
- SerB is not active on WoWp forums – he has no time for 2 forums – but in time he might move there
- captured Soviet Panzer IV (T-4) will most likely have the L/48 gun
- in time the same clans that exist in WoT will be enabled (ported into) WoWp
- clans will be unified in all 3 WG games
- Rheinmetall Waffenträger drowning too easily? “How terrible…”
- (connected with the WoWp and WoT clans unification), maxmimum amount of people in clans will be increased, but the amount of tokens for CWs will remain the same – this increase is to allow clans to recruit WoWp players
- Captured tanks will not work as premium tanks: theoretically, a captured tank could be equal to a regular elite tank of its tier in quality (doesn’t have to be weaker like a premium tank), but in case of T-4, it will most likely not have Panzer IV’s top engine

There is a MM rule: “Vehicles are put into teams based on collected team statistics in last half hour” – a developer explains what it means – basically, MM works so that it watches “typical” setups in last half an hour (for example, that there are usually 3 heavies in almost every fight) and when there is such a trend, MM will “prepare in advance” 3 heavy tank slots and fill them outside of the queue, which improves the MM speed.

This mechanism is used during arty hardcaps calculations: when using the “5 arty” hardcap (if there are enough arties, there used to be plenty before), extra arty is moved into the secondary queue, where it can stay for a long time. This happened when there were too man arties, now it is not actual anymore.

27 thoughts on “8.11.2013

  1. i don’t understand how good clans will work as good tank players are not necessarily good pilots in WoWp and vice versa.

    • Then learn to be good pilots in WoWp and/or good tankers in WoT. Besides, it throws in a new element into CW and makes it more interesting. Unless your in one of the clans dominating in CW currently, wouldn’t you want to see some of those clans run into some problems in the air, giving other “weaker” clans a chance?

    • “maxmimum amount of people in clans will be increased, but the amount of tokens for CWs will remain the same – this increase is to allow clans to recruit WoWp players”
      What exsactly is hard to understand in this line?

    • Clan is a community of people, you get all people to play two games and be part of one clan. It doesn’t have to be about wining, it’s mostly fun to play with friends

      • But when it is about winning it’s going to be difficult to choose. In WoT I’m at EFE. In WoWP I’m at DFA (check planes.noobmeter.com top WR list. Most of the guys there are at DFA so it’s ridiculously strong clan).

        After unification I’d have to choose between them. DFA guys just don’t generally care about WoT at all.

        • Yeah I can confirm Sharpneli’s statement. A huge chunk of the top 50 WR list is in DFA. Actually from the top 20, about 3 are not in DFA.. so yeah we are ridicilously strong. On the other hand, maybe 5 members play WoT?

          This is just a decision I can’t understand.. the General Manager of Persha Studios (Oleg gotynyan) in person told me this would not happen, he even laughed a bit in my face when I asked him at the community party in Cologne during GamesCom. Guess his credibility is lost with me if this is true.

  2. - Rheinmetall Waffenträger drowning too easily? “How terrible…”
    Lawl. Even ELC can be drown so easily in small pond, in Highway, below North base cliff

  3. So the captured Pz IV will have all of the germans IV upgrades, except the engine. But have solid side skirts as well?

    • Hopefully they’re not allowed if/when historical is added, one of the common complaints in wt is how common their premiums are in the realism modes (e.g. US teams made mostly up of Zeroes), and in some cases captureds play exactly like the regular plane at a lower tier under a different nation.

  4. -This mechanism is used during arty hardcaps calculations: when using the “5 arty” hardcap (if there are enough arties, there used to be plenty before), extra arty is moved into the secondary queue, where it can stay for a long time. This happened when there were too man arties, now it is not actual anymore.

    Someone posted on the NA forum where 6 arty where in the match. I saw the snapshot of the countdown screen. The player that reported the match had no explanation why this happened. It looks like the secondary queue did not happen in this case.

    • There is a maximum time limit, if too many players sit too long it will take whatever it has left over from the primary queue and toss them in a match. Often making a game with less than 15 players per side but not always.

    • 5-6 per side is actually pretty common in the off hours. Had one recently with 4 tier 10′s (a batchat was the only other 10), 2 9′s, and 4 or 5 tier 6-8 arties.

  5. So wait, what captured tanks are then if not premium tanks?

    Or are they premium tanks but aren’t getting any normal premium tanks benefits?

  6. “Captured tanks will not work as premium tanks: theoretically, a captured tank could be equal to a regular elite tank of its tier in quality”

    Then how will you fit captured T-5/panthers? You can’t give them the imaginary L100 gun….

    • You wouldn’t it is a totally stock for the period tank. Except this being WG it wont be truly stock.

      Stock would be the FuG 5 radio. Stock tracks and engine and turret and the L/48.

  7. The idea of unified clans is just stupid. If I’m in a clan which has 100 active members in WoT but nobody of them plays WoWP, does it mean I will be forced to be in a clan in WoWP which has no other active members?

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