There will be a new feature – recruiting interface for clans. If WG EU doesn’t make an English version, I’ll just translate it myself and post it here.
- apparently, client and server shell trajectories can actually differ from one another, but just for a tiny bit
- it’s completely possible for the server aim circle to aim with different speed as the client aim circle, it’s usually the fault of poor internet and packet loss
- the “three caliber rule” for HEAT shells was cancelled “so that the player wouldn’t hear ‘we didn’t penetrate their armor’, when hitting thin surfaces under sharp angles (88-89 degrees), because the effective armor of even nominally thin armor (20-30mm) is very thick and the shell doesn’t penetrate it anyway due to the lack of penetration. In fact, nothing has changed, only the players will now hear a honest ‘ricochet’ instead of ‘didn’t penetrate their armor’. For other types of shells there is no need to cancel this rule”
- the aim circle spread when the tank is moving, the circle spread after shooting and the circle spread after moving the gun/turret are three different parameters, that can stack
- French tanks have more camo than other tanks? “We don’t comment on leaks”
- SerB states that in real life, Object 416 was classified both as a medium tank and a SPG, it was made a medium tank in order to fit the branch
- the T-24 medium tank might be introduced
- twin-turret T-26 in the game? “And do we really need the short 37mm gun twin-turret T-26 version without full turret traverse in the game at all? Well, apart from being a tier 1 gift tank. Hmmm….”
- more info on next patch? “We’ll tell you soon everything”
- there aren’t many tanks, that would apply for multiturret mechanism – T-35, M3 Lee, B1 and the British “rhomboid” tanks are the most known ones
- premium tanks are nerfed only when it is seriously necessery
- medals for tournaments are possible, but not planned for now
- SerB on e-sports: “To be honest, I am not sure we need to pay much attention to cybersports. What we need more is “cybersports physical culture” – our main audience doesn’t have too much free time to spare”
- it’s possible the 7/42 battle format will be changed to 7/40 (7/40 is being considered now)
- hangar looking like a torture chamber? “How terrible…”
- Panzer V/IV having higher MM weight in 0.8.9? “we don’t comment on MM weights”
- arty in WoT not realistic? “Want realism? Join the army”
- apparently, the game is made realistic “where necessery” – where it is not necessery, it’s not made realistically
- new skills for crew won’t come anytime soon
- Q: “Will there be the possibility to pay in gift shop with bitcoin?” A: “Yea how about candy wrappers…”
- guns similiar to S-70 on other tanks? “If needed”
- apparently, a lot of mods won’t work in 0.8.9 (SS: Russians had a nice videoguide about them… )
- according to Overlord, PvE might come one day for WoT
Regarding the earlier announced bug fix by Storm:
- it’s possible this fix will partially fix the ghost shells
- the bug was apparently “very rare”, as in “once per 10000 battles” rare
- the bug was caused by some internal server-side BigWorld mechanism, won’t be described in detail
- apparently Storm himself doesn’t understand how the bug worked
- apparently at some point, the feature of the garage (after the game starts) vehicles display a random camo (if you bought it) and not always the winter one will be implemented
- new chat system will allow you to see all your friends on all servers as online, no matter what server they logged on
- if your client crashes without any explanation at the end of the battle, it’s possibly caused by XVM
“- premium tanks are nerfed only when it is seriously necessery”
Yeah, am I glad they nerfed that super over-powered T26E4.
You got a gold refund, not sure what the problem is. The armour was crazy good.
No it was not. Learn to aim at the 4 weakspots in the front.
…of merely at the turret ring, which works surprisingly well at medium distances with decently accurate guns.
It was. I’ve seen numerous matches, where idiots didn’t know how to handle a SP… That was just silly OP.
With that logic tanks like AT-2 or AT-8 are ridiculously overpowered when they actually are pretty effing bad if you meet someone who knows how to actually aim.. Idiots don’t know how to handle against any tank, you can’t really use that as an argument.
but idiots comprise of the half of any WoT server…
You’re so generous.
It was awesome armor. I was able to soak like 3-4k damage if i met some slightly under-average players… And there is a lot of them, like over half of the server. SP had the bad luck, because it was useless against player who knew, but OP when you met some less skilled lads.
I once had 14k potential damage. After nerf even IS can pen your hull frontally, if you dont angle. Sold it.
“… and we decide what is necessary.”
As SerB is saying so often.
Players finally got smart and started hitting the weakspots. It didn’t play like a traditional medium so I sold mine. I have other tanks that make money and I have no real need to train my USA crews much more. The m48 is a piece of crap so it collects dust. Their 3 skills are sufficient and my other US tanks have one or two skills.
Not to mention the tendency for most to treat it like a medium and to derp into the enemy. It felt like a heavy that didn’t have the ability to really hold off for long
I would describe m48 as the biggest dissapointment in my WoT career.
Next time, I will be handing temporary bans for spamming “first” and “donkey”. Last warning. Sorry, it’s starting to get very annoying.
I guess that’s the only way to stop this nonsense.
Thank you
…and angels descended from the heavens and united their voices in an immaculate chorus that spread joy across the land as SS brought down the wrath of the banhammer against all who violate the peace with their cries of “First!” and “Donkey”…
I like your summary of it.
He who shall be first, shall be banned.
no D*nkeys… oh SS please :(
You go, man!
I figured a temporary ban WAS the warning. Put the hammer down!
Dont like such comments?
Dont read them.
I hope he bans by IP address or MAC Addy.. you can be the first to test it out..
Yeah, because both make a lot of sense… Banning the IP, he can just as well restart his connection. Banning the MAC, well, I really hope you’re not in the networking business.
So only few peaople can spam now donkey lol rules, clone MAC wtf :D muahaha
Thank you…
I like how you think SS.
Maybe you should pre-post a locked comment saying first?
That way the firsters will be eternally doomed to QQ.
How terrible.
Man, I’ve been waiting for this forever.
Have no fear, ladies and gentlemen, SS will save us all from horny donkey spam. :D
silentstalker? more like silentbawker…fucking douche.
Looks like we got another firster.
Looks like roids’ hemorrhoids are playing up.
yes – please! or just add simple .js to site which will hide all comments with only “first” [and all variations of it]
Thank you, I stopped reading comments due to this behaviour.
next top of the tree tank?
Propably Patton or 121
or Jgpz E-100
or wt100 :P
- SerB states that in real life, Object 416 was classified both as a medium tank and a SPG, it was made a medium tank in order to fit the branch
Dafuq? How would this ever be a arty ingame?
SPG, as in tank destroyer in this case.
Could be an AT SPG, just like the SU and ISU were classified as SPG’s but also had AT versions.
I think, this is mostly guessing on what would make sense, nothing informed :P
Actually, the ISU-152, the SU-152, the SU-76, the SU-85 and most of the Soviet TDs were all self-propelled guns and they were used as indirect fire weapons.
Hell, the Hellcat was at one point used for indirect fire support.
Come to think of it, as long as a tank can elevate its gun, shouldn’t it be able to fire indirectly?
In principle yes, though in practice most direct-fire mountings don’t elevate sufficiently to allow for “true” indirect fire. This could, and was, be easily enough corrected by making use of convenient hillsides and other terrain features or brute shovel-work where such were not available.
As well as the fact that some guns were just not effective enough
75mm seems to have been the minimum bothered with, though notably the Brits still employed their peculiar Great War technique of “semi-indirect fire” with Vickers MGs (but then again those were at least originally crewed by Royal Artillery so…).
Thats just using the beaten zone for an MG though surely. It’s just being used as an area suppression weapon. Even old SMLE’s has sights going for crazy distances so platoons/companies could do the same thing.
*shrug* IIRC what I’ve read they’d cheerfully do it over hills and what have you. How To Be An Even Bigger Nuisance kind of thing, not much different from shelling the area with shrapnel (AFAIK the French never bothered with this kind of gimmickry and just used 75s instead).
The US Army TD training center taught every td crew indirect fire techniques as part of their regular training.
US TD units were often employed as artillery batteries. Crews were trained to do so and equipment to direct and control the indirect fires was issued to TD companies. Earthen ramps or hillsides were used to increase the elevation. It sounds silly now but in WWII and the Korean Conflict the need for artillery fire was more common than fighting enemy armored vehicles.
Enable the server-side crosshair next time, it is way more accurate then the client-side one.
Lately I often had the case, that the server side one was stuck at some point even when i had a nice ping and no lag whatsoever.
With the server-side lags it’s almost impossible to use the server-side crosshair…I run with a ping of 40-60 ms, tryed one match with that, failed hard…it takes too much to aim properly…the aim circle is delayed sometimes with seconds.Just use the normal crosshair but wait 1-2 secs before taking a shot…makes wonders.
Still, it’s where your gun actually shoots, so no real way around it. No matter how bad-aiming server crosshair is, it’s leagues less annoying than habitually missing the aim circle.
My word! Your Jagdtiger commander is probably shitting bricks! xD
try this at 3:00 lego bricks will be shat:D
sorry for the noob question, but what is PvE?
Playing against computer/bots/AI.
Hmm….isn’t this already implemented? I mean, I see in almost every game I play.
I see *bots in almost every game I play.
Think Left 4 Dead 2. The zombie hoard is the “E.”
aka Player vs. Environment (bots)
Player versus Enviorment
Google tells me its Player versus environment
Re Recruiting station, NA has it up:
Basically a player can fill out a survey on their account that clan leaders can access (availablity, language, interests etc.) Major issue right now is that it closes applications to full clans, so 100 member clans can’t use it.
- the “three caliber rule” for HEAT shells was cancelled “so that the player wouldn’t hear we didn’t penetrate their armor’, when hitting thin surfaces under sharp angles (88-89 degrees), because the effective armor of even nominally thin armor (20-30mm) is very thick and the shell doesn’t penetrate it anyway due to the lack of penetration. In fact, nothing has changed, only the players will now hear a honest ‘ricochet’ instead of ‘didn’t penetrate their armor’. For other types of shells there is no need to cancel this rule”
So heat shells specifically will not overmatch (auto pen) if the caliber is three times the thickness of the armor?
Overmatch is not autopen…
Only when hitting under sharp angles.
From what is on the wiki, as trustworthy as it is, HEAT will auto bounce at 80 degrees or more, and according to the above 3x overmatch doesn’t happen for HEAT, regardless of calibre.
In practice, except for howitzers, the penetration of a gun that is able to 3x overmatch is almost certain to penetrate at ~80 degrees. This is why you should use AP and APCR against highly sloped thin armour (along with the normalisation that they get which reduces the effective angle); if the angle is 70-80 degrees against 3x overmatched armour you probably will penetrate.
- Q: “Will there be the possibility to pay in gift shop with bitcoin?” A: “Yea how about candy wrappers…”
Nice response.
Strange… so actually there are ghost shells after all…
free patchnotes!
“There will be a new feature – recruiting interface for clans. If WG EU doesn’t make an English version, I’ll just translate it myself and post it here.”
To save you the trouble of translating, WG NA has most if not all of the info here:
Derp, didn’t see the post 5 above this one, sorry about that.
- it’s completely possible for the server aim circle to aim with different speed as the client aim circle, it’s usually the fault of poor internet and packet loss
Who are they implying me or Telia? I got fiber so I know its not me. Yeah I had the lag so bad in one match where my turret was pointing 45 degrees to the left and yet I was shooting tanks directly in front of me. It was funny seeing explosions on my front turret when I fired. BTW, I get 30 to 66% packet failure on the NA East server and I know I am not alone.
30-66% seems high, even for Telia. You may want to look at your home network. I had a router causing bad packet loss not too long ago.
WoT is the only game where I encounter this problem. It starts around 6 PM EST and goes till about 2 AM EST the next day. The bottleneck is always in NYC Telia. So I can say its not the router. Even WG Tech support said there is nothing they can do. I think WG got what they have paid for in a bad networking. They got things on the cheap and it shows.
I think it is more than just lag, I think the server side and client side reticule are left to run completely independently of each other.
I’ve had occasions where I rotate to look behind my tank really quickly, and the turret/client side reticule rotated clockwise, but the server reticule decided that it was going to rotate counter clockwise. Had I fired half way through this rotation the round would have exited the rear of my turret.
I think they need to have the client side reticule smoothly correct itself to match server side if it off by too much.
This is why you should run a permanent server side reticule mod. Aim with the client side reticule, but only fire when the server side reticule isn’t drifting off into lala land.
What the hell is 7/40 format?
Its 7/42 but with 2 less points so you can’t have 5 Tier 8 and 2 Tier 1 tanks. You would instead have 3 Tier 8, 2 Tier 7, 2 Tier 1 tanks. The main problem people have with 7/42 is the Matches being 5 AMX 50 100′s and 2 Tier 1 tanks.
No good team has every brought 5 50 100s against another good team and won… That’s a goofy build… If they want to introduce a little more variety into 7/42 (which by the way sees the common use of IS3, 50 100, T32, 13 90, t69, pershing, obj 416, with cameos from chinese t34, wz-132, centurion and jp2). Admittedly, this is not as diverse a field as it was pre-8.6, but it is a far cry from the lamented quint-50 100 build.
-AMartin223, The Cunninghams
Actually, SS didn’t caught SerB’s trolling this time. With “7-40″ SerB meant jewish dance and was trolling a once_again question “why I can’t play my IS-7 in this mode?”
- apparently, a lot of mods won’t work in 0.8.9 (SS: Russians had a nice videoguide about them… )
Care to elaborate, as I don’t speak Russian. Is it going to be XVM again, or something else, like visual mods for example. Announcement like that always sends shivers down my spine.
Exactst my reaction!
what about the crew icons ??!! I hope they dont change the icons formate or size :(
” it’s completely possible for the server aim circle to aim with different speed as the client aim circle, it’s usually the fault of poor internet and packet loss”
I have experience this, playing at 250ms ping. Plenty of times my client-side aim-circle said I was zoomed in enough that the shot would hit no matter what, yet it missed :-/
Yep, got a few of those, too, especially since new patch. Though it’s more common with lag it still happens at 30ms completely stable connection.
I should check, but I guess it’s more common when server is stressed…
- apparently, the game is made realistic “where necessery” – where it is not necessery, it’s not made realistically
In other words we are doing whatever we feel like wether you like it or not….
- if your client crashes without any explanation at the end of the battle, it’s possibly caused by XVM
Oh rly?? And what about all the crashes in earlier versions of the game when XVM haven’t even been developed?? Funny thing is i don’t remember the last time game crashed for me and before(before the XVM era) i had regular crashes….
Is he talking about earlier versions?
Then what the hell are you talking about?
what’s the story between the donkey and the lorraine ? i don’t get it…
Me too but this is annoying :)
I find here: the foto of prototype of Sau 40 but game says (at last polish wrsion) that there weren’t any. Is the description 40 wrong? What do you think SS?
- apparently, a lot of mods won’t work in 0.8.9 (SS: Russians had a nice videoguide about them… )
- French tanks have more camo than other tanks? “We don’t comment on leaks”
I don’t remember leaks hinting in that direction…
How is that a leak, anyway? Players have tested camo empirically. (French isn’t particularly good either.)
Bitcoin? I wanna pay in caps!
- hangar looking like a torture chamber? “How terrible…”
I think in some of the previous news i read that Serb wants it to be changed.
I’m back! I’m back! I’m back! I’m Hitler!
So…. BW is causing a fuck up…. they do not want to tell… their lead developer cannot explain it….
I see the quality of ur work and staff here WG.
- French tanks have more camo than other tanks? “We don’t comment on leaks”
well that’s interesting
Hey, the Clan Recruiting Station feature is up in the Asia server in english, the link is here
twin-turret T-26 in the game? “And do we really need the short 37mm gun twin-turret T-26 version without full turret traverse in the game at all? Well, apart from being a tier 1 gift tank. Hmmm….”
givvit to meh! i wan it!
- arty in WoT not realistic? “Want realism? Join the army”
- apparently, the game is made realistic “where necessery” – where it is not necessery, it’s not made realistically
Oh, this guy can gobble my cock., fucking prick.
In the next post, don’t say “First”, say “Second” so will think he banned the first guy:))
You count 113 and Lorraine posts, too?
the bug was apparently “very rare”, as in “once per 10000 battles” rare
Yea, right. If i remember correctly it was since 8.6. when I got like several dozen ghost shells in different fights. Apparently, word “very rare” is very subjective.
More likely they have fixed some very rare bug that is completely different from the shells passing through tanks bug. Wait and see.
premium tanks are nerfed only when it is seriously necessary
^^^^This,if you are going to lie at least make an effort,nothing worse than a bad lier
RIP Super P
I have resisted correcting that for a long time, but in this post you keep making that error on and on again…
it’s necessAry. NOT necessEry.
Pingback: 29.10.2013 | WoTRomania
- arty in WoT not realistic? “Want realism? Join the army”
Could have seen that coming a mile away (the response I mean)
- Q: “Will there be the possibility to pay in gift shop with bitcoin?” A: “Yea how about candy wrappers…”
Funny how WG doesn’t mind using virtual currency when it comes to cheating on taxes in Europe by paying moderators and supertesters (RIP) in gold.
- hangar looking like a torture chamber? “How terrible…”
Too bad SerB doesn’t remember that it was he HIMSELF that first complained about it looking like a torture chamber and wanting it changed.