
As predicted, today, the Russian server did recieve the 0.8.6 patch (EU server will most likely recieve it on thursday and US server next tuesday). The patch notes are a mess (they are HUGE, I really don’t envy the google guys translating them), but apparently, some things were ommitted from them, namely the T69 tank changes:

- ground resistance for the T84E1 suspension on solid ground reduced by 8 percent and on medium ground by 7 percent
- T95 suspension turn rate buffed from 40 deg/s to 42 deg/s and recieved a ground resistance buff of 8 percent on medium grounds
- engine AOSI-895-5 nerfed from 600 to 550hp

Also, please note that when the patch comes live, all the camouflages, regular experience, crews and combat statistics will stay on the vehicles they were before 0.8.6, even if that vehicle changes tier (eg. if you had 10k XP on tier 8 arty, that becomes tier 10, the XP will stay on that arty, so you will have a tier 10 arty with 10k XP)

Please note that ALL the arties will have ALL the installed unlockable modules removed, effectively becoming stock. The unlocked modules will be moved to your depot. Ammunition and equipment will also be removed from the arties and moved to the depot.

Components, that will get removed from the game (for example tier 10 arty second suspensions) will be sold for their purchase price.

We also have a trailer for 0.8.6. Because, you know, putting up a video, in which too many arties chew up the enemies is really a good idea for a patch, that’s supposed to actually limit the number of arties in battles:

Anyway, today there is nothing much to translate really, only one retarded trollquestion:

- there are no plans to allow the tank crews to retrain into pilots (in connection with the WoWp/WoT account unification)

44 thoughts on “18.6.2013

  1. Love the World of Artillery video. It really is no better in 8.6 is it? Sad in all honesty. I’m going to refrain from giving those fuckers any more money until they come up with a better solution. At least take out the “red line” aiming system. If you’re too stupid to figure out if you’re going to hit a house or mountian, then so be it……then readjust and try again.

    If you don’t have 6th Sense then you better watch out. Orbital death cannon inbound.

    • Someone is srsly butthurt and thinks that 8.6 is artillery nerf (While is huge buff actually).

      • actually
        on T10 it is a nerf. True, you wont see anymore “old” T6 arties, but all former T8s receive a nerf and T9 and T8 wont be much of a difference either, just worse as the T7 now
        + my E-100 will have a 50% spall liner. Will rush over the open field of malinovka now :3

  2. >>We also have a trailer for 0.8.6. Because, you know, putting up a video, in which too many arties chew up the enemies is really a good idea for a patch, that’s supposed to actually limit the number of arties in battles:


  3. What are the changes in the T69? Sorry maybe i cant see them because i use a cell phone for viewing.

  4. That trailer is fucking awesome!! xD

    They are really making better and better trailers and this one surely won’t decrease number of SPGs in the game [ At least the low tires one xD ]

    Just imagine a newbee looking at this trailer.. that beginning… daaamn… I wanna nail some tanks!! TOTAL ANNIHILATION!!! POWWWAAAHH!!

    • Maybe.. orrrr.. maybe he will be like – WTF is this puny little weakling.. am gonna by myself something bigger.. “loads out the cash and buys T92″ FUS RO DAH MOTHAFUKA

  5. That trailer was awesome :D i love it :) and i wait the patch more xp for my beloved tds ^^ and thx for makeing/running this blog so much info for us :)

  6. Well, that trailer certainly appears to highlight and focus on arty…. Ummmm.

  7. This trailer is sooooo damn sarcastic!

    “Yes, let´s nerf the arties, but advertise their power in the patch trailer” :D

    But the music is nice…

  8. Somehow for me it appears that in the trailer SPG`s are owning tanks. Interesting…

  9. I looked in those Russian patchnotes and translated with my browser. This is what I found:

    “Matilda Black Prince:

    The elevation guns QF 6-pdr Mk. VA changed from -12 to -20 degrees.
    Depression guns QF 6-pdr Mk. VA changed from 9 to 12.5 degrees.”

    And imagine that with 44% buffed income. Awesome!
    Yes, I know that Chrome doesn’t have best translator built in :)

  10. can anyone from ru server tell us, whats the arty parties situation with 8.6 ? did it get even worse? better?

  11. “Please note that ALL the arties will have ALL the installed unlockable modules removed, effectively becoming stock. The unlocked modules will be moved to your depot.”

    Hmm, what would be the point of that?

      • The http download seems to be capped at 3 MB/s per slot, so anyone with more bandwidth (25+ Mbps) should definitely go for the torrent.

    • i dont know if those links are WG but after installing i must fucking download another 5 gig as an update in launcher so WTF WG or whoever trolleed this

  12. SS, please ban Mark Chapman. He’s obviously not a constructive individual, although props to him for replying to everyone’s comments in the same moronic fashion…

    • +1

      I’m getting a headache reading those capital letters (and getting nothing useful from the effort).

  13. Frank, Something is going on the russian site regarding the mod policy, they also attached a video. Could you please explain it?

  14. I managed to unlock all the 4 T8 arties before the 0.8.6 update! The last 2 weeks I was playing T7 arty only and I can say – those were the worst 2 weeks of my entire WoT career! Now I’m so happy I’m done with this crap. High tier arty? NEVER AGAIN!!!

  15. Nice! whats this game about? Artilary warfare? maybe i’ll DW, btw the tanks are also available to play with?