Nothing much today…
- SerB states that LT branches without high level tanks are not interesting
- matchmaker is “alive, healthy and working”
- SerB states that the old MM that did put MS-1 in same teams with Maus was “really funny” (SS: in open beta, there were basically such battles)
- according to SerB, gold shells for credits did not reduce the use of HE shells much, HE is still in demand
- at this moment, only 1/3 to 1/4 of the WoT concept is implemented from what SerB would like to have it in the game, as a lot of things got delayed. Developers will continue to add the rest.
Sorry, Hes been arrested for rape
Donkey just left the prison, he is soon here.
He’s already here watching you :O
hello fellaz’
Can i eat you Donkey ?
…and what the rest of the concept is? I wonder what miracles SerB has for us in store.
Basically Serb said .. We got delayed :( .. And are trying to catch up now .. (google translate put it as “we will pay our debts now”)
Someone replying with “how terrible ” would have been soo appropriate.
“Your concepts are very important to us.”
It never gets old to throw those smartass comments back at him. :D
How terrible…
They’ll add more Russ tanks…. that’s others 3/4 of the concept.
” HE is still in demand”
by who? the red baboons that shoot HE with their KV1S? “because it does more damage”? :D
I know of 2 tanks that can use HE:
-the Su152 with the derp to nuke papertanks and abuse sideshots
-the E100 when fighting other E100s or Maus that arent supid enough to keep facing the front of their turret un angled towards you (If angled Heat will pen)(fun thing to do: fight random red E100 player. let him spam his retard rounds at you and let them bounce. He empties his pockets on you and you leave the match with 5k damae recieved if its only him shooting you :D)
btw. does WG consider HESH as HE since they more or les work the same way ingame?
- pretty much any arty
- anyone who wants to have few pieces in reserve decap and not bounce
- anyone fighting british TDwith low pen on 300+ meters so you can’t hit the copulas, but still want to detrack or kill some crew
- Stug, M10, Hetzer, M4 derpguns
i also have like 2-3 HE sheels in most of my tanks with “normal guns” but lets be honest.
i cant remember having to rely on HE ammo to decap…
-yeah forgot about the 105/122 derps.
-fighting british TDs 300+ meters and you have to rely on HE? dafuq? if you really cant hit the cupola, avoid fighting it :D its not that hard to run away or flank it.
other than that only the really big Derps make sense with HE due to the module damage…shooting a “nromal gun with HE is nothing but desperate… :/
HE of any caliber still has its uses against paper-armoured vehicles and for emergency de-capping. The thing is you have to know when to use it, and most people like those KV-1s drivers you mention simply don’t. Then again, people like that are generally clueless in the game, anyway. :D
HESH has higher pen values than HE and I doubt they’re counted as the same type.
As for what uses HE there are still some vehicles that do. For starters, Artillery. As for actual tanks the m4′s and Pz4′s use HE with their derp cannons, especially after the heat nerf and at that tier it actually works. Depending on the caliber of the gun I carry a few HE rounds for cap resets or when I want to damage specific modules on enemy tanks. (The gun or tracks).
Is HE something that should be used all the time? no, but it does have situational uses.
I don’t think that derp guns/tanks should be counted into this. Those guns are purely made for shooting HE, otherwise they are useless. What i think SerB was referring to is the usage of HE shells on regular guns that uses AP as their main ammo. For example finishing off low HP tanks with HE rather than with gold shell.
Actually, the game treats HE and HESH the same, which it shouldn’t. IRL HESH has excellent normalization while in-game it doesn’t get any due to the lazy devs just giving it regular HE mechanics. Not sure if you have any of the high tier British tanks that can fire HESH in some form (Centurion Mk.7/1, FV4202, Tortoise, FV215B (183), Conqueror, FV215B (120)) but it’s even labelled as just high explosive.
An E-50M just a few battles ago. My AMX12t outdid him in damage…
SU-152 with the 152mm cannon.
“-the Su152 with the derp to nuke papertanks and abuse sideshots”
read…is hard…i am of knowings
Enemy have 100 xp left … but he is in good position and you can penetrate him. Load HE and kill him with guns starting from 128 mm . This tactic use all good players . But yes EU server have 90% noobs in it .
and you do 30damage instead of full AP shot
I love it when non-mortar guns shoot HE
Yeah i am cured from doing this by following accident:
I shoot a E-100 with my IS-7 and it ends with around 50hp left. I think: “Me smart, me load HE so me not bounce”. After all the IS-7 gun with HE got around 650 base damage if memory servers me right here so even with the damage reduction through armor it should be more then enough … shouldn’t it? . I shot the bloody E-100 and deal 30 damage to it. Ok fuck that idea me stick to AP.
If we disregard arty, here’s a list of tanks that I personally use HE with (not counting 2-3 rounds of HE on every tank I play for decapping or finishing off well armored tanks on low health, which barely comes up): T18, T82, Hetzer, StuGIII, Pz IV, Valentine AT, Alecto, Cromwell (for a long time after I unlocked the top gun), AT-1, SU-152, SU-76, KV-1 (for both shits and giggles). And that’s just tank that I’ve played. Even then though, most of it is limited to up to tier 4-5 tanks where you can expect to encounter toilet paper armor. At high tiers I’d guess it loses value fast.
HE is also good for finishing off those annoying tanks with good armor and 1HP left.
And for trolling Obj 263s + Fochs
HE has many useful purposes:
-Finishing tanks off (those lucky ones that have two digit HP in high tiers and one digit HP in mid tiers)
-Quick decapping when they are about to cap the base and you dont have time to aim. It can make a difference of winning or losing a game!!
-Detracking targets.
-When you meet literal paper tanks (I love killing hellcats in my derp tank)
-Always in derp guns, this one is obvious though.
One idea, maybe HE shells should have a better demolition ability, so you can destroy buildings, cover, etc. with HE shells, while AP shells have a worse time at destroying buildings. Just a thought. (To be fair, AP shells have a lot kinetic energy that could be enough)
Had an object 704 claim that HE was the best choice for the TD .. ..
Dont forget that most bots and tomatoes seem to spam HE..
Side shots with td’s tend to do full damage at tier 9-10 with he.
I once drived my 50B, loaded with nothing else but HE shells, just for the laughts. To my suprise, managed to about 2.5k damage, got to love Foch´s and 50B´s sidearmors :P.
It’s the last resort for the pathetic 107 on the KV-5.
One match I hurry to decap. 59 was parked in our circle, sideways to me and killed our last scout that was spotting it. I shoot but from 250m+ the AP shell goes high and hits the side of his turret. I start to get closer, the guy goes hull down bellow a small hill. At 200m I lob HE at his cupola. Decap 2s before he would’ve won. I continue to shoot a further 5 HEs at him chipping away ~100HP with each shot. The guy fires back from time to time so he doesn’t cloak. In the end he’s dead, I got Defender and lots of cash. He raged in private chat a bit afterwards accusing me of spamming gold. From 200+m. On his cupola. With the KV-5 gun. He had purple stats. HE is still useful.
- at this moment, only 1/3 to 1/4 of the WoT concept is implemented from what SerB would like to have it in the game, as a lot of things got delayed. Developers will continue to add the rest.
Some really cool thing are limited by server/client computing power.
In other words, that freaking ancient engine!!!
That is the least of problems (me wants Unreal engine :D).
Yeah…Unreal 4…that thing is crazy.
4A is better :P .
Given WoT’s development speed. All of them will be implemented by ~2020.
- according to SerB, gold shells for credits did not reduce the use of HE shells much, HE is still in demand
Yeah just yesterday playing my SU-122-44, 50% HP, some KV-1S charges me, front hugs me and spams HE (for 40 dmg)
ad blowing up his gun in the process
I recall a certain battle in which I had the pleasure of having a friendly E-75 shooting HE from its long 105. The opponent was a KT, the E-75 was our last man standing…
Speaking of blowing up one’s own gun, I recall having done that. I was circling a Churchill I, after a while I was pinned against its side and shot the side of its turret. Killed him, damaged my gun. ;)
True, if you use HE and are too close to enemy you damage yourself.
Had a Tiger P doing this today, making about 500dmg with 10 penetrations…
- matchmaker is “alive, healthy and working”
Oh god… that means they’re not going to fix it…
Might finally be time to give up on this game for me at least…
what happened? did the evil MM put you vs tier X in you amx 13/75?
No, I’m talking about the lopsided teams. 2-3 extra tier 10′s… 2-3 extra tier 9′s… it’s not a “match” so much as a “sit and wait for the predictable outcome.”
Or, you know, someone said that “MM is dead and useless” ….
Storm is looking into a few balancing improvement options for MM, from what I’ve read.
Aside from small and rather rare glitches, MM is fine.
I see it a couple times a day… I wouldn’t call that “healthy” at all.
Love those games where the MM places five HT on one side and one or two HT on the other. Happens too often on a regular basis for MM to be healthy.
I remember when we had +3 MM, with heavies and some other tanks with +4 MM, those were the days. Stock Pz.III versus 13 IS/Tiger/T29 was the tits.
I lived those days too… I’m not talking about the tier spread though.
And good riddance to those days.
But then again, back in those times T-28 had 85 mm gun, KV-2 was tier 5 and HE were as twice as powerful compared to how it is now.
A pity that Yarcod is actually posting a legitimate opinion and people are trolling him.
I know what you’re talking about but remember that teams are balanced according to weight so even if one side has a tier 10 and the other none, it will get more tier 9 TDs which isn’t such a bad deal. Let their E-100 rush ahead because he thinks he’s invincible and he will come face to face with two Obj 704. Nobody is immune to the guns one tier bellow, so I don’t see a problem in this setup.
Also, not having mirrored teams is a bonus I say. When one team has more heavies it’s predictable what they will do depending on the map. I fear enemy teams with more meds, because some of them could form a game changing wolfpack.
“- SerB states that LT branches without high level tanks are not interesting”
T-50-2 line was the most interesting, Rest In Peace old friend [*].
You are wrong because SerB says so.
If by “interesting” you mean “insanely uber”, then yeah.
so… the game is only 25% done? Man, i’ll need a new HDD to fit it then :P
Or just delete the updates folder contents?
Got rid of almost 15 gigs that way.
I always delete them :)
Wait, what?!
Wow… it worked! Bye bye, useless 5 GBs!
my pleasure
Still, even with the update files removed the WoT folder is 15 GB for me so the “full” version would be like 50 GB (you don’t get the engine 4x, just the content)
4 TB’s full, I need more HD space :(
- at this moment, only 1/3 to 1/4 of the WoT concept is implemented…
this needs a change. 1/3 is a larger number than 1/4, so the correct for would be 1/4 to 1/3, aka 25% to 33%
So only quarter/third of a game concept is implemented.
the point was, you dont say 33% TO 25%, you say it to the other way…
Well, it is obvious that you are wrong, because that is how he said it, sorry it doesn’t fit into your preconceived version of everyone in the world.
WG appreciates your input.
How terrible…
This input is for SS. I’m sure he appreciates it.
- SerB states that the old MM that did put MS-1 in same teams with Maus was “really funny” (SS: in open beta, there were basically such battles)
It was in closed beta around 0.4.5 patch not in open beta.
Yeah so fucking funny to meet tanks you cant even pen with gold ammo.
Wait, you used gold ammo in beta? Srsly? Back then only tier 10 tanks used gold. Everybody with 100 mm + caliber was spamming HE at highly armored target.
If they are that desperate for British high tier light tanks then bite the bullet and put in the Scorpion 75 (1967) and Scorpion 90 and Scimitar, im sure there would be some concepts they could fiddle around with too. Its not like they would be adding a MBT and theres Chinese and other nation tanks from around the same time. The Rarden 30 (30mm anti-tank with a 3×6 round autoloader) would fit right into the British playstyle. Penetration would be around 115 possibly higher so could handle mediums and weakspots and like most light tanks you have to circle and flank heavy tanks anyway.
They are so desperate they will put 70s and 80s tanks in game with 500mm effective armor and smoothbore guns…..yeah speak of balance.,
- SerB states that the old MM that did put MS-1 in same teams with Maus was “really funny” (SS: in open beta, there were basically such battles)
Here is one example of 0.3.3 version of the game. Check the matchmaker(IS-7 on top and a lot of low tier tanks in the same team)
Also notice how Lakeville looked like back then xd
It was very fun in WoWp too when your WWI era biplane got to fight Korean war era jetfighters.
Unless you are talking about Alpha stage, in CB and onwards it has always been +/-2 spread, and concerning Bi-planes, in the recent patch it was dropped for tier 2 planes to just +/- 1 spread.
Wow, Lakeville is so flat… O.O
I missed this part of beta, I joined when the version came out, which looked a lot like the WoT does today, minus physics and improved rendering.
I wonder how Karelia looked like in 0.3.3?
- SerB states that LT branches without high level tanks are not interesting
SerB is WRONG.
As long as the tanks are fun (and to some extent competitive) to play they are interesting. You may lose some drive if there’s nothing to research but if they don’t put the FV300 in merely because there’s no T7-10 (or whatever) then they are missing the point of the “game”
HE is still usable, specially on TDs since they have sufficient pen with AP in most cases, and gold ammo is too expensive and coward.
Not everything in WoT was implemented yet? Like those 30v30 battles “reviewers” enjoyed and commented on in their WoT “reviews”? LOLWG…
“SerB states that the old MM that did put MS-1 in same teams with Maus was “really funny””
RE: – “SerB states that LT branches without high level tanks are not interesting”
SerB is a special kind of stupid -
Someone should’ve nerfed his mom’s vagina before he fell out of it…
RE: “…at this moment, only 1/3 to 1/4 of the WoT concept is implemented from what SerB would like to have it in the game…”
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…
A debilitating stroke would do nicely for a start -
Open beta was fun..I still remember immortal T-54 running around like crazy bouncing Tier X shells xD