Confirmed: Slava Makarov (lead producer of Wargaming IIRC) states that Wargaming’s Master of Orion game is at the beginning of its development:
Also, Overlord does collect feedback for “nasty little things” and passes it on.
- Q: “Why does T-44-85 have such a low penetration?” A: “So you don’t play it”
- Q: “When the Allies captured the entire German archives, was there ever a case when the Allies had a look at the German solutions and were like ‘that’s genius, we’ll do that too’?” A: “Yea, the entire French branch.” (later SerB states that practically all post-war French tanks are based on German drawings)
- one of the reasons for the optional unlockable hull solution is the introduction of a number of vehicles into the game, that didn’t make it for some various reasons (for example something else was occupying their tier already, too few modules etc.)
- T-35 will apparently not be a part of a regular branch, it’s too weak for tier 4 too
- T58 (Heavy) apparently won’t be introduced, despite the German 150mm autoloader TD making it to the game: “It has armor, Germans don’t.”
- SerB states that buffing viewrange of all tier 4 open-topped tank destroyers to 390m would not be “more logical” than current situation (SS: a player whines that Marder 38T has too weak viewrange)
- there are differences between 112 and 113 hulls
- SerB already has the T-44-85
- apparently, this year, only 0.8.9 and possible 0.9.0 patches come out
- PzSfl.V is not called “Sturer Emil” in game, because it was simply a nickname, equal to the SU-76 being called “bare-ass Ferdinand” in Russian
- apparently, same case applies for Marder 3, but not Ferdinand, which was official (SS: I am pretty sure Marder III was an official designation at some point, will re-check)
- premium Marder 3 SdKfz 139? “If necessery”
- the IS-3 driver’s viewport is apparently modelled correctly in game (SS: some player was complaining that when it was tilted like this, the driver would see only the ground)
- it’s possible T-44 will get another alternative turret, the T-44-100
- WT E-100 gonna get a nerf compared to current situation? “If necessery”
- the German vehicles in game have the Balkenkreuz and not Swastika, because it’s banned in Germany and WoT is active on German market
- there will be no changes to Object 140 in 8.9
- the tank hit decals (SS: those texture “holes”) disappearing when new ones are created won’t be changed for now
Also, Storm made a post, where he asks players their opinion on 8.9 – some answers from it:
- it’s too early to tell what exactly will be in 0.9.0
- devs will keep an eye on the T-44-85 stats, its possible that the vehicle could get special limited MM (it would not meet tier 8 or 9 tanks), but for now it’s too early to tell
- a half of players writing on the reload timer wants bigger numbers and a half wants smaller, for now it will stay as it is
- it will be possible to choose a map in the next 7/42 battles version
- Storm will balance the 7/42 tank profitability (how much credits a tank makes) based on statistics, he wants the same profitability as in random battles
- driver’s hatch on IS-3 is 60mm, it’s historical (“the thickness of the plate from which it is cut”), it is not supposed to be 110mm as some players state – apparently there are some schematics floating around that are incorrect
- ST-I model (armor slope) is correct, WG specifically checked
- apparently WG hired new sound department, they are testing, the old records taken at army training grounds will be used
Now this may be a mistake from my part, but isn’t Hetzer a nickname for the officially named JagdPanzer38t ?
E-10 was supposed to be the Hetzer.
- Q: “Why does T-44-85 have such a low penetration?” A: “So you don’t play it”
Ahahaha man sometimes i love SerB answers omg lmao xDxDxDxDxDxD
I thought so too!
Indeed, the Hetzer nickname was applied post-war, just as the Brummbär.
And the Marder 38T (never heard that name) was officially called either “Marder III” or “Panzerjäger 38(t) für 7,62cm Pak36 (r)”. The first version was the Sdkfz. 138, that Panzerjäger thingy, or also Marder III, looked very roughly like the thing ingame, but the thing ingame is a Marder III Ausf H (H means rear-engine model), also known as the Sdkfz 139. The third Marder III version was the Marder III Ausf M (M means central-engine version), also Sdkfz 139 by the german numbering system, which has a rear superstructure and centrally located engine, thus looking very similar to the Grille.
IMO, the rear mounted gun Marder 3 looks the best
I think it’s beause that’s the one we’re all used to from Company of Heroes.
The Balkenkreuz is historical correct, Germany didnt printed Swatikas on their tanks…
I wonder who asked such idiotic question :)
But they did paint swastikas on their planes, and they aren’t in WoWp.
Swastika is bad duh!
They simply don’t want to mess with the laws in Germany and since the game is “active” in Germany why would they risk of being banned there by the laws?
They don’t fear Poland’s anti-communist laws.
which polish a-c laws they are breaking?
Such as? The last time I checked there were no laws in Poland against entertainment products featuring the Red Army or historical representations of their equipment. And yes the Stalinist inscriptions do count as being historical.
On the topic of swastikas on tanks German troops did occasionally place German flags on their tanks to prevent friendly bombing and these had the swastika on them. Although if I recall correctly they only did this during the first year of the war with the Soviet Union. I guess later they figured bright red flags only ended up bringing Soviet and Allied aircraft to them.
Don’t know about polish laws, but Lithuanian laws they are breaking.
The law:
“Nazi and Communist symbols distribution or display.
Nazi Germany, the USSR and Lithuanian SSR flags or coat of arms.
Flags , emblems or uniforms, that contains, as integral part, Nazi Germany, the USSR or Lithuanian SSR flag or coat of arms.
Nazi or Communist organizations’ uniforms or symbols.
Flags or signs, formed on basis of the Nazi Germany , the USSR or Lithuanian SSR flag or coat of arms , the Nazi swastika , the Nazi SS mark, the Soviet hammer and sickle mark, the Soviet five-pointed red star.
Images of Nazi Germany or the Soviet Communist Party leaders, responsible for the Lithuanian population repression.
Distribution of these items , use on a meeting or other public event , or any other demonstration , as well as Nazi Germany , or the USSR , or Lithuanian SSR anthem of public performance -
punishable by a fine of five hundred to one thousand Litas with seizure of the item, which was administrative transgression tool.
Under this Article shall not be liable person who makes the first part of this article referred to museum activities , public awareness of the historical or current events or totalitarian regimes , education, science, art, collectibles, antique marketing purposes, a person who uses the existing official state symbols as well as participants of Second World War, wearing their uniform.”
So any demonstration of five-pointed red star with hammer and sickle mark (which are on the Soviet tanks) IS forbidden. I doubt if it can be said as museum, education, antique or smth like that (it isn’t enough to be historical). The same situation as with swastika in Germany.
Amusingly enough that doesn’t quite seem to cover the inscriptions…
Anyways, assuming that dumbshit law even actually gets enforced…
population of Lithuania: ~3 million
population of Germany: ~80 million
…guess which is actually going to be given a shit about?
It does not cover the inscriptions, but it covers Soviet tanks markings (five pointed-star and hammer and sickle mark). Anyway, the fact is that they break the laws. But doesn’t seem they give a shit about it. And that’s not about the population. I don’t know about, for example, polish laws. But if they are breaking it, i don’t think they give a shit about it either, despite the fact Poland has population nearly 40 million and a outstanding number WoT players. It’s Belorussian company, having server in Germany (that may be a reason to respect their laws), so, i think, they are not afraid of polish, lithuanian or whatever that kind of laws.
And, by the way, i wouldn’t call it “dumbshit”.
Oh it’s dumbshit all right, as it stinks to high heavens of patriotic butthurt and nothing else. Also downright absurd in the context. And unless it’s actually *enforced* (not sure if it’s really even enforceable, much such populist legislation isn’t) it’s a dead letter to begin with and hence plain irrelevant.
And it most certainly has a lot to do with the population and more to the point the market segment and purchasing power they represent, because face it – the little Baltic statelets put together amount to little more than a rounding error in the grand scheme of things. Finland already has like more population, or very nearly so, than the lot put together and twice the GDP per capita to speak nothing of the *actually* noteworthy states in the neighbourhood.
Basically, to exaggerate only slightly for the sake of the argument, WoT could be permabanned in all three due to such laws and it’d barely even show in WG’s quarterly fiscal report.
So it is totally equal “dumbshit” as banning swastika.
What’s the point of your calculations? I were saying, that WG can easily ignore the laws of countries it has no relations with, despite population. Poland has big population and lots of players, but nobody cares whether it breaks its laws or not and whether its people like stuff like Stalin inscriptions or not.
Not all planes had swastikas
what about that SS panzer division 卐 Adolf Hitler 卐 … or something like that?
the difference lies between “wehrmacht” and “SS”.
wehrmacht mostly soley used the balkenkreuz, because the used it ever since.
SS used the new flag and thus the swastika, corresponding to the party.
Leibstandarte AH
@Ghdf: German painted Hakenkreuz (a.k.a. swastika) on tanks, but only on some captured ones AFAIK
They however put flags (which contained swastika) on their vehicles for lessening the amount of friendly-fire incidents (a practice which they later abandoned, because it also made their tanks easier to be seen for enemy airforce)
Something for World of Tanks players :P
Just… Listen…
I liked it very good:) Thanks for the link. He makes a good point there.
Just one patch this year for sure? So the RU251 will come next year most likely? Not kewl, brah, not kewl. ;(
Possibly a prem in 0.9.0 if we are lucky?
Here’s something I noticed recently in 8.9 test… While the 7,5cm PaK 40/2 on the Marder II and Marder 38T have had their penetration buffed, WG missed making that adjustment to the same gun on the French tier 3 premium FCM 36 PaK 40.
Because it’s a premium tank. It’s gun is more accurate and faster aiming than the normal TDs’ gun.
What Muerte said: premium tanks don’t get touched unless absolutely necessery.
Even so, if we’re treated the same gun differently depending on what tank it’s on, maybe the British OQF 77mm and 17-pounder should both get their APCBC ammo, add 20mm of pen to both and leave the French 17-pounder as is. It would sure make the Black Prince much more useful when not in a tier 7 match, and would have made the Centurion Mk.I and Caernarvon stock grinds much easier.
Bah, typo… *treating
You mean like not nerfing the FCM 36′s Gun (or viewrange) into the ground when they did this to the Marder II…
Obviously they treat these guns as if they were not the same (which is not so understandable).
it wasn’t a marder2 nerf. It was a tier3 TD nerf.
“- apparently WG hired new sound department, they are testing, the old records taken at army training grounds will be used”
Fucking finally, I was getting really tired of the lack of gun sounds.
To remedy that just use Gnome Father’s gun sounds mod, it is way better than anything wargaming will ever make.
“later SerB states that practically all post-war tanks are based on German drawings”
That’s bullshit.
The French post-war designs, yes. But notice how they were all, almost without exception, complete and total failures?
American post-war tanks sure as hell aren’t based off anything German. They’re clear evolutions of the M26. Hell, you can see the M26′s lineage in the Abrams if you look hard enough. Gonna’ credit the Germans for that one too?
*French, forgot to add that
@ramp4ge: AFAIK, the french tanks after WW2 weren’t that much of failure (not considering ARL 44, but that happens when you try to make a tank on hopelessly outdated chassis), but they suffered hard from NATO unification, emergence of the threat of NBC contaminated battlefield (those oscillating turrets were damn hard to properly seal), and from the fact that USA started to get rid of the M47 Pattons and sold them with lower price then french own manufacturers could…
And also, the MBT-70 project, which was a predecessor of M1 Abrams in more than only one way, was joint project between Germany and USA, not to mention that the 120mm smoothbore gun Abrams now boasts is from Rheinmetal, which was and is german company, still making guns, so yes, you have to credit German (and also British, for Chobham armor) for at least some parts of M1 Abrams…
Consider France was occupided and during the war tank development was on hold. When the western nations saw what tanks the USSR had developed there was another tank panic. France did not think it had the time to go through the development cycles needed to catch up and went for German designs as a stopgap measure. While they took some american tanks this was galling as french pride and independence was battered after the war.
Plus they probably weren’t too impressed by some of the Murrican hang-ups like the stubborn retention of the bow MG and the associated fifth crew station, which by that point every other tank-building army worth mentioning (ie. the Soviets and Brits) had tossed. Their fascination with those deceptively promising captured German engine designs presumably also contributed, since the physical dimensions thereof imposed certain obligations on hull geometries and dimensions.
“Why does T-44-85 have such a low penetration?” A: “So you don’t play it”
So i wont buy it.
“- T58 (Heavy) apparently won’t be introduced, despite the German 150mm autoloader TD making it to the game: “It has armor, Germans don’t.””
The Foch has armor
Foch has no turret.
The T58 also has a much better turret, 155 mm gun, and a 6 round auto loader. It’s also probably a lot more mobile.
It’d be the most OP tank in the game like that.
Don’t forget the 23 RPM
Don’t forget the 30 RPM of T57.
Besides the gun, T58 stats almost the same as T57 IRL, and we all knew they won’t give 6 rounds clip to those tanks.
So Wargaming decided to reap everything off Ganjii now? (Starconflict *shrug*)
1) Google “Master of Orion”
2) Read Wikipedia or something similar
3) Do not post bs
4) Profit!!!
You really think that Wargaming version of Master of Orion will have anything to do with the original?
MOO 3 sure didn’t, I rather doubt they can do worse than that POS.
Altough you’re damn wrong, you think that they rip everything of Gj by thinking they copied *cough* one game?…
“- devs will keep an eye on the T-44-85 stats, its possible that the vehicle could get special limited MM (it would not meet tier 8 or 9 tanks), but for now it’s too early to tell”
LMAO. That’s gonna be so troll if they introduce that, to always be the top tier o.o
Btw, imagine, if they gave it limited MM, so it never sees Tier 7 tanks XD Like it’s the only Tier 7 tank in the game, and all others are 5s and 6s xDDDDD
Limit it to the T8 battles and it’s fine. Limiting it to only T7 is a bit overkill with the armor it has. Everyone who wants to buy it should already know that it has crappy gun so either you want to burn some premium shells or you don’t buy it.
Yeah its pretty much the Russian version of the Panther/M10, similar gun stats, so why shouldn’t it see tier 8 games like the German tank does most of the time.
150 pen and 135 dmg vs
126 pen and 160 dmg
Does that sound like same gun stats to you ?
24 less pen for 25 more dmg. You can sure put those 25 extra HP in dmg to work while dinging the front of other T7 and T8 in the narrow alleys of WoT maps.
As far as I see the T43 is the closest tank to it performance-wise and my money’d be on the T43 every time.
- SerB states that buffing viewrange of all tier 4 open-topped tank destroyers to 390m would not be “more logical” than current situation (SS: a player whines that Marder 38T has too weak viewrange)
Why would every tank has the 390m view range at T4 when we can have only our uber soviet machine called SU-85B have it. And also by far the best gun on T4. Why would we jeopardize the title of the best T4 TD. WHY WOULD I GIVE 390m VIEW RANGE TO THE TANK THAT KILLED MY ANCESTORS YOU DIRTY ROTTEN NAZI SCUM???
Do you see more SU-85Bs or Hetzers?
If the SU-85B is so OP as you claim. I wonder why they arent used so much.
You idiot. T40 is better than the SU-85B in every way except alpha damage.
And penetration, DPM, accuracy, traverse and top speed, not to forget much better camo.
Hetzer is used cause of the derp gun in combination with gold ammo….and you forget one thing…this is EU thus more players are playing the German line so there is the reason for more Hetzers than SU-85Bs…and since when is the popularity of one tank measurment for performance?? And for not so serious IDIOT, T40 is good TD, but not better than SU-85B which is by all stats T5 TD with less HP. So stfu if you don’t have fucking clue what you are talking.
Hetzer also has occasionally useful levels of armor. I know Pz 1C can’t shred one frontally without gold ammo, which is rather more than can be said of the other TDs of the tier.
Well, okay.
The SAu *might* be resistant too but it’s not exactly phenomenal or common so…
Somehow I know you have never played the almighy and overpowered SU-85B.
the german tanks had the cross in real. not only in games. dumb question from dumb people.
Not only that, but the cross used changes for reality; the cross on the Leopard I is different from the WWII versions.
this cross is no nazi symbol. so they decided to keep it after WW2 in a slightley changed modern version. also the plains had the sun-cross only at the rear wing. not at the main wings or the sides.
- it’s too early to tell what exactly will be in 0.9.0
………..after reading that i wont be surprised if they will delay HAVOK physics yet again!! it’s been
- a half of players writing on the reload timer wants bigger numbers and a half wants smaller, for now it will stay as it is.
Any russians had the brains to ask : why not make an option to scale it small or bigger?
Knowing the playerbase, maybe it’d be too confusing.
-”Any russians had the brains to ask : why not make an option to scale it small or bigger?”
You Sir, took the word out of my mouth. But then again, there are probably 2 or 3 reasons for not doing that.
1. Engine can’t handle such an option,
2. They don’t know how to program such an option,
3. To much stress for the server.
I would go for an combination of 1 and 2.
Probably you forgot the simplest explanation: no one cares enough to code this extremely needed and important option.
Don’t like font size? “How terrible.”
SU-76 “Bare-ass Ferdinand? More like “anything-but-Ferdinand”…
Golozhopiy Ferdinand actually. and it’s because it has same profile. it was also called “Suchka” as it was an utter piece of crap.
‘Course, unlike the Ferd it was also actually *useful*.
Thats why its so famous and was *loved* by those who died in it after one single 50mm gun hit. XD
view range view range view range this isn’t how is suppose to work.
Its about the height not the tier
BDR G1B stock turret has 300m view while being about 12 feet off the ground : |
Oh no! My mods will be obsoulete if they add a new sound crew!
And what sound do you have then, sounds from girls und panzer? Also why are u hangin around here, this blogg is only for banned members of the official “cum”unity.
Don’t you there speak in the name of the whole FTR community.
Only you and a few dudes are banned around here, most not even banned permanently.
Holy phone autocorrect…
“bare-ass Ferdinand”
sounds very funny if you speak Russian (or Serbian)
Russian = Golozhopiy Ferdinand
Serbian = Gologuzi Ferdinand
That IS fun so say XD
- T58 (Heavy) apparently won’t be introduced, despite the German 150mm autoloader TD making it to the game: “It has armor, Germans don’t.”
Just had a thought about this. Couldn’t we replace the T110E4 with it? I mean with the laundry list of problems and near complete lack of historical accuracy, (they’re all supposed to be heavies to top it all off) I would think at the very least having a real tank shoehorned into a different role is better than having an 80% fake one right? Plus i believe the armor layout is exactly or nearly the same as the T57 anyways which is average at the tier so there goes SerB’s armor argument. Thoughts?
Apparently devs didn’t consider the two rounds quick load drum configuration, DPM should be just a little better than T57.
3 shot, low AP pen (so HEAT required) with average accuracy and like 50s reload. Either as E4 replacement or turret/gun option for T57 as it is now.
Not possible, Foch155 use the same gun.
Wargaming is becoming Microsoft from day to day and their playerbase as clueless as microsoft users.
- PzSfl.V is not called “Sturer Emil” in game, because it was simply a nickname, equal to the SU-76 being called “bare-ass Ferdinand” in Russian
and yet there’s the Dickermax
hetzer was also only a nick name
Isn’t the T-44-100 already the top turret on T-44?
Personally I’d rather they go with nicknames more often. Something like “Jackson” or even “Bare-Ass Ferdinand” is far easier to remember than something like “PzSfl.V SdKfz 3787k” vs “PzSfl.V SdKfz 3797k” or “T34″ vs “T-34″
- a half of players writing on the reload timer wants bigger numbers and a half wants smaller, for now it will stay as it is
different resolutions everywhere
to small for 1080p, to big for 800p :P
“- it’s possible T-44 will get another alternative turret, the T-44-100″
Er, its current top turrent *is* T-44-100… :/
Pingback: 14.10.2013 | WoTRomania
About the Marder III Premium; it could (and probably will) be another haul option for the Marder 38T.
- T58 (Heavy) apparently won’t be introduced, despite the German 150mm autoloader TD making it to the game: “It has armor, Germans don’t.”
What utter bullshit.
The Waffentrager has the thick E-100 hull armor.. the T58 has the same armor as the M103 hull.
Indeed, but no one even remotely sane will shoot at it, just sling tomatoes at “turret” and you get guaranteed penetration.
aparently he does.. if not he wouldn’t bitch about it :D
I don’t see why they can’t have a premium Marder III. I mean, there’s already the French FCM 36 PaK 40, which for all intents and purposes is a Marder I.
- WT E-100 gonna get a nerf compared to current situation? “If necessery”
somehow down the line it’s going to be “neccesary”
“a half of players writing on the reload timer wants bigger numbers and a half wants smaller, for now it will stay as it is”
Another totally unnecessary UI mod, just remove it, reload indicator was enough. You can maybe instead fix that annoying action where tank points upward when beside a building in sniper mode and also fix the server lag.
- the IS-3 driver’s viewport is apparently modelled correctly in game
Currently yes, but in new model no. The angle on view port and lower plate is wrong.
Will the reload timer be selectable? As in, I can turn it on/off. I’m finding that the UI clutter is increasing with every other patch. Being able to turn on/off each component would be nice…
Camo and viewrange should probably be calculated based upon some type of formula. For balance purposes, view range and camo perhaps should almost be an inverse relationship between each other except for some special tanks (e.g. E-25) and light tanks.