I normally don’t put up “ads”, but this is special. Some guy is selling this ISU-152 for 2 million Rubles (cca 46000 Euro). That’s… quite a bargain I’d say. Apparently it was made in 1943 and has documentation. I wonder if it’s functional. Probably not.
Ooh, that could be nice at my backyard!
And if neighbours start to have too loud parties, I just start the engine for nice payback!
I’ve always wanted to park one of these in front of someones door and then ding-dong-ditch them :D
“Who’s theHOLYSHIT!”
That is great idea
Why not just fire a round from the gun? That should be more impressive… :D
Gun is not able to shoot cause it’s demobilised
Statement made for fun, duh. Keep realism out of it. :P
Who says you couldn’t put some loud firecrackers or something inside.
Just get yourself a credit from the bank. And if they want their money back? For fuck sake, you’re sitting in a freaking tank!
The only thing that will stop you is nature or the army!
I have spent 10% of the real thing in this game
I wish it had the BL-10.
Jeah, this one is stock, don’t want it like this.
That gun is capable of blowing a Tigers turret clean off, due to the sheer weight of the shell
that + few shells for test ride ^^
Hmm, I could use it to clear those nasty traffic chockes…
*boom* Oops, I though it was the tank horn :P
There you go, knock yourself out.
The guns are too small on those things. When you want *boom*, *bang* just isn’t enough. :D
Whooooo, they’re selling a refurbished “Kub” SAM… I wonder if Trolliban’s gonna buy it?
About the functional part: It’s soviet engineering at it’s finest, just get a blowtorch, some rust remover and a sledgehammer and you’ll see it roar into life.
Knowing the Rodina it’s ammorack is probably still loaded with ammo. xD
(Just kidding, also don’t use old ammunition unless you can determine it’s quality)
Why the heck would I even want to touch high explosive devices which could rip heavily armored tanks to shreds?
I think everyone watched this, but… this video is soo in the subject
Holy shit. That really is Soviet engineering at its best. The fucking beast actually started and moved after not moving for decades, if I understood the Russian voice-over right :D :D
I’d prefer to buy a T-55 and put in a new transmission and a 720HP engine, giving it some serious power like 19,56 HP/ton with automatic transmission.
I just want 8.9 public test right now :ahhhhhh:
Yeah, I can´t wait for those new german beasts either… Gimme it naowww! ;-P
This is so cool looking b*stard in person :)
Must go visit Parola Armour Museum soon again, it’s been a while.
As much as owning my own personal tank would be, I think this is a bit too far out of my price range. I guess this is just Serb trolling.
Want this ISU? How terrible…
Screw cars when you can buy an ISU.
If it’s functional then it is really a bargain, wish he made some interior pics
One thing is to consider: every write-off tank like this is de-militarized. One hole at the bottom of the gun – and it is incapable to fire.
Writen-off ISUs was used by farmers as heavy tractors in 60′ies, and then completely scrapped or used as monuments.
Could anyone please sneak a question about whether WG is going to buy it and place it in front of one of their offices or not into the Russian Q&A? :)
it was already done.
Oh? Has there been a reply yet?
Can’t we just send that link to a tank museum?
(Best Indiana Jones voice) It belongs in a museum!
Was it driven only on sundays? I’m kinda keen on that….
Please SS Do Something;;!
I’d buy it but the 60 day waiting period is annoying.
Also, the test is probably not going up today either, imo.
SS, what if we start sending like 10 euros via paypal, so you can buy it?
Yeah, and create a room inside in wich you can play WoT in peace. Cause nobody is going to bother you in a god-damn TANK
lol Kazomir, lol
I was kinda serious, lets make a gathering of funds and buy this ISU-152.
yay im in.. 10 euros per player and we only need no that many..
still no test server!!! wtffffff WG!!
Transporting it here and getting it propperly demilitarized to be allowed to own it here would be rather expensive, moreso than the ISU itself… also I don’t want anyone to cut it’s armor or barrel so I have to pass.
In russia you only need to make a hole in the barrel..
“I wonder if it’s functional. Probably not.”
It depends of what do you mean by “functional”. If drivable, then it looks like it is, as the tracks are dirty. If cannon is operational, then I don’t think so, as there should be some laws, that forbids to sell tanks, who can still shoot.
Even if it could shoot, then comes the problem of finding shells that fit the cannon…
How many galleons to the mile does it do?
Will I have to invade another middle eastern country to be able to afford the fuel?
Annother? You’ve done it before?
If i were some eccentric millionaire….i’d scoop that up in a heartbeat! And if you have the money to purchase it…you probably have the money to put it back in working order :P
Could anyone tell what does this CM7 mean ?
SS, please, put up more of these ads.
They are very relevant to my interests.
Most of the time it is more the ammunition leave these guns fully functional. It probably costs about 5-10 grand US/CA dollars to fire the damn thing(SS help me out on this one(oh and while you are at it tell Serb to quit trolling us and let us have 8.9)). I know to fire an 88mm on a jagdpanther at one of the museums costs about that much for replicas of the Pz Gr 39 L shells. But then again there probably is more modern ammunition that can be fired through that with a little modification. Building ammunition for scratch for the 152mm mortar probably costs more than the tank itself(when you consider how much it costs to just get the proper amount of cannon powder for the shell, the shell casing, dummy warhead(unless you are not listed as clinically insane and have a listen to fire the real thing) etc.)
Damn auto correct
I don’t think it’s that expensive to make, but the problem is rather out to make it right. ie. proper amount of power, proper steel for the casing, proper measurements etc.
Hell yeah! Want one!
But I should probably clean it before driving it. It’s bound to be infested with insects and spiders.
You should have seen the Hellcat on sale on Ebay recently. For $316K you could have bought it outright.
Good idea as a gift to my boyfriend :P He’s looking for a new car anyway!
The tanks name… Is literally “Noob slayer”….
Well… Now just join the money draw and hope I will get that million and buy one.
And I have annoying neighbours, I will just park it in front of their house if the engine works and ask them to leave the neighbourhood soon. Like a sir.
Can i buy it via gift shop and do i get additional premium time? =)
I want this thing!!
That’s 130000 R$ >.>
I found the website which sells soviet armored viechles, including tanks and transport armored veichles, they should be working and are particulary cheap I think. Woul like to buy a bmp or something like that :)
46,000 Euro…or about $100,000 USD…which is about the cost of a Ferrari…and about TWICE the cost of a T-72U Main Battle Tank.
Put it in a museum… its an educational purpose
Made a lot of ISU 152. Preserved many.
for example.