
- SerB on why WG won Golden Joystick despite the overwhelmingly negative response on RU forums: “It’s simply because the whiners are always more active”
- Slava Makarov (main WoT producer) states he didn’t know in advance WoT would win
- historical battles will have gold ammo (and it won’t be limited apparently)
- teamdamage/teamkill automated system doesn’t track teamdamage done to certain classes (SS: as in, whether for example arty gets more teamdamage)
- it’s possible the tier 5 KV-1S will have also a 122mm gun, but it’s a short gun (S-41, something like the KV-1 U-11)

- the White Tiger-like events (SS: a promo action a year or two ago, when the players were fighting a “White Tiger” supertank as a promo to the White Tiger movie) aren’t done for organizational reasons anymore
- player view from inside a tank is not planned
- apparently LT’s as a class are not dying and won’t be buffed
- yesterday, SerB wasn’t celebrating the Golden Joystick victory, he was celebrating his son’s 20th birthday
- SerB is fine with the fact WG won the Golden Joystick again, but he feels indifferent to it
- tier 10 heavies rebalance? “As always – when necessery”
- special “national” soundtrack (SS: as in tunes) for tanks of various nations? “Possible, but won’t be implemented for now”
- Chi Nu Kai will most likely not appear in the ingame magazine before the Japanese branch is released (SS: that implies Japanese branch is scheduled for 0.9.0)
- the statistics of how much certain tanks are getting critted is not collected continuously, it’s possible to collect it on demand, as it is too requiring (expensive) to collect it all the time
- the terrain passability of Object 140 and T-62A is “roughly equal”
- apparently a Capture the Flag mode won’t be implemented
- WoT having the same aim reticles as WoWp? “We are still seeking the optimal solution for WoWp”
- there was an obscure “IS model 1940″ tank, apparently with a BR-2 152mm gun, this however won’t be implemented, SerB states that it’s equal to the SU-100Y
- before, there was an idea of making a new medium branch from a KV-13 tank, SerB however states that the tier 9 tank proposed for this branch was scrapped (unspecified reason) and so the developers decided to cancel the whole branch and to enter its proposed tier 10 as a CW reward tank (Object 907)
- apparently, the guns in Jagdtiger 88 and Nashorn were not identical, they only had the same ballistic properties
- SerB states that KV-1S will indeed turn into two tanks at first (tier 5 KV-1S and tier 6 KV-85/100/122) (KV-122 with D-25T will NOT be a tier 7 tank). However, later, KV-1S will merge with KV-1 as a hull option for KV-1, so in the end there will be just KV-1 and KVsomething
- the solution to sell new premium tanks only via gift shop was accepted because “it’s easier to control them that way in case one proves to be overpowered”
- it was “always possible” to make non-square maps (for example 500×2000), but this won’t be implemented
- apparently it’s possible to make two teams balanced without both teams having the same amount of tanks, this is considered for historical battles
- Q: “How do I make the crew appear in a hangar?” A: “Buy a hangar and hire a crew” :)
- in the 7/42 mode, player skill is balanced to an enemy player skill: the mechanism that automatically adds players to your team does NOT add players matching the skill of the team
- in 7/42, randomly assembled teams will play against manually assembled ones too
- the option to hide player stats was scrapped because “it’s pointless”
- it won’t be possible to hide one particular tank from your stats
- a reliability of certain parts of vehicles is modelled by the amount of module HP (SS: as in, in real life an unreliable engine will have low hitpoints)

185 thoughts on “26.10.2013

      • *comedic conspiracy rant mode on*
        But of course there’s a conspiracy. Wargaming obviously bought their victory in the Golden Joystick (which they also sponsored), so they could give the trophy to SerB’s son as a birthday present on that same day. They did that to smooth the edges with SerB after they had that heated discussion with him about how to nerf the KV-1s.

        Another frightening revelation:
        SerB’s Son can be shortened to SS.
        Silentstalker is also commonly shortened to SS.
        Therefore, Silentstalker is SerB’s son. That came completely out of left field, eh? Wargaming staff deciding to directly answer questions by Silentstalker probably also was just a measure to keep SerB calm…
        *comedic conspiracy rant mode off*

        • Might be an idea to forbid gaming companies that has games nominated in the competion to not to be able to sponsor it. There are other computer companies that could sponsor it like a company that makes gaming equipment.

          • Please,please show me where Wargaming were sponsors, the proof, I cannot find any mention of them amongst the sponsors list.

          • True, but companies don’t want to put limitations on sponsors, as it would not only reduce the amount of sponsors, thus increasing their own costs. But it could also drive away sponsors, as they would either have to choose between winning the award, or becoming a sponsor, the latter being something that many people would not notice, and give much lower publicity than being a competitor/winner.

          • Yeah, insult SerB for celebrating something that is WORTH celebrating, unless you are some sick bastard who thinks celebrating your own son’s birthday is bad.


          • That was disgusting. I may have some issues about SerB’s response to the community, but come on.
            And after all, it’s just a game dude, oyu should think about words that you type before you publish it.

            • By all accounts Jews are awesomely clever and succesful and everybody else is just raging jelly of them, so I don’t really see how that’s supposed to be an insult…

  1. “- SerB states that KV-1S will indeed turn into two tanks at first (tier 5 KV-1S and tier 6 KV-85/100/122) (KV-122 with D-25T will NOT be a tier 7 tank). However, later, KV-1S will merge with KV-1 as a hull option for KV-1, so in the end there will be just KV-1 and KVsomething”

    So we will not get a free slot and the split KV-1S for free? Or if we will get it, we will lose the free slot after the implementation of selectable hulls?

    • No, you will still get the free slot because the implementation of the hulls will be after the split

  2. ”- SerB states that KV-1S will indeed turn into two tanks at first (tier 5 KV-1S and tier 6 KV-85/100/122) (KV-122 with D-25T will NOT be a tier 7 tank). However, later, KV-1S will merge with KV-1 as a hull option for KV-1, so in the end there will be just KV-1 and KVsomething”
    WG retards just put KV-122 in T7 and remove KV-1s 122 gun and thats it. fucking idiots.
    but ofcourse they want to have that OP 122 gun in T6.

      • KV-2 is slower and less porotected than KV-1S, and also its gun is random as fuck. And you mean to tell me KV-2 is a lot better.
        Yea, sure.

        • “L2p, it’s far from OP.
          The most OP tank on tier VI is the KV-2, my favourite tank.”

          Rofl are you retarded?

          • Since when can you oneshot KV-2 with the KV-1S without an ammorack? When can you do over 900 damage to tigers and conquerors in one shot with the KV-1S? KV-2 is better than KV-1S in the right hands.

          • Is the KV-1S a terrible tank? By all means no but I don’t like it because for a heavy with weaker hull armor, it has an extremely situational gun that requires excellent aim to constant hit targets from anything beyond a close range target. The 390 damage is indeed powerful but does not promise a one shot kill at all, and many scrubbie players abuse the speed to get into a location far from help, then die after firing a single shot because they get overwhelmed 8n a tank with poor survivability. Additionally, the KV-2 has better hull armor, and a very big mantlet in the front of the turret – it is surprisingly bouncy for what it is. And that “random” gun is indeed random…if you don’t know where to place your shots and merely shoot wildly. Also, im regards to the OP, you get a tree that emphasizes firepower – why the fuck would you remove it’s 122? The ARL 44 also mind you has a 300 damage gun (330 with gold) that also has fairly good pen tier 6 with a much more devastating rate of fire, with armor that is fairly bouncy.

          • Perhaps if you look at the actual damage ranges of the guns, you fucking realize that if you were ccompetent enough to shoot, you will actually do full damage.. .and the max roll of the 122 is 488 btw.

      • 1. KV-2 isnt OP (ROFL)
        2. Historically KV-1s never used 122 gun
        3. KV-100 will be 5x better as T6 than KV122
        4. i think it would be better if they remove KV-1s and reintroduce it as KV-1 hull option

            • Prototypes? At least it did exist than the bulk of the paper tanks that the Germans have.

            • Prototypes? At least it did exist than the bulk of the paper tanks that the Germans have.
              Implying that only Germans have paper project tanks in game…..stop it…you are making it even worse….yes kv1s had 122mm irl…is it OP at t6? yes….will it remain with 122mm at t6? it will, but hopefully its agility and speed will be significantly reduced which will make it somehow balanced unlike nowadays where it combines speed, gun depression, troll armor and cherry on top 122mm gun with ridiculous high alpha for a t6

            • Of course not mee, but people like you just focus on hard stats. I AM for the split – Kv1-S was indeed mobile but perhaps too mobile. It’s a branching into the line that emphasizes mobility and damage. To be fair, it is devastating in the right hands, but often people potato to really abuse those attributes.

            • it’s enough that is has that autobounce plate(which miraculously have 90% chance to get hit even if you don’t aim at it) to call it troll armor…it definitely bounces too much for a tank that was made to be less armored/more agile than KV-1…even if the armor was trully shit it still combined too much pros than cons….

            • …you realise similar middle plates autobounce on pretty much *every* tank that has them (unless shot at from above ofc), right? And the vertical plates above and below it you should be aiming for don’t stop shit.

        • You fucking dense retard, it is existed, it was even the basis of the 122 gun on a tank.

  3. - the solution to sell new premium tanks only via gift shop was accepted because “it’s easier to control them that way in case one proves to be overpowered”

    My bullshit detector randomly exploded.

    • There will be less than ones that are actually in the in-game store – If it gets too bad then they merely have to pull it from the website, not a patch for the in-game store.

      • Your statement is partly right, but :
        1. The CNK was tested internally and on the test server, and its not considered OP, its mediocre at best.
        2. They are clearly doing that to exploit people who want to buy it before the jap tree and have gold on their acc. Like all theese who sold their SP and search for a new premium tank to buy.

        • You seem to miss the problem with balancing, the fact that people are trying out a tank in test doesn’t mean it’s being played properly. A new tank takes getting used to, so it generally under-performs at first. This is why, as time wears on, tanks get re-balanced, as suddenly, people know how to play it to it’s full potential, which is where tanks are generally balanced in.

    • someone state that if they release a new premy tank that is proven to be OP via in game store , they have to do a hot fix + server restart , which is quite an effort ,

      but if they only sell it via gift shop , they can easily pull it off the shelf

      • How can it be OP if they “test” it first internally(WG testers) and then people on test server(ironically that test server is used for every bullshit players can’t do on regular server and not to actually test tanks) and there’s the reason why certain premium tanks are OP when they hit the live server…because YOU CAN’T get any image of the tank on ts….it sure isn’t my fault it’s like that….they should either test it for a longer time internally or make test server actually useful for what it’s meant for…

        • ^ Exactly why I tend to ignore the cries of OP and unbalanced – same was said about the SU-100Y…I don’t see them dominating the bulk of the tier 6 battles…

          • Since when are premium tanks really dominating? The reason for that is quite clear. Many idiots and noobs buy premium tanks therfore they cant play them to the fullest. Also, premium tanks should be better than regular tanks anyways. The firepower of the SU100Y is totally OP for tier 6 anyways.

            • Everything *else* about the 100Y seems to be painfully UP for the tier, conversely.

              Also, want to buy pwnage? Play something other than WoT.

  4. - apparently LT’s as a class are not dying and won’t be buffed

    Yeah because we have to endure them, because they are in the way to other vehicles…..

  5. Why does WG put so much effort into minor tank changes (like this whole Kv line do-over) while ignoring crummy game play issues (most games seem to be 15:3 now)? Have they heard the phrase”Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic”?

    • The gampelay you’re referring to is the direct end result of the playerbase. Tomato Gardens unsurprisingly produce facerolls (and ketchup).

      • You could not be more wrong. How could 15:3 results be caused by tomato players, if players are randomly selected for teams.

        • Und hier ve zee ein Idiot in hiz natüralische habitat…
          Fine, I’ll explain the blindingly obvious to you.
          A major portion of the playerbase are flora not fauna. MM is random. It follows that it’s not terribly unusual for a team to consist mostly of Red Barons. From this it follows that if such do not *also* form the majority of the other team, curbstomp often results.

          • WRONG!
            Results like 3 : 15 and like are the consequences of the use of premium ammo on one team and bad RNG rolls with pen & damage on the opposing team. Another aspect of THIS unbalance is the firepower difference even IN THE SAME TIER.
            That is the sole reason why KV-1S 122 gun DOES NOT BELONG IN TIER 6!!!
            That is why RNG variance needs to be reduced and entire premium ammo and HP > damage system need to be looked at. And overhauled.
            The difference in damage between 7,5 L70 and KV-1S 122 troll gun is just retarded. One of the best tank’s gun of WW2 while the other was actually a fail prototype gun!

            • Not really true, since both teams can have the same amount of vehicles and still have 1:15 games and similar. Also I dont see why rng should be reduced, it affect everybody the same more or less. Sure the kv1s is a problem in ints tier, but these 1:15 games happen in all tiers though, even in those tiers where tanks are fairly balanced like tier 7 and 8. Most of the times this is due to beeing steamrolled because one flank is too weak, due to many people camping in the same place.

            • I find myself agreeing with T3azz, what madness is this.

              Yeah, Punty has no clue. Curbstomps happens because a “critical mass” of one team plays with all the tactical savvy and sound judgement of a blind drunk hillbilly and duly gets itself annihilated in very short order due to inability to use cover properly and general incompetence. All it takes for the other team to have enough halfway competent players to exploit the fuck of such collective idiocy; RNG and whatnot have little relevance to the matter because the fundamental problem is the Red Barons plain Doing It Wrong and duly exposing themselves to unsurvivable amounts of fire while being unable to retaliate in a coherent and effective fashion.

              God knows I’ve seen enough pubbie teams effectively Darwinise themselves in three minutes flat with total absence of tactics…

          • And how does skill based MM solve lemming trains, camping, TKing, idling, etc? Player stats is not a indication of personal skills. I have seen plenty of people with good stats possibly beeing carried by platoon mates playing like idiots. I have seen members from all “good” clans camping in heavys not doing a shit.

            You really think these whining 38-45% WR, low eff players would be happy, just because of skill based MM? Well think again, because they would probably get raped there as well.

            Simply, you cant be competitive with 75% crews, stock tanks, and no equipment. You might be lucky to get some kills, but in the long run you need all advantages you can get maximizing your tanks efficiency. This concept most of players dont udnerstand so they take the easy route: blame MM, blame OP/UP tanks, blame team, etc.

            Please tell me how a 15 battle non-english speaking, 40% WR player with a tier 8 premium, 7 yo computer and crappy internet is going to help AT ALL in a tier 8 game? No MM in the world will solve this issue.

    • 15:3 isnt WGs fault, its the huge amount of idiots playing tiers they dont really have a business playing in. This is because:

      1. They have free XP to higher tiers
      2. They buy tier 8 premium tanjks
      3. They dont put any effors training crew skills or mount equipment
      4. Some run with stock tanks
      5. Some people have bad pc/internet connection and hence bad fps and ping = they cant play well
      6. Some people are slow by nature
      7. Some people botting/idling/team killng/messing around
      8. Lemming trains, all go same side leaving some flanks totally open
      9. Medium and heavy tanks camping because they feel their guns are accurate enough to snipe
      10. Overall coward player, that think they will win by letting enemies come to them….how ever in 8/10 times campers who get spotted in their favourite places get blasted by artys or TDs, or heavys or mediums MOVING on the battlefield. In other words, most players are too dumb to even understand what to do when that lightbulb is flashing on the screen (6th sense) and they keep on camping.
      11. After heavy and medium
      campers get blasted by artys or TDs because they refused to move and take cover, they go on the forums and demand nerfs for artys and TDs

      These are some of the reasons we have fail games

      • KV-3 at t6 was OP for such a long time and now we have kv1s and can’t get rid of it on t6 xD On the other hand PzIV with Waderturm and L70(which btw then had only 138 pen) was considered OP and was nerfed to shit….if it wasn’t an 105mm derp gun that tank would be completely useless…

      • People compare SU100 with KV1s a LOT just because they share the 122mm gun, but people forget other things like the fact that Su100 even if it reloads for whole 3 seconds faster is not OP(at least not as KV1s) is because it doesn’t have a turret, it has much worse armor AND significantly less HP and no gun depression whatsoever…well it’s not bad but it’s not great as on KV1s(-8°)….kv1s has too much pros combined in one tank and 122mm with bigass alpha is just a cherry on top of the cake….if they nerf it’s mobility and speed significantly as they said they’ll probably do, Kv1s will lost a lot of its usefulness in both randoms and TCs…but i don’t expect it to be nerfed hard since you know it’s russian and all that shit and because of the fact SerB is defending it :P

        • SU100 is a TD, enough said, kv1s is a heavy tank, that really shouldt have close to the damage and alpha to TDs in the same tier.

  6. - it was “always possible” to make non-square maps (for example 500×2000), but this won’t be implemented

    Yeah just add unenterable areas on the map like hills, rivers, etc.

  7. can’t wait for the historical battles. i hope they would make the whole game more historical.

  8. - special “national” soundtrack (SS: as in tunes) for tanks of various nations? “Possible, but won’t be implemented for now”

    Expect To Hear “Russland Lied” on my German Tanks )))

  9. “- in 7/42, randomly assembled teams will play against manually assembled ones too”

    …which is why this new mode will be irrelevant/useless for the vast majority of players, just like Company Battles.

  10. SerB on why WG won Golden Joystick despite the overwhelmingly negative response on RU forums: “It’s simply because the whiners are always more active”

    I agree with SerB about whinners being more active, but i find it problematic that WoT tank won in a competition they competed in. That fact makes one question they credibility of it all even if there was no conspiricy.

  11. SerB’s son: Dad, today is my birthday, did you get me any present?
    SerB: Stop begging!
    SerB’s son: But dad, it’s my birthday. And i’m your son.
    SerB: How terrible.

  12. Pingback: 26.10.2013 | WoTRomania

  13. Its all soviet bias crap like the KV2 gun which in reality would spit its fat round out at such low velocity it would do sod all damage to a tank (It was built to fire HE into fortifications!) yet hello WG and another chance to make the russian tanks so OP it just isnt funny. THe IS gun hat to lower and raise its gun in a loading cycle which meant loading was so slow it was owned by standard Tigers in fire fights in WWII yet here come WG again and pow.. its the most powerful tank in its class… so they put the same gun on lower classes… Brilliant… MORONS!!!


    • Incoherent raging: check
      Wehraboo: check
      No clue: check

      Your opinion is invalid. Stop failing in the game AND life.

    • Uh you on crack,kid the IS hull was made to with stand the 8.8cm L/56 .one shot from any tank could knock out other tanks.Plus have you played the IS? I preferred my tiger in WOT

    • And you fail to realize the absolute inferiority of German tanks to the T-34 and the KV-1…

    • IS in game is the 2nd worst tier 7 heavy….
      Coming before amx m4 and equal to the Black Prince…
      Left far behind by Tiger P and T 29, desperately trying to catch up with tiger but failing cause of lower DPM and accuracy.

  14. - before, there was an idea of making a new medium branch from a KV-13 tank, SerB however states that the tier 9 tank proposed for this branch was scrapped (unspecified reason) and so the developers decided to cancel the whole branch and to enter its proposed tier 10 as a CW reward tank (Object 907)

    Any ideas how that branch could look? :)

    Or do you have any tier 9 USSR mediums candidates?

  15. >> – SerB on why WG won Golden Joystick despite the overwhelmingly negative response on RU forums: “It’s simply because the whiners are always more active” <<
    What a lie!! There a lot of whiners @ the forum and there were more than ever the last time… because there a lot of grievances. The fact is people who are active @ the forum are in the minority (I think SerB said 10-15% of active players?!) So the majority are these god damn noob retards with their Löwe having 300 battles all in all or as a famous example the all-known E-100 driver with 600WN6 making troll platoon with two t1s.
    And these people see that they get some reward for voting for WoT and therefore WG wins the award.

        • Deep cynicism is an only too natural byproduct of such awareness. “The more you know…”

          Plus you *are* aware SS doesn’t (thankfully) translate all the truly retarded bullshit he wades through daily in the Q&A’s right?

          • I am quite aware of it.

            You also need to consider that cynicism doesn’t necessarily reflect one’s deep insight of human behaviour. Cynicism may just be the ‘byproduct’ of him being, well, a bastard (reflecting his own personality). Dealing with retards (who make up the majority of the lot – common knowledge, really) doesn’t enable him to grasp human behaviour any better… Because that’s how, you know, the Internet is.

            • I was addressing your statement regarding Serb’s superior grasp of human behaviour.

              And regarding his assessment, it is a silly simplification. Say, the lot who use the forums is formed by people more active than your usual siemkabots. Among the forum users, there are people who whine and those who don’t. Considering the fact that since the forum users are more active (than your average player), they actually care what goes on with WoT and have an opinion. And considering all that’s going on, it is not unexpected that a large proportion of them are not exactly content.

              Now, after all that, there is no basis for his statement, there is no direct correlation.

    • God Forbid that non unicum players might actually LIKE playing a game and might actually vote for it because they like it more than the other games. Hell I voted for WoT. Why? BECAUSE I HAD NEVER PLAYED ANY OF THE OTHER GAMES. In fact the golden joystick awards are pretty BS anyway because 90% of the catagories are just missing anything I would have personally thought should have won anyway.

      Believe it or not WoT isn’t as shitty as you people seem to think it is. Go to the forums for any other online game in the golden joystick list and it will be filled with EXACTLY the same amount of whining about balance, not listening to players, game bring broken, and such.

    • Thats the problem, too many retards with high tier tanks, thinking they are entitlied to dominate just because they drive “heavy tanks”. I say, remove tier 10 from the game and make all players with no tier 8 tanks able to buy tier 8 premiums. Make premium account 70% more valuable, so we who are paying for premium get better benefits.

  16. Hey, guys, did you read this article?

    “Video games produced in Russia and Eastern Europe are nothing new, what with the Stalker series and Metro: Last Light. For the first time, though, we could start seeing video games produced in part by the Russian government to teach players specifically about the glorious history of the Russian military.”

    Russian Bias eh? lol

  17. “- Chi Nu Kai will most likely not appear in the ingame magazine before the Japanese branch is released (SS: that implies Japanese branch is scheduled for 0.9.0)”

    Well i believe it doesn’t – WG is not obliged to add it ingame after one patch.
    This scenario is perfectly possible:
    8.9 Chi Nu Kai gets added to the Giftshop
    8.10 some patch not including japanese tanks
    9.0 only mechanics update, japanese tree gets delayed
    9.1 japanese tanks and Chi Nu Kai available in ingame store.

  18. Why do we need a Capture the Flag mode? when all we have to do is cap the base. Unless the mode calls for best of three flags.

  19. Yo, SS I want to publish my WOT klingon dictionary for the communnity, it would be fun. Where players also can add new klingon words they have seen in game chat.

    I mean we all have seen funny spellings and the fact is that people are dead serious about it also.

  20. I think after 8.9, there is simply 9.0 and Japanese tanks (at the earliest). But I think japanese tanks are most likely added in patch 9.1.

  21. Slava Makarov (main WoT producer) states he didn’t know in advance WoT would win


    yeah right…

  22. So, does anyone know if I have the kv-1s, will we get like the 5th tier kv-whatever and a new slot? cheers

  23. - the solution to sell new premium tanks only via gift shop was accepted because “it’s easier to control them that way in case one proves to be overpowered”

    I’m so glad the SU-122-44 came out before this.

  24. ‘- historical battles will have gold ammo (and it won’t be limited apparently)’

    Fuck you WG. I’ve been looking forward to historical battles since the game started and now you basically fuck the entire thing by letting people use gold ammo. So now we will have “historical” guns and tanks shooting modern era ammo! GG retards.

      • Doesnt matter, still makes the game unbalanced as hell. Its totally bullshit to have historical battles, when tanks are not historial to beginn with.

        • …because actually being able to hurt the opponent is IMBA AS FUCK?
          Go straight to Jail without passing Go, please.

          • Well, yes it is, because some tanks are not meant to have such penentration. If everybody should be able to hur everybody with no tradeoffs, then we can might as well give all tanks the same firepower and characteristics.

      • In extremely limited quantities and mostly on tank destroyers. Thus the whole “historical” thing. What’s the point of having a Tiger if all the tier V tanks can pen it frontally? Just remove the armor from all tanks, give everybody a 20mm autocannon and hurrrrr. Call of Doodie.

    • Of course medium and heavy tanks should have TD like penentration….thats like normal because the community is heavy and medum tank biased. I mean what wrong with a t69 derping around with 250+mm pen on gold?