Japanese Camouflage Posted on August 23, 2013 by Silentstalker Again, thanks to Cnckiwi for this. More pictures, courtesy of Whiskey_CZ: Summer Desert Winter
Jsou tam i další kamufláže, dole si najdi Chi-Nu Kai a položka “Japonské kamufláže”. Jsou to moje uploady a pokusím se ještě něco vyhrabat :) http://www.worldofwars.cz/index.php/topic/3695-088/
Aha, tak to jo, to mne taky napadlo, ale pak jsem si říkál, že mi to za to nestojí. Každopádně dobrá práce :)
Is this Jap premium tank or Chi captured tank? will it have jap or chi crew?
Japanese. New nation.
The third one looks like it is just black paint.
but still way better than the stock brown.
also you can moan for night battles
So dark…
Now try looking at on an IPhone 5 screen while at the shore
the brown is a bit too dark, but overall the camos are very nice!
The last cammo is definitely going on my Chi-nu
I like the one before the last. :)
Jsou tam i další kamufláže, dole si najdi Chi-Nu Kai a položka “Japonské kamufláže”. Jsou to moje uploady a pokusím se ještě něco vyhrabat :)
Hmmm, jak jsi rozfungoval ten editor?
přepsal jsem soubory ve hře :)
Aha, tak to jo, to mne taky napadlo, ale pak jsem si říkál, že mi to za to nestojí. Každopádně dobrá práce :)
Díky ;) bohužel nevím, v jaké přesně složce ty kamufláže jsou :/
What no three tone black lined cloud pattern?
bah now its loaded the picture.
Please don’t tell CT blew up again.
There’s a small update patch, about 23mb.
Did anyone see somethin blue deserts? lol
The blue desert camouflage is soo horrible.
Well, it’s actually the IJN camoflage used during the Shanghai Landing of 1932.
I think that’s going to be one of the first camo patterns I put on any tank.
The tank itself looks made out of paper.
Test is back, but it broke my service record.
Nice to be able to go window shopping for camo before the tank is available.
50 Shades of Brown
will they add post war japanese tanks in higher tier???
Pingback: Japanese tree announced | For The Record
thank war thunder for wot adding this line lmao..