Edit: currently, servers, handling the codes, are oveloaded and time out, when you attempt to enter the code. Some players state that the gold gets added even when the server times out, but this is not confirmed.
Doesn’t work for me; EU account :(
same for me EU too
same here,EU
Thanks for the tip, that worked.
You have reached the code usage limit. :(
I also missed all three today :( The last two run out in less than 3 hours this time without being published on www? Interesting..
This one worked for me, whereas the other one said “You have reached the code limit” or something.
yeah, servers overloaded -_- no gold for me i guess…
Doesn’t work – time out error
new code working, leaked on twitter SHARES1MAGESWGLGRANDF1NAL
Work for me in EU account =)
Worked for me (ASIA)
yeah both worked for me (ASIA aswell)
Yeah just saw this one on FB and it worked. EU account too.
SHARES1MAGESWGLGRANDF1NAL this one worked for me too.
shares image worked 4 me, thnx SS :-)
roll out on FB also
SS, any news about that supposedly CT today?
Patience, young padawan
Bonuscode-Machine on WoT-Page is rotating, starts smoking,……. but is heavily failing at this very moment
the background has changed after i used the code
It says it didnt work (time limit) but I got 100 gold. I had 300, now 400. Awkward.
top-tip: WoT EU page is kinda’ fucked up
if you receive “time out error” message, log in into WoWp EU page http://worldofwarplanes.eu and use the code there
thanks but most of us dont have planes profile :P
you don’t need a new profile!
you log in with the same account credentials for WoT – unified account, remember ?!!?
yes and no… we have account, but we dont have a profile so it says that we cant redem the code.
oh ….
that’s new
“You cannot redeem bonus code on this account.”
Weird worked on WOWP for me.
The code “SHARES1MAGESWGLGRANDF1NAL” worked for me
Although the error appeared, the gold was in my account.
Thanks! good that the profiles are combined :)
when I try it this message appears:
You cannot redeem bonus code on this account.
” You cannot redeem bonus code on this account.”
Nope and i have wot and wop …
So, the first code worked – altough i got time out error…second worked perfectly on WOWP website :)
If you guys cant open or can not redeem the code go on http://worldofwarplanes.com/ (.eu .ru etc.) and redeem it there
Thx Guys for the Codes and the Tipp with Wowp :)
If u are getting the timed out message activate them on the WoWp site :)
It does have its uses :P
Just got a ‘timeban’ for my ‘timeout’ efforts… great xD
It says time out but it works. I received the gold.
I’ve done 3 codes today, 2 of them I had the time out problem.. So I was sitting in my garage talking to a clan mate and my WoT refreshed and made the money sound.. I looked up and my 50 was added to my account, happened again a couple minutes later.
lol me 2 :P
thnx, timeout on world of tanks, but worked on world of warplanes
Thanks for tips, both ;)
Both worked. Brings my total to 200 free gold. Nice.
Both of them worked for me … the trick to apply the code on warplanes website is very usefull when the WoT page is overloaded. Btw thx SS :)
worked on wowp page, not on wot page :) thanks ss
lol 250 gold today lol for free
You have reached the code usage limit -> it was 3rd code I was trying to use, so only 2 used
Well, even if it says it did not work, check the gold ammount on your account. I am not sure if I got 150 or 200G but it said it was not activated.
Second code give me “You cannot redeem bonus code on this account.”
which is the cryptic translation for “You already used this one successfully” (last word is the important one :) )
NA server works fine for the codes. TY SS for the notification of the codes.You Da man!
I was getting “timed out message” but i have this 100 more gold now. But it wasn’t instantly after writing code.
Reached CODE USAGE LIMIT…ALREADY? It has been a hour since it was posted, jeez.
I successfully redeemed both, thank you.
But where the *** are they published OFFICIALLY???? WG fail again…
last ones were officially published on the very official twitter-accounts.
It`s true, I have got the gold even when it said server time out.
Got the gold although both said server time out. =)
Seems like you were one of the lucky last people.. “You have reached the code usage limit” at 7:11 pm
They are not published on website, how do you get them?
timed out on wot server, exceeded usage on wowp server :(
Both say you have reached code usage limit…
Tried all codes about 5 minutes after they were posted on FTR, everytime timeout. Tried later, all already used. Got NO gold. GG WG.
And of course no announcement on the portal. I really don’t understand where do they come from??
facebook and twitter
Damn, didn’t know about that. Now I have to refresh FTR every five minutes or so to check for new codes as they are used immediately…
Doesn’t show up on the FB page…
both codes has reached limit
WG is f*cking it up; either the portal doesn’t work or the code limit is reached. also, didn’t they heavily increased the code limits? a couple of days we got a code that worked for atleast a full day, these barely work for a couple of hours…
“You have reached the code usage limit.”
Giving free codes but no one can get it? How terrible!
what a joke – all this is doing is pissing people off big style
“You have reached the code usage limit.” wtf ? i never use a bonus code !!!!
100k limit use per code. You were too late to the party.
hundreds of thousands of codes, milions of bilions of gold to giveaway… i take 2 hour nap and 3 diffrent codes pop up, usage limit reached. thx wg, u r gr8.
its a farce
Didn’t they increased the limit?