
SerB seems angry today, some of his answers are rude, full of typos and trolling. When called on that, he said it’s because the “amount of idiots here has increased”

- Q: “SerB, last year (the idea of winning Golden Joystick) caused enthusiasm amongst players (unlike this year), what do you think about such a fundamental change in player attitude?” A: “I don’t care” (later he says that people are “celebrating” WoT GJ loss too early and they need to chill out and he closes with “Whine, whine never changes”)
- SerB doesn’t like swearing in ingame chat, as “there is always a non-vulgar word that can be used and is no less offensive”, for example “noobies” instead of “retards” (SS: this is an approximation of what SerB said, in Russian there are two not rude word for noobs: Alleni (which comes from the name Alyosha if I recall correctly) – a generic name for noobs, or Oleni (deers), that’s why so many Russian videos about noobs have deer pictures in them)

- AMX-30 does fit the WoT timescale and it is possible it will be introduced as 2nd French top medium
- tank hitpoints have nothing to do with that tank’s armor, it’s a balance parameter (SS: this answer came from a question, whether the tank hitpoints in game are tied to some real life tank characteristics, such as armor. In ancient WoT times, it was considered the hitpoints to be roughly tied to the tank internal space (the more internal space, the more hitpoints), but this has been disproved many times already).
- (If I understand it correctly) there are no plans to introduce more options how to one- or two-shot a tank with midtier guns (the already existing being fire and ammorack explosion)
- E50 is considered to be a medium tank because it was classified as such in German sources
- SerB states that the 1200hp German engines were not historical
- some French engines are also unhistorically strong
- historical and garage battles will appear at some point in both WoWp and WoT
- the T-44-122 hull (with a massive driver’s booth) won’t be added as an optional hull to the tier 8 T-44, because there are other upgrades to go with on that tier
- it’s not sure whether the hemispherical T-54 turrets will be available for the 100mm frontal armor hull only. There is an option to implement the optional 120mm frontal armor hull too, that one would however limit the speed of the tank
- for now, there are no other candidates for removal from the game (like the T-50-2 was), but SerB states “we’ll see”
- the smallest number of planned branches at this moment belongs to the Chinese and Japanese trees
- there are no plans to rework the 10-caliber rule (SS: shell flies only the distance of 10 its calibers after the armor is penetrated)
- no amnesty for permabanned accounts is planned (“Some things, like real life threats, we do not forgive”)
- the artillery XP unlock price for various arty tiers was done according to WG calculations, there are no plans to reduce it further
- for now there are no concrete plans to allow players to get a tier 7-8 premium tank as a mission reward, but SerB states that if such a thing ever comes, the mission will be very difficult
- there are no plans for near future to bring a tier 8 British premium heavy into the game
- SerB states that he disagrees with the internet info that Panzer III/IV could rotate its turret only by 270 degrees
- according to SerB, World of Tanks gameplay adheres to “fair play” principles
- SerB states that the algorithm for aiming has not changed (SS: whatever that means)
- SerB when asked why a player that has 30-50FPS in WoT has 50-70 in WoWp: “Most likely your videocard works better with algorithms, used for computing open space”
- the XP requirement for T-62A and Object 140 won’t be reworked: whoever wants both, has to grind like 400k XP on T-54
- it’s possible player’s clan statistics (like on the portal) will be implemented into the game service record
- Type 62 did become smaller, Storm states that some changes are simply forgotten and don’t make it to the patchnotes, there will be no compensation for Type 62 change, Type 62 won’t get limited MM either
- KV-5 won’t be sellable for gold (SS: as it wasn’t changed)
- SerB doesn’t think the “VK3002M” is a dull name and that it should be called “Prototype Panther”, as the VK3002M is historical
- Swamp and Komaring maps don’t have any tier limites, they are available on all tiers
- maps returning from re-work “sometimes” have bigger chance to drop when they are implemented like completely new maps
- there were Soviet turret tank destroyers, for example the 85mm AA gun in rotating turret on T-34 chassis, but they won’t be implemented for now
- the guns for 3001H and 3601H were chosen “based on historical and balance considerations”
- for now, more than one arty branche per nation is not planned, but principially possible
- trees that are missing one type of vehicle (arty, TD, med, heavy, light) are not planned for now
- big maps, smoke shells and smokescreens, rocket tanks (RBT-5), new equipment and new crew skills: “when it’s done it’s done”
- “many” people bought T-34-3
- Panzer I Ausf.C has regular MM of a tier 3 LT
- JT88 to recieve lower frontal plate nerf (120 to 100mm)? “If needed”
- A-43 too weak? “Don’t play A-43″
- the final decision on what will happen to KV-1S will come “after the tests are over”
- the composition of the 8.9 German TD branch is final

152 thoughts on “16.9.2013

  1. Ok, where is Panzer Nerfer? Because we can’t call the Donkey SerB, that name is already taken by another ass.

    • Yea .. When I read the response from the chinese company ” the americans are right ” . I loled .

        • To be fair, many want to nerf the Foch 155 for a reason or two…
          Well the AMX 50B is a different story though :/
          and both share the same engine.

          For the earlier AMX 50 tanks, the 850hp is correct, but I have no idea about the Saurer 1000hp engine though…

          • Anyone telling you the french engines couldn’t hit 1000/1200 horsepower is an idiot. They could easily hit it, reliably? No, but they could hit it just fine. The germans on the other hands couldn’t even reliably do the actual top horsepower, let alone hitting 1000 horsepower.

            • Germans did have engines capable of over 1000HP, however they would fit only on super-heavy tanks.

            • Massive horsepowers are easy enough, granted. Massive horsepowers in a compact and reasonably light package though? Now that gets trickier…

          • It didn’t save the AMX 50 when the Maybach proved a bust, so I’d assume it didn’t deliver either.

    • only seen like 2 for every 10 games. a wild guess is that “many” does not necessarily mean many. all this hype and “flooding” was just a false alarm.

      • Remember, not a large percentage of players wanting the tank will buy it in the gift shop, especially if they have a SP and wish to “trade it in” for the -3. So when it comes to the in-game shop, there’ll probably be a much larger flood of it.

    • Loved mine, one of the best T6s meds going imho.

      Cant say i’m enjoying the a44 though, that lack of depression keeps catching em out, that and the ammo rack seems to be hit whenever/whereever i’m hit.

  2. “- there were Soviet turret tank destroyers, for example the 85mm AA gun in rotating turret on T-34 chassis, but they won’t be implemented for now”

    brace yourself, SU 152 taran might be coming

        • Let’s call us lucky that the IS7 don’t get it’s historical stats. It would be serious OP.

          • That’s because they used budget-breakingly high-end parts in it, not because the tech itself was ahead of its time.

            • :D Would be nice, in the trails the IS-7 flamed 2 times for no reason. The first time the automatic fire extinguisher system worked and the second time fire the crew was forced to hop out. I mean on the paper the IS7 was a monster and we would get this blue print monster , if it would be buffed to historical stats

            • Well, that *was* a proto. Further developement tends to iron out such ‘little’ bugs. Conversely production-model Panthers every now and then spontaneously combusted their engines in the field, so…

            • yeah, tests are designed exactly for that. FE would be upgraded and rubber fuel tanks would be changed for aluminum ones, its not like it would be produced with those faults…

  3. “many” people bought T-34-3

    Shit i hope not to many!! otherwise WG might go nuts and say : what? you gathered so much gold from contests and specials and you want to buy future premium tank with it? HOW TERRIBLE!!! GIVE US MONEY FROM NOW ON!!

    • “Panzer I Ausf.C has regular MM of a tier 3 LT”

      Regular tier III LT mm is +2.
      Most likely someone asked “Hurr durr why did I get into a tier X match in my Pzkpfw I?”

    • It never has and never will. Tier 3′s don’t get scout MM.

      Probably someone wanted it to get limited -1/+1 MM the same way the B1 gets due to the low pen on the top gun for Pz I C

  4. -’ there are no plans for near future to bring a tier 8 British premium heavy into the game’


  5. Looks like SerB is feeling the heat .. players have been increasingly critical about WGs fuck-ups and I think they might start feeling it up there.

    • WG employees are sitting in captured Space Shuttles. Which means, as long as the heat don’t come from above, they don’t give a shit about what the players want.

  6. - JT88 to recieve lower frontal plate nerf (120 to 100mm)? “If needed”
    If needed= When we make enough cash out of it then we’ll nerf it to same values as KT and normal JT. There is no other possible reason to leave T8 with 120mm lower plate while T9 have 100mm only.

  7. “- Q: “SerB, last year (the idea of winning Golden Joystick) caused enthusiasm amongst players (unlike this year), what do you think about such a fundamental change in player attitude?” A: “I don’t care” (later he says that people are “celebrating” WoT GJ loss too early and they need to chill out and he closes with “Whine, whine never changes”)”

    Just look who is obviously mad here :3

    • Drowning its sorrows in a pub, I think. The last I saw some guy was asking it about hovercrafts and eels…

  8. SerB seems angry today, some of his answers are rude, full of typos and trolling. When called on that, he said it’s because the “amount of idiots here has increased”

    He lost KV-1S debate, it loses its 122mm gun.

  9. I have a JT88, 1800+ battles on it. And would like to have it as the JT tier 9 is right now…

    Henriques (EU)

  10. “maps returning from re-work “sometimes” have bigger chance to drop when they are implemented like completely new maps”

    I played 88 battles since 8.8 came out, still don’t get swamp yet O_o

      • Actually the new Swamps & Komarin are quite ok now (even Serene Coast!) – no more empty large killzones where nobody without suicidal behaviour would drive in :)

        At least each map from one of their sides…haven’t gotten those maps too often to explore both sides :)

        Can’t talk much about the all-new map, played it just once and died too soon.

    • ~ 100 matches in 8.8
      Tundra ~ 6-7 times – really like this one
      Komarin ~ 4-5 times – same principles as old Komarin, the visual changes are nice though
      Swamp ~ 4 times – 3 times spawned on the south side, and lost
      Southern Coast ~ only once for a blitz win from the southern base. Again capture the big hill in the east and everything goes easy after that. Looks somehow less hostile to slow heavies.

      • Serene Coast* … called it Southern Coast because of the previous bias for the southern team … freudian slip

  11. It would be cool if the missions would be display progress on all missions (like on the steel missions, no progress for the 20 killings are shown)…

  12. - SerB states that the 1200hp German engines were not historical

    then remove Maus, E-100 and JagPz E-100 1200Hp Engines

    • Those tanks aren’t historical as well, so you could just remove them too, not only their engines.

    • The Maus was supposed to equip an 1700hp engine (In that case it actually belongs to the Maus II I think, a maus variant with much weaker engine and lower top speed akin T95 could fit in tier 9).

      The E-100 tanks are an odd case. Just look how big the engine deck is….
      While the HL295 was never mentioned (it ended up in the AMX-50 tanks), a 1200hp engine was specified for the E-100. How they acieved that was an entirely different story though, it was supposely turbocharged. The gas turbine engine was meant for the Panther, so its not there….

      Bonus points: The frenchmen thought that the HL295 was some sort of miracle, they thought they get a 1200HP engine. Until they got stuck with 850HP…..(to be fair, getting a reliable 1200HP engine in the 50s..good luck)

      • Maus II is just a compilation of “what would be cool to add” on Maus. Most of it was not possible to do on existing chassis (like the 150mm gun) and something was not possible at all (like the 1700hp engine, germans simply didnt have the tech).

    • Do we want to count the unreal tanks? Let’s start: T25/2, T25 AT, T28 proto, T28 ( I know it was real, but the one in WoT is like “I want my own T28, with Blackjack and hookers!”)

    • Only applies to Maybach engine line. Maus was supposed to have Daimler aero engine, or, according to The Chieftain, BMW naval engine, so it is exempt.

      • Plus it used that wonky petrol-electric setup, which by all accounts is bulky and heavy as fuck but pretty good at handling massive forces. Also popular in locomotives.

  13. - Panzer I Ausf.C has scout MM, because (surprise) it’s a scout
    But it doesn’t have scout MM. It’s a tier 3 and no tier 3′s have scout MM.

  14. “- SerB states that the algorithm for aiming has not changed (SS: whatever that means)”

    I’m pretty sure it means the dispersion inside the circle, I saw some ppl on the forum stating that it was changed.

  15. - the composition of the 8.9 German TD branch is final

    What about the guns? JT 128 auto-loader?

    no 128 -> not interested

    • Well, in case you are not familiar with this russian server stereotype/joke about the name I’m willing to tell: when the game went open beta a lot of Alex***** (***** for some kind of number usually, because there were so much of them) named players emerged. They were many, and most of them were sadly very bad players. So the name very soon became the synonim to noob, as if your nickname is Alex that means you’re pretty bad (which was true in most cases, and still is).

  16. “which comes from the name Alyosha if I recall correctly” – how is this name connected with Alleni or noobs. I am confused. SS can you explain this?

    • The way it was explained to me (and anyone correct me if I am wrong), Alyosha (a generic Russian name) is just another expression for noob. No idea why exactly this name and not any other.

      • It’s because in the beginning of WoT, people noticed that a lot of bad players had “alex” in their nickname in different forms like 123_A_L_E_X_321. You can tell almost right away that a player with that kind of “flashy” name isn’t a unicum.

      • Isn’t Alyosha a woman’s name? Probably deliberately chosen in order to further get under the skins of puerile neckbeards with self-esteem issues…

      • Well, i will try to explain. Many peoples in Russia have a “Aleksandr” name, which means that many WoT players have nicknames like “Alex”, “Alex1234″, etc. After some time, players with such nicknames started to be looked as bad players (majority of WoT players are noobs, and many of them have similar “alex” nick). So now gamers use “Alex” to insult somebody (“You are as bad at driving your tank as the worst Alex”).
        Alyosha is also frequently used shortened version of Aleksandr (Aleksandr sounds more official). So Alyosha and Alex are generic names of a generic WoT russian noob.

          • Sorry but no, Alioshe come from Russian culture, you know thera a lot of fairy-tales like 3 brothers and afcourse youngest 3rd was dumb/idiot :). Basicaly Aliosha reflects dumb simple guy from village from culture meaning, simethink like this.

            • i’m russian :) and i read a lot of fairy-tales. youngest dumb/idiot always Ivan.
              WoT term ‘Aliosha’ derived from a lot of noobs playes whose names is Aleksandr or Aleksey, very popular here

  17. - for now, there are no other candidates for removal from the game (like the T-50-2 was), but SerB states “we’ll see”

    what about t110e4/e3? one of them does not belong to this game (im looking at you 180° turret )

  18. “When called on that, he said it’s because the “amount of idiots here has increased”
    lol? the number of idiots increased only because world of tanks became more and more casual… it´s his own fault…

    • Add to this the way the forums have gone downhill being overrun with trolls (at least in NA). As long as you only taunt and insult other players – and not say anything bad about WG – you can fill up threads with as much crap as you want. Ask a question, and you get 20 pages of insults, half of them from players who don’t even play the game.

  19. - the composition of the 8.9 German TD branch is final

    So we are stuck with this hulking monstrosity that misses the entire point of the waffentrager design philosophy.

  20. (If I understand it correctly) there are no plans to introduce more options how to one- or two-shot a tank with midtier guns (the already existing being fire and ammorack explosion)

    Well… there is still the KV-1S….. :/

  21. maps returning from re-work “sometimes” have bigger chance to drop when they are implemented like completely new maps…

    ?? I did more than 200 battles since 8.8 and got Swamp, Komarin or new Tundra map 1 time each. Seems not to be true!

      • And each MM server has it in rotation, that doesn’t mean you get the same server each time. So, theoretically it’s possible to play only one map, for years. It’s more random chance, than anything.

  22. - Swamp and Komaring maps don’t have any tier limites, they are available on all tiers

    So does that mean that Tier 1 will see these maps as well or are they still considered special and not included?

    I don’t play Tier 1 but those look like longer range sniper maps at least compared to the current tier 1 maps so may make it more amusing to pick up a Tier 1.

  23. the guns for 3001H and 3601H were chosen “based on historical and balance considerations”
    “historical” 88mm…

  24. Pingback: 16.09.2013 | WoTRomania

  25. The only thing that I think would make SerB this pissed is if he didn’t get his way with the KV-1S. Well, all I have to say to him is “how terrible”.

  26. - Type 62 did become smaller, Storm states that some changes are simply forgotten and don’t make it to the patchnotes, there will be no compensation for Type 62 change, Type 62 won’t get limited MM either

    Wait…so people are COMPLAINING about the Type 62 being smaller? Isn’t a light tank being smaller supposed to be a GOOD thing, because then it’s a smaller TARGET?

    • I have the Type 62 and I like the idea of it being smaller. The reason I complained is because changes should be transparent.

      And… if changes are ‘forgotten’ it clearly shows that WG have poor control over their software and how it is released. Not something to be telling the whole world.

        • Ex-Blizzard staff. It’s amazing the amount of stuff that makes it into the game without ever being mentioned in the patch notes.

      • Well, if you ever developed a complex software project you should know that it’s outright impossible to make all the changes to the patchnotes.

        • Having worked in complex environments, managing software and servers for *lots* of clients, I can tell you how easy it is to track all changes and create automated reports of any changes made.

  27. “for now, there are no other candidates for removal from the game (like the T-50-2 was), but SerB states “we’ll see”

    I nominate SerB for removal!

  28. >serb is angry

    Haha. Suck my sweaty balls SerB. No Golden joystick for you to play with this year.

  29. >> – maps returning from re-work “sometimes” have bigger chance to drop when they are implemented like completely new maps

    Frank, guess what: we got Dragon Ridge on companies – and it wasn’t to come back. Do you want a replay sent to prove this?

  30. “- Swamp and Komaring maps don’t have any tier limites, they are available on all tiers”
    Komaring -> Komarin

  31. SerB is a useless nigger I’d like to shove my balls in his mouth.

    WOT will lose Golden Joystick. Nobody will vote for their shitbag game, and EVERYONE is waiting for Failgaming to get shoved into their place when ‘any’ new tank game comes out.

  32. “for now there are no concrete plans to allow players to get a tier 7-8 premium tank as a mission reward, but SerB states that if such a thing ever comes, the mission will be very difficult” win 15 battles in a row?