Hello everyone,
ever wanted to quickly check stats of a player specifically for his company and CW battles? Here’s KawaGreen’s neat utility to allow you just that:
For now, only EU server is supported. You can direct your feedback here.
Too bad I only played 3 CW and 1 TC battles :D
Wish there was separate platoon stats :)
wotlabs has it as well
I broke it: Warning: file_get_contents(http://api.worldoftanks.eu/2.0/account/list/?application_id=d0a293dc77667c9328783d489c8cef73&search=Bastor): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable in /volume1/web/index.php on line 36
First capital letter seems to screw it up.
Nobody’s perfect :P
I broke it too.
hey guys do you know when are announced the winners for the Annisversary Manoevers (Tank destroyers)
Doens´t work :-(
Oh goodie! An interesting statistic tracker! I ought to be able to ~~~~~ oh wait. EU online :( Nvm….(ASIA always gets shafted T_T)
EU only*
link’s broken
Yeah gonna switch to storing it in a database. Will work on it tomorrow.
WG limits the amount of requests you can send out to them.
With 3k in 3 days they seem unhappy about this :D
Ok I now store everything in the database, you can check it now again :)
yeah, now it’s ok. Shame, that platoon cant be ranked separatelly tho.
Cannot access site. I guess we’re DDOSing with our requests :)
Haha probably, its just a NAS hosting it for now :D
is the number of CW battles true? I just have the feeling its less then some players should have. Is it possible its not the full CW history shown, but from a certain point when they started to monitor CW battles divided from Random battles?
AFAIK CW’s are only tracked for last 12 months and only EU1. Don’t know about TC.
It’s a post about stats and only 14 replies!!!
World is about to end, I tell ya….
GG, nobody cares.
Someone on the NA forums, I forget who, posted a thread about this for the NA server. Here is link for it. Just put your ID number, that long one you see in address bar on your official stats page, at the end.
Here is the Wotlabs thread.
Yeah that’s just how mine works, except I also calculate the solo stats.
CW stats is not right. For me it’s 0 battles but i have definitely played CW before. It was really long time ago tho. For TC i don’t know if it’s right number, but it seems ok.
This will not support battles over 1 year I believe. I have read this, but do not have a link. Sorry.
If stats do not cover whole CW period or if we do not know what period is covered it is just useless
You can check your CW/Company/Random battles also here:
Have fun!
- Feldzug