8.6 Camo and Spotting

Source: RU forum spreadsheet

Hello everyone,

a bunch of Russian players (Nisa, zmiyko, Darth_Google, PurpleDust, AndrasD, BOL4OK, Dell1969, criticalSection, Miporin, Slighter, Devilhunter) made an experiment, where they tested, on what distance will they see that respective vehicle. They tested with a 400 viewrange tank, with 100 percent crew, without any special perks/skills/equipment/consumables. The data are valid for 8.6 and 8.7 test patch.

Some data are missing I am afraid, but still, a valuable resource.

Nation Type Tier Vehicle Standing Moving Firing
USSR LT 1 МС-1 347 360 386
USSR LT 2 Tetrarch
USSR LT 2 Т-60
USSR LT 2 Т-26
USSR LT 3 М3 лёгкий
USSR LT 3 Т-127
USSR LT 3 Т-46
USSR LT 3 Т-70
USSR LT 4 Valentine II
USSR LT 4 А-20
USSR LT 4 Т-80
USSR LT 4 Т-50 337 337 382
USSR LT 5 Т-50-2 344 344 385
USSR LT 6 МТ-25 348 348 385
USSR MT 4 А-32
USSR MT 4 Т-28
USSR MT 5 Matilda IV 347 359 385
USSR MT 5 Т-34 349 362 386
USSR MT 6 Т-34-85 350 362 387
USSR MT 7 Т-43 348 360 387
USSR MT 7 KV-13 346 359 389
USSR MT 8 Т-44 343 357 388
USSR MT 9 Т-54 345 359 390
USSR MT 10 Object 907
USSR MT 10 Т-62А 346 359 388
USSR HT 5 KV-220 374 387 393
USSR HT 5 KV-220 Betatest 374 387 393
USSR HT 5 Churchill III 372 385 392
USSR HT 5 KV-1 374 387 393
USSR HT 6 Т-150 377 389 397
USSR HT 6 KV-1С 374 386 394
USSR HT 6 KV-2 385 392 397
USSR HT 7 KV-3 378 389 395
USSR HT 7 IS 371 386 397
USSR HT 8 KV-5 388 394 398
USSR HT 8 IS-6 375 387 395
USSR HT 8 KV-4 392 396 398
USSR HT 8 IS-3 375 387 395
USSR HT 9 IS-8 378 388 395
USSR HT 9 ST-I 378 388 395
USSR HT 10 IS-7 376 388 396
USSR HT 10 IS-4 376 388 395
USSR TD 5 SU-85 321 352 373
USSR TD 6 SU-100Y 376 385 394
USSR TD 6 SU-100 322 353 378
USSR TD 7 SU-122-44 324 354 379
USSR TD 7 SU-152 342 365 384
USSR TD 7 SU-100М1 329 357 379
USSR TD 8 ISУ-152 346 368 387
USSR TD 8 SU-101 328 357 382
USSR TD 9 SU-122-54 323 354 379
USSR TD 9 Object 704
USSR TD 10 Object 263 350 369 387
USSR TD 10 Object 268 342 365 385
USSR Arty 2 SU-18
USSR Arty 3 SU-26 353 376 387
USSR Arty 4 SU-5
USSR Arty 5 SU-122А 343 371
USSR Arty 6 SU-8 371 385
USSR Arty 7 SU-14-1 374 387
USSR Arty 7 С-51 383 391
USSR Arty 8 SU-14-2 387 393
USSR Arty 9 212А 387 393
USSR Arty 10 Object 261 377 388
Germany LT 1 Leichttraktor
Germany LT 2 Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)
Germany LT 2 Pz.Kpfw. II 346 360 387
Germany LT 2 Pz.Kpfw. I
Germany LT 2 Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t)
Germany LT 3 T-15 332 332 379
Germany LT 3 Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J
Germany LT 3 Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t)
Germany LT 3 Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A
Germany LT 3 Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G
Germany LT 3 Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C
Germany LT 4 Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A.
Germany LT 4 Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs
Germany LT 5 VK 16.02 Leopard 341 341 386
Germany LT 6 VK 28.01 350 350 389
Germany LT 7 Aufklärungspanzer Panther 362 362 390
Germany MT 3 Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f)
Germany MT 4 Pz.Kpfw. III 342 356 385
Germany MT 4 VK 20.01 (D)
Germany MT 5 T-25 354 366 387
Germany MT 5 Pz.Kpfw. IV Hydraulic
Germany MT 5 Pz.Kpfw. III/IV 351 362 387
Germany MT 5 Pz.Kpfw. IV 348 360 389
Germany MT 6 Pz.Kpfw. V/IV Alpha
Germany MT 6 Pz.Kpfw. V/IV
Germany MT 6 Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm 354 365 388
Germany MT 6 VK 30.01 (H) 356 367 391
Germany MT 6 VK 30.01 (D) 351 363 387
Germany MT 6 VK 30.01 (P) 366 374 391
Germany MT 6 VK 36.01 (H) 358 369 391
Germany MT 7 Panther/M10 367 375 391
Germany MT 7 VK 30.02 (D) 355 366 392
Germany MT 7 Pz.Kpfw. V Panther 367 375 392
Germany MT 8 Panther II 366 375 392
Germany MT 8 Indien-Panzer 358 368 390
Germany MT 9 Leopard prototyp A 349 361 388
Germany MT 9 E-50 368 376 393
Germany MT 10 Leopard 1 350 362 389
Germany MT 10 E-50 Ausf. M 365 373 392
Germany HT 4 Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f)
Germany HT 7 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger 376 387 394
Germany HT 7 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P) 376 387 394
Germany HT 8 Löwe 386 392 397
Germany HT 8 VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A 385 392 396
Germany HT 8 Pz.Kpfw. Tiger II 384 392 396
Germany HT 9 E-75 385 392 397
Germany HT 9 VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B 385 392 396
Germany HT 10 VK 72.01 (K)
Germany HT 10 E-100 389 394 399
Germany HT 10 Maus 394 397 399
Germany TD 2 Panzerjäger I
Germany TD 3 Marder II
Germany TD 4 Hetzer
Germany TD 5 StuG III 323 353 372
Germany TD 6 Dicker Max 340 364 381
Germany TD 6 JagdPz IV 316 349 370
Germany TD 7 E-25 311 347 368
Germany TD 7 Jagdpanther 353 371 385
Germany TD 8 8,8 cm PaK 43 Jagdtiger 362 377 391
Germany TD 8 Jagdpanther II 364 378 390
Germany TD 8 Ferdinand 361 376 393
Germany TD 9 Jagdtiger 362 377 389
Germany TD 10 JagdPz E-100 389 393 397
Germany Arty 2 G.Pz. Mk. VI (e)
Germany Arty 3 Wespe
Germany Arty 3 Sturmpanzer I Bison
Germany Arty 4 Pz.Sfl. IVb
Germany Arty 4 Sturmpanzer II
Germany Arty 5 Grille 345 372
Germany Arty 6 Hummel 357 378
Germany Arty 7 G.W. Panther 386 393
Germany Arty 8 G.W. Tiger (P) 387 395
Germany Arty 9 G.W. Tiger 382 390
Germany Arty 10 G.W. E 100 393 396 398
USA LT 1 T1 Cunningham 355 366 389
USA LT 3 M22 Locust
USA LT 3 M3 Stuart
USA LT 4 M5 Stuart 340 340 383
USA LT 5 M24 Chaffee 351 351 388
USA LT 6 T21 346 346 385
USA LT 7 T71 350 350 387
USA MT 4 M3 Lee
USA MT 5 M4A2E4 Sherman 358 368 388
USA MT 5 Ram II 355 366 387
USA MT 5 M4 Sherman 355 366 389
USA MT 5 M7 348 360 384
USA MT 6 M4A3E8 Sherman 356 367 388
USA MT 6 M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo 359 369 389
USA MT 7 T20 343 356 385
USA MT 8 T26E4 SuperPershing 353 365 389
USA MT 8 T69 355 367 389
USA MT 8 M26 Pershing 354 366 388
USA MT 9 M46 Patton 353 364 390
USA MT 9 T54E1 365 373 393
USA MT 10 M60
USA MT 10 M48A1 Patton 370 379 393
USA HT 5 T14 372 385 392
USA HT 5 T1 HT 384 392 395
USA HT 6 M6 383 393 395
USA HT 7 T29 382 390 395
USA HT 8 T34 385 393 397
USA HT 8 T32 379 389 395
USA HT 9 M103 383 391 396
USA HT 10 T110E5 384 391 396
USA HT 10 T57 HT 382 392 398
USA TD 2 T18
USA TD 3 T82 315 349 373
USA TD 4 T40 326 355 372
USA TD 5 T49 327 356 372
USA TD 5 M10 Wolverine 337 362 377
USA TD 6 M36 Jackson 339 363 378
USA TD 6 M18 Hellcat 326 355 373
USA TD 7 T25 AT 331 358 379
USA TD 7 T25/2 336 361 377
USA TD 8 T28 336 361 381
USA TD 8 T28 Prototype 355 373 390
USA TD 9 T95 336 361 391
USA TD 9 T30 367 380 392
USA TD 10 T110E4 364 378 392
USA TD 10 T110E3 380 380 392
USA Arty 2 T57
USA Arty 3 M7 Priest
USA Arty 4 M37
USA Arty 5 M41 342 371
USA Arty 6 M44 365 382
USA Arty 7 M12 358 379
USA Arty 8 M40/M43 362 381
USA Arty 9 M53/M55 378 389
USA Arty 10 T92 372 386
France LT 1 Renault FT
France LT 2 D1
France LT 2 Hotchkiss H35
France LT 3 AMX 38
France LT 4 AMX 40 353 365 387
France LT 5 ELC AMX 323 323 381
France LT 6 AMX 12 t 336 336 385
France LT 7 AMX 13 75 337 337 385
France LT 8 AMX 13 90 338 338 384
France MT 3 D2
France MT 9 Lorraine 40 t 358 368 391
France MT 10 Bat.-Châtillon 25 t 340 355 388
France HT 4 B1
France HT 5 BDR G1 B
France HT 6 ARL 44 381 390 395
France HT 7 AMX M4 mle. 45 377 388 395
France HT 8 FCM 50 t 384 392 396
France HT 8 AMX 50 100 380 389 395
France HT 9 AMX 50 120 383 391 397
France HT 10 AMX 50 B 386 392 397
France TD 2 Renault FT AC
France TD 3 FCM 36 Pak 40 335 361 377
France TD 3 Renault UE 57
France TD 4 Somua SAu 40
France TD 5 S35 CA 325 355 377
France TD 6 ARL V39 342 366 380
France TD 7 AMX AC mle. 46 363 377 389
France TD 8 AMX AC mle. 48 353 371 387
France TD 9 AMX 50 Foch 351 370 386
France TD 10 AMX 50 Foch (155) 351 370 388
France Arty 2 Renault FT 75 BS
France Arty 3 Lorraine 39L AM
France Arty 4 AMX 105 AM mle. 47
France Arty 5 105 leFH18B2
France Arty 5 AMX 13 105 AM mle. 50
France Arty 6 AMX 13 F3 AM
France Arty 7 Lorraine 155 mle. 50
France Arty 8 Lorraine 155 mle. 51
France Arty 9 Bat.-Châtillon 155 55
France Arty 10 Bat.-Châtillon 155 58
Britain LT 2 Cruiser Mk. I
Britain LT 2 Cruiser Mk. III
Britain LT 3 Cruiser Mk. II
Britain LT 3 Cruiser Mk. IV
Britain LT 4 Covenanter
Britain LT 4 Valentine
Britain LT 5 Crusader
Britain MT 1 Vickers Medium Mk. I
Britain MT 2 Vickers Medium Mk. II
Britain MT 3 Vickers Medium Mk. III
Britain MT 4 Matilda
Britain MT 5 Matilda Black Prince
Britain MT 6 Cromwell 349 361 386
Britain MT 7 Comet 347 360 386
Britain MT 8 Centurion Mk. I 360 370 390
Britain MT 9 Centurion Mk. 7/1 359 369 391
Britain MT 10 FV4202 351 363 389
Britain HT 5 Excelsior
Britain HT 5 Churchill I
Britain HT 6 TOG II* 381 390 395
Britain HT 6 Churchill VII 373 386 396
Britain HT 7 Black Prince 374 387 394
Britain HT 8 Caernarvon 381 390 395
Britain HT 9 Conqueror 383 391 396
Britain HT 10 FV215b 383 391 396
Britain TD 2 Universal Carrier 2-pdr
Britain TD 3 Valentine AT
Britain TD 4 Alecto
Britain TD 5 AT 2
Britain TD 6 AT 8 336 361 378
Britain TD 6 Churchill Gun Carrier 345 367 382
Britain TD 7 AT 15A
Britain TD 7 AT 7 339 363 378
Britain TD 8 AT 15 358 374 385
Britain TD 9 Tortoise 369 381 391
Britain TD 10 FV215b (183) 364 378 393
Britain Arty 2 Loyd Gun Carriage
Britain Arty 3 Sexton I
Britain Arty 3 Sexton II
Britain Arty 4 Birch Gun
Britain Arty 5 Bishop
Britain Arty 6 FV304
Britain Arty 7 Crusader 5.5-In. SP
Britain Arty 8 FV207
Britain Arty 9 FV3805
Britain Arty 10 Conqueror Gun Carriage
China LT 1 Renault NC-31
China LT 2 Vickers Mk. E Type B
China LT 3 Type 2597 Chi-Ha
China LT 4 M5A1 Stuart 342 342 384
China LT 6 59-16 339 339 384
China LT 7 Type 62
China LT 7 WZ-131 343 343 385
China LT 8 WZ-132 340 340 387
China MT 5 Type T-34
China MT 6 Type 58 350 363 387
China MT 7 T-34-1 336 353 385
China MT 8 Type 59 344 358 387
China MT 8 T-34-2 340 355 387
China MT 9 WZ-120 345 359 390
China MT 10 121 347 360 390
China HT 7 IS-2 372 386 394
China HT 8 WZ-111
China HT 8 112
China HT 8 110 377 389 395
China HT 9 WZ-111 model 1-4 376 387 396
China HT 10 113 377 388 395

57 thoughts on “8.6 Camo and Spotting

  1. Wow, I wonder how long it took them to get all that data. The shooting range must have been very annoying to pinpoint.
    How do we calculate the effect of camo skill and camo net?

    • Short answer: No.

      Long answer: Yes… But it is still no and here’s why…

      Yes: With the older 8.5 formula for camo plus allowing for the changes made to bushes.

      No: But it is more or less butt hurt complicated since you need the raw camo values for the tanks themselves to and that requires tome to figure out since it is not officially published data. And what is available is not always kept up-to-date with the patches because regardless of what the patch notes say there is always more that is being tweaked and edited behind the scenes. Only the devs or some people with absolutely nothing better to do have the calculated camo figures needed to run the numbers in a reliable fashion. Plus the camo net does not function the same as it did previously. It is no longer a RAW 25% off the top.

  2. Now have them do the tests with 15m bush, BIA, net, 100% perk, paint, and vents please :)

  3. E-25 wins the camo war with 311, but they haven’t done the tier 3 french yet and that thing is tiny

    I’d love to also see the spotting distance of vehicles with camo net + paintjob + full camo skill; and also the spotting distance of vehicles behind bushes.

  4. The information on the M60 is 309 standing, 317 moving, 319 firing. This was confirmed during the early release.

  5. I find the small differences between Tier X medium tanks to be interesting.

    Greatest difference between Tier X medium tanks: standing is 30 meters, moving is 24 meters, and firing is 5 meters.

  6. I’d really like to know what camo bonus the camo net gives to the different classes in numbers…

    • So would I but I have not delved into the creating the numbers myself. I think I could do it but it would be a lot of work. But I think it could be done quickly if you had several people all in a training room each controlling a tank. Some with and some without a net in order to run several tests at once.

    • Well, I know the camovalues of camonet/-skin at least for td’s:
      camonet~55meters later spotting
      These values come experiments on liveserver with jagdpz4 and jagdpz e100 and were found in the eu-forum.

      No data found for the other tank classes.

  7. *stands up*
    *sees rude jesters at stares*
    What? I stalked back in the 1860′s like a boss.
    *coughing and more rude jesters*
    *Sits down slowly and nervously*
    Mutters to self… about being first…

  8. Thanks for all the hard work gents just made my next purchase even easier thx to you guys! Well Done!


  9. Shows that AwfulPanther is indeed awful: high tier mediums are more stealthy (and have better viewrange, too). Yea WG, you made a scout that cannot scout…

    • What part of “Panther” did you miss? Thing’s bigger than my house, unlike the rather better thought-out postwar thingys.

      And yeah, there’s a *reason* the military wanted no part of the thing.

    • Because it would show that nearly every tank is spotted at full view range while firing.

    • FAIL ANSWER! For compare camo values it makes no difference, wether the spotting tank has 400m viewrange or 425,32m. Actually, you can even better compare it with your own tanks, because many tanks in game have around 400m viewrange!

    • Damn you SS! I wanted to reply to that troll too >.>
      Too bad i cant delete comments. Gotta make account soon

  10. Though it was enough to weed out a dickhead among readers … Don’t like it, don’t read it.

  11. Hetzer has one of best camo factors as well, coreponding with its short view range

  12. This is why they will never publish the camo values for tanks because all the years of people moaning about pro-Russian bias will be proven true. Camo value is so important in this game and all the tanks with the best values in their class are Russian. The German tanks, especially lights and meds are particularly bad. The value for aufk. Panther is quite franky disgraceful – no wonder this is one of the worst performing tanks ever introduced.

    • Yes, and russians have always the best viewrange and germans always the worst.

      russianbias russianbias russianbias forevereverandever and you are a small german child that never played russian bias tanks

    • The Soviets liked to build very compact tanks. Ze Germanz for some bizarre reason liked to build *large* tanks with the transmission run right across the hull.
      Bigger tanks are easier to see.

      Case closed.

  13. USA HT 9 M103 383 391 396
    USA HT 10 T110E5 384 391 396

    Why is it that the E5 get spotted earlier even with half the turret size of M103? I would thought the E5 were more stealthier.

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