Hello everyone,
before going to Gamescom, I kinda wanted to watch the stream – and I did, in total for like 4-5 hours I guess. Overall, it’s much like last year it seems to me.
What I liked from the stream:
- Moneo AKA Imhotep, the first German bald guy on the stage. I think he’s a really good presenter. The other guys are kinda meh.
- World of Tanks for Xbox looks really cool, the independent suspension and particle effects I’d love to see in the PC version. The explosions look great too.
- World of Warplanes camo/pictures on the hull look cool
- the attempt to bring in Slava Makarov and other developers to them stuff was good, but when you get stuff translated from English to German, then English and then Russian, it’s pretty much a lost cause.
- the strippers dancers. Nuff said.
What I didn’t like:
- technical problems with Twich streaming, the damned thing doesn’t work half of the time, sometimes the sound doesn’t work.
- not working QR codes: that’s a huge fail. In fact, the whole system is flawed – I mean, what about people that don’t have QR code readers at hand? Why not just publish the code?
- TRAGIC translation to English. It’s better not to have anything rather this. I switched to German feed, which is much cleaner, the “English” (especially the “Vader girl” mouthbreathing into the microphone) channel has somehow muted sound and the translators don’t catch up on the fast German talking guys. Completely pointless.
- terrible channel moderation: on one hand there was a nazi rampaging thru German channel’s chat and there is TONS of some weird link spam, on the other hand mods get butthurt over rough jokes
- somehow, I just really dislike the fanatic crowd of Germans and the way the presenter makes them chant “Wargaming! Wargaming!” – it feels uncomfortable.
- no SerB
- no WoWs (too early alpha to have anything to present)
Anyway, just my personal impression.
And test server has been delayed….
Where is Helga? ;)
That’s Miss Vader. I don’t think I’ve ever heard worse interpreting.
Ze bestest ze translator
Ze transleishions has gud.
It was said she was going to do things to Alberto
“- somehow, I just really dislike the fanatic crowd of Germans and the way the presenter makes them chant “Wargaming! Wargaming!” – it feels uncomfortable.”
Sieg Wargaming?
At one point (around 11 AM or so) it really sounded like “Sieg Heil!” – that was creepy.
You know how the mind hears what it is expecting to hear ;)
But yeah… shouting crowds are usually dumb, nationality aside. Shouting crowds shouting for publishers of computer games, that is beyond dumb in already weird territory. But that’s what a good presenter (and hoping for lots of free gifts) does to people.
1 World, 1 Race, 1 Game.
Sieg Pacman!
“- Moneo AKA Imhotep, the first German bald guy on the stage. I think he’s a really good presenter. The other guys are kinda meh.”
I cant stand this german guy, I think he is very uncharismatic and have no clue what he’s talking about he would say anything to the audiance…
His english skills are also very shitty.
P.S. It was not the first time I saw him and Iam german.
- World of Warplanes camo/pictures on the hull look cool.
Too bad game sucks so much…
Installed and deleted it for 3rd and the last time.
Give it some time, WoT wasn’t all that good as well at this stage.
Only one aspect WoWp wins in: some of these planes are badass. I mean really badass looking.
Main thing I dont like it – planes handle like barges in air.
Try WoWP. Then try War Thunder. Nuff said.
Did they have the crowd fighting over hardware again? And I mean literally having a barney, like some did last year.
Yea, same as last year. Only the dancer show is different. Even the stage looks the same.
If it aint broke – dont fix.
Awesome. although I suspect it was as bad at all booths where they where giving out toys. One year I hope someone collates the worst from conventions of all the punch ups over hardware that happens, and sticks them in one giant Youtube video, so that the gaming community realizes what a bunch of jerks it can be, and starts to reform.
…and in other wishes I’d like for the moon to be made of cheese and me to be made supreme ruler for ever of the entire world.
Listy for world leader!
- No SerB – haha :D
>I mean, what about people that don’t have QR code readers at hand?
QR codes are readable with several PC softwares, I used this one:
the real problem is that people is too lazy even to find out WHAT a QR code is, did you read all those comments asking this question over and over?
>- somehow, I just really dislike the fanatic crowd of Germans and the way the presenter makes them chant “Wargaming! Wargaming!” – it feels uncomfortable.
Lol, old traditions are hard to die.
Or don’t live in the stone age and get yourself a smart phone.
What was given in codes and will there be more in next few days? Can one code be used multiple times e.g. 10 persons use the same code once?
What HW was given? T-Shirts, mugs and stuff?
No sound, moderators with attitude from WG, codes didn’t work (and didn’t matter because they would not have workd for NA)
tryed to watch the stream first no picture,then no sound and mods were pissed for people whining of that (mostly for reason) codes didnt work and why not normal codes??
Most annoying is that people in chat makes wishes like buff that buff this dont nerf that… really the mods of stream will do all the stuff that people wishes,,,
Well when i joined (around 16:00 GMT+1) Ectar and Hunter1911 were chatty and not pissed. We had some laugh :)
p.s. Ectar stated about their latest project: World of T-shirts :P
Why don’t they just give a code to all the watchers of the stream and make the code active for 30mins.
on one hand there was a nazi rampaging thru German channel’s chat
nothing wrong with Nazis in fact I believe in hitlers ideal world.
World of Warships hasn’t even entered Alpha so thats why there isn’t anything about it .
This link contains what we do know (mostly) from the NA and EU Q&As.
Unfortunately none of us speak Russian so we don’t have any answers directly from the RU forum.
Indeed butthurt mods. I typed something with T-shirts, but forgot the r, which resulted in T-shits. Apparently that was reason enough to give me a 10 minute chat ban.
eh I was kinda disappointed that when the QR codes did work they were only for the EU server, and that there was no elbow dropping :/
What exactly was the QR code?
And what do you obtain with it?
“- the strippers dancers. Nuff said.”
That was so much meh. It’s like showing naked girls to a bunch of monkeys and watching them jumping around. Aiming for primitive urges at its shameful best.
>I just really dislike the fanatic crowd of Germans
That gives you chills already?
Join a 2nd league soccer game some time and cry!
For those asking about the QR codes, they appear to be time limited to 90 seconds. Mine failed to work as the 1000 or so people trying to do the same thing at the same time was obv too much for WG
Also, sad watching the WG staff fawning over anyone female who comes near the stage and holding a ridiculous and exploitative dancing girls bit. Just sad.