WG EU: more portal fails

Hello everyone,

remember how I wrote that WG EU Czech WoT portal is a disaster? You thought I was discriminating and bashing Czechoslovak crew? Don’t worry, I am not discriminating anyone: the English crew is just as incompetent.

Let’s have a look at the at the Alpha Force special. At first, we have wrong icons:


Well, that got fixed, but what have we here? For some strange reason, the English neews seem to be translated from Polish or something, this is a second case in two weeks when there was a Polish text in the English post.


I mean, how hard can it be to actually proofread this thing, especially when you are paid for it?

How terrible.

I guess I should get ready for more threats from Quasar now… :)

71 thoughts on “WG EU: more portal fails

  1. I’m not going to say anything about Russian mentality and trying to intimidate critics into silence, because by far that is not characteristic to any nation in particular. They all try it. That being said, it is simply disgusting that they would stoop to this instead of picking up the ball, making a short apology for the error and doing better next time.
    Hell, this week we have had the weekend special announcement posted on Thursday !?!?! Can anyone remember that EVER happening before ? Some of the people at WG EU are trying, but that doesn’t excuse the ones that fuck up and need to be called out on it.

    • Well, I think that announcing weekend special on thursday isn’t bad idea. How many times you bought a tank, then it showed that you could buy it 30-50% cheaper in weekend? Now you know earlier what to do.

  2. But they are so busy closing forum threads, scouring the forums for any mention of WT and tied down trying to keep up with FTR.

  3. Well they don’t need to proofread it. You do it for them unpaid. Just checked it, and it’s corrected (I never know if it was wrong at first, because I didn’t read before).
    Funnily “Felo102 on October 18, 2013 at 9:32 am said:
    AFAIK M44 is not TD as icon shows”
    Is still wrong, so…

  4. Seems they all copy from each other as to my suprise the german portal has the same problem with the polish text in the premiums section.

    Oh WG… .__.

    • If you think that maybe they get the specials’ text from Minsk via donkey cart, Poland is the first stop, and from there everyone can get it in digital form, albeit in polish.

      • So it seems this one time we have everything done right. And the rest no……. :-D.


  5. SS, you should stick to gathering info and stuff like that, which makes your blog interesting and informative. Seriously, bothering to put entire post with screenshots over a wrong icon and line of text? People who work make mistakes.

    Truth to be told, I’m more surprised by WG for getting into the whole thing, if I was them, I’d just ignore FTR.

    • Do us a favour and start ignoring the FTR. People who works make mistakes? You obviously don’t follow WG EU work enough to see that what they are doing is hard to call working. More like a brainless c/p without checking for errors at all and they do it every day.

  6. Here we go again :( :( :( SS talking nonsense :( :( :(

    1. That language is NOT Polish, it’s the so called EU language of future, and you better learn it fast, because soon all WG news will be posted in EU language :) :) :)

    2. That is correct icon, Jagd stands for moved to back in new EU language, and we clearly see that the turret is moved to back :) :) :)

    p.s. I meant no harm to Polish language or people, I just had to troll a bit, I respect Poland, Polaks and Polish language!

    • Working as intented. Players have accepted copypasta Soviet tanks, why won’t they accept the same with the portal?

  7. Iam a webpage editor myself and such mistakes are hilarious. Surely they can happen like typos and walls of texts here and there, but such MAIN information subpage should be double if not tripple checked.

    When I always see the job reqs WG makes I thought the lvl of the actualy employee must be skyhigh lol. Seems not.

  8. To be honest, this “WG fail” gets boring when at the end it is about a wrong icon.

    If there is something seriously wrong, like unjustified banning or rigged tournaments, the news are appreciated. But this looks more like a personal petty vendetta – please leave your audience out of it.

      • I know.

        But I think he is doing it wrong whatever his motivation:

        a) He wants people to think good about WG: he brings too much negative news.
        b) He wants people to think neutral about WG: he brings too much negative news.
        c) He wants people to think bad about WG: he brings so much negative news that people realize he doesn’t like WG and don’t take his posts very seriouls
        d) He doesn’t care what people think about WG: he brings too much negative news and bores his audience.
        e) He doesn’t care about what his audience thinks: he is wasting his time with too much negative news

  9. I know.

    But I think he is doing it wrong whatever his motivation:

    a) He wants people to think good about WG: he brings too much negative news.
    b) He wants people to think neutral about WG: he brings too much negative news.
    c) He wants people to think bad about WG: he brings so much negative news that people realize he doesn’t like WG and don’t take his posts very seriouls
    d) He doesn’t care what people think about WG: he brings too much negative news and bores his audience.
    e) He doesn’t care about what his audience thinks: he is wasting his time with too much negative news.

    • If you don’t like this website then bugger off and get your mistake riddled news from Wargaming EU and enjoy that news because the service is never going to improve if we keep letting these errors slide through.

      • That’s a nice argument. If you don’t like what’s been written, bugger off. Funny, one can say that about WG article too, if you don’t like that they made a mistake, bugger off.

        What’s even worse then nitpicking every WG error is the comments about it on this blog. The whole blog is suppose to be about free will, but when it’s criticized you usually get a fuck off comment (not by SS, but others). Sad.

        • “you usually get a fuck off comment”

          Welcome to the Intarnets, you must be new here.

          • Just goes to prove my point that most people are too incompetent to make a valid argument and too stupid to realise that it’s lame to mock everyone who doesn’t agree with them.

  10. I enjoy a good bashing of WG EU as much as the next guy but nitpicking over little icons in news articles is verging on the obsessive.

  11. “Well, that got fixed, but what have we here? For some strange reason, the English neews seem to be translated from Polish or something, this is a second case in two weeks when there was a Polish text in the English post.”

    I think this is a website error. I have seen this announcement yesterday and today too, but it was all English for me.

    Once I visited the site from a random computer and since my region is Hungary, I got a hungarian-english-german-unknown language mixup as default language. This was supposed to be the HU portal, that I never use, because I prefer to use the “original” English portal (and client). The point is, I don’t know how the hell is this portal working, but it sure as hell not working as intended. If you see Czech text here and there, it may be a website error and because of your region.

  12. yup, saw the icon mistake the second i opened the page, and i was like..
    oh dear.. this is gonna be on FTR :P

  13. My rectum was tightening in anticipation of the sick burn that would happen….

    But then I get a wrong icon.

    Come on SS, you’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    • mistakes are mistakes and are really foolish in the world of retail, misinformation can and will cost companies money if they are found to be intentionally misinforming consumers i don’t know take example at all those finance companies that sold subprime mortgages to consumers. Well this is a game so the loss is not important but what happens when the announce a special discount on a premium vehicle which is wrong then fail to correct the error?

  14. It seems the M44 is no longer part of the special but instead the M41 is on special. Strange how the rest of the tier 6 arty is on special but not the M44 assuming that is mistake.

  15. The Polish translations and/or news/updates are also notoriously silly and misleading. Almost every time they translate something, there’s a handful of mistakes to be found. It often really reads like they used google translate and didn’t even check the outcome, just copy/paste and it’s done, job complete.
    I work in IT, I’m an admin, I work with websites and seo. I’m also a freelance translator. I’ve made my share of mistakes and I’m not afraid to admit to them, as I learned from each one and never made them again.
    WG never admits to making mistakes, and they’re making them over and over again.
    Now the Polish community team seems … varied. I won’t name any names as I don’t have an axe to grind with them, let’s just say some seem decent and know how to use their brains and some .. are either really dumb (they seem dumb) or act like they couldn’t care less. Polish support is notorious for that – anything you want, they can’t help you. The forums are full of people complaining about how the Polish support told them that “it can’t be done” and the English speaking support that was contacted later, helped out quickly and without any fuss.
    Some of you that accuse SS of bias or whatnot should first get to know a bit more about how things work in WG ;)

  16. Stop attacking the EU team. They are putting their time and effort into this The European site. It’s not like they are getting paid…

    Oh wait…