Hello, everyone!
Some of you guys reading FTR, forums or playing the 8.8 test might have noticed the new T-44-122 tank. Some of you might even wonder, how will it be possible to get it?
Let’s sum what we know. We know it’s not a regular tree vehicle and we know that it’s not a regular premium tank. That leaves us with three options:
Reward tank – it could be a mission reward. It’s unlikely this vehicle will be a CW reward of some sort, as it is not tier 10, but SerB announced earlier that there might be reward tanks for difficult missions.
Promo tank – just as the name suggests, some tanks are given out as promos during various real life events (like Gamescom). Such tanks do not gain more credits like the premium tanks, but they can be used with untrained crews the way regular premium tanks work.
Betatester reward tank. Check this out:
This is the datamined icon of the T-44-122 (thanks Applesaucebandit for that). Notice the big T on it? We’ve seen this before, on the KV-220 tank, that was rewarded to WoT betatesters in Russia:
Furthermore, I encountered the vehicle today during the test on Siegfried line and the “T” was even on the battle icon. So, my best guess is that this tank will become a tester reward. But tester reward for what? Well, there are multiple options. It most likely will not be the Xbox WoT or WoT: Blitz, as those have separate account systems and it’s way too early for WoWs. Therefore it’s possible it will be a tester reward for WoT:Generals, or WoWp closed beta stage. That’s what I think anyway, of course I could be wrong. But it sheds some light on the issue.
However, no matter what it is, I think it’s very unlikely for this tank to appear outside of Russia.
Interresting, this thing will be as rare as the other Alpha/Beta tester tanks.
Maybe WoWP betatester?
i mean closed beta of course
Of course not maybe WoT alpha tester tank or WoT closed beta tank for players that had more than 10k battles or something.
Maybe Supertester Reward?
So now one for Na,Eu and Sea…
My bet : it’ll be a supertester reward only for the russian server.
supertester can already play this… so whats the point?
Supertesters already have rewards, they aren’t going to add another one now. WG aren’t exactly loyal to their fans.
Ugh, they had better let us know soon if that is the case, I would then grind out the 700 battles for the reward. other wise NOPE.
Why would Warplane testers get a tank though? Surely they should get a plane.
Because WG (probably in an effort to cross-pollinate their games) uses WoT to make WoWP more prominent, and vice versa. WoWP players have been earning gold for their WoT accounts, and the pre-order packs are being bought solely for their WoT benefits… this would be the same thing.
I.E. : ‘So, you’re x games away from 700? Make it to 700, and we’ll give you 1-3 planes PLUS a tank!”
The WoWP testers are already getting between 1 and 3 planes, I doubt we’ll get a tank too.
Info about tank
Edit by SS: no need to spam, characteristics of the tank are available here
Maybe looks cool but gameplay ……..meh.
If it had a better gun it would be OP as hell, but like this it’s downright awful.
Edit above:
Didn’t notice it’s tier 7. Yep it’s OP
Then IS must be uber OP :D
3.4 aim time on a medium, only -3 gun depression….awwfull.
Well, that anon’s dead brains thinks otherwise :D
its between kv-is and t-44
mom please *_*
I’ve checked back and realised I was in the same battle on siegfried line. I made one screenshot about that tank.
Killer 16-second reload
Cramped turret.
…and an unitary cartridge almost as tall as the whole freakin’ fighting compartement. They stuck with separated shells after that experiment for valid reasons.
WoT:Generals me thinks.
Cool, let’s have an OP exclusive tank. Seriously, this is like the Chinese T-34-2, except it’s sitting on tier 7 for some reason. What the hell?
U find MEDIUM tank with 16s rld time OP?
The T-44 has similar armor to the IS-2, and much more speed. A faster IS-2 with lower RoF is way too powerful for a premium, yes.
That T you saw means the guy using it is a supertester
Nonsense. Each tank has unique icon, no matter who drives it.
yup and with the T leads me to believe they plan on adding a normal version to the store or obtainable as a prize etc. the entire reason the KV-220 has a T was they started to offer the KV-220 as a prize/pack in with some rumble seat in RU, beta testers threw a fit, so they added the T to all beta testers that had the KV-220 already.
I hope its a nod to the old WoT Closed beta testers who are still playing :D
yep me too :D
Awarding a tank to guys who tested Planes?…
Nice caps, glad to see it works.
I would like if this was really a reward tank for WoWp closed beta because I participated and would receive it
I too participated in closed beta – like 3 battles or so :D
One and not even my account. Even more boring than WT planes (4 battles)
The second Tester tank is the KV-220 If i am not mistaken here, it was given out for the WoT beta AFAIK.
Thats a known fact.
Don’t forget both KV-220 and Pz.V/IV have normal premium version.
I’ve always wondered if there’d be some kind of tester reward for WoWp since I’ve been around since Alpha. Not really sure if cross-platform rewarding is the answer but looking forward to seeing how this pans out.
Test awards for WoWp should be WoWp awards methinks.
It would be kinda unfair to WoT only players if guys that played WoWp get tanks that they cant get.
And that comes from a WoWp alpha tester.(not really active but still, WoWp is seriously crap, it gets better but its crap still)
supertest award. move, nothing to see here
how can someone become a supertester ??
YOu need to be from the glorious russian master race.
You must be on Russian server, speak the launuge, have a great computer, have great stats, have over 5k in battles….
wg logic = implement new tanks that nobody can get
use a lot of money and time to try to balance them as much as possible, then tell the people who complain about all this, to fuck off
“how terrible, your opinion is very important to us”
оставлю ссылку. думаю сами разберетесь
leave the link. I think will understand
Its probly a xbox 360 beta test reward. It may go like this; Eligible for T-44-122 after Xbox beta test, WG sends email, enter your normal pc WoT account info, Tank sent.
reward for testing CWs ?? xDDDD
SS: “It’s unlikely this vehicle will be a CW reward of some sort, as it is not tier 10″
Not talking about this tank but low(er) tier CW reward tanks would be a clever idea to please the members of the “better, but not good enough”-clans.
Think of something like this:
- medal for participation in the campaign
- unique middle tier for fullfilling a fair task like collecting 5,000 victory points
- unique tier X for the top clans