
- SerB states that the point where you stop earning and your gain/spend ratio is balanced in WoT is tier 7-8 without the premium account (depends how good the player is), earlier, for premium account it was tier 9, but now (SS: post 0.8.6) it’s tier 10, for non-premium tanks the best farming tiers are 5-6
- not even 50 percent of German SPG’s Wargaming knows about have been implemented into the game
- the impulse to introduce the 0.8.6 shell dispersion in aim circle were relatively often cases of shells flying to the aim circle boundaries

Q: (paraphrased) “It is a known fact that diesel electric engines such as Porsche system, can go with the same speed forward and backward, why is it not implemented into the game?”
A: “Take your car. Now remove the rear mirror. Cover the rear glass and leave only a small slit. On the rear seat, put your mother in law (she won’t be missed that much) so that she covers the small slit. And now drive cross crountry at full speed backwards, while obeying your mother-in-law’s commands. And don’t forget to include a wish in your testament so that your widow sends us the video of the whole event.”

- SerB states that he is not convinced that garage battles are necessery for WoT, especially when he recieves bad feedback on them from other projects
- apparently the current punishment for non-active players (no XP and credits) is enough
- after the 0.8.6 introduction there was no additional change in accuracy
- SerB on noobs: “Every noob (with few reasonable exceptions) thinks of himself as a megaskilled player, who doesn’t rightfully pwn everyone only as a result of Wargaming conspiracy.”
- the new accuracy does increase the load of WG servers, but not much
- there will be more miniquests on the servers, they are planned to happen on regular basis
- module tiers are arbitrary numbers, a tier 9 module can have just the same parameters as a tier 10 module theoretically
- sold crew recovery (for example after account theft) will be realized somehow
- the 0.8.8 patch with Soviet mediums was somewhat confirmed, it is already decided from which tank will the branch start, but Storm will tell in a couple of months
- 0.8.9 will bring 2nd German TD branch, everything was already decided, Storm will also tell later
- 0.8.8 tier 10 alternative Soviet tank will be the Object 430, the introduction of this branch does not mean there will be changes in current branches
- 0.8.8 will bring 5 new vehicles along with the Object 430, but other than that, Storm states that it’s too early to talk about it, wait until August/September
- French LeFH arty decreased gun accuracy doesn’t count as combat characteristic change or a nerf (SS: it’s a compensation since arties did get increased accuracy spread too)
- Tiger texture changes (the way VK1602 Leopard was changed) are not planned
- Q: “Do you realize that you created a bunch of junkies, addicted to your game? Don’t you feel ashamed?” A: “*puts away his bread with caviar* I realize that. I feel ashamed. *sadface*”
- “not many things” are planned for 0.8.7

79 thoughts on “25.6.2013

  1. >And don’t forget to include a wish in your testament so that your widow sends us the video of the whole event.
    This one made me seriously laugh.

      • Epic comment. But he kind of missed the point about the transmission I think.
        (same type of system as used on the TOG as well FYI)

      • Its called sarcasm… most Europeans seem to be to stupid to discover it normally ;) :P

        • Europeans invented sarcasm, eastern poorfags simply copy all our cultural and technological achievements, as it’s always been ;)

          • And still they fail at dealing with sarcasm.. sweet little Europeans… only Americans are even more “funny” in that way :P

            Dont worry I hate everyone equally ;)

          • Just some Europeans. I am one too and i do understand it. :D But its also a question of how strict the etiquette in that country.

          • Sarcasm is how stupid people argument because they can’t think of anything smart to say. That’s why you see it mostly on sites like 4chan, and in SerB’s Q&A.

  2. - SerB states that he is not convinced that garage battles are necessery for WoT, especially when he recieves bad feedback on them from other projects.

    What project? I am extremly corious.

  3. “French LeFH arty decreased gun accuracy doesn’t count as combat characteristic change or a nerf (SS: it’s a compensation since arties did get increased accuracy spread too)”

    ———Is he kidding? How is decreasing accuracy NOT a combat characteristic. The LeFH already has terrible splash radius of shells AND is a premium vehicle or is he saying that they decrease this vehicle specifically and then increase arties generally?

  4. A: “Take your car. Now remove the rear mirror. Cover the rear glass and leave only a small slit. On the rear seat, put your mother in law (she won’t be missed that much) so that she covers the small slit. And now drive cross crountry at full speed backwards, while obeying your mother-in-law’s commands. And don’t forget to include a wish in your testament so that your widow sends us the video of the whole event.”



  5. - not even 50 percent of German SPG’s Wargaming knows about have been implemented into the game

    And yet they implemented completely made up GW Tiger P, gj Wg, gj.

      • You would be surprised there are more prototype vehicles that didn’t make it into full production and then the Germans were always being creative on the design board. As to why WG has not really dug into it and just added more real SPGs is likely because after about 15cm -17cm the Germans mount anything heaver on railway carriages. I.E. railguns with the “Karl-Gerät” (040/041) with its 54cm and 60cm gun being the only exception.

        Now they did have a hell of a lot of different artillery pieces from 10.5 cm up to 80cm. SO the guns exist for WG just not things with tracks to carry them. There was a proposed plan for tigers to be used to move a K5 railway cannon around broken track sections by having a tiger support each end.


      • Forgot to say “or the artillery is broken down into parts/sections because it is too heavy to exist and be moved in one piece. “

  6. “- Q: “Do you realize that you created a bunch of junkies, addicted to your game? Don’t you feel ashamed?”
    A: “*puts away his bread with caviar* I realize that. I feel ashamed. *sadface*”

    I like the way he thinks.

  7. What he describes about a tank in reverse is pretty much how it is when going forward in tanks. Drivers do at times drive based on nothing but commands from the TC.

    Even though you are looking out a small slit the size of a rear view mirror, because you are right up on it, it’s not so bad. It’s not like looking at it from 5 feet away.

    And when it comes to going in reverse, if you are trying to avoid enemy fire, you are going to back up as fast as you can regardless, because getting hit by enemy fire = worse.

    Not going to be traveling long distances in reverse, but when you need it, you need it.

    I don’t get his argument. Not that I consider reverse speed as game breaking or anything to start with.

    • Don’t you know SerB doesn’t give arguments….ever. He just states his opinion and tells people to fuck off.

  8. - there will be more miniquests on the servers, they are planned to happen on regular basis

    SerB: ‘Nothing for you, bloody capitalists’

  9. Hi! sorry for asking here but does this :

    - roaming test is planned for autumn, it will be released around New year

    Means that feature WG talks about since 2012 about a player being able to select whatever server he wants and play on it? as im a NA player and i can select RU server to play on from the main menu?

  10. - 0.8.9 will bring 2nd German TD branch, everything was already decided, Storm will also tell later


    Sorry, but i’ve been lookin forward to the Nashorn forever.

      • Exactly, the branch will consist of waffentragers made on captured M3 Lee hulls ;p

        • Yes bcs 128mm on T7 is horribly OP for Krauts but 130mm on T6 at soviet tank is not. Let’s make paper armored TDs that still move like a rock due to weight that comes from i don’t know crew obesity…Only thing that can save that branch is that announced 4 shells autoloader on T10. But i don’t have any doubts they’ll be mediocre TDs at best

          • Which they implemented without a problem, while they can’t implement more gift tanks in tier 10 because there “aren’t any suitable ones”.

            Then make one up you lazy, two-faced communist alcoholics…

  11. “- the 0.8.8 patch with Soviet mediums was somewhat confirmed, it is already decided from which tank will the branch start, but Storm will tell in a couple of months
    - 0.8.8 will bring 5 new vehicles along with the Object 430, but other than that, Storm states that it’s too early to talk about it, wait until August/September”

    Based on this info, I would think either:
    …, T-80, new tier V, new tier VI, KV-13, new tier VIII, new tier IX, Object 430
    …, T-34, new tier VI, new tier VII, new tier VIII, new tier IX, Object 430

  12. This is not humor but cynicism at it’s worst. SerB is smirk and arrogant because at the moment he knows WG’s doing well, mainly because it has no competition. In time his stance towards non-RU players will change, following the demise of the games and company. II only feel sorry for the WG_EU and other non-RU WG crews who had to serve WG_HQ shit to players, as if it was a cake.

    • Yep. I know he is juts doing what the company tells him and probably has little influence overall, but I still want to him to go away (better than wishing the guy death).

      And I’d gladly sit and watch him go broke along with WG, even if I had to lose all my hard earned tanks and money spent in the process.

      Actually all this is making me hate russians overall, I mean cmon what kind of assholes do you have to be to run a company like WG do?

      • actually Victor ( the big boss) seems to be a good guy…

        never saw him acting like SerB does

  13. - the new accuracy does increase the load of WG servers, but not much

    Is there anything in game that doesn’t increas the load on servers?

  14. So…
    Sneaking out those glorious 2nd russian med line ahead of the 2nd German TD line as well. Fucking skeezer devs at play once again, their bias knows no bounds. And we won’t hear about it until Aug/Sept? Really? LOL.
    And wooooooowwwww, a patch featuring just British arty, right after the big arty patch people are pissed about? Good jerb wargaming planers. What a bunch of idiots. Worst devs ever.

      • They promised that German line how long ago now? Close to 2 years? GTFO Woras, and get SerB’s dick out of your insatiable mouth, idiot. And both the bad arty players are pissed as are the good tankers who know they actually buffed arty, fucking twat.

        • I guess you’ve already forgotten about the 2nd german medium line of 0.8.5? Stupid moron noob.

    • Everytime I read your comments, my whiner sense is off the charts. Don’t like the game and dev. team or whatever concerning wot? Fuck off to wt or project tank and forums/blogs related to them…

      • He does have a point though, while WG do an outstanding job gameplay and tank model wise, they really have a bad attitude towards PR and introducing new content in general. They downright lied in almost every interview claiming proudly that the game is the same across all servers, while any seasoned player knows the RU server gets all the good stuff, SEA is pure pay2win and NA/EU are neglected in almost every special and patch change.

        And the whine argument is such a kinderkarten thing to say, I mean seriously Woras no need to troll the guy.

        Basically in internet terms; every uprising, revolution and protest is a “whine” and should never have happened because “pussies”. Are we still in the stone age or something?

  15. I really want to see all the whiners who always goes WG sucks because of this and that go develop their own WoT from scratch and see how far they last without copyright sues from WT or the games that provide the HR sound pack.

  16. About the whole junkies thing; that’s such a stupid analogy. We’re all junkies because we repeat stuff we enjoy? Well damn I guess I better stop smoking weed then :P

    No seriously Frank why do these even get posted, let alone translated?

  17. Ah 0.8.9 is German TD’s eh?

    I recall something about them comming out in 2011 … and 2012 … and most of 2013…
    So I’m certainly not going to celebrate it yet; Heck I’d probably not even celebrate it as the patch loads.

    Only when the tree is open before me in my updated client will I EVER take a word from WG regarding that damn second TD line.

  18. Pingback: 【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/25– R2D2 | XVM战绩插件中文化团队

  19. Few other posts on this wanted to add comments…

    Q: (paraphrased) “It is a known fact that diesel electric engines such as Porsche system, can go with the same speed forward and backward, why is it not implemented into the game?”
    A: “Take your car. Now remove the rear mirror. Cover the rear glass and leave only a small slit. On the rear seat, put your mother in law (she won’t be missed that much) so that she covers the small slit. And now drive cross crountry at full speed backwards, while obeying your mother-in-law’s commands. And don’t forget to include a wish in your testament so that your widow sends us the video of the whole event.”

    WG is a laughing joke on consistency, they need to stop picking and choosing arbitrarily when to be historic when dealing with in-game parameters and when to be a “game”. The question is very valid but the answer is cowardly, dismissive, and “retarded”. Admitting when you’ve made a mistake is most respectable and this is a big one.

    Why not…

    A: Good point, this is a game and not the army so we look into it.

  20. I do good amount of money in my jp2, (actually its my preferential moneymaker, not seldom i earn 20k + in it) and i also had a + in my jagdtiger and i doubt, i wont make a + in jagdpze-100, as soon as i buy it,