Please note that today is the last day you can vote for Golden Joystick and claim your free game (Civilization V or Mafia II).
Not much today
- SerB states that there were three official letters (from official adress) from German authorities regarding the Wittman medal, they won’t be made public though
- SerB openly states that there is (and always was) more XP reward for kills than just for damage done (SS: odd, I thought damage was rewarded and not kills, a player made “experiment” states that a kill XP bonus is worth roughly 500 damage dealt OR damage dealt after your spotting, what the hell?)
- in personal rating, your average vehicle tier won’t play a role in the future
- SerB confirms that top guns are not always “the best”, in some cases there are two alternative “equal” setups (SS: as in the new WT line, where you can play both a 128mm or 150mm guns on high tiers), but not always
- amphibious tanks won’t be implemented for now, there was an idea to implement them as premium vehicles without the ampbhibious parts (SS: floaters, boat boarding and such), but this idea was scrapped for “a number of reasons”
Where is the link go get free Mafia?
Use the google, Luke!
Google FTW
You can’t get the free game before your vote is confirmed. At least for me they were tricksy and took about 24 hours to register my voting; obviously they are trying to give away as little ‘free’ stuff as possible, for financial reasons.
I’ve obtained 2 games about 1 month ago (me and my brother voted) and we’re sharing one steam acc. SO guys sorry but too late for you to vote and get free games. And to be honest i haven’t voted for WoT – Saints Row IV is a way much better game for an example
i got my game a week ago. btw Mafia is too easy game..
Completed Mafia II on hardest difficulty on X360. Disappointing game actually, Mafia 1 was WAY better (overplayed 9 times :D).
Ye, it is better in gameplay views compared to number one, but it felt too short.. at least for me. I went with Civ V since i played Mafia 2 before.
No more keys. They locked it …
It’s not worth it. The copies of Mafia II and Civilization V you can get all have the horrible SecuRom DRM.
They stopped giving away the games about 1 week ago…
Some excuse about the offer being withdrawn while the offer was still on the webby..
Hammer the contacts on CVG about this being unfair… “not as advertised”…
On one account I didn’t receive the code/confirmation for a week…
So i opened a new account, got code immediately,
then the first code came through minutes later…
he he…
As far as I know all the keys for Mafia and Civ are now gone, sorry :P
Canadian spotted.
Well, I got one just now – nevertheless I voted like a week ago, but it took them some time to verify and I forgot about it until the reminder here :D
Btw, took CiV5, already have the stupidly overpriced digital deluxe pre-order version, at least it was bundled with Mafia 1, so I could replay it for the 10th time or something…still an amazing game.
An “HD remake” (or how they now call it) of Mafia 1 to Mafia 2 engine would make it a best seller imho :)
I didn’t get one initially as they were out, but I just checked and picked up a key for Mafia II.
still working.. as of half an hour ago… 11.30 am BST
just got one in seconds…
SS, you translated that about the kills a year ago. :P
When an enemy is killed, they are removed from the battle. One less gun/spotter/steel wall on the battlefield.
That is why you get extra XP for kills. And JUST slightly more credits.
Tanks in the water.. sitting ducks! BLAM!
AMX 40 sitting in water – cant move :D
I’d love to see that green duck sit there. :D
There needs to be some comical achievements, like ‘Duck Hunt’ for killing x amount of AMX 40s.
Kind of curious indeed, water should be it’s natural habitat.
Indeed, good sir. It probably has a propeller beneath it :D
maybe that why they so slow? they’re out of they’re natural habitat?
I bet they can swim to their top speed :D
F’in HAHA whole thread !!
I’d say you won’t get anything unless they really get some more codes:
“This does mean that the free game competition is effectively over. We’re going to talk with Green Man Gaming to see if we can get any additional codes, but can’t promise anything.”
“…claim your free game (Civilization V or Mafia II).”
Yo-ho, yo-ho, teh pirate’s life is teh life for me.
RIght now downloading Mafia II :D
- SerB openly states that there is (and always was) more XP reward for kills than just for damage done…
Nah, I saw one with 8 kills and he still got less XP than me.
The wiki has said since the beginning of time there is a small bonus for kill, so the 500-ish damage equivalent mentioned makes sense. I’m okay with that, but not okay with certain ratings (WN7 I am looking at you) giving too much weight for kills.
Well damage gives more credits and kills give an XP bonus, and of course you get bonuses for hurting higher tiers, that’s how it’s always seemed to work.
Im asking myself what “offical adress” are…since a Online Game cant be banned in Germany….
And i bet neither the German Social Ministry or the USK cares about a medal in a online game….
I don’t like Wittman(he is a reckless commander and a Waffen SS)… “Bölter” is much better(not some SS Waffen thing). And again remove for unknown reasons or maybe something sinister(BIAS I think).
why wittman is a reckless commander
Go look into Operation Think Tank
Either this medal was earlier than I joined WoT or I didnt pay attention back then – for what you got Witman’s medal?
NO I’m here for a reason not glory
You had to kill atleast 7 targets and they had to be atleast minimal tier 4.
Oh, so it was changed to Boelter’s one – still have a few :D
WHY the FUCK ppl ask such stuff anymore…/palmface
Wittman is the epitome of your average pubbie
Villers-Bocage: Wittman spots the Brits, instead of reporting the enemy and regroup, he decided to waltz in, make a bunch of kills then abandon his tank. Panzer Lehr deivison ended up attacking a prepared British position, manages to push them out but loses 6 Tigers in the process, that’s 20% of all Tigers in Normandy lost due to his “initiative”.
Saint-Aignan-de-Cramesnil: Wittman decide to lead the charge because “the commanding officer of this sector is a noob”, YOLO’ed ahead and got flanked royally as result, did not make it back.
Look, just because the Nazi propaganda makes him like a big deal does not mean he’s that sound as a tank commander.
so, to speak…. the Wittmann-Medal is an insult for the players who got them :D
good to know i have none :P
than let for fuck sake the ones who want to have the medal of this “noob useless idiotic” tank commander have them !!!!
Witman was badass and your communist propaganda just because he was a “nazi” won’t change that FACT.
Don’t know about which “FACT” you are talking…
OP already said he YOLO’ed away, resulting in severe losses on his side on apparently his death…
Does not seem badass in my eyes, that’s kinda assbad :P
“SerB openly states that there is (and always was) more XP reward for kills than just for damage done (SS: odd, I thought damage was rewarded and not kills, a player made “experiment” states that a kill XP bonus is worth roughly 500 damage dealt OR damage dealt after your spotting, what the hell?)”
Ok from what I knew and it was old news, you get little credits and/or xp for kills, and damage dealt was the income factor!
Either we were lied, or someone was telling false information!
Well there is plans for new videos where game mechanics will be explained. But how xp/credits count will probably not be covered “well”.
Because WG fear too much – “exploit fuckoit…” – average homo potatus dont even know that such thing as RNG exists.
- SerB states that there were three official letters (from official adress) from German authorities regarding the Wittman medal, they won’t be made public though
they won’t be made public because people would recognize Storm’s handwriting….they can stop serving lies about German authorities demanding the removal of the medal like some fucking german authorities care about some game…why can’t he just admit that both he and Storm were butthurt and they removed it to calm their tits…
Why do you care? You dont get medal for 7 kills anymore.
You do realise they were part of the game development from the start and could have chosen not to add the medal in the first place if they didn’t want to ? Or are you so butthurt about losing a nazi medal that you keep posting about this same shit over and over again .
As if ANYONE would write letters by hand these days. bitchplease.jpg
My hand writting is motherfucking Chinese
Trying to read – all it says is “Bitch, please”
Not even two supercomputer can to decipher
And parents give hint to write more on paper :D
Bitches don’t know ’bout your handwriting?
Can you do a FOI request in Germany to find the truth on this?
If only everyone these days could understand sarcasm. :looks at kellomies:
There’s kind of a reason you’re not getting the benefit of doubt you know.
Typical Kellomies. When you simply can’t argue normally, just put in some philosophical phrase that hopefully will make you less dumb.
FCM 50t was a floater, hence it being so big afaik.
And maus was actually not intended to be a tank, but a mini-battleship instead.
Only time I ever saw the term floater used was in connection with toilet use. :p
=)) lol…
Daily reminder that the holocaust never happened.
Time to put the tinfoil hats on, folks!
“Daily”? You’ve got a bit of a backlog to clear, soldier…
So there IS killsteals in this game, In yo face!
30 kills mission?
“Please note that today is the last day you can vote for Golden Joystick and claim your free game (Civilization V or Mafia II).”
Thanks for the reminder! I’ve nearly forgot it.
they stopped advertising these free games on monday. Now the advertisment is back up on the LAST day of the competition and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get the free Civ V.
It just loops me in an endless loop of “looks like you already registered here, slow down champ”.
- SerB states that there were three official letters (from official adress) from German authorities regarding the Wittman medal, they won’t be made public though
If that is legit and they are not lying one was probably from the nazi hunter, don’t remember the name of that jew.
I believe you mean one certain organization in that case maybe wiesenthal center.
Wiesenthal Center doesn’t have the authority to request anyone to remove anything, it’s also not part of our government.
Maybe you are right but some jewish organization demanded that we would remove one nazi related museum piece from our history museum not sure it was that organization or another. The thing was connected with Alfred Rosenberg not sure what it was.
Now that’s a name that rings bells. And not in a good way.
Failing to see the relevance though.
Yup, that is the one I thought of.
” – in personal rating, your average vehicle tier won’t play a role in the future”
Sad, seems no-one will ever use their rating(except the morons with “bigger is always better” syndrhom)
/blames the phone
Fuck the phone…it doesn’t write what I want…
>non-amphibious amphibs scrapped for “a number of reasons”
aka “we figured the average player would ignore the ‘not actually amphibious’ part and complain at us after drowning repeatedly.”
They seem to think the average player has intellect comparable to a brick.
I can’t blame them.
It is the truth. Everyone that plays this game for a while now know that most people you meet ingame are actually monkeys.
My longstanding theory is most are actually the family cat jumping on the keyboard.
Ctfu noba
WOT klingon dictionary
This is a dictionary of funny klingon spellings found in WOT, these are not my own inventions, all seen in game chat and on forums.
Tank – tenk, teka, tenki
Me – mi, mio, mee
Battle – beatle
Ferdinand – ferdinend,
ISU-152 – ISO-152
Heavy – heawie
Away – awai
Platoon – pluton, peloton, pelotun
Clan – clen, klen clanu
Fuck – fock, fuk
Hate – heyt, heat
You – you, yu
Destroyer – desteroyjer
TD – teede, teade
STFU – ctfu, stfo
TV – teewe
WG – weege
Russian – russien
Poland – polend
Country – kountry, country
Land – lend
Invite – inwite
Strong – stronk, strung
Don’t – dunt
Speak – speck
Gold – guld
Tiger – tiguer
Jagdpanther – jagdpantera, jagdpantero
Jagdpanzer – jagdpanzera
Light – lite
Attention – uwaga??
Square – kwadrat??
Scout – skaut, scut
We – wi, wee
Team – teem, tim
Rape – reyp, repe
City – sity, citi
Player – pleyer
What – whut
The – tha, da
Sorry – sorri
Noob, nub, nob, noba
Need – nid
Good – guud, gud
You forgot “clan – clam”
you forgot nerd
Ok I add that
“Attention – uwaga??
Square – kwadrat??”
That’s not Klingon, that’s simply Polish translation
That’s what he said.
Okay, I didnt know that, I just guessed, because people have said that to me in chat, like “uwaga ferdinand”, which I guessed were “attention” or “watch out”.
Please give more tips om klingon spellings, I really wish to publish this dictionary for funny purposes.
@SerB confirms that top guns are not always “the best”
Like 90mm F3 on AMX M4, really underestimated gun with decent penetration (and excellent on premium ammo) and with better aiming time and significantly better DPM than top one. Definitely my favourite on this tank.
bye-bye Sheridan. :(
Regarding “Wittman’s Medal” I am pretty sure that those “official letters” are NOT from the government. It’s for sure from “political correct” NGO or whatever.
I’ll now send three officially looking letters to serB, requesting him to move the Tiger to tier 5 without changes, or else…
- SerB confirms that top guns are not always “the best”, in some cases there are two alternative “equal” setups (SS: as in the new WT line, where you can play both a 128mm or 150mm guns on high tiers), but not always
do you really need a wot developer to tell you basic shit like this? seriously, stop posting useless posts like these… this site is already spammed with useless info
then sod off and read someplace else … arrogant dick
Leave him, he wants another ban.
So much butthurt liviu, so much butthurt :))
with that nerf, 88mm Flak L/56 is better choice than the top gun, at leaset it has 48 degrees of gun traverse, 5 times than the top gun
If 1 kill equals ~500 dmg, one can get TopGun theoretically doing 6 dmg, and he will get same XP as a guy who did 3000 dmg? That’s not very fair…
Attempting to erase the past is the quickest way to ensure it is repeated. Silly Teutons.