
First, check Overlord’s post on Tokyo show… here’s a teaser:


Regular QA:

- limited MM for M6A2E1? “Don’t play M6A2E1″ (SS: no, it won’t get limited MM)
- in one of the WG streams, Viktor Kisly stated that when the suspension gets yellow, the tank agility (dynamic) is reduced. SerB states that this is not true and that V.Kisly simply didn’t know the mechanics in details, as he is the director of the entire company, while SerB leads the game mechanics development

- SerB states that E-100 shells can ricochet from Batchat, despite the fact the 3-caliber (SS: caliber of gun 3 times bigger than the nominal armor means no ricochets) rule is still valid
- Q: “Why does a tank with a gun similiar to Tetrarch appear on tier 4?” A: “Because of complex of characteristics, that is not reduced to penetration only”
- Object 140 will stay on its place (as being unlockable from T-54), as its direct predecessor was the Object 139, which is one of the ingame T-54 configurations
- SerB states that several hundred thousand people actually read forums, so that’s like 1 percent of all players
- the WoWp release will not happen on 26th of September apparently, as there are issues with the integration of WoWp and WoT accounts
- gunpowder quality (SS: for example the fact the Germans had gunpowder generating less smoke) will not be taken into account (SerB stated that he hasn’t found any real proof that German gunpowder generated less smoke, he states that it’s possible that American authors write that because American gunpowder created too much smoke and not vice versa)
- Q: “When will the developers start answering the player questions live via chat?” A: “When you double the amount of hours a day has”
- SerB states that because the STB1 has some sort of loading assistant, it’s completely possible its 105mm rate of fire will actually be better than the ROF of other tier 10 meds
- Japanese voicovers will most likely come with the Japanese patch
- SerB states that the final number of the nations in World of Tanks is 8 (SS: EU counts as one)
- no special medal for courageous resistance is apparently planned
- so far, WG has not found a way for clanless players to participate in clanwars, that wouldn’t become a source of exploits for clan players. If they do, they will let us know. Mercenaries are scrapped.
- the list of buffed tanks in 0.8.9 will come in 0.8.9 patchnotes
- if a premium tank has too low winrate, it’s possible it gets buffed, but only in certain boundaries
- RU251 this year? “When it’s done it’s done”
- there is a possibility of M41 Walker Bulldog appearing in the game (SS: it will almost certainly be a tier 6-7 American light tank)
- it’s not sure when the Japanese tanks come (either this or the beginning of next year)
- it’s possible that the Great Wall Chinese map will come for EU/RU/US servers too

132 thoughts on “19.9.2013

  1. - SerB states that E-100 shells can ricochet from Batchat, despite the fact the 3-caliber (SS: caliber of gun 3 times bigger than the nominal armor means no ricochets) rule is still valid

    BOOOOO, bad move!!!11

    Give me the donkey

  2. - SerB states that because the STB1 has some sort of loading assistant, it’s completely possible its 105mm rate of fire will actually be better than the ROF of other tier 10 meds


    Yes, my marketing pitch is working

      • So an even faster medium than the 62A with an even faster reload rate. More power creep designed to appeal to the Japanese gamer market.
        Every time a branch is released (apart from the Brits – ha Russians hate the Brits for some reason) the new tanks have to be even better than everything else. No wonder older tanks are totally outclassed now. .
        Yet more reasons not to bother with heavy tanks ever again at Tier X. Daigensui is as damaging to this game as it is possible to be based her her ‘totally unbiased’ promotion of the superiority of Japanese vehicles.

        • what a bunch of crap, power creep is a BS made up by players who see different=better. First power creep was mentioned when OP 110E5 was introduced (and balanced in the next patch), after that lets see the so called power creep…

          new german meds, balanced
          new chinese tanks, balanced
          Brits, ballanced, a bit meh in heavy department
          new usa branch, mostly balanced , op T57 (due for rebalance)
          new USSR TD’s, meh…
          french TD’s, again ballanced, op Foch 155 (also due for rebalance)

          • FV215b was OP when it was released. Could kill 1.5 E5s up close and even more if the range was at least 400m. T57 was OP right away (mostly a noob problem tho, who think that it’s always loaded), Foch 155 was complete crap when it was released, regular Foch was OP tho (but fixed next patch).

            • FV215 was just awesome support platform with no armour(remember – it was before arty nerf so splash literally killed that thing), shitty gun depression which moved 20km/h. Scary in crash tests, but nothing more.

        • Of course it’s not going to reload faster, thats just stupid. The T-62A reloads in 5.5 seconds.

        • Don’t worry, WG saves its bias for soviet tanks. If it has higher son than the other 105mm mediums, there will be major deficiencies (aim time, ground resistance, depression, otm accuracy, module damage, etc.)

      • 3 reasons why the T-72 will NEVER be in the game:

        1. Composite Armour
        2. Smoothbore Gun
        3. Armour-Protection Level is classified.

        every of these 3 reasons alone is reason enough to not be implemented in the game.

          • AND a completely made-up gun to get around the “no smoothbores” limit and God knows what else, just for shits&giggles?
            Please do the world a favor and hold your breath while you wait for it.

          • It had over 300mm effective on the hull and over 500 on the turret. Very good HT stats. Also has 20 hp/t mobility, very good for MT on tier10, imbalanced for HT. Not to mention the only projected rifled gun should have at least the same alpha than Object 263, more ROF (autoloader) and around 300mm penetration with the AP round. Does it sound like tier10 material? No shit, more like tier12.

        • T-72 armor protection classified? Don’t be ridiculous. This thing have been measured a thousand times (how many holes exactly were made in those things during Desert Storm?).

          • Usually just two – one on the way in, and one on the way out.

            Three, if you count the hole where the turret used to be.

          • Iraq had the export “M” version, which meant no composite armor (and thinner overall anyway), which is why they added steel plates to a lot of them (and most of their tanks were actually Chinese 59/69′s). It’s only recently that they were able to acquire non-export versions from former Soviet Blocs.

            However, yes, Combo K is well-known at this point. It’s also known that because of the difficulty in procuring some chemicals in large quantities, some armor would be filled with pretty much anything available or even left empty.

        • Armor protection is classified so that the enemy doesnt laught at the garbage protection, same story with abrams

            • If the Merkava were in game, all drivers will start whining that it’s a “german” tank(oh the irony) cuz that thing has a forward mounted engine(in order to better protect the crew)…meaning all penetrating shots coming from the front will take out the engine or plain set it on fire.

    • well 105mm rate of fire will actually be better than the ROF of other tier 10 meds
      it will make Fv4202 totally junk
      even now it is the worstest MT …

      • ROF won’t be more than 7.5 rpm. I am estimating 7.25 or less once balancing is complete. DPM comes at a harsh price for Wargaming.

      • You kidding me? I munched on a Jagdpanzer E-100 and Foch 155 in one battle with that thing. And not a single point of damage either.

    • Well at least the post-war Japanese tanks will be of use, since most of the earlier-tiered tanks (I’d go so far as to say all their tanks up to tier 7) were outclassed by their American counterparts (most tank vs tank battles in the Pacific Theater were curbstomps with the Japanese on the losing side)

    • Issue on modeling the LAD … its not a problem IMO to model it in game;

      4 round clip… run it as a First-in-First-out [FIFO] queue where the time between rounds in the “clip” are fast and the first-in load time is long… this models a simple compromise that almost perfectly simulates the LAD and the ability to slow-load a round at a time, as well as idle time filling up the LAD.

      Its really quit easy, and simple to program, as well as to have players understand.

      fyi … When I mean “clip” the ‘first’ round is available to “fire” at any time during the LAD reload. obviously, but just taking care.

      • The IS-7 autoloader is largely similar from what I gather, and simply gets handled as a relatively high RoF. I’d be very surprised if WG didn’t go with that KISS solution here too.

  3. Yellow tracks don’t reduce their agility? Tell that to my Lowe or T34. If it’s true so what’s the point in turning them yellow then?

    • What’s the point of the fueltanks turning yellow before they catch fire? It’s polite to inform the player the component in now at ~50% HP or less and won’t get better (IIRC) for the rest of the battle unless a repairkit is applied.

      • Will get better. When the module has suffered critical damage it will repair to 20% before going yellow (it’s 1% for fuel tanks though) and then to 50% at the same rate.

    • I agree, when my Centurion gets yellow track damage (and bearing in mind that despite not being fast, it is still very agile) it definitely moves more sluggish. Don’t know why SerB is trying to bullshit us about this very obvious mechanic…

      • Funny. For a “very obvious” mechanic *I* certainly haven’t noticed max-speed differences before/after yellow-level track damage over, oh, ~11.8k matches.

        And let me tell you with something like the Churchill series or the T28 Proto you tend to have ample time to watch the speedometer, for lack of better things to do, while transiting to the next fight site… Both are also hilariously prone to detracking.

    • I think he means from the initial 100%(full hp) to yellow. In this case there’s no difference. If you were, however, tracked(i.e. tracks went to 0% and then repaired to yellow state)…well…then that’s a permanent speed decrease for the rest of the game.

  4. Are you sure you need 3 times caliber size in order to receive overmatch? I though it was just double as the wiki says: “If the AP or APCR shell’s caliber is 2 times or more than the nominal thickness of the armour (Such as a 120mm shell hitting a 60mm thick plate), projectile shell normalization is increased by the following formula: basic normalization * 1.4 * shell caliber / nominal armour thickness.”

    • if its 2 times more it gets higher normalization= less armor to penetrate

      if its 3 times more it will overmatch= penetration regardless of angle

      • The 3-caliber rule does not guarantee a penetration, it removes the ricochet-at-70°-angle rule. Though combined with the 2-caliber rule it means penetration most of the time even at extreme angles.

        • It doesnt remove the possibility of ricochet. You can still recieve a ricochet at extreme angles.

          • Not ricochet though, it will bounce or fail to pen because of insufficient penetration. The StuG has two little piece of autobounce armor that can bounce 122mm shells in lucky cases.

            Also keep in mind that normalization has been reduced a lot in the last few patches.

  5. ” – SerB states that the final number of the nations in World of Tanks is 8 (SS: EU counts as one)”
    When thinking about it, it’s seems normal. Though it’s a bit sad. So it only stay EU to come IG.

  6. What I really wanna know is….

    …if roaming comes to WoT, and I roam to the RU servers, will I be able to buy tanks in the RU gift shop and roam back to the US with my shiny new M6A2E1?

  7. ” – SerB states that the final number of the nations in World of Tanks is 8 (SS: EU counts as one)”

    So what about the rumors of the Israeli tanks or the South American tanks? Are they scrapped, or they will be featured in other trees, like the South Americans in the American tech tree?

    • They could be simply premium tanks associated with a parent nation with a special list of crew names and portraits to pull from, and otherwise act like a crew or tank from the parent nation.

      So a Ben Gurion could be commanded by a British or Israeli crew, and an Israeli crew can be placed into any British tank, so there is a point to recruiting an Israeli crew.

      This also neatly solves the EU trees problem by allowing interchangeable crews but not necessitating it (Italian crew in Swiss tank if you want, or simply Swiss crew in your Swiss tank that can also be used in other EU mediums).

    • You’ve got it wrong “EU tree” is an incorrect name for “Minor tree”, but it’s commonly used as most of it will have European origin.

  8. So the EU tree is next and last to come. Finally we got some finite numbers about this game. I wonder what tier X’s will be. I’m also looking forward to expansion of French and Chinese tech trees. While China I can understand, the lack of new french branches is something that makes me sad ;__;

    Le sad french face ;__;

    • Tier X TD: Most likely the swedish Strv 103. (Maybe even the Strv 103B)

      Tier X Med: Probably the czech TR-85 or the prototype of it, the TR-580 (the TR-85 basically is only different in terms of the engine, the TR-580 having a 580hp engine, while the TR-85 has a 830hp diesel engine designed to resemble the Leopard 1 engine)

      Tier X Heavy: Dunno, not that much into european heavy tanks.

      Tier X Arty: Maybe the swedish Bandkanon 1?

      • Devs stated MANY TIMES that Strv 103 will not be implemented.

        And about mediums. Devs stated that most likely the Swiss Panzer 58 and Panzer 61 will be the top mediums.

  9. - it’s possible that the Great Wall Chinese map will come for EU/RU/US servers too

    what does that mean? the “too” must mean that it is on some “other server”

    • I’ve heard a lot of rumors stating this map is the most linear and boring, don’t expect too much. :/

  10. 8 nations? Besides the current 6, the 7th will be the Japanese, and the 8th will be the EU.

    So. No italian branch? and no Argentinean branch either?

    • I don’t know what part of “EU” you don’t understand, but Italy is still part of the EU in my book.

      About Argentinean or Israeli branch, I can’t say much.

        • They’re overtiered the tanks when you’ll look at their specs, I’d hardly put P43 at tier 6 to be fair
          mostly cause of armour(let’s say that they’ll find good gun for it) – we don’t need more support HT’s in this game.

          • at the current rate /MAUs will be a tier 8. Stupidly modern OP Japanese STB coming, Leopard 1 coming. More heavy tanks is exactly what this tanks needs along with a thorough reworking of the armour modeling system.
            P26 may be a trifle weak looking on paper but that doesn’t account for the soft-statting of vehicles and is only a reflecting of historical data. Add a real but non-historically fitted gun and buff ammo and hey presto.
            After Chinese tanks came anything is now possible. *cough* looks at pathetic E100 waffentrager

  11. “the WoWp release will not happen on 26th of September apparently, as there are issues with the integration of WoWp and WoT accounts”

    Any info on when it will be released?

  12. - Q: “When will the developers start answering the player questions live via chat?” A: “When you double the amount of hours a day has”

    I’d totally appreciate this ! Or maybe a 50% increase only. :)

  13. - Q: “When will the developers start answering the player questions live via chat?” A: “When you double the amount of hours a day has”

    BTW WarThunder developers participate in live Q&A on TeamSpeak.

  14. >Japanese voicovers will most likely come with the Japanese patch

    If you’re on the ASIA server, they’re already here. Just switch over to the Japanese locale using the game launcher.

  15. - SerB states that the final number of the nations in World of Tanks is 8 (SS: EU counts as one)

    I think Italy deserves its own tree. Look at France, it’s padded out with dozens of vehicles that never made it past the drawing board or first concept sketches even, I’m sure, if WG considered doing the same for Italy, we’d get a tree of equal size.

    And don’t get me started on the Chinese tree, which pretty much popped up due to Chinese investors and pressure from the Chinese fanbase (Which are probably worse nationalists, than some of the Stalin-worshiping folks on the RU server)

    • I’m sorry but what? DOZENS? First there’s only about 40 total french tanks in four different lines.

      Light/Med line: All but AMX 40 made it to prototype stage.
      Heavy line: All but BDR G1B and AMX M4 1945 made it to prototype stage.

      That’s already about half the French tree. Just because YOU’VE never heard of them doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

  16. While I’m sure he’s correct on the yellow tracks in this case, according to my own experience anyways, this is the same SerB who once insisted that damaged tracks didn’t have a repair cost.

  17. I really, but really wanna see Motoko Kusanagi as a Japanese crewmember. :D (Name fits actually ;) )

  18. - if a premium tank has too low winrate, it’s possible it gets buffed, but only in certain boundaries-

    I look forward to the at-15a getting a buff. Although one wonders what they consider a low winrate. This t7 TD has never been over 50%(infact struggles for a 49%) yet the SU-122-44 hovers near 55%, just about all the time.

    Not saying Russian bias or anything, but they arent helping themselves to dissuade the general consensus in this regard.

    • So what are your suggestions? I dont really see how you can buff AT-15A. You cant change the armor, you cant change gun alpha/penetration, you cant make it much faster and more stealthy. More viewrange wont do anything aswell.

      • I think the WoT makers have quite a few ways to play with any tank. They could simply, just boost the HP. They did this with the TOG, to give it some sort of chance at its tier.

        They could give it a gimped 20 pounder. Say slower ROF. It still wouldnt have the alpha of the 122 of the 122-44 has but atleast give it a chance. Or make it’s glaring weak spots less weak! Or a combination of all?

        The at-15 at tier 8 is a great TD, i’m NOT saying to improve the at-15a to anything like that, but the winrate stats for the 15a are below par at best.

        I think all it needs is a tweak here and there, nothing major to atleast bring this prem TD out of the shadows.

        (I dont own an AT-15a any longer sold it long ago it was so below average).

        • They cant give it a gimped 20 pounder, obviously. TOG doesnt have a chance, it doesnt matter how much HP it’s gonna have, it’s a giant pinata. They cant change the armor aswell, obviously. HP buff, I’m not sure how it changes anything. Besides, I’ve never seen a guy in this TD to play at least approximately how TDs of this style are played. Could be the explanation of the winrate.

  19. Here is an Idea about Mercenaries. Each clanless player that is a mercenary in Clan wars has his own Mercenary Statistics that show his rating that varies from 1 to 10 (or 1 to 100 or whatever) , when a clan decides to buy a merc’s services, they pay him (depending on his rating) and after the battle is over, they can rate the mercenary for his work.

    Mercenaries’ Statistics also show how much exp on average he gets in a Clan wars battle, how much damage, kills, spotting damage, etc. That card also shows for wich clans the Merc has worked, so other clans can be wary of traitors.

    This way, when a clan searches for mercs on the merc market ,that shows all active mercs and their statistics at the moment, they can know wich ones to select.

    • Also just to add, To be a merc you need at least 3 tier 10 tanks and to pay a small fee of gold to enter the merc market. Something like 100 gold per month. Wich will you no doubt get back if you are a good merc, along with lots of profit.

      • I would have thought a simple queue where ANYONE can simply sit in with their best tank and try to join Clans which have an open spot. (Max of say 3 spots). That way a lot of clans will have say 13 Clan members and 2 pubbies to bolster their numbers. Its not hard really.

        • Yeah but that way people can just queue up to be jerks in clan wars. Nobody wants this shit.
          The best way is to have the clans themselves select wich mercs they want. If i was in a clan, i WONT want some random-ass guy to get into the battle and do shit he is not supposed to.

          • Mercs are a terrible idea. The only way to balance clans from simply paying gold to the best players on a ‘pay-to-win’ basis is to either randomize or make it voluntary. The reward should just be in credits as well.
            If you don’t need the ‘extra-hand’ then either fight short handed (as you do now) or take your chances. It would actually be a good recruiting tool. (oh yeah, might be good to make it so only non-clan affiliate players can do it as well)

            • You could also pay Mercs with credits and not gold. But That said, Clans that dont have as much as tier 10′s as KAZNA, for example (only 9 people there have less than 10 tier 10′s and some of them have them all, so there is no chance someone will win a war of attrition without help) will have no chance of beating KAZNA, for example, without getting help from mercs. Mercs, tough, will also have their tier 10 locked up for clan wars for a time if it was destroyed in battle.

              A clan could also make use of merc teams as sacrificial lambs to exhaust the vehicle pool a particular clan has, but that would take money to do. Thats what mercs are for, helping lesser clans defeat bigger ones, while getting financial payoff in the process.

              Its not a bad idea, its a pretty nice idea to include players who are not in clans, but are good nontheles, in clan wars.

            • Also, whats wrong with clans paying mercs-to-win? ’tis is a legit strategy! They are paying for that, allright? Also, other clans can do the same thing.

            • Paying mercs with gold will meen only the best mercs will play; good I hear you say but that means an open market which also means that only the biggest clans who have very deep treasuries will be able to afford them which defacto means they can never be removed off the map.
              The whole CW system needs a fundamental overhaul. In principle I like the idea of ‘mercing’ for lack of a better term but ONLY if it was rewarded with credits and ONLY if the players were non-clan members.

    • The whole idea is just a waste of development time. You want to play clanwars and you’re good enough – go join the clan. If you dont like being forced to show up that means you are not good enough and clan doesnt need you. There are simply not enough reasons for this fuctionality to appear. All the good players who want to play in clanwars already do.

      • There are some players that are not so regular, but still want to make money out of clan wars.
        Not having the time to show up every day on the same time dosent make you “less good” than someone else, it just makes you a busy man with a job or…social life….

  20. - it’s possible that the Great Wall Chinese map will come for EU/RU/US servers too

    Once again SEA/ASIA is completely forgotten/blatantly ignored.

    Fair enough, we’ve been around for the least time, have the smallest population and are kinda the lowest common denominator for players’ skill, but we’re still a server.

  21. Pingback: 19.9.2013 | WoTRomania

  22. - gunpowder quality (SS: for example the fact the Germans had gunpowder generating less smoke) will not be taken into account (SerB stated that he hasn’t found any real proof that German gunpowder generated less smoke, he states that it’s possible that American authors write that because American gunpowder created too much smoke and not vice versa)

    This guy is always good for a laugh.

    • Then I’m glad you accept that the USSR had the best optics in the world at that point since US sources are infallible.