RU Server: Micropatch Tomorrow

Hello everyone,

tomorrow, a micropatch is going to hit the RU server cluster, with following changes:

- a new WGL themed hangar (because, you know, spamming that stuff everywhere is not enough)
- hotfix of the arty shells disappearing bug in arty mode

It is not known currently, whether EU and US will get the same patch.

Additionally, in order to compensate for server issues, Russian server is getting 1 day premium bonus code for everyone.

22 thoughts on “RU Server: Micropatch Tomorrow

  1. “- hotfix of the arty shells disappearing bug in arty mode”

    So, RU get this bug fixed tomorrow, while we capitalist need to wait until 9.0?

  2. Off-topic: Guys could you tell me what are the odds of being a top tier tank? I just played 8 games (T4-T6, not scouts) and not even once I was top tier – WTF?!

    btw. And the new missions suck because they are favouring clan members :/

  3. “It is not known currently, whether EU and US will get the same patch.”

    Everyone always forgets about SEA.

  4. Seems like EU received the patch this morning – some update was applied at least, and the servers are down at the moment.

  5. Nice patch that was, can’t play anymore. After pressing Play on launcher i get the World Of Tanks loading screen and then it crashes.

      • it’s a conspiracy !!!

        they have “maintenance” on mod forums so we can’t find a solution… :P

        for me, it is not working as well, and i have no mods from GF. don’t want to go through all mods to see the culprit though :(

        • okay, looks like they definitely changed some script behavior related to sounds – all Kriegstreiber’s sound mods except turret traverse are not working after patch :( looks like they are forcing us to listen to their crappy sounds :(

  6. The micropatch is delayed as part of the sanctions of RUS vs. EU ;-)

      • Wasn’t my intention, really.

        I think they just forgot the world outside RU, as always.

        No offence to anybody intended.

  7. The Patch is here (EU) and the game crashes after launch without anything in the log – but I bet the hangar causes it.

    Well, at least we got the patch at the same time as the Russians, so everybody’s happy, right?

    • Oops, was wrong. As suggested by Andreas above, caused by mods. In my case probably a zoomout mod.

  8. Pingback: [Sammelthread] World of Tanks - Seite 3510

  9. Works fine here, but no hangar yet. i took all sounds off with exeption of Kriegstreibers Turret Traverse sounds…and it sounds cool:-)….Xvm and rest of OMC’s MODS seems to work fine