- FV300 is planned to be introduced as British light tank, but SerB states that other than that (it’s a tier 6 probably), the British have no hightier LT candidates, unless WG digs something up at Bovington
- SerB considers the 8.8 German rebalance “fair”
- the Lowe side armor is historical, it belongs to one of the models mentioned in Panzer Tracts (SS: Lowe is a mashup of two models in game, I think there’s an article on that in old FTR)
- there might be a “shockwave” graphic effect (from tank shooting) implemented, but if it makes it to WoT, it will be active only when the tank is spotted
- tank throwing out dirt (or “shaking it off” when it stops) will be implemented only if in the limits of client computer possibilities
- WG won’t make a MMORPG game apparently
- official concept of historical battles is ready and confirmed, “wait for official announcement”
- players having strange ratings? SerB: “As I wrote before, I don’t care about any ratings.”
- WoT having bot-detecting algorithms? “We won’t comment on bot-detecting algorithms in game”
- Lowe doesn’t have 150mm L/40, because it would be terribly OP with it
- apparently, Leopard 1 has the best camo factor of all hightier meds
- there might be an invisibility (“show I am online only to friends/clanmates”) mode implemented, not soon tho
- SerB states that there was no Maus I tank (contrary to Maus II, that was historical), Maus I was simply called “Maus”
- SerB says that if you see tank corpses rotate like 10-15 degrees after their destruction, it’s probably desynchronisation of client
- SerB also confirms that last month’s massive events (like the possibility to get a lot of gold per day) did have an effect on WG economy – if good or bad remains to be seen
- “Jagdchieftain” (CTR) in WoT? “No comment”
- blindshots (you accidentally hit someone who was not spotted in the bushes for example) count as if the shooter spotted the enemy himself, you get full XP/credit for it
- the Japanese tree got reworked: Type 97 Te-Ke got thrown out and the Chi-Ri lost the 88mm gun (SS: just like Daigensui predicted)
- SerB confirms that the Chinese tree is generally not very popular
- SerB thinks that 20 percent of all players will hide their statistics – they will be spread roughly equally when it comes to skill with a bit more good players hiding their stats, because they read the news and forums
- it’s possible that the E-50 will move to tier 10 and will be replaced by a “Turbopanther” with two optional hulls (SS: a GT101 gas turbine Panther probably)
- both the regular movement stopping (you move forward and press the S key) and the stop-to-shoot (spacebar) stop the vehicle with the same speed
- new city maps will be smaller than 1x1km
- Americans will get a second medium branch (SS: not counting the T57 one). It might start from the Chaffee, but that is not guaranteed. It has undergone changes in the past, but according to SerB, players will like it.
Here take a coockie ( )
Donkey likes you, dont be afraid of donkey, donkey only wants to kill you.
Who watches the donkey?
A pony ಠ_ಠ
Donkey, I am your father.
You are my father moron -_- and Donkey is your bitch….. i mean my mom :)
Daddy gets around more than you knew, son.
I expected a human painis
- apparently, Leopard 1 has the best camo factor of all hightier meds
Really? I thought the batchat won that category….
I’m pretty sure leo’s camo is only slighly above average and way lower than bat and t62a (numbers 17.0 for bat/t62 and 14.0 for leo spring to mind but don’t know if i remember that correctly). Or did they change it in 8.8?
Also my thought. As long as they did not (very) recently change the camo factors Leo1 is behind at least the T62A in camo rating.
Dunno why SerB babbles that BS about Leo1s camo factor other then soothe some (Bundes)wehraboo´s…
“- apparently, Leopard 1 has the best camo factor of all hightier meds”
YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! My beloved Leo 1 is best of the best :3
At getting ammoracked by T21.
I ammorack them left and right.
With T62a also come 121 and obj.140, and I believe FV4202 has the same camo as Leo1. That leaves only 50M and Patton with worse camo rating…
Still 50M and Patton are far more useful then leopard..
Unless this changed in 8.8, this has been proven as bullshit. People field tested the hell out of this and the T-62A and Batchat had better camo than the Leo-1 both stationary and on the go. Once again, unless something changed in 8.8, SerB is a fucking no good liar scumbag.
He could also be a “fucking no good scumbag” who hasn’t memorized obscure balance factors as well as he did. Judging from community-produced tables, the difference between Leo1 camo and BatChat/T-62 is peanuts — absolute difference is ~2.5%. And the Leopard has slightly more view range (10meters, 2.5% relative difference) than its smaller brothers.
or he was referring to firing camo ?
He was referring to how much prettier it looks with camo compared to the other mediums. You should probably buy them all for every tank to figure out which is best!
- SerB considers the 8.8 German rebalance “fair”
Yeah, I would even say that the 8.8 Germans are better.
Just take a look at the Tiger, with that massive dpm buff
Look at the tiger, and see how it shines, I mean burns… :D But I got past it, and I often set it on fire, so for me it is a good “buff”
Who cares Tiger, that is the only winner of the rebalance. See all German meds crawling the battlefield like pensioner slugs. See those miserable low tier heavies without any strongpoints. They slaughtered German lines, and they will do this in the future. But it is fair. Sure. I hope that SerB’s whole life will go as well in the future as fairly he and hes team treated the German tree. This is my curse on them.
Whine whine whine whine whine. My Vk36, Tiger, and E-75 are still as fast as ever, I hear that the E-50′s armour was buffed if anything, and the Vk3002M can easily hit 50km/h in a straight line. The only tank that got “shafted” was maybe the Vk3001H, but that thing gets two very good guns in exchange.
“Mine are fast as ever”, “I hear buffed if anything”.. lol, move along, nothing to see here. The lower glacius nerf on the KT alone is bullshit now that everything can pen it from the front. The E-75 is sluggish, especially up grades. But it’s hull traverses faster! lol.
Hide the LFP? It’s an easy weak-spot to hide, and with a UFP buff, it’s even better hull-down, now.
Do you know what you speaking about, my dear anonymous WG-huging friend? Vk30.02M is a numb, slow-accelerating medium, without any capacity to fight close. Like the Panther but without high pen gun. PanthII is a little worse now. Yes, they can maintain relatively high speed stright, after a long run, but WoT is not Bonneville Salt Flats, so this is not so important. And pointing the truth is not whining. I tested all the tanks I writing about for weeks. Now there is not a single tier where russian meds are not far stronger.
(About armour buff: yes, they buffed some UFP-s, but nerfed LFP-s. UFP is where nobody shoots. LFP is where everybody aims. So is it a buff?)
Well, at tier 7 germans have better medium than russians – imho the tweak in panther engines was very slight(50 hp lost, gained a bit of passability), and i find the buff to top speed extremely useful. AFAIK panther also got a nice buff to rof, but i’m not sure about that. All in all I think it’s a better tank overall than t-43 and definitely better when it comes to facing the other one(without gold it’s possible to bounce even d-25-t gun with panther, let alone 85mm) or fun from playing. I’m not saying t-43 is bad, it;s just npt as good now.
That’s debatable; the Russians have the KV-13, which has the same effective hull armor as the IS, a HEAVY tank, but an adequate gun. The Panther is a travesty of what it actually was and is forced to resort to a comically-long gun with very low DPM and DPS that is accurate and has high pen, but besides that, the Panther in-game has almost no redeeming factors. All of the tier 7 mediums have their issues, but the Panther just doesn’t have any redeeming factors, unlike the others.
KV-13′s main “schtick” is the combination of speed and armour, in terms of firepower it manages to be (slightly) inferior to the T-43 already – which the Panther and “Dragonball” have beat hands down as is in that category.
No idea how the A-44 compares; they’re still very rare and I’m myself still grinding for it at the A-43 so can’t say, plus the whole setup with the 107mm and rear turret is arguably so radically different from the other T7 meds that it’s not very comparable in the first place.
People still whining about LFP nerf, geez, grow up, kids! nerf or not, enemy will still targeting my JT entire hull, whether UFP or LFP…….
You are lucky enough then to meet brainless players and bots always. Competent players aim to LFP all the time. Everybody knows there is that napalm-filled transmission – a little surprise from an earlier German rebalance.
You must be driving different GER tanks than me then, because my KV-lineages with their infamous fueltanks chew up rather more extinguishers than the VKs with their supposed tinderbox final drives…
If you are foolish enough to let yourself flanked, sure. But KV-s don’t burn from frontal shots, I think…
Yeah, ’cause your opinion on such matters totally always gets consulted especially witch acrobats like the T-150 and KV-3… plus on a good day the fuel tanks manage to get damaged from hits to the hull side when angling. Especially after your track’s been shot off and you can’t adjust your position.
Point being, for all the whine about the German frontal transmission fires those I drive regularly – VK30P and 36H – rarely seem to suffer from such. Either I keep running into idiots who don’t aim at the lower plate more often than the norm, or, which I suspect is more likely, the magnitude of the problem is as usual exaggerated.
The German front engine thing is important in peek-a-boo’s, as soon as they start peeking out you can track them and keep hitting the engine until it burns up.
only Jt casemate armour offers any protection against guns on tier 9 vehicle, all have enough penetration to punch through the UFP.
sad about slow mediums and not-strong heavies?
Play French tree.
No fucking way, bro XD
I have to say that Tiger 2 is now a much easier target. That lower plate nerf to 100mm is godly for most russian tanks with 175mm guns. My IS-6 couldnt even dream going head to head against a Tiger 2. Now with the lp nerf, it goes straight through!
- new city maps will be smaller than 1x1km
F**cking brilliant… let’s just develop BACKWARDS some more.
999x999m – just troll someone off :D
butthurt arty player detected
Wrong reply, anon.
(wish there was no arty at all)
Poor arty plebs :(
- SerB states that there was no Maus I tank (contrary to Maus II, that was historical), Maus I was simply called “Maus”
Soo Maus Will stay in tier 10? What change for tier 9 HT if VK 4502 A and VK4502 B Merged into one?
Maus will definitely stay.
The Vk4502′s would both be tier 8′s as researchable hulls. I’d hazard a guess that the A hull would stay the same, whilst the B hull would act as a true heavy balanced against the Tiger 2 in the same way it’s currently balanced with the E75.
Teir 9 would be one of the many many Maus prototypes [vk100.01(p)]
And there will be no Maus II in game, it’s pretty much identical to the existing Maus (and it’s go out on a limb here to say it’s existence was pandering to Hitlers complaints that the 12.8cm gun didn’t look big enough)
Ok Thanks For answer, I understand although its just prediction..
>fv300 light tank
It looks pretty interesting. Almost like a cromwell with better camo and gun depression. If it could mount the 17pdr, I would pick one of those up right away.
- SerB confirms that the Chinese tree is generally not very popular.
High tiers are very fun – and not copies of soviets, but improvements.
True, I love 121 (although WZ-120 had more magical armor) and it’s such a rare tank, barely meet other 121 in randoms :)
Likewise with 110 – so rare, nobody knows where to shoot :D
Oh trust me I ALWAYS know where to shoot them…the trick is actually hitting those weakspots (I aim for the Commander’s Cupola if I have to fight one head-on).
Turret is from IS-8 – weakspots are same as on every tank.
But siemas thinks – “Oh NEW Tenk” – and goes full retard shooting UFP.
- it’s possible that the E-50 will move to tier 10 and will be replaced by a “Turbopanther” with two optional hulls (SS: a GT101 gas turbine Panther probably)
Didnt they already mentioned that multiple times? I am not sure if that gas turbine tier 9 med is going to work at tier 9. (engine fires ahoy!)
- apparently, Leopard 1 has the best camo factor of all hightier meds
Hm, the T-62A and the BatChat is smaller than the Leopard 1. Smaller means better camo, so?
(those two lack gun depression though)
- Lowe doesn’t have 150mm L/40, because it would be terribly OP with it
750 damage in a turreted tier 8 premium tank? No thanks, the KV-1S is already very popular in tier 6, imagine that two tiers higher. (To be fair, the KV-1S is going to be splitted up in two tanks, the tier 6 one is very likely losing the 122mm gun)
- Americans will get a second medium branch (SS: not counting the T57 one). It might start from the Chaffee, but that is not guaranteed. It has undergone changes in the past, but according to SerB, players will like it.
Something like this?
-Tier 5 Chaffee (the nerfed one)
-Tier 6 T37 (source of the top turret in the current M24)
-Tier 7 Walker Bulldog (duh)
-Tier 8 ?????? (no idea, the T92 light is too weak at tier 8 IMO, M551 is too modern and possibly OP (152mm derp in a fast tier 8 light?!) the T23 is not going to return as tank)
-Tier 9 T54E2 (was already teased once in a ASAP video)
-Tier 10 T95E2 (or any variant that could fit in WoT, M60 is already a CW tank)
KV-2 does even more damage than 750 – oh, they will be back in force when OP-1Sport goes away :)
It only does that much damage if it actually hits the target. That’s why I’m typically much more wary of a KV-2 with the 107 mm gun, since it’s probably going to actually hit the target if you wait for it to aim, whilst the 152 mm gun is a crapshoot, sometimes even at point-blank range.
That’s why the KV-1S has issues: its gun, while not quite accurate compared to GERMAN guns, is more than accurate enough to hit the target reliably at all but the longest ranges in most battles if you’re using the tank properly.
Since I have KV-5 with 107mm, derp is way more fun.
I go full HE (98pen) – so penetrating, tank goes poof. And if you dont – still make from 200 to 500 dmg (to tier 8 also).
I don’t think it will go thru the dedicated scout line. More like the T23 making a grand return
For those who remember it – I never even saw it.
“Stories tell there is old fallen warrior….
….soon to be awaken by powerful necromancer called….
SerB!” (dramatic lightning in the sky)
It’s pretty sure the T23 will not be a part of it. (that would be like a panther in the leopard line)
maybe something like this:
T6: T21
T7: T71(autol.), T71(normal)
T8: T69, << T42
T9: T54E1, T54E2
T10: T57, T95E5/E7
t10 light maybe the M551 sheridan?:P
yeah, especially with the historical 155 mm (iirc smoothbore) derpgun, trolling everything in sight. As if foch 155 was not enough.
Of course You realize the difference between a massively mobile TD with God-like frontal armour sporting an autoloaded 155mm gun and a relatively small light tank with aluminium armour carrying a classic one shot 152mm gun, do You?
Why the heck everyone want to get back the shitty T-23? Please with this shitty 22mm penetration of gun it would be JUST UNPLAYABLE
if you look at stats of t23 on wiki.worldoftanks then those stats are wrong
You went full retard.
Never go full retard.
Somebody gave it the wrong gun, okay?
Chaffee will go to Tier 6 just like VK28.01 and T-50-2 replacement.
The lowe with that gun could still work, it might even be completely enjoyable (sadly my only experience with it is Test Server) but OP? no because its so slow and this new gun would likely slow it down further it would be pretty balanced in my opinion, (Kv-1s gets called OP because its fast has huge alpha for its tier, and very toll bounce prone armor.)
Indeed, though the logical course of action WG would take would be to give it an insanely-lowe (wrong spelling is intentional here; that’s a pun) rate of fire (on par with tier 10 arty ROF). Also bare in mind that it would be similar to the gun on the E-100, so you’ll be lucky to actually hit the target much of the time.
you don’t pronounce ‘löwe’ as ‘low’.
sorry, i just had to.
MarkR17 on September 30, 2013 at 5:44 pm said:
- it’s possible that the E-50 will move to tier 10 and will be replaced by a “Turbopanther” with two optional hulls (SS: a GT101 gas turbine Panther probably)
Didnt they already mentioned that multiple times? I am not sure if that gas turbine tier 9 med is going to work at tier 9. (engine fires ahoy!)
The whole concept is a bad idea. The Panther II for example is not much of an improvement over the normal Panther. Adding in the Gas Turbine will not really increase the top speed of the Panther much. It will however in WOT context make the Panther get up to speed faster, give a slight speed boost, and will increase the chances of engine fires. (The extra space saved when switching to the turbine from the engine was taken up by more fuel.) The firewall between engine bay and tank is only like 10mm. If anything it will be easy to knock out the Panthers by hitting them anywhere aft of the turret.
Also the breaks, transmission(for the most part), turret, armor, gun, tracks, were all UNCHANGED from a normal Panther tank. The only major chance other then the new turbine was the addition of a lot of fuel in something like 3 fuel tanks all spaced around the turbine.
Burning Panzers is going to take on a whole new meaning.
Now, correctly designed, and the Germans did do this, the chance of fire should not be too much higher then normal engine chance. I think that if it was between 30-50% it would be fare. (You have to take a lot of stuff into account as the turbine alone is pushing a lot of air around. If the air is moving too fast you wont have a fire because it will blow itself out.) The turbine is also not burning normal gasoline.
. Just read the book on it and you will be happy.
Also this might help as well. To understand the conversions and math etc.
- SerB thinks that 20 percent of all players will hide their statistics….
I will – am I noob or above average – you will never know, bwahaha.
We already know that Woras. :-)
Stop pretending biatch! LOL
Hmm, SS, any news which tank replaced the “Te-Ke” ?
Oh, BTW, you like Iron Maiden, if I remember, I just bought The Tropper beer :D :D Cant wait to open it later ;)
Replaced? Nothing. It got thrown out and the rest got shifted one tier lower.
Oh, ok, thanks for the answer.
If Type 97 Te-Ke is too weak for II tier, maybe it should be I tier? It would be something more fresh than another Renault FT clone.
I don’t consider Te-Ke as a tank. It’s an armored tracked vehicle, which was its actual designation in IJA.
just as planned
*Evil smile*
Hoi Daigensui, your messagebox on US forums is full.
Hope you read this and pm me how to contact you! ;p
I don’t consider the loltracktor a tank either.
Military designation is pretty irrelevant, the US and France designated tanks ‘combat cars’ to not anger the cavalry but they were tanks. The Te-Ke was a tracked, fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle with a fully rotatable turret with an antitank gun. The reason why it was called a ‘light armored vehicle’ was political
Only Mitsubishi and Hitachi were allowed to make ‘tanks’the Te-Ke was made by Komatsu so they had to call it something else.
Get your facts straight, it was the Cavalry branches themselves who named their tanks “combat cars” (“automitrailleuses de combat” in the French case) to circumvent odd pieces of legislation which made “tanks” (“chars”) the monopoly of the Infantry.
That’s what I meant by ‘anger’ legally only certain branches of the military could operate tanks at the time. That is why for example the AMC 35 was classified as a AutoMitrailleuse de Combat rather than a tank
Thing is you got the branches Bass Ackwards.
Somehow, after almost 900 battles with E50, I dont want to have it replaced with another paper sub-par UglyTurm Panther that will burn with every shot.
Leave the E50 where it is and make the “new” tank an optional tier 9 grind, just like with JP2 and Ferdi.
I also love e50 I don’t have so many battles (about 400) and today i lonely killed 2 other pro players playing 9 tier tanks i just love this tank
Its NOT a paper panther. The engines were built and were tested. They were even installed. They were very much physical and the tank from the outside looks like any other panther. (except from the rear)
As for fire chance maybe 30-50%
A for the E50 if you knew anything you would expect the E50 to burn more often then it does… To move something like the E50 the engine needed to be rev’ed high almost all the time.
” As for fire chance maybe 30-50%”
You really want to see your Panda burn on every third shot?
There are tank engines IN GAME with 30% already so its more then fare to put it at 30%. Do the work before you post.
*30*? I know the Covenanter’s top one manages 40%, but not aware of a 30%…
Stats hidden?
Preferential target.
Good, I’ll hide mine and concentrate on whoever comes after me, (and thus must be using XVM or something similar) ;)
I can’t wait for the stats hiding feature. I am proud of my unicum level but at the end of the day, bragging rights is not better than being prioritized by crayon-eating clickers in pub matches.
Bragging that you’re a Unicum makes you the target of everyone on the team with half a brain you know, not just SPGs. And trust me, with the way I drive my TDs I’ll usually see you long before you’ll see me, and that usually means a dead enemy tank and my TD without a scratch on it or anyone knowing I’m there.
- SerB says that if you see tank corpses rotate like 10-15 degrees after their destruction, it’s probably desynchronisation of client
I wonder why that was happening. At first, after watching a ton of “Walking Dead” marathon, my thought was that the tank was “Zombiefied”. I plugged the dead tank with a couple of more rounds making sure the tank was dead. Silly me.
I bet your team loved watching you sit there shooting a dead tank while they where getting killed by the other team.
Actually no, none of my team was left on my side of the map. I was one of three in the match left alive from our team. I was driving a T-34 with the 57mm gun at the time. We did win the match. I do imagine that it would very weird to keep shooting a dead tank for no reason.
Lowe sucks, always will suck, because it is German. They have many options to choose to make it better. They are idiots.
You suck.
You suck.
You suck.
You suck.
It’s not Löwe, it’s you.
WTF guys Löwe really is bad compared to T34, 112 JT88 and nearly all other T8 premiumtanks exept for ther SPershing
I would like to trade my T34 for Lowe . I mean they’re both good but I prefer acc of Lowe
I remember when the Lowe was a beast. Then it took a WG physics patch to it’s knee. Thing overnight became sluggish as hell, and then powercreep everywhere else made it useless. Luckily I got it when it was only $35 when launched. Gun is good, but not $50 good these days, as the rest of the tank is now trash.
Same here. Bought it when it was 7500 gold. If I wanna spend $50 for a premium tank today I would pick IS-6 or JT 8.8cm
I shall now imply the original poster’s lack of skill and/or questionable sexuality with the heavily weighted armored vehicle that is named after the word from the Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch for a species of large felines.
^Sophisticated as fuck.
You suck…dick
- FV300 is planned to be introduced as British light tank, but SerB states that other than that (it’s a tier 6 probably), the British have no hightier LT candidates, unless WG digs something up at Bovington
- “Jagdchieftain” (CTR) in WoT? “No comment”
Holy hell wargamming. You have done literally no reasearch on British tanks, otherwise you would know the jagdcheiftain is not getting in, and there would be at minimum two lights following the FV301.
Yeah, that CTR Chobham armor might make it a problem.
you got me interested in those , but while looking around, I found something even more interesting… at least o us Cromwell junkies ;)
An 84mm gun on a Cromwell chasis… omnomnomnom :D
Is it worth mentioning that the L7 was mounted on the charioteer as well in part of a test?
That could actually make a fair Tier VIII (VII?) British Premium Medium tank, couldn’t it? :D
Actually I suggested it on the NA forums as a possible tier 8 premium. One of the devs actually responded and confirmed that they WILL add it at some point in the future, but that they haven’t decided what gun to give it (probably not the L7, since that’s a tier 10 gun).
Since when did No Comment mean ‘yes its getting in’
I always read No Comment as it might it might not you will not know untill we do put it in that its going in or till we never put it in t know that its not being put in.
If they have done research on the tank, “no it is not getting in” is the only comment that shows they have done research.
The jagdchieftain has chobham armour and was part of a project first started in 1972. That’s all you need to know about why the tank won’t get in.
> and there would be at minimum two lights following the FV301.
Okay, one, but two? Vickers Design No. 45569 T, what else? 46200 T is already a medium tank.
Possibly Scorpion. Rather new, but balanceable.
The new american medium line is good news, but if WG wants to make the chinese tanks fun to play, maybe avoid having tanks that need 200k XP to unlock all the good modules on them. Just saying.
WZ-120? Why not go heavy line first? You’ll get all, but one, guns.
SerB also confirms that last month’s massive events (like the possibility to get a lot of gold per day) did have an effect on WG economy –if good or bad remains to be seen
I knew there is free weeks of premium, but gold? For what did you get it?
I think he is referring to Gamescom and the QR codes that were put on the big screen 4 or 5 times a day, worth 200 gold each. Plus another free M22 Locust if you redeemed 3 or more codes. Plus all the bonus code cards they gave away. I managed to get 14 of them on the one day I was there. The codes gave you an M22 Locust + Garage slot + 3 days Premium + 300 Gold. My clan mates were very happy with me. :D
wowp i suppose.
Chinese tanks aren’t popular…so will WG buff them?
Personally I found them are alright and some tanks are better than other countries counterparts (e.g. M5A1 is far better than M5 Stuart, and WZ-111 1-4 has the 130mm plus better gun elevation)
Any possibilites the chinese has a TD/SPG line, other than soviet supplied TDs(e.g ISU-152) the PLA has Type 70(WZ-302); Type 83; Type 85, the technology on them are still within WoT’s limit.
Also about the WZ-122, could it be a alternative tier 10 MT and is joint end of MT and HT?….
Honestly I prefer the M5 to the M5A1 if only because it gets that sweet little 75mm howitzer. Other than that though, I’ve rather liked the Chinese tanks I’ve played. The lights are troll-ish as all hell (played the WZ-132 on 8.8 test, own the 59-16) and the meds look rather solid (especially if the Type-59 is any indication). The only ones I’m not really sold on are the heavies, but then again I always preferred German-style heavy tanks to Russian, and there’s a chance they’ll surprise me in the end. Only time will tell.
Even Type 79 (Type 59 with L7 gun) is too new to enter this game. So I wont expect so much… Tho there were many unique tank destoyers and SPGs served in PLA, WG still probably bring us some fake tanks based on hulls of WZ111 or Type 59 and some low tiers based on british/american tank hulls.
No other hightier lights for brits? What about Scorpion?
It’s too modern – developed and introduced in the early 70′s
What about it makes it op for WoT though? I admit I’m not strongly familiar with its particular features, but a light tank from the 70s with a 76mm gun doesn’t seem like it’d be unbalancable.
I wouldn’t say its a balancing issue, but I believe it’s past the “cut off date” imposed by WG.
Though a potential issue would be its armour – its made of aluminuium. WoT doesn’t have the machanics to deal with varying material types for armour (This causes the TOG to be a fair amount weaker than it actually should be in that department!)
“- apparently, Leopard 1 has the best camo factor of all hightier meds”
Either the guy who posted this on RU forums is clearly misinformed or trolling.
Batchat has better camoflage values then the Leopard 1, at least while not shooting, i’m 100% certain of that.
Object 140 T62a and 121 should also be better in that regard.
Vickers project 45569T the 24 ton light tank armed with a 20lb gun theres your tier 8 WG, TV15000 would probably do for 6/7 done…
- SerB confirms that the Chinese tree is generally not very popular
then buff that paper LFP
Is it just me or are some Q/A’s recycled from an earlier FTR post?
Some people ask about the same things.
My guess is that the idiots keep asking the same questions..
That screenshot has bugged ratings because of the newest XVM, as soon as you click service record, XVM switches to Vehicles tab, and while switching happens the Overall tab gets these bugged values for like 2-3secs (at least for my shitty laptop).
Pingback: 30.09.2013 | WoTRomania
- SerB says that if you see tank corpses rotate like 10-15 degrees after their destruction, it’s probably desynchronisation of client
It’s a glitch in the matrix.
I’ll just leave this here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ8lJV1bJ-g
Silentstalker, the T57 HT line is not a medium line.
Well every tank leading up to it is either a light or a med, and the T57 itself seems to play like a big slow auto-loading medium, so a lot of people consider that more of a medium line.
The 15cm L/40 is not a true 150mm gun. Its shell weight was reduced to 34 kg which is only half a kg heavier than that of the soviet 130mm S-70. Source is Panzer tracts.
This gun is balanceable at T8, high alpha gun, but balanceable.
Exactly which one?
Panzertracts edition about Maus and E100, it is mentioned in the Maus development.
This gun was meant to be mounted on the “Mammut” as well, the Maus prototype.
- the Japanese tree got reworked: Type 97 Te-Ke got thrown out and the Chi-Ri lost the 88mm gun
What the fuck is a T-34-85 failure?
He probably means the T-34-85 back when it had a 100 mm gun, or possibly the transition from the T-34-85 to the T-43, which goes from a tank that’s not bad at tier 6 to what essentially amounts to the same tank with more HP at a higher tier and is overall a disappointment.
- both the regular movement stopping (you move forward and press the S key) and the stop-to-shoot (spacebar) stop the vehicle with the same speed
wasn´t there a video by wargaming itself, saying that you stop faster with spacebar? long time ago, but it made sense especially for very heavy tanks like maus…they also compared the way the tank moved after breaking and it was indeed much faster….btw…spacebar should be reserved for fire-extinguisher ;)
- SerB also confirms that last month’s massive events (like the possibility to get a lot of gold per day) did have an effect on WG economy – if good or bad remains to be seen
did i mis an event? or does he mean cw? gold for missions/ events?
If you’re on the NA server, that’s not surprising. We never get the kinds of things that the RU and EU servers get.
fu troll
japanese tree unpopular? where? in china maybe!
american second medium branch, apparently players will like it?
i’m sorry not a fan of american tanks, and second id rather play japanese!
…The unpopular line was the Chinese.
Can someone ask if the scale of the tanks will be adjusted when the tank poly increase will come? Or if the models will have a correct scale if it doesn’t come then? I hate seeing Shermans half the size of Tigers :c.
Tank Viewer says you’re talking nonsense, son.
I damn sure hope to like the New American Med line it’s taken forever to get any good info out
The only fun Chinese tank in-game is the one they stole from the Japanese(Chi-ha) and handed-down from Americans(M5A1).
2nd med branch may start from Chaffee?
It’ll probably go like the French “medium” line, starting off from light tanks then working into medium tanks. After the Chaffee, you’d get the M47 Walker Bulldog and some other tanks leading into a medium tank or two at tiers 9 and 10.
no other available high tier light tanks for the British aside from FV300…… what about the FV101 scorpion and the FV107 scimitar or even the sabre hybrid tank??
God not more Turbopanther crap please.
- Americans will get a second medium branch (SS: not counting the T57 one). It might start from the Chaffee, but that is not guaranteed. It has undergone changes in the past, but according to SerB, players will like it.
look here http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9vGwz3gA0ko/UXeSKAdctbI/AAAAAAAAAOw/xDNwgEaKR-M/s1600/world+of+tanks+supertest+icons.jpg
so far, T54 is tier 9 (youtube vid leak) and T95 is tier 10 (since it seems better than T54 overall)
You almost got me, but then I saw Agrimotor. Nice try though.
players having strange ratings? SerB: “As I wrote before, I don’t care about any ratings.”
Yet he said he cares about Win Rate at a previous time. Then again, this wouldn’t be the first time he’s contradicted himself.
- SerB also confirms that last month’s massive events (like the possibility to get a lot of gold per day) did have an effect on WG economy – if good or bad remains to be seen
And of course the NA server had NONE of these events, as usual. Fucking creator provincialism…
- SerB confirms that the Chinese tree is generally not very popular
Oh REALLY? You finally noticed just now? That’s what happens when you make an entire tree out of copied tanks.
Seriously? The high tier ones are (quite) original, if you complain because of the appearance of them please go and have fun with donkey!
Leo1 best camo? That’s bullshit man. T-62A has a good camo. On Leo1 you can get shoot at before you even see enemies that are not hiding on bushes.
‘- SerB also confirms that last month’s massive events (like the possibility to get a lot of gold per day) did have an effect on WG economy – if good or bad remains to be seen’
People could get a lot of gold per day? I’m guessing this was only for the Russian server?