
- according to SerB, both LTP and T-127 are doing fine
- rangefinder won’t be implemented into the snipermode UI
- Object 430 won’t have a smoothbore gun
- in historical battles, only historical setups will appear, for example T-34-57 might appear, but only in 1941

- E-50 will have medium spall liner despite its weight, because it’s a medium tank
- the possibility for players to switch their Type 59 for T-34-3 for free is not planned
- cross-game quests (missions) are not planned, because a part of playerbase will play only WoWp or only WoT
- it’s possible that missions doable only in groups will be implemented
- increased amount of model polygons will come in global remodelling (SS: 2014)
- the new Type 64 ingame light tank is a M42 Duster hull with Hellcat turret
- Type 59 MM weight nerf is not planned
- Q: “E-50M is underpowered.” A: “Whine. Whine never changes.
- tracks hanging on armor do not increase armor thickness in WoT, the only exception is Churchill VII’s top turret
- terrain passability does have an influence on how fast a tank can climb a mountain
- Sturmtiger won’t come in 2013 or early 2014 (SS: well, “some say” that he’s waiting for its own assault gun branch)
- in 8.8, E-50 gun mantlet got changed, no such thing is planned for Panther II
- according to Storm, Improved Ventilation module does increase the speed with which a tank can climb a hill
- E-50 and E-50M frontal armor in 8.8: 150mm upper front, 100mm lower front
- if you have a tank with three engines (for example Tiger) and the top engine gets removed in 8.8, but you sold the other two already, you will get one for free
- roaming from RU on EU servers is planned
- RNG factor in penetration and damage won’t be reduced
- spall liner improved 8.8 crew save will actually work on all types of damage/shells
- E-50M and E-100 parameters will also be changed
- SU-100 is not planned to lose its top gun, unlike the KV-1S
- in 8.9, KV-1S will lose its 122mm gun, Foch, Foch155, T57Heavy and one more tank will be nerfed and cca 20 tanks will be buffed

And now, answers from the developer’s blog

- XVM mod will officially not be implemented (SS: as in, interface won’t be selectable to look like XVM)
- the new WG rating will be a number, but the exact formula won’t be disclosed
- Storm states that mod-makers “won’t do” (fix) the official reload timer (SS: in other words, it’s more complicated than it seems)
- skill MM is STILL not planned
- the problem with the reload timer won’t be fixed in 8.8, as there are enough problems with Action Script 3 as it is, one of the bugs is incorrect calculations with damaged ammorack/dead loader
- 8.8 won’t contain engine optimizations
- serverside replays are being worked on

And more answers from different post on developer’s blog:
- the Chinese premium tanks might appear in round 2 of 8.8 test
- in the beginning, T-34-3 and 112 will be available only via giftshop
- Object 268 won’t be nerfed in 8.9
- Leopard 1 won’t be buffed in 8.9, but Leopard PTA is not clear yet
- KV-5 won’t be buffed
- 2nd German TD branch will start from Marder 2
- KV-1S with 122mm as tier 7 premium? “There the model has to be changed. A little, but has to.”
- 121 will not get gun depression buff
- Hetzer rebalance? “All in due time”
- it’s possible AMX-50B will get a buff
- Uralmash-1 will get a traverse buff for 100mm guns
- D-2-5T is D-25T with a different muzzle brake

115 thoughts on “23.8.2013

  1. who would switch type 59 to 34-3 -.-

    Why do people even ask such stupid questions.

      • Hopefully things like the Churchill Gun Carrier and ARL V39.
        Some tanks in the British and Chinese tress like the 113 needs more work as well.

          • Note that I said some tanks.
            The 113 itself is performing worst than the IS-7, and that says a lot.
            The only tank this is much better is the WZ-111 vs IS-8.
            The other tanks are quite well matched against each other.

      • my amx performs ~100 avg dmg per battle more than t57, better gun statistics then and nerf t57 ? cool, ill deffinitelly play an amx with pleasure.

  2. >-in 8.9, KV-1S will lose its 122mm gun, Foch, Foch155, T57Heavy and one more tank will be nerfed and cca 20 tanks will be buffed
    Holy cow… and the T57 nerf was named a “hoax” just last week…
    >KV-1S with 122mm as tier 7 premium? “There the model has to be changed. A little, but has to.”
    So, it’ll come but at a later moment?

      • Whine. Whine never changes. As in “War. War never changes” basically Fallout moto and heard in every game IIRC

        • Haha I spotted this one straight away too !
          (This is my second post so hello everyone and congrats to SS and other bloggers for all the awesome reports !)

    • “Whine. Whine never changes.”

      My Fallout 4 character will be named Sergei Bukharovski.

  3. “- the possibility for players to switch their Type 59 for T-34-3 for free is not planned”

    Who the hell would want to do that??

  4. - in 8.9, KV-1S will lose its 122mm gun

    Im not gonna say if Im happy /unhappy with this. Rather Im amazed despite how many times they said that it will stay on that tank they are gonna remove it in the end. Truly one can never believe what WG say.

  5. “- Hetzer rebalance? “All in due time””

    Fuck you, WG. Fuck you… first E-75, VK36 and E-50… now Hetzer…

    … just fuck you.

      • I know, SS, but… “rebalance” of E-75 made it MUCH worse… it burns like hell (20% engine fire chance), lost its dynamic… “rebalance” NEVER mean anything good…

        But Hetzer in “derp gun” branch…

        … speaking of which:

        “Derpinand” – “Because fuck you. And that city near you – too”. ;)

      • Unless it meets Matilda/M5A1/other TD with fast-firing gun.

        Hetzer is blind turtle. What is more, after HE nerf one-shooting is not so common.

      • we allready have the derp guns nerfred ehat else can they do in all their desperate ideads to maintain russias supremacy???

      • After the HEAT nerf, this is not OP. It is same hitting power as the Sau40 and far better maneuverability as it should be. Complaining about what is OP because you probably had bad experiences with it has dulled the game. It is getting watered down by WG after all of the constant whining people do. Please give it a rest for a while.

        • Yes, 100mm Lower Frontal Plate, but you get a 150mm Upper Frontal Plate, which can easy Bounce shells with around ~250-260mm Penetration. (correct me if im wrong :D )

            • You still don’t get it.
              Current lower/upper plate bounces ~220 pen rounds. I’d say it should stay as it was on E50, but for M it’s useless, while having at least part of armour that’d bounce standard tier X rounds is an… attractive option.

    • Yeah, I’m not looking forward to this either. The Hetzer is one of my keeper tanks…

      • what really needs a nerf is the SU-85B, that thing is rediculous 2nd best camo value in game after the tier 3 french TD and it has a 390m view range :O thats only 10 less than most tier 10′s and it also has a good gun and mobility only down side is its total lack of armour

  6. - Sturmtiger won’t come in 2013 or early 2014 (SS: well, “some say” that he’s waiting for its own assault gun branch)

    Vaporware champion of 2012, 2013, and soon 2014.

    • well if it’s getting an assult gun branch then all stugs all jagdpanzers(inc.panther and tiger)

    • Hopefully the asker was also RO banned until the day he emerges into a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland with nothing but a pistol, knife and some road flares.

  7. hetzer is pleasure to play, a bit OP sadly. i got 300-400% dmg ratio on it recently, so nerf is nothing unexpected

    • Only problem is that with THIS playerbase and community it’d very soon be smashed becuase OVER 9000 or simply be overloaded into uselessness.

  8. - the Chinese premium tanks might appear in round 2 of 8.8 test
    - in the beginning, T-34-3 and 112 will be available only via giftshop
    - Object 268 won’t be nerfed in 8.9
    - Leopard 1 won’t be buffed in 8.9, but Leopard PTA is not clear yet
    - 2nd German TD branch will start from Marder 2
    - KV-1S with 122mm as tier 7 premium? “There the model has to be changed. A little, but has to.”
    - 121 will not get gun depression buff
    - Hetzer rebalance? “All in due time”
    - it’s possible AMX-50B will get a buff
    - Uralmash-1 will get a traverse buff for 100mm guns

    All of this has shit all to do with game balance, which WG could not care less about, and everything to do with encouraging grinding/paying.

  9. - 2nd German TD branch will start from Marder 2
    Any idea where the two trees will be linked?
    – E-50 and E-50M frontal armor in 8.8: 150mm upper front, 100mm lower front
    anyone else really worried about this? I know there is a lot of baddies who shoot the front, but still..

  10. - cross-game quests (missions) are not planned, because a part of playerbase will play only WoWp or only WoT
    - it’s possible that missions doable only in groups will be implemented

    => what about ” a part of playerbase will play only solo”?!

  11. So THERE’S the KV-1S nerf everybody was whining about…and I welcome it.. Seriously, that thing can pen a tier VIII Heavy from the front as it is now. It’s supposed to be a Heavy Tank with good mobility, not a Tank Destroyer with mobility, armor and firepower; I know, some of you will say “but what about the Germans? They play like turreted Tank Destroyers”, well, that’s because they have no other choice. All they have, really, is their guns, as while their armor appears good on paper, it’s as sloped as the other trees, and even with the planned mobility buff they don’t have the mobility of their Soviet, French, Chinese or American counterparts.

      • Yes, but those don’t do an average of 390 damage a shot. The main problem with that gun is not only the rather high pen, but the damage that’s with it.

    • Can’t count how many times we’ve heard “kv-1s won’t lose 122mm it’s historical”, “kv-1s won’t be nerfed” from Serb. Wargaming the company without standarts!

  12. “KV-1S with 122mm as tier 7 premium?”

    Just like PzIV – take a player favorite, nerf it, then bring it back for goldz. Ajajaja! Bullshit.

    • First of all, you’re complaining that the KV-1S is getting nerfed. Second, it makes sense to bring it back as a premium, because it requires minimal work and it will be well-balanced as a premium at that tier (basically a slightly weaker IS). Third, you’re complaining about the KV-1S being nerfed. Fourth, you’re complaining that Wargaming is a for-profit company, which is both incredibly obvious and perfectly fine. Finally, you’re complaining that the KV-1S is getting nerfed.

      • I like the idea of a T7 KV-122 premium, I just hope it gets preferential MM, otherwise it’s an easy kill for T9s.

  13. “- E-50M and E-100 parameters will also be changed”
    Wait… what? E-100 will be changed? How? Any further informations on this?

  14. “Storm states that mod-makers “won’t do” (fix) the official reload timer (SS: in other words, it’s more complicated than it seems)”
    Why would mod makers do that? Mod makers will just replace it, that’s how all mods in WoT work, crappy, primitive UI designed by WG get’s by modded enviroment. (btw. im not rly supraised that Wargaming can’t do properly something that mod makers have done ages ago lol).

      • To be fair, its now running on a newer scripting system, and WG wants it to be professionally done, not something that one or two guys may do as a hobby. Same reason any company takes a long time to release things, that modders or independent people seem to do in a few weeks. Nobody likes to see a company release buggy things.

  15. i tested all german tanks.i will comment on e-75 and e-50m.e-75 i have the feeling it turns faster,acceleration is the same or a little bit slower but top speed at 40 km helps it a lot.i like it.

    e-50m on the other side got a HUGE nerf.i know that e-50m had 120 in upper and lower plate.upper plate is very strong now but i had the feeling that the lower plate got nerfed.at test tiger and tiger 2 pen me all the times at lower plate,even at big angle.who is going to shoot you at the upper plate anyway.now guns that you could bounce easy they can pen you at your lower plate EASY!!!mega nerf.e-50m gonna collect dust in my garage.

  16. “- according to SerB, both LTP and T-127 are doing fine”
    Anyone bitching about the T-127 doesn’t know how to play the game. It’s an excellent little medium in-tier (yes I know it’s classified as a light and why, but it handles like a moderately heavy medium), useful in the tier above using gold shells for tough things, and never sees tier 5′s. LTP handles similarly, slightly less tough due to the lower turret armor and thinner upper glacis, but it can hide better due to its height.

    “- Q: “E-50M is underpowered.” A: “Whine. Whine never changes.”
    See above. E-50M is great; I was going to grind up to it until I played the Centurion 7/1 and found it fit my playstyle better.

    Idea: every time someone bitches about one of the game’s good tanks, they should be forced to play the M3 Lee, Pz 38 NA, B1, etc in maximum-tier games only, for a day. That should give them a fresh perspective.

    “- according to Storm, Improved Ventilation module does increase the speed with which a tank can climb a hill”
    In case anyone is confused on this, official reasoning is it’s because the driver makes more efficient use of engine power the higher his skill is.

    “- Hetzer rebalance? “All in due time””
    Remove the 105mm gun from all tanks below tier 5 and all TDs below tier 6. Bam, several tanks made more balanced in one fell swoop.

    And to everyone who feels the KV-1S isn’t overpowered and shouldn’t be nerfed: to echo the greats, “how terrible”. It’s been needing to be taken down a notch for a while now. There’s a reason that you see teams made up of mainly it and Hellcats in medium tank companies.

    Does this mean that the Hellcat is going to receive a nerf too at some point? Dunno. It’s not quite as blatantly overpowered as the KV-1S, but it’s definitely one of the best tier 6 TDs, if not one of the best tier 6′s period. We’ll just have to wait and see.

    • Of course Hellcat needs a nerf, EVERYTHING needs a nerf until ever tank is statistically identical to each other, then noobs will finally learn to play or quit.

    • The average WoT player do 390 damage on kv1-s before going to hangar, but only 240 on hellcat, and that’s the reason why kv1-s will be nerfed and hellcat won’t.

      • Hellcat has ridiculous view range and camo. I make mincemeat out of KV-1s before they even know they’ve been spotted. 72km/h means i can quickly hide somewhere else as soon as my 6th sense goes off.

        It’s already the most played TD at tier 6, after arty nerf and now KV-1s minus 122, they’ll even be more overplayed.

  17. someone tell serb rangefinders are in every snipersights mod… WG is way behind again

    • Perhaps what he meant was a way to measure distance to whatever you’re pointing at, not just tanks. And I haven’t yet seen a mod doing such thing. You have to point your crosshair at friendly or enemy tank, dead or alive and then you see the distance. You can’t however point it at a house or a ground somewhere in the middle of field to see how far that point is.

  18. “reload timer won’t be fixed in 8.8″
    WG:let’s break things that work
    I wonder if they shut down their pc’s while updating bios -.-

  19. About the Sturmtiger, I heard it is impossible to balance this assault tank..
    Didnt they also mention that this tank was supposed to be a premium tank?

    (to be fair, tier 8 is maximum for premium tanks and the sturmtiger would be AT LEAST tier 10 due its superderp 380mm rocket mortar alone)

    The vents do a difference, but one that isnt noticeable, the difference is too tiny.

    About the E-50 thingy, yes, the LFP armor is reduced to 100mm/55° (angle was always the same), but on the tier 10 E-50M, the 120mm/55° LFP would be paper to begin with, thus no noticeable change in the E-50M. In tier 9, no idea. You are supposed to hide the LFP, kinda like you hide hulls in american tanks. At least the german tanks now have -8° gun depression, making that hiding easier.

    Also, the regular foch and the foch 155 nerfs (beside the fact that the foch got nerfed indirectly by the top tier tank gun nerf and it is fine i think?), does this have something to do with the german engines?

  20. “roaming from RU on EU servers is planned”

    Nobody else noticed this?
    Does this mean Russian players will be allowed to come over to the EU servers to play?
    Can imagine this leading to a lot of hate from the EU community.
    I mean we’ve already spotted some of them have accounts on the EU server and the hate they get from players is pretty high.

    • So hey, good news, the EU community might actualy find a new nationality to moan and whine about instead of the polish. I’m in.

    • This will make real war in wot. ru vs eu. Now on test server i cant look on those ru players. In game im going to troll them hard. Not that i dont like russians, the just dont like us.

      btw: write on test serveer :stalin is gay: and see what happen xD

      • “Not that i dont like russians, the just dont like us.”
        “btw: write on test serveer :stalin is gay: and see what happen xD”


  21. i would find it funny yet sad if the other tank that they nerf is the T30. After all it seemed to be WG favorite tank to nerf. Does anyone remember how many nerfs that poor tank has had?

  22. - increased amount of model polygons will come in global remodelling (SS: 2014)

    Hahaha, I bet they saw the War Thunder Ground Forces screenshots and thought “oh fuck”.

  23. Well its clear to me that wargammin forgot what made World of Tanks successful, the game was fun while it lasted.