz. It drops rarely enough not to be a serious problem.
all commanders of german tanks are satisfied. Poor russian tanks >:D
Pfft, this is total balance. The Germans got 1 Tier 8 to make up for a few extra 10′s. What’s everyone complaining about?
Not sure if trolling or serious….
Please don’t tell me you don’t know what a lone WTF-100 can do, nevermind five of them. The Russian team will be lucky if a third of their team survives the first volley from the Machine-cannons.
That said, IMO Confrontation is fine below tier 9 and 10.
Get your sarcasm-meter fixed.
Cheezus….it you couldn’t distinguish his sarcasm and you actually thought he is serious makes me wonder are you trolling or being serious right now.
Mindfuck detected.
The mod itself is not that bad but top tier german TDs and MM like this makes it bullshit for 7-10 tier battles. As always a nice idea completly fucked up by WG.
How terrible …working as intended !
I really like the mode, but the balance isn’t everything yet. Mostly it goes ok, but these extremes indeed still happen witch is very bad. As they said, they never balanced for national battles, with that in mind, I think it goes quite good.
they could exclude tier 10 so it would be tier 1-9, no 10
sure what Ojelle know… he like the gerys
Working as intended. MY ass WG! They have their heads so far up their asses that it is sticking out where it belongs and so they think they dont have any problems…
And who won? Lots of autoloaders with lots of aim reload time :)
I sort of like this mode. It’s idiot! But sometimes a relief.
So what
so go learn how is 10-9 +8 -9 +10×8 -8 : 9 fs tanker.
NO so what one unbalanced game or a crud load. SO what? Play smart try to out think and play them if the underdog wins awesome. If the over favored team wins big deal they should have. The whining and lack of balls in gaming now a days is pathetic. Everyone wants to be a team of MAUSes against loltraktors and if they dont get exactly what they want they cry.
Just go platoon a Hellcat with a T32 so you get the satisfaction of being the underdog and dont post any more nonsense.
1584 vs. 1272 MM weight = ~20% difference.
not just the mm wight look about the damn diffrence health points each team… zero, WG always fail.
You know the mm doesn’t take into account the team hp pool, don’t you?
It creates the teams based on their mm weight with some rules being either applied or disregarded.
Oh mother rusia =]] your kid gona be rape
Like that earlier post with the win rate graph showed, every tier is differently imbalanced with only t8 being near balanced. I think the reason why they implemented this mode is to get more data for balancing purposes more than anything else. That would explain a lot.
looks balanced, to me, whoever attacks looses.. and KWs pay for their blindness.
This happens when you are too lazy to create specific MM rules for this kind of mode and you just apply existing MM rules that sux even for the regular MM let alone for this one. I’ve disabled that piece of shit after one battle eventhough we won it.
This kind of mode is something they should have had all along.
That being said, it needs a little work.
It’s so unfair, then don’t have a single tier 8 tank!
Pucker up comrades.
This mode shows how imba some wechicles are.
Balance is great…. working as intended.
Thats the kind of matchmaking the germans fanboys need to be convinced that there is
no such thing as russian bias …
All jokes aside a matchmaking system that puts matches like this together should be greatly changed.
It shows. how OP RU tanks are – tier IX is as good as german X.
What should we see there? It looks as usual, nothing special in there :)
Nothing uncommon here. What screw the MM is the presence of the Ferdi. It has fairly low battle rating compared to the others so the game tend to balance with high tier resulting in utter fail.
I love this mode, this is what I’ve waited for since I started playing this game.
Same here.
Wargaming. Wargaming. Wargaming.
Y u fail so much?
Is there no limit to MM weight difference in confrontation?
tier Xs MM w8′s longes so the balance weights get lifted more and more. And few ppl play confrontation so it comboes.
i disabled this broken mode after few games like this , this is no exception , such mm imbalance happens often in this shitty mode so save your nerves and disable it
That is nearly 50% imbalance… Even with dropping MM rules it should not get this bad…
While I’ll give you snarkers have for a while now regarded the UK as the 52nd US state, that’s still kinda rude. Within the game’s timeframe they *were* still notable for more than bad weather and soccer hooligans.
The MM will eventually just take what it has available and throw *something* together if it cannot find the materials for proper teams you know.
How terrible!
Don’t like it? Don’t play it!
Yes, it’s possible to turn off.
I had a lot of national battles (30+), and have not problem with them. Some of them are better for our team, others for enemy. So what?
You enjoy getting shafted and ask for second in a broken game mode strongly influenced by chance. Good for you. ~slow clap~
What make you think some people hadn’t turned it off already? Don’t want to hear people whine? Don’t click on obvious whine posts.
6 british alive all french dead if i remember correctly
Nah, that’s perfectly fine. After the 8.11 nerf waffles are totally balanced now.
true story.
i truly pity those russkies, it’s like facing a firing squad…
“How Terrible” – Serb
Superior German Engineering at work! :3
Looks like a fun battle mode….for one side.
Hmm…well, I never said that the WT E-100 was balanced on ALL servers. They’re fairly rare over on NA (as I’ve said before, the most I’ve seen on one team was three, and they were platooned), though I suspect it won’t be like that for long..
I don’t see what is the problem if you don’t like the game mode then don’t play it and I personally like the game game mode for the Lols and balancing the game damn those OP German tanks ;)
Mode is half-arsed. Turn it off, continue to be stronk.
Plot twist, the enemy team proceeds to win the game.
Option a: Grab a T8-T10 German or a US low tier heavy and enjoy the new mode to its max, farmer boys.
Option b: Disable mode and stop posting rants and ravings at random.
Everything else is just wasted time.
Don’t really see anything wrong with Confrontation…Some times you’re lucky, sometimes not.. Same as normal MM,
if you’re whining about German T10s being OP, then go play German T5s….
So far I’ve been winning about 2/3rd to 3/4 of my Conf battles no matter what tier or nation.
A few days ago had a game with about 12 “100′s”, (ie JP100, E100, WT100) against an entire team of top french autoloader glass tanks.. the game went on for 10 minutes and was very hard fought all the way, scoring about even until it was down to last minute, then we won, just..
(and no.. XVM didn’t show red everywhere, most where “normal”)
and looking at the graph posted on here the other day, it pretty evenly balanced, overall…
(except for a bit of US bias.. imagine.. the commies making the US “op”….trolololol..!!!..)
that’s not so much a Confrontation problem as a removal-of-Battle-Tier-12 problem:
with the removal of battle tier 12, a Tier 9 heavy is functionally identical to a Tier 10 of any sort, as MM weight counts heavies below Tier 10 has, well, heavier than other tanks of the same tier – thus, Tier 9 heavy = Tier 10 anything.
Removal of Battle Tier 12 has been harsh on Tier 9 heavies; this screenshot is the classic example.
Bingo. You nailed it. One of the worst WG ideas ever. I never had problems with tier 8 wait time. They fixed something that wasn’t broken with a half-witted solution and made it worse.
German bias. /s
No way! German team has a tier 8 Ferdi, MM has to make up for that, no!? XD
To all you frikkin whiners that don’t like this:
I love this mode, ya, it may not always be fair, but honestly, who cares.
Fucking whiney bitches…
Its not the gamemode u damn r*****.
F****** no clue flamers……
Its that awsome Matchmaking putting 7 T10 TDs vs 7 T9 heavs.
Thats WG at its best. obviously MM working as intended.
*how terrible*
Such butthurt in one post, yummi yummi ass tears :,-)
“Not sure if trolling or stupid”
Thats far from butthurt dude xD
If you watch closely I was referring to his post repeating his comments dragging them to make them ridiculous.
There was no tear shred ever. As if I would even consider caring about such a retard.
If I was really “flaming” there woulld not have been this ***-bullshit but some way more nasty words.
Try to feed ur ass somewhere else troll. Nothing to see here.
whats up with all thouse asses and tears in this post ?!
Not sure if trolling or stupid…
Well, ppl get such MM cause there are not enough ppl playing this mode…. So turn it on, give it a bigger choice and see how matchups improve seems to be legit…
NO ;__;
R.I.P team 2 =.=!
This gamemode is bad and WG should feel bad for implementing it.
Really? the biggest issue I see is how the tanks have been balance, they weren’t designed for this kind of conflict, they were designed to balance of each-other (mixed nation) against another (mixed nation force)
So are you disagreeing with me or what?
Cause it sounds like you agree.
Only on tier 10, on lower tiers it works fine
This mode will help them prove how there is no Russian bias. It will also help them understand how each nation tier balances against the other, not by general statistics like they did before. It’s actually a useful mode, they never had clear statistics until now, just a lot of noise in which you can barely distinguish trends. Plus, if you don’t like it, you can always choose not to play it.
Guess what? The ENTIRE game was developed having only one game mode in mind:
-tanks were balanced in order to give each nation its idientity, for instance most of the french tanks are made of paper while most of the soviet ones are well armored
-until now it was supposed to see them fighting together, so it was in the interest of the game to give each tank a precise roles, and these roles are also tied with the nation (just think: while an american HT can block the enemy while in a hull-down position, a Tiger I can snipe them from a better position, and the opposite wouldn’t work as well)
Confrontation is a complete nonsense because it changes the rules of the game without changing the game.
Or they put the basis to slowly change the game to give more “national flavor”
If USSR win, that will be a miracle XD
if USSR wins, then they’ll be op and will confirm the Russian bias.
Which team won?
You really need to ask?
A screen shot of the team after battle result would be good just to see how big the spanking was.
I have had similar MM for a normal random.
I see u Skullhead.
totally balance
noob I wish you was the ferdinand against 8 more IS-7 or IS-4 or bigger russian tier10 TD to feel a lose like how is not balance= dump noob.
Nice…another one who doesn’t know what “noob” means…
Seems you didn’t got the sarcasm filip had in his post, did you?…
Sarcasm is unknown word for some players..
this battle mode is pos
likely will disable it
WG did drink about 3 litres of vodka and then invented one of the worst things on wot
then disable it in options and stfu already, those of us that don’t mind this will continue to have fun
Half of russian tanks were found afk in the base :D
They were rather found dead than afk(you know…russians are blind in time germans got some decent viewrange…especially on the WTF’s)
Yes, very blind.
IS-8 – 400m
T-54 390m
Obj 704 – 390m
ST-1 – 380m
All Tier Xs – 400m +
I already turned this mode off after the first battle. Totally useless. Don’t like assault too, I think that is imbalanced too.
Only encounter is a nice mode
except when the battle ends at 0:0 in less than 2 mins
Here is a thought : If a team cannot be arsed enough about that whole “base” thing to send even one lonely soul there, they don’t deserve to even be given a chance to win.
I leave assault and encounter off, but have confrontation on for the lulz. It drops rarely enough not to be a serious problem.
all commanders of german tanks are satisfied. Poor russian tanks >:D
Pfft, this is total balance. The Germans got 1 Tier 8 to make up for a few extra 10′s. What’s everyone complaining about?
Not sure if trolling or serious….
Please don’t tell me you don’t know what a lone WTF-100 can do, nevermind five of them. The Russian team will be lucky if a third of their team survives the first volley from the Machine-cannons.
That said, IMO Confrontation is fine below tier 9 and 10.
Get your sarcasm-meter fixed.
Cheezus….it you couldn’t distinguish his sarcasm and you actually thought he is serious makes me wonder are you trolling or being serious right now.
Mindfuck detected.
The mod itself is not that bad but top tier german TDs and MM like this makes it bullshit for 7-10 tier battles. As always a nice idea completly fucked up by WG.
How terrible …working as intended !
I really like the mode, but the balance isn’t everything yet. Mostly it goes ok, but these extremes indeed still happen witch is very bad. As they said, they never balanced for national battles, with that in mind, I think it goes quite good.
they could exclude tier 10 so it would be tier 1-9, no 10
sure what Ojelle know… he like the gerys
Working as intended. MY ass WG! They have their heads so far up their asses that it is sticking out where it belongs and so they think they dont have any problems…
Yesterday, or few days back, simular MM; http://imageshack.com/a/img856/8281/ojmq.jpg
Needless to say we lost….
German bias !
What is that marker/symbol on is4?
Good clan.
This was fun. They got raped pretty bad :)
Poor Germans got screwed with that tier 8…
And who won? Lots of autoloaders with lots of aim reload time :)
I sort of like this mode. It’s idiot! But sometimes a relief.
So what
so go learn how is 10-9 +8 -9 +10×8 -8 : 9 fs tanker.
NO so what one unbalanced game or a crud load. SO what? Play smart try to out think and play them if the underdog wins awesome. If the over favored team wins big deal they should have. The whining and lack of balls in gaming now a days is pathetic. Everyone wants to be a team of MAUSes against loltraktors and if they dont get exactly what they want they cry.
Just go platoon a Hellcat with a T32 so you get the satisfaction of being the underdog and dont post any more nonsense.
1584 vs. 1272 MM weight = ~20% difference.
not just the mm wight look about the damn diffrence health points each team… zero, WG always fail.
You know the mm doesn’t take into account the team hp pool, don’t you?
It creates the teams based on their mm weight with some rules being either applied or disregarded.
Oh mother rusia =]] your kid gona be rape
Like that earlier post with the win rate graph showed, every tier is differently imbalanced with only t8 being near balanced. I think the reason why they implemented this mode is to get more data for balancing purposes more than anything else. That would explain a lot.
MM rules you say? we won that match btw
Waffles stronk!
looks balanced, to me, whoever attacks looses.. and KWs pay for their blindness.
This happens when you are too lazy to create specific MM rules for this kind of mode and you just apply existing MM rules that sux even for the regular MM let alone for this one. I’ve disabled that piece of shit after one battle eventhough we won it.
This kind of mode is something they should have had all along.
That being said, it needs a little work.
It’s so unfair, then don’t have a single tier 8 tank!
Pucker up comrades.
This mode shows how imba some wechicles are.
Balance is great…. working as intended.
Thats the kind of matchmaking the germans fanboys need to be convinced that there is
no such thing as russian bias …
All jokes aside a matchmaking system that puts matches like this together should be greatly changed.
It shows. how OP RU tanks are – tier IX is as good as german X.
Had pretty much the same thing, just USA vs Germany
I think im gona disable confrontation mode until I unlock most of the tech tree
http://worldofangrytankers.tumblr.com/ Some others nice MM
Photoshop, actually.
What should we see there? It looks as usual, nothing special in there :)
Nothing uncommon here. What screw the MM is the presence of the Ferdi. It has fairly low battle rating compared to the others so the game tend to balance with high tier resulting in utter fail.
I love this mode, this is what I’ve waited for since I started playing this game.
Same here.
Wargaming. Wargaming. Wargaming.
Y u fail so much?
Is there no limit to MM weight difference in confrontation?
tier Xs MM w8′s longes so the balance weights get lifted more and more. And few ppl play confrontation so it comboes.
i disabled this broken mode after few games like this , this is no exception , such mm imbalance happens often in this shitty mode so save your nerves and disable it
russian bias… oh wait
You think that was bad? Try Caernarvons vs. Waffle E100s http://i.imgur.com/CXaOVF9.jpg
That is quite bad already…
MM weights
German 1704
USA 1056
That is nearly 50% imbalance… Even with dropping MM rules it should not get this bad…
While I’ll give you snarkers have for a while now regarded the UK as the 52nd US state, that’s still kinda rude. Within the game’s timeframe they *were* still notable for more than bad weather and soccer hooligans.
The MM will eventually just take what it has available and throw *something* together if it cannot find the materials for proper teams you know.
How terrible!
Don’t like it? Don’t play it!
Yes, it’s possible to turn off.
I had a lot of national battles (30+), and have not problem with them. Some of them are better for our team, others for enemy. So what?
You enjoy getting shafted and ask for second in a broken game mode strongly influenced by chance. Good for you. ~slow clap~
What make you think some people hadn’t turned it off already? Don’t want to hear people whine? Don’t click on obvious whine posts.
noone had anything similar to this ? http://imgur.com/qeFYPsw
What was final outcome?
6 british alive all french dead if i remember correctly
Nah, that’s perfectly fine. After the 8.11 nerf waffles are totally balanced now.
true story.
i truly pity those russkies, it’s like facing a firing squad…
“How Terrible” – Serb
Superior German Engineering at work! :3
Looks like a fun battle mode….for one side.
Hmm…well, I never said that the WT E-100 was balanced on ALL servers. They’re fairly rare over on NA (as I’ve said before, the most I’ve seen on one team was three, and they were platooned), though I suspect it won’t be like that for long..
I don’t see what is the problem if you don’t like the game mode then don’t play it and I personally like the game game mode for the Lols and balancing the game damn those OP German tanks ;)
Mode is half-arsed. Turn it off, continue to be stronk.
Plot twist, the enemy team proceeds to win the game.
damn nice MM, Standard Battle
tier 10: 3-9
tier 8: 3-1
Option a: Grab a T8-T10 German or a US low tier heavy and enjoy the new mode to its max, farmer boys.
Option b: Disable mode and stop posting rants and ravings at random.
Everything else is just wasted time.
Don’t really see anything wrong with Confrontation…Some times you’re lucky, sometimes not.. Same as normal MM,
if you’re whining about German T10s being OP, then go play German T5s….
So far I’ve been winning about 2/3rd to 3/4 of my Conf battles no matter what tier or nation.
A few days ago had a game with about 12 “100′s”, (ie JP100, E100, WT100) against an entire team of top french autoloader glass tanks.. the game went on for 10 minutes and was very hard fought all the way, scoring about even until it was down to last minute, then we won, just..
(and no.. XVM didn’t show red everywhere, most where “normal”)
and looking at the graph posted on here the other day, it pretty evenly balanced, overall…
(except for a bit of US bias.. imagine.. the commies making the US “op”….trolololol..!!!..)
that’s not so much a Confrontation problem as a removal-of-Battle-Tier-12 problem:
with the removal of battle tier 12, a Tier 9 heavy is functionally identical to a Tier 10 of any sort, as MM weight counts heavies below Tier 10 has, well, heavier than other tanks of the same tier – thus, Tier 9 heavy = Tier 10 anything.
Removal of Battle Tier 12 has been harsh on Tier 9 heavies; this screenshot is the classic example.
Bingo. You nailed it. One of the worst WG ideas ever. I never had problems with tier 8 wait time. They fixed something that wasn’t broken with a half-witted solution and made it worse.