8.8 – Storm answers questions

Source: http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/234997.html

I am very tired so don’t be too harsh if I mistranslated something. Should be okay tho.

- in 8.8, the reload timer in seconds will not be added, problems were discovered with its implementation
- WG will implement a ping meter for various servers of each cluster into the hangar
- the arty mod showing “angles and horizont” (SS: not sure what is meant) won’t be officially added
- official mod portal will slowly be worked on
- getting stuck on rails in Ensk will be fixed

- Storm believes that the new ramming mechanism is better than the old one, but not ideal
- changes in German tanks: “There’s enough changes to fill 5 pages. You’ll see in the test”
- the platoon/company automatic re-login on appropriate server might not work for clanwars, SerB doesn’t remember
- SerB states that according to WG stats, the amount of crappy computers WoT works on is very high (like, too many people have bad hardware)
- there will be a general re-work of all the ingame equipment
- the increased crewmember save effect of the spall liner in 8.8 multiplies the base chance, not adds to it
- developers are still considering to add the “kill marks” (for example, rings on barrels) – there are issues with the fact that some barrels are too short and some countries did not draw kill rings on the barrels
- public test of 8.8 will be soon
- hull modules will definitely not be added in 2013
- currently, WG is working on second German TD line (SS: so it is ready in 8.9 if I understood it correctly), it’s secret so far, how many rounds will there be in its tier 10′s autoloader guns
- sixth sense won’t be nerfed
- the “Chinese leak”, that 8.8 will bring 7/42 companies on Chinese server only, was just a hoax, according to Storm
- Havok will definitely come in 2014, it’s too early to release a demo video
- there are no planned changes for KV-5
- new game modes are planned, but players shouldn’t expect “another gameplay” from them (SS: here I am not sure)
- the spall liner crew protection bonus will work only on HE non-penetrating hits
- Object 430 will probably appear this year
- the 150mm frontal E-50/E-50M armor will stay
- Chinese Great Wall map will apparently appear only on Chinese server, as it is considered “boring”
- Stalin inscriptions will return in 8.8
- Superpershing will recieve some sort of buff apart from the frontal armor nerf

149 thoughts on “8.8 – Storm answers questions

  1. - in 8.8, the reload timer in seconds will not be added, problems were discovered with its implementation.

    Facepalm……….. Somebody said it would stress server too much xDDDD

    • So they transferred to ActionScript 3 system and now they don’t know how to make they’re own mods work :D

      • yep, this sums up a lot about their lack of developers or some serious shit in the development team.

        a stupid second counter? cannot be implemented, while you have J1mB0′s Crosshair Mod that does it all from an third party, one man developer.

    • rheres like 1000000000000000 mods with reload timers who all get it right… maybe ask a modder WG

    • It is not always nice to be right.
      Here i want to quote myself:

      “Typhus on August 14, 2013 at 11:19 pm said:

      - the reload timer will take damaged ammorack/dead gunner into account.

      And i truly expected to read something like:
      “unfortunate it’s not possible for us to take an damaged ammorack or an dead loader into account for calculating the reload timer. Therefor you only get the standard reload time you would have with your ammorack intact and loader alive. We are sure you can understand, that our engine has it’s limitations what it can do and what not. Our team of most professional expert programmers tried everything in there might, but it’s just not possible””

      I could cry…

      • Even Js reload counter does not work correct all the times. Starts with 0 and recalculates after damage not immediately.
        Until we do not know what the problem is, we cannot blame them, right?

        • In all fairness Jimbo’s mod isn’t exactly his. He took a Russian one and modified it a bit to make it English.

      • j1mbo works with that, if it is incorrect by 0,5 secs dont interesting me, but it is ages better than “not possible”.

    • I bet it has to do with ActionScript 3.0, reload timer not having a high priority, and them wanting it to be bug-free. Reload timer mods I’ve used show wrong total reload time after zooming while reloading and if the ammorack/loader is taken out before reloading.
      There are many more features coming this patch and WG wants to focus on those.

  2. ” in 8.8, the reload timer in seconds will not be added, problems were discovered with its implementation”

    So… modders made very accurate timer a long long time ago and developers have problems with that? whathebitch?!

      • In case people havent noticed, the timer in mods isn’t perfect in how it acquires its timer data. I’m sure WG wants to do it serverside, so they can circumvent this, at the cost of added complexity.

        • It shouldn’t require any additional server side code, the existing in-game (i.e. not modded) target already shows a time-to-load marker, that increments from empty to full, all the mods like Jimb0′s were doing was figuring out how far it had moved in & doing REALLY simple maths on that. So say it moves 20% in 1 second, that’s 0.2 complete, divide 1s by that, i.e. 5s, and that’s the TOTAL time to load a round. Then multiply that by how much is left, 100%-20%=80%=0.8, for 4 seconds remaining. It’s only inaccurate for the first few fractions of a second.

          • no that is not how it was done. the mods are pretty buggy in how the calc the time, it is not perfect in every circumatance.

            • Evidently, Woras, you’ve never seen the timers glitch out :P

              My 50 100 said that it would take 16.25 seconds to fire inter-clip xD

            • Autoloader types and switching between sniper and 3rd-person modes during the reload seem to confuse it a bit… still, you oughta be able to remember what the *correct* number is when the display’s crapping out over the next ‘load.

  3. - developers are still considering to add the “kill marks” (for example, rings on barrels) – there are issues with the fact that some barrels are too short and some countries did not draw kill rings on the barrels.

    *looks at WT* – I can put w/e I want on plane – problem? WG makes them by themselves ………

    • yep, on WT you can place it anywhere, scale it, flip it, two sides and tilt, this also easy to implement,but in WoT even this simple feature is Difficult? this is fucked up big time, like WTF, WTF, WTF!!!?

      • Thing is, historically, not many tanks were dressed up at all. Whereas many planes were, so customizing a plane of course is much easier. As if you put a giant pink heart on the Side of your JagdE-100, I’m pretty sure your camo would be a negative value…..

  4. the arty mod showing “angles and horizont” (SS: not sure what is meant) won’t be officially added

    maybe he means seeing the angle in wich a shell will land, combined with a visible gun arc

  5. - changes in German tanks: “There’s enough changes to fill 5 pages. You’ll see in the test” sure i think all german tank will going to catch fire often like the jt

    • no…. in real life the jagdtiger was super tough and just about never caught fire due to enemy fire only

      a lot of mechanical problems came up with it in the field. so it would become a sitting duck and well it’s obvious what you do to a tank that isn’t moving….

      • You know this is a blog for world of tanks stuff, so of course he meant the WoT Jtiger you doofus.

          • The problem with Jagdtiger is, it has only one frontal weakspot -> lower glacis
            Thats also the only place from the front, where you can light it on fire.
            If it had a giant commanders cupola weakspot like Tortoise,
            there wouldnt be a problem anymore.

            • That might be true for the 8.8mm JT (which has “premium MM” and is tier 8), but for tier 9 JT, only the superstructure is hard to penetrate (for tier 9 heavy tanks), the LFP and UFP are virtually paper-like, when you shoot at them with gun that has at least 230 mm of penetration

  6. rumors say test server is tomorrow right?
    should i be waiting for it or its not credible info?

  7. - changes in German tanks: “There’s enough changes to fill 5 pages. You’ll see in the test”

    Translation could be – nerf to death.

      • changes on VK “sry that you are not russian”
        - removing top engine
        - historical armor change from 150 to paper
        - adjusting traverse speed
        - adjusting pene from xxx to yyy
        - adjusting chance to burn on engine xyz from 15% to 25%
        - lower ammo cap from 16 to 12 shells
        - historical change of aim time from 2,3 to 3,2 secs

        there are many possibilities to fill 5 pages ;)

  8. - in 8.8, the reload timer in seconds will not be added, problems were discovered with its implementation
    Soooo, thing that has been in the game via mods since i don’t know…forever, won’t be added eventough announced earlier because “problems were discovered”. Are you FUCKING kidding me?? They have problems with things simple as reload timer. And we were wondering why there isn’t multi core support in the game by now. They really do have some drunk monkeys as employees.

    • Actually, there are problems with the reload timers in all the mods.
      Ex: When the loader,ammorack or commander is killed or some other kind of buggy situation, the timer sometimes freezes and resets on arcade/sniper mode shifting. There are a lot of bugs with the mods.

      • after loading of the shell starts and loader/ammo are hit it loads it whit the same speed , however next round is load whit less speed this is made intentional , may have some problems on some modes

      • Ye, i’m aware of that. But it happened only in specific situations like that and it was only for the first shell, next one it would show real(longer) reload and i certaintly could live with that. And that’s with custom mods made by players and if they can’t make it right for their own game they are developing then there is some serious lack of programing knowledge.

    • This is exactly why WG doesn’t like to give out any specific dates. As soon as there’s a tiniest discrepancy in a timeframe that’s a bit less vague than “When it’s done”, all you whiny little kids crawl out of your basements and whine and cry and spam your guts out. It is just pathetic, really.

  9. “- SerB states that according to WG stats, the amount of crappy computers WoT works on is very high (like, too many people have bad hardware)”

    I’m not surprised by that, not many people have enough disposable income to run out and upgrade or buy a new computer every 2 or 3 years, particularly in some poorer countries.

    • I wonder from where are those “stats” coming. How WG can know what computers people have?

      • Many programs you install on your computer send information about your PC to the developer of the program, even Microsoft and Apple do this. Of course they’re suppose to ask you before you do this, but that might be in that eula that no one ever reads.

    • The other problem is players aren’t upgrading when they buy new systems – they buying laptops with integrated graphics instead. Practically every “can this play WoT” thread in the forums involves some random economy laptop someone found on sale. The same money would buy a decent desktop, but I guess then they wouldn’t be able to play it in the bathroom.

      • Same here, I do get slowdowns if I enable grass and smoke, but those things mostly just distract.

    • if SerB want to give me his computer….

      In my case, I don’t have money to spend every 6 month to have a new computer that fit the “games’ tech market”…. my PC is 7 years old ( OMG :-) ) and I can play Wot….. beside, I can’t play WoWp…. I’m a bit afraid for WoWs…. ;-) )

      Santa, I’ll want a new PC for Christmas :-) :-)

  10. - SerB states that according to WG stats, the amount of crappy computers WoT works on is very high (like, too many people have bad hardware)

    simple solution: blow up eastern Europe!!

  11. So half a page of slight rate of fire and terrain passibility buffs for Germans, 4.5 pages of nerfs…. Wonderful.

    • Yea, i like how they buff/nerf two completely different things such as RoF/terrain passability to compensate for eachother. What normal person would like slower RoF over increased passability?

  12. “- Chinese Great Wall map will apparently appear only on Chinese server, as it is considered “boring””

    Still want regardless, WG. :P

  13. Super Pershing was described by its maintenance officer (Belton Cooper: _Death Traps_) as up-armored on the hull with boiler plate taken from a German plant. Boiler plate has little ballistic resistance, about the same as mild steel. Turret front (gun mantlet) was uparmored with a slab of 80mm vertical armor torched from a wrecked Panther.

    • By the way Belton Cooper’s book is known for information that is not really reliable.

      • The stuff Cooper actually worked on (the uparmoring of the Pershing) is reliable. Its the stuff he wasnt present for (like his explanation as to why the Pershing didnt get much service) thats is unreliable.

  14. - WG will implement a ping meter for various servers of each cluster into the hangar

    took them long enough.

    I suggested this when i was still in NA.

    • “I suggested this when i was still in NA.”

      What is this supposed to mean to those of us who haven’t followed *your* life story? Since NA has only had Clusters such a short time, was that like last week?

      Besides, don’t feel so special, my grandma’s dog had suggested it 3 years ago, and it didn’t happen any faster :P


  15. - in 8.8, the reload timer in seconds will not be added, problems were discovered with its implementation

    1. WG says they want to implement a reload timer
    2. They change a specific script that “our” mods don’t work anymore
    3. They have “problems” implementing their mods

    … Great

    • They probably want to do it server-side, as the client-side mods sometimes have problems.

  16. Heh, hit angle and reload time mods are out there, yet WG with all it’s money can’t beat a modder who has made such mods since the start of the game.

    Anyone who thought that WG was actually gonna do this, please, dunk your head in some cold water and come back when you ain’t inebriated.

  17. “Chinese Great Wall map will apparently appear only on Chinese server, as it is considered “boring””

    So much for everyone playing the same game as was emphasized in an interview in the past.

    Also why not test if the map is “boring” by letting it stay for a patch or two on the other servers and check the player feedback?

    • The Chinese have never played the same game as the rest of us. WoT is run by a separate company over there who does whatever they want with their game. Thus the gold Type 59.

      • the game itself is boring, they should move it all to china for awhile untill they fix it.

    • AFAIK the Golden Type 59 is just a Type 59 with a different paint-job that earns twice the experience and credits.

      Differences in available premium tanks are not unique to the Chinese server. After all the M4A3E4 is available for purchase on the Russian server.

    • Couldn’t you see the FTR after the map was released?

      Q: Great Wall is to boring? A: Don’t play Great Wall.

  18. Those idiots @ WG left us without official reload timer but with most of mods disabled ’cause changing to ActionScript 3… Proud of not using prem accout and not giving more money to those bastards.

  19. Awesome the Object 430 is coming this year, 3 tier ten Russian mediums shall be in my garage, :)

  20. with WoT’s sight system, sixt sense is one of the key parts of this game. what crappy kids want to remove or nerf it??

    • It’s been said in the past that people have asked if it’s going to be changed, and SerB has replied basically to the effect of “if anything, it’ll be nerfed because it’s too good”.

      I’d imagine he uses it himself though, so he probably won’t be driving for a change or nerf, and the WG devs have bigger fish to fry at the moment.

      I actually agree with his opinion. It’s the most valuable perk in the game, telling you if you’ve been spotted while trying to scout, sniping, approaching the enemy, looking for the last couple enemies, etc, allowing you to take cover before enemies can swing their guns around and aim in. There’s literally no other perk or skill, using a single slot as it does, that comes close to how valuable it is.
      Camo is good, but all crew has to have it to give a useful effect. Repairs and BiA, ditto.

      I don’t want it changed either, since I quite like knowing when I’ve been lit up…but a change is inevitable, since it really is a touch overpowered.

      • How can something that every player may have be “overpowered”. It is only overpowered if you are stupid enough not to have it, and someone else does.

        • Stupid enough to not have it? It takes quite a while for the commander to train it, especially without a premium account. Until then, playing many tanks, especially passive scouts, is a huge pain. You then need to consider that many passive scouts are at tier 4 to 6 and have new crews. Also, having one crew skill be clearly more powerful than all others makes skill selection less interesting.

          I’d say it’s definitely overpowered. It needs to either be nerfed or moved to a different place. I think it might be a good idea to move it to an equipment slot, perhaps a “captured radio” that allows your radioman to alert you that the enemy announced your spotting. Then it could be acquired without grinding, and dropping a piece of equipment for it would be a tough choice.

          • Is it wrong of them to promote premium account that way? And grinding is a common feature in mmos and that promotes players to spend more time playing the game.

          • Sixth sense is very useful, but I’ve never got it on T-50, T-50-2, AMX12t, AMX13-75/90, T2 LT, Luchs, ELC AMX, yet I have 55-62 solo winrate on each and every one of them. Not having it doesn’t make the game “huge pain”.

  21. >changes in German tanks: “There’s enough changes to fill 5 pages. You’ll see in the test”

    Sadly, hitlerites have not been nerfed.

  22. ” – SerB states that according to WG stats, the amount of crappy computers WoT works on is very high (like, too many people have bad hardware)”

    To anyone paranoid about this: the game probably sends in basic system stats every time you log in. And I do mean basic; CPU, video chipset, RAM size, Windows version, maybe HDD size. Nothing personal, just raw stats to see many of the people bitching about performance issues actually have hardware adequate to run the game at full settings.

    And yes, I am aware that there’re players who have specs that far exceed what the game “needs”, yet have framerate issues. There’s no denying that the engine needs work, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find that most of the whiners are running the game on a Best Buy Celeron running Windows 7 with 512mb of RAM and integrated Intel EXTREMEly mediocre graphics.
    Ok, maybe an exaggeration. Still, you see what I’m saying here.

    • Of course you are right, they collect the same stuff as i.e. Steam does. As for the Intel graphics… I would not be saying that they are so crappy. They used to be, in the times of the GMA shit, but now, especially since HD 4000 (even 3000 can do the trick with tweaking) and new Haswell chips, that improve further, WoT is quite playable on them, and they are present on most budget laptops. The engine is the problem. Look at the WT, so many options to configure, and even on a weak computer you can have really nice framrate there… As for WOT, they even don’t have the true multicore support, as there is not so much benefit (according to benchmarks http://pclab.pl/art50000-28.html ) when yo uare using an i5 (4 cores) instead of a Pentium (two cores) – it all depends also on the graphics of course.

  23. What the fuck do the exactly mean with reworking the equipment? Thats can mean what ever. Like removing equipment on TDs and artys because people whine do fuking much on the forums, wouldnt fucking suprise me.

    • I think they will rework them like they’ve done with spall liners. buff/nerf them

  24. any chance the KV-5 will be a reward tank like they plan for Type 59 ?

    I would rather get a KV-5 than a Type 59.

  25. The 4-5 pages long german tanks changes….

    i will be only a tiny bit suspicious when i read the 8.8 patch notes and it will be a standard 80 paragraph doc makes awkward eyecontact with me.

  26. Storm has stated “Bullshit” on whole “chinese leak”, not only on 7/42 info. And he definitly don’t want to talk about it. And he has confirmed “Great Wall” map for China will be in patch 0.8.8.


  27. “- new game modes are planned, but players shouldn’t expect “another gameplay” from them (SS: here I am not sure)”
    I think it means that it is hard to come up with games mode that is not too complicated for random battles.

  28. - changes in German tanks: “There’s enough changes to fill 5 pages. You’ll see in the test”

    HOLY SHIT!!! i can already see the forums now. Prepare for thread locks, bans, warnings, RO’s.

  29. This mod portal WG are working on.

    Will it be their own versions of popular mods such as jimbos and xvm. Or will it be a clean authorised collection of the popular mods such as jimbos scope, shadow , xvm, gun sounds that were developed by the community.

    I would think that if it ever comes to existence there is a real chance they might lock down the client (or try) and stop all the community developed mods.

    On that note they may even try selling there own authorised mods from the portal. Another revenue stream?


    • No it’s a whole different thing.
      Recently there are more and more mods that are considered as “cheat”, and players are confused, so the idea is to create “official mod portal” moderated by WG which would only agree to upload here mods that are confirmed as “fair”.

  30. “- Superpershing will recieve some sort of buff apart from the frontal armor nerf”

    STILL no word on what this mystery buff is?!?!

  31. Reload timer not working is pretty bad news… if WG can´t get it to work, I am pretty sure modders will have a hard time implementing them… BAD NEWS…