- SerB confirmed the work is finishing on ingame model re-work, including bigger polygon count for models and the possibility of shells knocking down/destroying various stuff that’s lying on the tank (tools, boxes etc), increasing the number of optional turrets and making various suspension/hull types visually distinctive – the ETA is as always “when it’s done it’s done”
- SerB considers Redshire to be a normal map, it won’t be reworked (“You’d only whine about another map, so what’s the point in doing that”)
- AFK tanks won’t be transferred to other players to control in the battle (SS: yes, someone actually asked, whether he could control tanks that are AFK for some time)
- “anti-medals” for fighting 5-10 battles in a row without dealing damage won’t be introduced: “No, we won’t implement retarded medals – because some “special” people would actually farm them”
- SerB commenting on the recent “Bagration” event on RU server (SS: where Russian players gained insane amounts of gold thanks to the “miniquests” implemented and started asking for more): “Well, I think that x20 bonus to credit and XP event would be even better. True, after that the game would die rather quickly, but whatever.”
- Q: “T10 Foch with camo net and camo skills is totally invisible!” A: “Well, then start playing it”
- Q: “Arty is overnerfed, a lot of people did quit playing it, what about that?” A: “Then don’t play arty. That’s why we did it.”
- it is possible to hit the enemy gun module without damaging it, as the gun does have the module saving throw (see here)
- generally the developers are happy about the way the amount of arty in battles was reduced in 0.8.6
- SerB states that if according to 0.8.6 statistics there were too few arties left, they’d be buffed “if needed”
- 7/42 format won’t be changed in connection with the 0.8.6 arty re-work
- when considering penetration of (let’s say) 150mm penetration shell and 150mm thick armor, in order to penetrate the armor (to cause damage) 150mm penetration is enough, it doesn’t have to be MORE than 150mm
- T34 armor model was not changed
- SerB responding to another arty whining player: “The rebalance of arty was done so that the amount of noobs playing it would be come lower. And judging from your whining, the goal was met.”
- the amount of arty became unwanted about a year ago and 3 months ago, the situation forced a solution, that’s why 0.8.6 nerf happened
- VK3601H transfer to heavy tank – “when it’s done it’s done”, it was delayed in the past, because some issues connected to the tanks tied with 3601H had to be dealt with
- one of the (less important) reasons for increased accuracy were upcoming bigger maps
- Q: “Does massive whining of playerbase correspond with your statistics?” A: “50/50 – either it does or it doesn’t”
- devs are still deciding what to do with the “top 3 tanks get credit/XP bonus” event miniquest, they will check the credit inflation and will take measures
- there are no problems with tank or TD amounts (SS: as in, TD amounts aren’t a problem)
- visual camo net module? devs want it, but it’s complicated to implement, won’t be anytime soon
- Komarin will return “when it’s done”
- Walker Bulldog will come “when it’s done”
- SerB states that before 0.8.6, it was a lot easier for a bad player to play tier 10 arty than tier 10 other classes
- SerB also states that the structure of WoT audience (players) changed gradually, but won’t give out any details
- SerB doesn’t think the autoloader tanks were seriously damaged by the shell changes
- SerB explains, why actions that give out too many credits (such as the last weekend on RU server) are bad: “Inflation can also be hidden – notice the example of late USSR. Virtual world has its own specifics (for example, because of the increased profitability of tanks, people buy too many premium shells and armor starts to lose importance), but credit emission control is also necessery in it.”
- the Westfield assault mode that had the bridge repaired still has the minimap displaying a broken bridge, this is not an oversight
- SerB considers top tiers to be “high-skill content”, because only good players can play them without losing credits
- such events with miniquests won’t appear permanently
About time!
Thanks :)
Q: “T10 Foch with camo net and camo skills is totally invisible!” A: “Well, then start playing it”
Haha,i laughed, a classic SerB
“- SerB states that if according to 0.8.6 statistics there were too few arties left, they’d be buffed “if needed””
just as i suspected
From what I see on the battlefields SPGs are doing just fine.
Well I’ve been playing with my M40 perfectly fine. Even with it’s 40 second load time it still is a enjoyable tank to play with.
“- SerB confirmed the work is finishing on ingame model re-work, including bigger polygon count for models and the possibility of shells knocking down/destroying various stuff that’s lying on the tank (tools, boxes etc), increasing the number of optional turrets and making various suspension/hull types visually distinctive – the ETA is as always “when it’s done it’s done””
would this be patch 1.0 content or do you think we wont have to wait that long?
also, i didnt knew the arty numbers where an issue for that long, i tought it started with the MM battle tier reduction (+-2) only
- SerB commenting on the recent “Bagration” event on RU server (SS: where Russian players gained insane amounts of gold thanks to the “miniquests” implemented and started asking for more): “Well, I think that x20 bonus to credit and XP event would be even better. True, after that the game would die rather quickly, but whatever.” ///
Yep, thats what is wrong with this game. We are suppose to play it because we like it, not because we have to grind. Microtransaction system like in DOTA2 is 1000000000x better than this WoT shit.
Hmmm, then maybe it was a good decision to make the arty rebalance (to tell the truth, i don’t see it that much as a nerf, which, in fact, it was)
I am glad that my tank isn’t hit that much by arty, and if artyplayers find their gameplay enjoyable, then the goal was met.
Controlling AFK tanks is a really good idea, the profits go to the controlling player (no xp tough), the repair bills go to the owner.
i dont see how this would help much, since usualy the first players who die aint the best players,..
Still better than dead weight.
It could be they only had to pop out for a piss and will be back in a couple dozen seconds. And be much better than the “controlling” fast dying noobs.
I really hope that this will NEVER happen!
In any kind of online real-time game there are a few afkers, but you can live with it I think. There really isn’t much in WoT.
- one of the (less important) reasons for increased accuracy were upcoming bigger maps
Yes!!! And IMO they should remove the view limit border (700m iirc) so you could shoot tanks accross the whole map. That way it would feel much more realistic and super accurate guns(Panther) would gain their edge again.
- it is possible to hit the enemy gun module without damaging it, as the gun does have the module saving throw.
Yup, in my video you can see getting hit by 15cm gun up close and no damage at all :D
Upcoming bigger maps?
Oh lord. Please don’t.
why not? if performance is not an issue, i see only benefits (apart from noobs getting lost ;-))
Oh lord. Please yes. That way the German tanks can finally use their superb accuracy to it’s advantage (if only they’d increase the server horizon).
Oh sure, now my Maus can go to enemy base in 10 minutes.
*glance at T95*
about something t26e4?
Less arty is only one-half of the arty problem.
- SerB responding to another arty whining player: “The rebalance of arty was done so that the amount of noobs playing it would be come lower. And judging from your whining, the goal was met.”
LMAO one of those moments i laugh at Serb answers xD he can be funny too.
there is so much bullshit going on in minsk.
so they dont nerf/buff according to winrates but frequency of occurence?!
i guess all the kv-1s threads will be named “too many kv-1s” soon, once the whiners have worked that out.
and why should they add anything at all. players will whine about it nonetheless.
and come on, high tier = high skill, because only good players can play it without losing money.
that must be the soviet education system.
If Comrade Stalin said it, then no, gravity doesn’t exist.
Soviet education.
P. Cherenkov, B. Pasternak, M. Sholokhov, P. Kapitsa, N. Basov, L. Landau, S. Novikov, A. Sakharov, G. Perelman, S. Korolev, D. Shostakovich…
Soviet education.
my last sentence was rather polemic than serious but as you seem to take it serious:
you can still be ingenious despite the education system.
you know causality => correlation, not the other way around.
Actually quite good observation.
Instead of saying something is OP, lets start having discussion of too many *insert tank* … But this is near impossiblity for some tanks and because SPGs can be lumped by dimwits in minsk as one tank, this can be done only to SPGs.
Still the nerf to SPGs killed artillery AND tanks doing spotting for them. I would not touch the SPGs apart from CW anymore, not even for 5x, when I was actually doing that for before the nerfs and tier ‘balanchit’. I had to grind artilleries to actually worsen the situation to get to the T8 before the patch and now… without any reason to play them due to knowing them utter bullshit from what they used to be. Actually having a reasonable impact, less than tanks thout so the SPGs actually were underpowered in comparison bar some of them. But WG only noted the ones which were overpowered and balanced ALL artillery according to that info.
Sad day was the day 8.6 went live and whole arty nerf was rolled on without second thout. Comments like:’We nerf them because we want to lessen the amount of playing them’ make me quite sad… how about IS-7 and IS-4 nerf then? They are inarguably the most played tanks on high tier… or KV or KV-1s for that matter. Or many other which are significantly played more than others… Tanks should not be balanced because they have many players, but from the numbers of winning… But WG fails to see that. Sadly.
Q: “Arty is overnerfed, a lot of people did quit playing it, what about that?” A: “Then don’t play arty. That’s why we did it.”
This doesn’t effects only arty players. THis affects scout players too.
Less arty players causes more battles without arty. The problem is scouts w/o protection. Slow heavies and TDs can’t help scouts as effectively as artys.
What was WGs ecaxt plan?
Arty nerf or scouts nerf?
Serb, that’s terrible…
And how want WG introduce British arty tree, when almost no one plays arty?
WG destroys their own work!
I don’t remember how many artys was in queue in 8.5, but when i started a battle with my (now) tier 8 arty from 1700 players in queue, only 16 was arty!
Agree! WG scored a goal itself with arty nerf!
whine a little bit more one handed arty wankers
+1 :)
Dude… I play SPGs. I have 6 in my garage and had 7 but I was grinding through the new German T2. Once I get the credits I will buy the new German T4 and then the T3 Wespe.
On my Grille I can get 2 kills a match if I try for kills. But due to reload and aim its easier to try for max damage as often as possible. 900 damage and 1100 damage for 2 games last night. Although it could be only 250 damage if you are having some really bad luck with gun troll. Or have no flank protection… panzies and no flank protection…
Really, artillery can be very very very good. Still. in 8.6. HOWEVER, a 2-5sec spot on a target by your team does not work anymore. To be effective artillery needs that tank spotted for 6-10s to be effective because if artillery cant see the target then it cant always help out. Spotting is more important NOW then ever before. In fact I would say that it is more important then artillery.
Lol, yesterday on the NA server I saw 80 people playing artillery…
I wonder what the playerbase will consider op next…
I’ll also still play anyways, expecally when Im angry… It always helps when you nail a guy from across the map and watch him spam the chat, its comforting knowing that there is now someone more miserable than I am.
- one of the (less important) reasons for increased accuracy were upcoming bigger maps
Bigger maps… do want, as soon as possible, but Duke Nukem told me it’ll come… When it’s done.
@arty has been nerfed whiners:
Here you go, 47 minutes of me talking about why artillery is still good, and maybe even too good.
>Walker Bulldog will come “when it’s done”
Walker Bulldog will not come because paper tanks come first.
- SerB considers top tiers to be “high-skill content”, because only good players can play them without losing credits
- thank you :-)
i earned with e-100 around 200k yesterday, cca 30k per battle :-)
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this is something i have not ever read.very comprehensive analysis.