
A small explanation of “how terrible”: when SerB uses it, it does NOT specifically mean he acknowledges an issue, but won’t do anything about it, it (most of the time) means he considers the question totally retarded. At least that’s how I understand it.

- apparently, in 9.0 patch, chat will be reworked to another format on a separate server
- the ST-B1 (tier 10 medium tank) will carry a 105mm L7 clone
- the Waffenträger E-100 is already modelled

- Swamp and Komarin haven’t been re-introduced to the game, because there are other more pressing matters to attend to
- current stage Bigworld engine is capable of handling bigger battles than 15vs15, but 15vs15 is the optimal format, when it comes to server load, any other number will increase the server-resource-per-tank ratio
- Steam system and achievements support is not planned “for variety of reasons”, which won’t be disclosed
- Wargaming now owns the complete Master of Orion franchise, including planet and race names, SerB “will see”, whether WG will cooperate with famous Russian scifi author Sergei Lyukanenko (SS: he wrote for example the Night Watch book – never liked it tbh)
- atm, the developers are mostly satisfied with how the arty is now statistically
- there are no plans to allow any of the things you can currently buy only for gold to be buyable for silver (SS: 100 percent crew retraining, premium tanks, permanent camos etc.)
- separate Italian tree? “Won’t come out for now, when it comes out, I will tell you” (SS: the answer is intentionally left ambiguous, it’s not clear whether it will come out – but later, or whether there are no plans atm for such a thing)
- SerB doesn’t see it as a problem that there are more tanks covering one niche (SS: for example several lightly armored tanks equipped with a 105mm gun, Leopard 1 and AMX-30 for example – SerB however made a mistake yesterday, comparing the Japanese ST-B1 with the Leopard. That thing has very thick frontal armor (200mm+ effective) and gameplaywise it will resemble more like the T-62A)
- leasable premium tank (SS: as in – you can buy it for limited time, like premium account) won’t be implemented
- Japanese heavy line will come, but later – at this moment SerB is waiting for the verdict of someone named Fedoseyev, who is WG’s chief expert on Japanese tanks, regarding analysis of some materials WG got. SerB also states that the wikipedia O-I is too light to have a 200mm armor, that’s what the expert’s checking.
- SerB stated devs “pay attention” to 47-48 percent winrate tanks
- there is a chance that there will be more type of shells introduced (for example a tank having two premium shell types), but it’s not 100 percent sure (SS: this concerns also new shell types altogether)
- SerB states that Object 430 and T-62A won’t be “too similiar”, suggests people to have a look at technical data of both tanks
- VK2801 too inaccurate with 105mm L/28? “Oh okay, I will check. About nerfing it more.”
- SerB doesn’t know of any German TD projects, suitable for tier 10 and not based on Maus/E-100 hull (SS: there was a short mention about Sturmgeschütz E-75, but nothing else. Just this mention)
- Japanese WoT server will not have anything totally different – no anime schoolgirls as crewmembers, sorry :)
- it’s not yet totally sure whether the Japanese premium tank will be released ahead of its branch (SS: I’d blame this one on the fact SerB is still in France and is possibly not aware of the info that was released while he was away)
- SerB commenting on the Company of Heroes 2 Russian rage: “It’s everyone’s private matter how to react. I can tell my point of view: it’s not worth expecting foreigners to truthfully depict our history. Even if they are unbiased, they will judge matters from the most common (advertised) point of view (which, of course, is not in our favour, propaganda is propaganda). You have to change your point of view by yourself, it won’t change itself. And so, for example, we make games from our own point of view” (SS: by adding gulag maps for example)
- the fact Bishop and FV304 arties have no highpen gold shells could be caused either by historicity, or by balance, SerB can’t tell
- regarding mortar-type weapons, there is no direct connection between mortar caliber and its shell velocity in WoT
- Waffentrager Tiger is based on Tiger II chassis
- there will be some new features in upcoming patches, that might please the Germanlovers (SS: specifically, some vehicles might recieve a depression boost (Tiger II I think), Tiger II might get its maximum speed increased (like IS-7 did), minor buff to Panther vehicles in mobility)
- apparently, the tier 10 Soviet medium Object 430 will be less mobile than T-62A because of crappy suspension
- currently, WG doesn’t know of any suitable (!) candidates for tier 10 Chinese/Soviet medium, armed with a L7 clone
- no plans for making the toptier 105mm and 120mm guns’ alpha difference bigger
- in the 9.0 “new format” of chat, it still won’t be possible to switch the chat off in battle (SS: that’s what mods are for :P)
- higher rendering distance for tanks won’t be implemented anytime soon, because it dramatically increases the load on the server and connection
- Q: “Will the Object 430 be like the Patton, or the FV4202 mobility-wise?” A: “Tests will show.” Same goes for reload times.
- A-43 top gun? “Tests will show” (SS: previously, it was shown as 76mm S-54)
- Soviet medium branch might NOT come in 8.8 (“More like later, there are still issues with tier 9 vehicle”), at least not the top vehicles (“for more wait for official info”)
- Sixth sense and camouflage skills/perks have little influence on tank statistics
- MT-25 being a LT despite its 25t weight? “It is as it is”
- 3-man platoons being thrown too often on the bottom of the team? “How terrible…”
- important features of next patch? “Will tell when the time is right”
- Jagdpanther gun rim being too easy to penetrate? “How terrible…”
- the chat re-work will be significant, the list of changes will come later
- the tier 10 Japanese heavy will weight 140 tons (or maybe even a bit more), it will have 200mm armor all around and a Maus-like engine
- second Chinese medium branch is not planned
- SerB in France also worked with EU office people (SS: why the hell was there no contact with him anyway? it’s not like EU players have a lot of info…)
- SerB states that the Japanese archives proved interesting, but no more details for now

202 thoughts on “27.7.2013

  1. Lulz… If in 8.8 new Soviet medium tanks branch supposed to be main feature and if it won’t be included in 8.8 so what’s the point of releasing the patch anyway? I get it – it’s a planned update but for God Sake…

      • which means they will push rus meds to 8.9 and delay german tds again… and since 9.0 is something big and different… german tds have to pass again for another year wow just fukin wow!!!!!

  2. so the Japanese tier 10 has 200mm armour all-round…….

    200mm front 200mm sides and 200mm rear pretty so its much impervious to anything below 210 pen

    = side scraping monster

    • 200mm probably in thickest places and maaany weakspots. That’s my opinion ;)

    • Take KV5 as example. Good side armor. But sidescraping is almost useless with so many weakspots and trapshots on his sides.

  3. -some vehicles might recieve a depression boost (Tiger II I think), Tiger II might get its maximum speed increased (like IS-7 did), minor buff to Panther vehicles in mobility)

    Need moar buff on my mighty Jagdtiger!

  4. 200mm all around, but not taking into account things like the turret boobies in the front which are very possible weakspots(albeit, the turrets were smaller caliber cannons with mantlets as well, so they may well not actually be a weakspot.)

  5. About italian techtree, atm Raptor_fulcrum is doing serious research in italian archives trying to fill the hole in the tree, WG is depending on his work so let’s just hope he find what we need for a complete italian tech tree.

  6. - higher rendering distance for tanks won’t be implemented anytime soon, because it dramatically increases the load on the server and connection

    I really don’t see how a higher rendering distance would even slightly increase server load.

    • You’ll see more tanks farther away = server will have to give you their positions.

    • I think this is more of a bandwidth issue than server CPU load (more data to send to clients).

      Also I don’t think they want TDs and various accurate tanks to sit in bushes on some hill near the base sniping tanks in the other base 1000 m away, with scouts running in the middle of the map. One Campinovka is enough.

    • you already get the positions of all spotted tanks, otherwise they wouldnt be “rendered” on the minimap.

    • The server has to give you data on every game object within your rendering distance. Since rendering distance is a square around your tank, a 5% increase in rendering distance = a 25% increase in the rendering area, meaning a 25% increase in the number of game objects the server needs to tell you about.

      • 5% increase in square side means 10.25% larger square area. Where did you get that 25% from ?

      • The server already updates map objects in real time regardless of draw distance, while the map objects themselves are looked up locally. The heightened serverside load sounds like a cheap excuse. Especially since longer range engagements might end up requiring a major rebalance of most tanks.

  7. any more info about that ST-B1 tank? its gonna be tier X japanese med right? and what about that heavy tank ? any photos of it ? maybe a new article about these tank ? what you say ss ? ;)

    • ST-B1 is a prototype of the Type 74, so look up info on that for a light idea of what the tier 10 medium will be like.

    • ST-B1 also known as Type 64
      Tank “type 64″ (STB-1) – was developed by “Mitsubishi Heavy Industries” since 1962 as a MBT. Two prototypes were built.

      The layout with rear engine compartment. The case is welded, cast Tower. Hydropneumatic suspension adjustable type.
      Armament is stabilized in two planes. The fire control system with a laser rangefinder and ballistic computer electronically. Semi-automatic loading mechanism is installed.
      Anti-aircraft machine gun controlled remotely.
      There is a radio station, TPU, HLF, passive-active night vision, automatic fire suppression system, OPVT.

      Weight: 38 t
      Crew: 4
      Armament: 105 mm L7 series gun
      Engine: Diesel, 750 hp
      Speed: 53 km/h

      • The prototype for the Type 61 tank was the ST-A, ST-B series of prototypes were for the Type 74. The Type 64 is a Taiwanese light tank.

          • And did I say it was a Taiwanese tank ? NO ! If you try to find all info on wiki then you are just stupid, because there on wiki isn’t all info what you need. Wanna prove? Here , take it – http://tankinfo.ru/Country/Japan/2/Typ64.php. And Type 71 was 6th tank of ST-B series so you can shut your little mouth.

            • Holy shit, calk down there. All he did was say something different to what you said, no need to get all defensive like a pokemon nerd who’s just lost a card battle.

              He didn’t even swear at you, why are you having a go at him?

          • Dude, seriously, chill.

            Just a little note, though, the type designation is only applied when the vehicle enters service. So all those in-between prototype models don’t really have such designation.

            • Yeah, it was too harsh to him, but why do you care what tank is named of. It can be type 64 or burrito . Does it really matters what is tank name?

  8. “- SerB commenting on the Company of Heroes 2 Russian rage: “It’s everyone’s private matter how to react. I can tell my point of view: it’s not worth expecting foreigners to truthfully depict our history.”

    But SerB, you’re not russian, you’re just a belorussian subhuman. Russian history is not your history, scum.

    • Belorussia was a part of sowjet russia since 1793, so they share the history.

      I didnt even know, russians where angry, but hearing of it I sort of understand it.
      Imagine a game, where you play a german warrior and you are just running around killing jews and screaming “heil hitler”.
      Or you are playing americans in vietnam, killing and raping the civilians.

      I havent played CoH 2 yet, but from what i’ve heard so far, it could maybe be a bit onesided.

      What I didnt know so far:
      35% of german prisoners died in russia
      but a staggering 58% of russians died in german prisons!
      Thats a shocking amount of people.

      • >35% of german prisoners died in russia
        >but a staggering 58% of russians died in german prisons!
        1)prove it by source
        2)even if its true, consider one little thing: compand gerre how many soldiers had ussr and germany

        oh, i almost forgot:
        >Belorussia was a part of sowjet russia since 1793, so they share the history.

        soviet russia existed in 1793? holy shit gimme some of stuff you smoke, it has to be frikin awesome

        and its funny how russians try to change history, calling everyone who dont agree with them “blinded western ignorants, taught lies’.
        i have to highlight one thing: nazis and reds can suck my dick

    • Kellomies, you’re ignorant rascist scum.

      SerB is born in Siberia, in Krasnoyarskiy krai.

      • Please learn to tell that sad little copycat troll from the real deal. Shouldn’t be too hard, I’m *way* more erudite and eloquent – and besides all my other fine qualities, modest.

    • he’s a soviet and he is “entitled” to his own opinion, but he’s wrong

      soviets, lead by fear of Lenin, marched millions of humans beings in front of the german firing lines
      in the Battle for Stalingrad alone, more than 1mil russian troops died

      these motha’fucking soviets need to die, all of them, all who praise the “great patriotic war” and their acolytes who bend the history

            • Forgot to mention, Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh was much better than the regime of the US-supported dictator Ngo Dinh Diem, despite being “communist”.

            • It might have killed millions elsewhere, but in Vietnam, it was the better alternative to Diem’s totalitarian regime.

              Both regimes were bad, but more people died under Diem.

              Hence, when you asked him whether he’s lived under communism, he would have probably lived more comfortably under a Red Vietnam than a Blue one.

            • Cambodia was backed by US idiot. USSR and Vietnam severed all diplomatic relations with PolPot regime. And it was Vietnam forces that in the end forced KhmerRouge out of country when US in that time preferred to bomb Vietnam. Know your facts strait prior to open you dirty mouth idiotic scum.

          • Zmuel, there was a reason Vietnam invaded Cambodia and kicked Pol Pot out.

      • Yes soviet 5th tank army and 26 tank corp was led by fear of Lenin, yeah.
        And how many axis died?

        • do you see/hear germans who say or hint that Hitler, Nazi Party, Himmler, the SS didn’t happen? nop you don’t
          you do see neo-nazi movements and supremacy groups, but they’re just as sub-humans

          russians screaming and twitching that history didn’t happen for them .. really

          • They are screaming about blunders that Relic have made in a game, while claiming that this is all true.

            • blunders!? what blunders?
              that soviet commanders did not shoot soldiers who dared to retreat or wounder soldiers – that happened
              that soviet commanders sent troops to die without basic equipment – that happened too
              that Stalin ordered commanders in front of firing squads, or summary executions – that happened

            • Not the way relic show it and not in such numbers. Or in the fields from flamethrowers…
              Again, not in the battle for Stalingrad quay, Soviet command sent only well-trained elite units there If you want I can list them.
              At what amount and when? I understand if it’s ’42, okay, but during the last mission in Berlin in ’45, the same thing happens, tactical retreat can not be used, otherwise the evil commissar will shoot everyone, this is nonsense.

            • nonsense?
              check out Order 227 and Order 270 issued directly by Stalin

              nonsense ?!?! … these are real, things that really happened
              hundreds of thousands that died because of these orders, killed by their own

            • Well check it, full oder 227 text, and again oder 227 in ’45 is nonsense.
              Barrier troops from 1 August to 1 October seized 140,755 soldiers that deserted from the front lines.
              Among detainees:
              arrested 3,980 people;
              1,189 people were shot;
              sent to the penal company 2,776 people;
              sent to penal battalions of 185 men;
              returned to their units and forwarding station 131,094 people.
              Hundreds of thousands yeah…
              You know the rest of the armies that took part in the Second World War, also shot deserters and cowards without exceptions, in German and American and British, etc. All had analogs penal units.

            • PS: those orders were issued in 1941 and 1942 respectively
              those “numbers” are … hmm, not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

              it took 2 years of murdering their own soldiers to realize Order 227 was pure insanity

            • On Stalingrad quay? Нes it didn’t happend relicts are liars.
              What exactly mad in catching deserters? I repeat, the rest of countries during the war treated their deserters the same way.
              You have other numbers?

            • I’m pretty sure the Democracies were a lot more shy about actually executing deserters and whatnots (the soldiers being *citizens with rights* probably wasn’t unrelated), but if you read eg. Beevor you’ll find out it wasn’t all that unusual for their officers to report having had to check routs at gunpoint.

              Nothing new about this, of course. You know the Roman legions? The primary battlefield task of a cohort’s optio (more or less the centurion’s 2nd in command) was to follow behind the formation with a stick and see that it didn’t start defraying at the rear… and similarly if you look at period engravings of 17th-century “pike and shot” battles you’ll probably see guys with halberds behind the main bodies of fighting men.

            • Guys the problem is that in CoH 2 we see not executions of deserters, but the soldiers who have done well. Soldiers hold their positions on the field? Burn them alive with flamethrowers, even if there is no danger, and you can safely retreat . Soldiers rescued the officer? Shoot them in the face. Does not matter that in reality, the soldiers would most likely be awarded for initiative. These illogical things killing the story in campaign and Relic are too dumb to understand what is wrong.

          • >>that soviet commanders sent troops to die without basic equipment – that happened too

            arent you mixing WW-I events with WW-II?

            • not mixing anything

              one soldier sent to die from enemy fire is worth the few bullets the enemy has to fire
              the more soldiers you send, the less ammo the enemy has

              that’s how soviet doctrine wins wars

            • Tell it to Romanian Third Army, but I’m afraid they will not appreciate the joke

          • All Nazis are raging on biased as ever, proving nothing with evidence, just like good old American propaganda.

            • and the Great Famine of Ukraine between 1932-1933 is also “american propaganda”
              the NKDV didn’t steal food from the peasants, those 10mil dead of famine were in fact “abducted by aliens”

              fascinating ..

      • zMuel, dude, have you even played CoH2?

        The game over-exaggerates these issues to an absolutely shocking level.

        Imagine if CoH portrayed every German soldier as having horns, hoofs and a curled beard, and every comment they made was in reference to how much they love to murder Jews.

        • Does it depict every Soviet having hammer in one hand and sickle in other, drinking vodka non-stop and babbling about how much he likes killing Polish? No? Oh….It depicts situations that HAPPENED and suddenly it’s problem. “Oh no, there were no problems – it took us only 4 years to defeat an enemy we dwarfed in men and materiel, we lost tens of millions of men and not even in 1945 could we achieve 1:1 kill ratio.” What’s so difficult to accept that your leaders were basically butchers? But no – we simply steamrolled everything, won the war ourselves (others were there simply to watch) and everything went smoothly and efficiently.

          • Except, of course, that none of the stuff in CoH2 actually happened in the way that they were depicted in game.

            Machinegunning retreating soldiers?
            Yes that happened… to penal battalions.

            To an actually well-trained, well equipped infantry unit? HA!, no.

            NKVD officers in the Soviet military? Yeah, that happened.
            Were they in command of ANYTHING by the time Stalingrad happened? HA!, no.

            etc etc etc.
            Everything about the game is just wrong.

    • 1.SerB is russian.
      2.Beylorussians have same history as russians.
      3.you are fail troll and idiot.

      • Belaruss was a state of it’s own till it was invaded by Germany in 1918, By 1919-20 Poland and Russia fought to occupy the country and Poland won so the bigger part of Belaruss was affilated to Poland. The smaller part founded the Byelorussian Soviet Social Repubvlic that was a founding member of the Soviet Union in1922.
        In 1939 the polish part of Belaruss was conquered by the forces of the Soviet republic and in 1941 the entire country was invaded and conquered by Nazi Germany. In 1943/44 Belaruss was conquered again by the Red Army and was a founding member of the UN in 1945.
        Saying that Belaruss is or belonged to Russia is an insult to a great part of it’s people and telling that in a blog actually disqualifies you from the discousion!

        • You know, what’s funny about this CoH 2 nonsense is that when Call of Duty 2 came out, nobody gave a flying fuck that you had to throw potatoes instead of grenades, one of your first combat experiences started with a handful of ammunition in your hand with no rifle to load them into, and it showed commissars shooting down their own soldiers when they started retreating. Now, in 2013, we have to argue about something that we didn’t give a shit about a decade ago.

          Humanity is hilarious. I’m telling you, it’s becaue of this damn long peace time. There should be a WW3 soon, or we will destroy each other without any military actions. :)

  9. funny to see again what lies the russians learning in school.
    they really think time with stalin was good time …

    where the germans went to russia the first people they met tought the germans come to free them.
    the would have fought on germans side but they called them subhumans and shot them xD

      • Actually it’s true, Ukraine even wanted to fight on German side but Goering said no(cause they are Slavs and all that Nazi crap)

        • another stupidity… Bandera == whole Ukraine?

          go away, i dont feed trolls.

        • True. There are pictures and documented clips of Ukrainian women giving flowers and food for German soldiers, also carrying nazi flags around.

          • Photos used in the disinfo campaigns don’t “prove” anything. During WW2, Japanese newspapers featured photographs of Chinese children smiling with Japanese soldiers, to “prove” that there weren’t any massacres going on.

            • If photos don’t “prove” anything, then even photos of massacres don’t prove anything.
              Also there is no relation between smiling children and massacres, but there is relation between Ukrainians carrying German flags and their welcome of the German invasion.

            • You’re a fucking idiot aren’t you? How conquerors are *initially welcomed* is a whole different thing from how they’re regarded after a more extended aquaintance – especially if they happen to turn out to be murderous bastards who want to kill off the lot of you due to batshit crazy racial ideologies. (I understand in some parts of China the Japanese were nevertheless found to be more tolerable overlords than the local KMT warlords had been – but that only speaks of just *how* vile the latter could get.)

            • All I said is they are *initially welcomed*, not “how they’re regarded after”. Read my posts carefully before posting stupid replies.

            • I did. They seemed to imply something a bit different than what you claim – or at the very least failed to account for the distinction.

    • Whom to believe about how things were in russia, the ones who live there or the ones who read about it in western propaganda?

      • Foreigners of course will give more objective and unbiased views than the insiders.:)

        • Not to realize we in the west were and still are fed propaganda about the soviet union and communism is just dumb.
          We are brain washed, anybody half clever will take into consideration the other sides argument and try to formulate his own opinion.

  10. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly hope they won’t “cooperate” with “famous Russian scifi author”. He was good early on, but fame got him, now he is just a generic sci-fi crap.

  11. “Even if they are unbiased, they will judge matters from the most common (advertised) point of view (which, of course, is not in our favour, propaganda is propaganda). You have to change your point of view by yourself, it won’t change itself. [...]”

    F*beep* shameless pig. Read what veterans and less known officers have to say about “glorious” march to victory. And SS, GULAG (Glavnoje Upravlenije ispravitel’no-trudovyh LAGerej i kolonij) was an agency that administered what was known as ITLs (ispravitel’no-trudovyh lagerej) or corrrective labor camps.

    “there will be some new features in upcoming patches, that might please the Germanlovers (SS: specifically, some vehicles might recieve a depression boost (Tiger II I think), Tiger II might get its maximum speed increased (like IS-7 did), minor buff to Panther vehicles in mobility)”

    You mean getting their historical values?
    “[...] And so, for example, we make games from our own point of view” You sure do, jackass. So your propaganda is good but our “propaganda” is bad? Aha…

    • “your propaganda” depicts russians as slaves and cowards who can only massacre their own people and have no reasonable thought and in the same time it did not showed any atrocities committed by western powers, even by germany. So yeah your propaganda is bullshit and only idiotic western children will believe in it. If you wanted to knew real truth about eastern front read at leas Glanz and not some bull propagandists. And BTW memoirs are a bad source of learning because its just collection of fables from front. And no soviet soldiers or generals ever writed that war was easy and everything was smooth, you just distorting facts presented by those who criticize CoH2 campaign.

  12. >>by adding gulag maps for example

    does severogorsk looks similar to “gulag concentration camp”, ye? it doesn’t, it’s standard lumberjack city, get over it.

      • aaaand where do you see anything remotely looking like a prison on this map?

        • Dude, not the objects inside the map show that it really was a prison camp.
          The place where the map is based on, the history of the place itself.

          If I take a known place of a german concentration camp where thousends of jews were killed, replace the certain toxic chambers with some random houses and rename it into a random village generated name, you’ll think it’s just another central-european village map, don’t you?

          • Severogors have Radar station with warehouses near by and military tracks around them (northen base). Strange prison IMO.

          • if you just google HOW the real gulag camps looked like, you’d be instnantly came back and apologised for your stupidity.

            • He wont. Idiotic western kids lost their ability of critical thought long ago. Nowadays they believe in any bullshit spited at them from their mainstream media.

            • Sadly I’m not a western civilian neither a kid, strugling to keep up with eastern shitty way of living.;)
              Your intelligence aura seems to blow up.

              To the other dumb guy above you:
              Show me a proof, non-russian sided(neutral)that belogorsk 19 wasn’t a prison camp, just show me.
              Also, if it wasn’t, why wg renamed the map after a small shit-storm?
              The had no reason to do it, no?

          • idiot, there never were “belogorsk-19″ prison camp, they were just “belogorsk”

            you ignorant asshole just dont know about city naming system in USSR, please apologize about your fucking stupidity, and go burn in hell.

            • The village (selo) of Alexandrovskoye (Алекса́ндровское) was founded in 1860 by the settlers from the European part of Russia. In 1893, a selo of Bochkarevka (Бочкаревка) was built nearby. The two localities grew with the construction of a station on the Trans-Siberian Railway in 1913, and by 1923 Alexandrovskoye and Bochkarevka merged and were transformed into Alexandrovsk (Алекса́ндровск). Town status was granted to Alexandrovsk in 1926. In 1931, it was renamed Krasnopartizansk (Краснопартиза́нск), then, in 1936, Kuybyshevka Vostochnaya (Ку́йбышевка Восто́чная), and in 1957 it was given its present name.
              >>Belogorsk, Amur Oblast

              Belogorsk (Russian: Белого́рск) is an urban locality (an urban-type settlement) in Tisulsky District of Kemerovo Oblast, Russia, located on the eastern spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range. Population: 3,278 (2010 Census); 3,540 (2002 Census); 3,772 (1989 Census); 4,400 (1969).
              >>Belogorsk, Kemerovo Oblast

              And again, Alex, just go die in hell. The map has no semblance to gulag prison camps.

          • >>The place where the map is based on,
            the place of this map can be based on almost entire territory of ussr, that’s first thing

            >> the history of the place itself.
            What’s the history of generic place? No, generic place doesn’t have history.

            Stop pulling your “anti-soviet” delusions from your ass.

            If the map WERE based on prison, i’d agreed with you. But it isnt based in any mean.

  13. - there is a chance that there will be more type of shells introduced (for example a tank having two premium shell types), but it’s not 100 percent sure (SS: this concerns also new shell types altogether)

    Both APCBC-HE and APCR shells in German tanks? He… Hehe… HUEHUEHUE

    • Tell me again how many armies *didn’t* use various iterations of APHE as standard issue?

  14. OH boy can’t wait to see Type 74 and another tier 10 monster(kinda got bored with Maus, stopped playing it)

    And on SerB’s jimmies being RUSTLED: LOL. Russians(Soviets, dirty Commies, w/e) indoctrinated their people, whole Eastern Europe, parts of Central Europe and freaking Balkan with their view of the war(and everything else btw) and now they are mad cause someone depicted their “glorious road to victory” little closer to the truth(which is somewhere out there, who knows how bloody and gruesome)? Ha ha. Hah ha.

    I am so glad all of them are mad right now. Over a video game, but still VERY GLAD.

    • They overdone it though.
      For example shooting to own soldiers who were retreating. In Stalingrad around 60 deserters were shot by NKVD, rest ended in front wave in next attack.

    • Please don’t use leddit terminology such as “jimmies rustled” outside of leddit, thanks.

      Be courteous of those who do not wish to participate in online community circlejerking.

      • Oh, so sorry for using an INTERNET MEME on the INTERNET. Also it’s reddit. Also i didn’t see it there first. Also what kind of sick person are you?

        • You should use the proper term “le monkey face”

          “rustled jimmies” is the incorrect way to use it

          only plebs use epik meems incorrectly. are you a pleb? or a truLEEJUN?

  15. "- Japanese heavy line will come, but later – at this moment SerB is waiting for the verdict of someone named Fedoseyev, who is WG’s chief expert on Japanese tanks, regarding analysis of some materials WG got. SerB also states that the wikipedia O-I is too light to have a 200mm armor, that’s what the expert’s checking."

    No. "120ton O-I" hull side armor thickness, only 110mm (35mm+75mm).

    • Wait what?

      Length: 11.00 m
      Width: 4.20 m
      Height: 4.00 m
      Weight: 120 t
      Engine Power: 1100 hp (Two V-12 gasoline engines)
      Speed Limit: 25 km/h
      Hull Armor: 200(10°)/75/50/20
      Turret Armor: 200(15°)/75/50/15

      Where does 35 mm come into this?

      • What? I felt dizzy……..Daigensui, I always doubted from old time.

        Are you really “Japanese tank Expert”?

        My conviction that Soukoudragon is more better “Japanese tank Expert”.

        Ask him. He have Tomio hara books.

  16. LOL – russian propaganda doesn’t fit coh2 so ban it. Shame on them. lots of Russian lifes wasted because military leaders were killed before the war and putting troops in massis to the front was the only option left.

    • nope. Try to read real history literature before commenting on what you dont know. Start from former us colonel David Glantz.

  17. - SerB commenting on the Company of Heroes 2 Russian rage:

    Whats not true about the story? total lack of ammunitions, food, etc? comisars shooting their own men? there is even a WWII SPG veteran saying they had a 15shells reserve, called untouchable. It was some sort of ultimate reserve sht, something like that. Anyone dare to use those shells will be trialed quick and shot dead.

    And FFS Russia didnt won jack shit!! im sick of idiots saying russia won the war!! OH REALLY? didnt knew russian armies died at Normady invasion, a crucial point in history trying to bring down german army behemot. Not to mention USA who send those faggots tons rations and equipment. Now stfu. You didnt won jack sht! if USA didnt entered war, Hitler easily would have fortified the entire Europe, concentrated most of it’s forces only on eastern front, britain would have been renamed V2 Island, and rusky scumbags would have simply died of starvation, instead of Wehrmacht shells.

    Conclusion Soviet Russia did not won crap. It was helped by USA majorly. And the story in CoH is as good as it gets. Dont like it? go fk yourself!!

    • Probably not simple as that but yes without the second front in the west the Germany could have put more pressure on the east (just a look at what was wasted in the Ardennen offensive this could have delayed the retreat on the Eastern front for a while). Russian (Soviet) sacrifices were important but neither side can claim the victory for themselves.

    • Two things, US didn’t enter the war, they didn’t want to get involved, but Germany declared war on them.

      Second, Normandy did nothing to change the outcome of the war, Germany had already lost by then. What it did do was make sure the allies was at the table when the borders were set. No small thing as if Russia had been the only ones to enter Berlin, then we might have ended up with all of Europe being part of the Soviet Union.

      • That was Stalin original plan actually. Historians have a theory that Stalin, was actually about to strike nazi germany after they conquered most of Europe. And get it for Stalin sick mind of world domination. Thus why Hitler attacked first and broke the alliance pact.

        Thank God USA stepped in. And shame they offered Stalin help. THEY should have let Hitler turn soviets to ash, and then take out Hitler. Tsk tsk tsk….

        • No historian in the right mind claims such nonsense, even western historians dismissed long ago bull about “stalin planned invasion”.

        • AFAIK the “historians” referred to in haha’s post amount to arch-bullshitter Suvorov and whoever digs his opportunistic revisionism…
          Just sayin’.

          Stalin’s track record certainly doesn’t suggest much of a taste for proactive military adventurism.

      • If normandy did not happen, and US did not enter the war, The Nazies would actually bring up Jet figher aircrafts in sufficient numbers to fuck up every russian fighter fielded at the time.

        • LoL you dont know shit about wars dont you? Western idiots make so preposterous claims xD German jets did not matter shit on any front but magically if western front would not opened they start to matter something?

    • stfu nazi-wannabe. Glory to the Soviet people and their struggle against the fascist monsters, shame on the Soviet leadership for doing everything possible to make that struggle as hard as possible.

      • Calling him a nazi-wannabe just because he hurt your feelings?

        None of the major countries involved in the ww2 deserve glory.
        All acted for their own interests, none acted as saviors or something like that.Only for power and domination.

        I better say glory to countries that managed to survive the war despite having no fault to be affected by it.

        And you see the results of what I said today.Every major country teaches their people that they gave the biggest punch to the evil ones.Russia, USA, UK…each one of them.

        • I called him nazi-wannabe because that fairy tale about the role of the USSR in WWII was made up by former nazis with the support of their new American allies during Cold War.
          >None of the major countries involved in the ww2 deserve glory.
          Note that I said “Soviet PEOPLE”, not country.

          • Than sorry, was fixed on the nazis wannabe calling and red too fast.
            But about the “fascist monsters” I hope you were talking about nazis Germany leaders, not people.Because it’s people were the same as soviet ones.Just o bbeing the rules to avoid being punished, some with a bit of patriotism involved.

    • This is literally the most retarded thing I’ve read all week.

      You know absolutely nothing about history and you should feel bad for even trying to talk about it.

    • 1.commisars shooting man – untrue.
      2.lack of ammunition – both sides.
      3.crap about shooting ammunition at enemy = sentence to death – untrue and shows that you are idiot who believes in aliens and invisible unicorns. Lies about commisars at least look plausible.
      4.Russia lost the war? WoW you idiot…
      5.normandy crusial point? LoL at that time soviets already pushed germans from their territories and grinded almost all german forces.
      6.Germans indeed concentrated almost all their combat ready forces at eastern front.
      7. Land Lease is only 3% of total soviet production during war.
      Conclusion: you are idiot who cant read, cant think and fall short for lies and propaganda. Now go to bed kiddie.

      • during moscow siege Lend-Lease tanks were about 30% of all tanks (but talking about that looks sad during cold war, so they fixed it. All hail propaganda). Go be soviet idiot somwhere else.

        • Moscow was kind of early on when the Red Army was in *really* sorry straits.

          They kind of got better.

            • In ’41 the Soviets more or less lost 80% of *everything* they initially had in the field, in no small part due to a plain poor status of readiness (being in the middle of yet another round of wholesale reorganisation can do that), grotesque levels of mismanagement (to a large part stemming from the side effects of the Great Purge, notably a shortage of qualified senior officers) and sheer denialism on part of Stalin.

              They kind of got better.

  18. Russians and CIS peeps butthurt over CoH2 campaing?
    “How terrible…”

    Very fitting, indeed.

      • Agreed, effectively their best course of action would be simply to boycott it if they don’t like it, it’s not like this is the first time Russians are portrayed badly in western media.

        • I love how they are basically trying to say: Nazis=bad Soviets=good.


          • Well the Nazi’s were the bad guys for putting the blame on the Jewish community for their problems (Hitler) and by putting them into Concentration camps then Execution camps. Yes i know Stalin killed more of his people, Yes i know Mao Zedong killed more of his people also ( I am a High School history teacher so i did study this material for 6+ years) But because Nazi Germany lost the war they will always be portrayed as the Evil ones, sure they had maybe some good intentions, (We may never know their whole side of the story), but they lost the war so… Hypothetically Nazis=bad, Soviets=good.

            The UK was initially the number one world power and America waited so long for an opportunity to become a world power. They saw WW2 as a chance to take over, so they allowed the Nazi’s to beat the snat out of the Brits (Citation Needed lol), allowing America to come in and save the day looking like the good guys, becoming the number one world power which they are today.

            • speaking of GB, concentration camps were their ‘invention’. just sayin’

            • total number of stalins repressions is around 600k and total number of those who received death penalty is around 30-40 k about what millions killed by stalin you and all westerners lie? Naizes KILLED civilians on porpose 4 miilions of jews, 16 miilions of soviets did you see difference?

          • It’s not like Nazi soldiers haven’t been the stormtroopers of video games ever since freaking Wolfenstein!

            And guess, the Germans never said much about THEIR “fathers and grandfathers” being the token “bad guys” in so many games (or movies, for that matter).

            Probably because Germans are generally a bit more intelligent and have realized that it was an awful part of their past, so they try to separate as much as possible from it, compared to the communism-humping, former-glory-dreaming Russians and East Europeans

            • Its different than Wolfenstien because it is clearly not meant to be taken seriously.

              The problem with CoH2 is that too many idiots are going to believe that it was all real to the extent that the game portrays it as.

            • Russians are just too stupid to comprehend what really happened. No wonder everyone makes fun of them.

            • Here are difference when you portrayed as bad guy in fiction and when you portrayed as idiot who can do nothing and claim that this is truth. Why in games about US military not show how they massacre innocent and povs , how they shaft their allies and commit atrocities on purpose? LoL thy even did not shoved any german “work” in ussr preferring to concentrate on lies about soviets.

  19. - SerB commenting on the Company of Heroes 2 Russian rage: “It’s everyone’s private matter how to react. I can tell my point of view: it’s not worth expecting foreigners to truthfully depict our history. Even if they are unbiased, they will judge matters from the most common (advertised) point of view (which, of course, is not in our favour, propaganda is propaganda). You have to change your point of view by yourself, it won’t change itself. And so, for example, we make games from our own point of view”

    This pretty much explains the soviet bias :trollface:

  20. Waiting for patch 9.0 and it’s big chat server move feature!

    is that prove’s that there is no active development of WoT since last year? only modding

  21. A small explanation of “how terrible”: when SerB uses it, it does NOT specifically mean he acknowledges an issue, but won’t do anything about it, it (most of the time) means he considers the question totally retarded. At least that’s how I understand it.

    If that is the case, the English ” Aaah bless” would be more appropiate i think :)

  22. - SerB commenting on the Company of Heroes 2 Russian rage: “It’s everyone’s private matter how to react. I can tell my point of view: it’s not worth expecting foreigners to truthfully depict our history. Even if they are unbiased, they will judge matters from the most common (advertised) point of view (which, of course, is not in our favour, propaganda is propaganda). You have to change your point of view by yourself, it won’t change itself. And so, for example, we make games from our own point of view”

    Something about Pot and Kettle I beleive.

  23. I guess 8.8 patch wont come this???? cmon i freaking want 112!!! also i hope they will still release HAVOK physics in 9.0 patch. I remember they said patch 9.0 is going to be one of those MAJOR patches.

  24. Serb should not comment on CoH2. Maybe it shows only one side of history but so does WoT – just go to test server and see inscriptions available for russian tanks (they are not available in live EU server): “Stalinist”, “For Stalin”, even “Joseph Stalin”. Propaganda is still alive in this one.

    • you are idiot. Its not work of propaganda its historical inscriptions. They were removed them from eu server because of legal issues with some countries laws.

      • Of course they were historical. But there is a reason why they are prohibited by most countries other than Russia. And if you are trying to tell me that inscriptions glorifying war criminals are not work of propaganda then you are idiot yourself.

  25. So, in summary, if you believe the events in the CoH2 to be historically accurate, it means you know nothing of history.

  26. huh… i didnt know Russians were so deceived about their military history…

  27. “- Soviet medium branch might NOT come in 8.8″

    It would be very fitting to put the German TD line in a patch with 8.8 in its name.

  28. “Swamp and Komarin haven’t been re-introduced to the game, because there are other more pressing matters to attend to”

    What about Dragon Ridge and Serene Coast?

    • Can all those just stay in the limbo please? Pearl River should go keep them company, come to think of it…

  29. I`m completely sick of this whole “gulag map” thing.
    As others have already pointed out earlier, Belogorsk was a MILITARY BASE, and at one point in history a CORECTIONAL FACILITY (basically, just a jail; that is what Gulag means anyway).

    The whole issue of Gulags is overblown by the Western propaganda, and people around here, and even more on the EU forums (mostly innumerous Polish kids around there) are using each and every excuse to pull out that “gulag” hatemongering crap.

    So, SS, as I believe that you are somewhat non-biased, I`d like to ask you to stop with the comments such as the one you made above on the Company of Heroes 2 shitty development, and Serbs coments about all that.

      • There’s actually some very important fundamental differences between a punitive labour camp, no matter how nasty, and a death camp you’re not even in *principle* supposed to leave alive. The same holds for the Nazis’ forced-labour policies BTW; the Untermensch slaves were quite literally meant to be worked to death.

        GULAG may have been all kinds of horrible, but its fundamental purpose was never to kill off all of its inmates.

        • You can bring it down to:
          VL (Vernichtungslager (for exampleTreblinka): Death was desired and achieved by gasification, hard work and close to no food
          KZ: (for Example Dachau) Death was desired and usually achieved by hard work. Gasification and executions were less common.
          Gulag: Working was the purpose of a Gulag. Death through work was tolerated but usually not intendet.

      • Kellomies hit it right on the head.

        As for the anonymous comment above, there is really no point in trying to educate or convince people that have such attitude.

    • You should just STFU and learn history. Or maybe be “corrected” in such facility by working in -30*C for 14h a day with your bare hands and an axe as an lumberjack or building some railway with pickaxe or digging a channel with a shovel. It would indeed be a practical history lesson…

  30. “- Japanese WoT server will not have anything totally different – no anime schoolgirls as crewmembers, sorry :)”

    Y U CRUSH THEM ;_;

  31. Bitter Serb? Sucks that others aren’t falling for the pathetic propaganda that the soviets tried to pull off to cover up the fact that they were decades behind in technology/medicine, and that they weren’t cold blooded murdering neanderthals. Many accounts taken from actual soviet soldiers too saying this much. Just like the tankers that said they were terrified when they saw tigers and panthers. Bitch can’t take a ribbing, but yet he pulled no lashes when he said all Germans were liars. Sometimes I think that if Germany just went eastward at instead of west, that no one would’ve given a fuck, and that the world may have been a better place. Maybe the Germans could’ve spruced up the shitlands that are Russia.

    • That is why many German soldiers used captured Soviet weapons, give more detail in what exactly did Soviet Union lagged behind Germany for decades?
      Then how 14 million of Soviet civilians died?
      Then why you constantly invading “shitlands” eastward sit in your Fagurope and do not croak.

    • Gino seems to be mixing up a lot of stuff in a manner which I suspect is not wholly accidental.

  32. “- SerB commenting on the Company of Heroes 2 Russian rage: “It’s everyone’s private matter how to react. I can tell my point of view: it’s not worth expecting foreigners to truthfully depict our history. Even if they are unbiased, they will judge matters from the most common (advertised) point of view (which, of course, is not in our favour, propaganda is propaganda). You have to change your point of view by yourself, it won’t change itself. And so, for example, we make games from our own point of view” (SS: by adding gulag maps for example)”

    How terrible.

  33. SerB forgets about RECON BATTLE being favorite Russian tactics… Or maybe he doesn’t forget, after all it’s all WoT is about – only he can’t see losses inflicted to your own troops.

  34. “Company of Heroes 2″ should be renamed to “Company of Anti Heroes: Soviet Atrocities”

    from a franchises that gave a human face to SS soldiers through a heartbreaking story of two brothers who fought in a war they did not believe in… (No death squads no genocide just two friendly brothers)

    On the other hand in CoH2 every cutscene has either killing of Soviet soldiers by commanding officers or exekution of captured German soldiers (literally every cutscene has some type of eiexekution in it)

  35. >>At least that’s how I understand it.

    Exactly. You’re right, believe me, Russian is my mothertongue )

  36. >> SerB “will see”, whether WG will cooperate with famous Russian scifi author Sergei Lyukanenko

    The very idea of cooperation arose due to the fact that Lukianenko has already written two novels and one story set up in the world with Psilons, Bulrathy, Alcary…

  37. ‘SerB stated devs “pay attention” to 47-48 percent winrate tanks’

    THat explains why nothing has been done about the VK ausB for 2 years because its been 49%… LOL

    So you can be a crap tank, lowest of all equal tier tanks month after month but as long as you maintain >48% w/r the tank is OK… yeah right.