Active EU Missions – 11.9.2013

The last issue of the Active Missions, as since today, the missions will (hopefully) be viewable from within the client. If they are not, well… Active EU Missions will continue :)

The Way to Glory – win 15 victories, get 250k credits once per day
Learning by Doing – be one of the top 3 XP earners in your team (no matther whether you win or lose), get 20 percent more crew XP
Know your Trade – earn 50k XP per day, get 1 day of premium account (once per day)

Beware of Flankers
– kill 50 enemy tanks (once per account till Saturday 7AM) with a T4+ medium tank, get 1 Improved Ventilation Class 2 + 10 Large Repair kits
Mediums for Victory! – win 10 battles in a T4+ medium tank once per day, get 50k credits

7 thoughts on “Active EU Missions – 11.9.2013

  1. First, please be gentle…

    “The last issue of the Active Missions, as since today, the missions will (hopefully) be viewable from within the client. If they are not, well… Active EU Missions will continue :)”

    Yeah, I hope too…too many uninformed players spamming the forum with questions about how they got 250000 credits or why they got 1 day of premium everyday…

  2. Yes, those missions should appear in game. But for me, such post, SHORT and CLEAR is better than in-game interface. Why?

    Because in-game interface isnt so much convenient for me. I have to click one – by – one, read … next… then I forgot which mission I considered “to do” for me… so I click back, and search..

    And in this post, it is short and clear AND I have all missions visible at one time :)

  3. I have just one question . Progress for mission Beware of Flankers isnt shown on mission tab, so i dont know how meany kills i got. Question is do kills made yesterday with vk 3001 h counts ??