
Just so you know, guys, I got told by WG RU that the annoying portal bug with switching languages will be fixed with the 8.10 patch, they developed the fix already but something (unspecified) prevents them from deploying it straight away.

- SerB will not publish how many players can RU server handle before it gets overloaded
- Hunnicutt archive digitization: “when it’s done it’s done”
- the devs haven’t found any new tech usable for WoT there for now
- price of the archive? “no comment”
- T110E1 and T110E2 are also mentioned in Hunnicutt’s “Firepower” book, but there’s not much on them there
- according to some player, the devs promised to remove the “shift” (SS: the term used is “rising”, sorry I don’t know what it could be) of the arty aim circle when the tank they are aiming at disappears. SerB states this won’t be changed and they promised no such thing
- apparently the suspension collision model will not be made more detailed in the future (SS: as in, currently the tracks are like one huge hitzone, they won’t be changed into segments), if I understand correctly

There was also (for a Japanese portal) an interview with V.Kislyi. Since I don’t speak Japanese and google translate produces… mixed results, I’ll ask a native speaker for further explanation. In the meanwhile, here’s what can be gleaned from it (via Russian source):

- WoWp will appear in Asia during next Fall. There will be a short beta.
- Japan and Korea both put main focus on cybersports in computer games
- V.Kislyi likes Girls und Panzer and there are plans for a long cooperation, there are apparently plans for several seasons
- V.Kislyi likes to watch anime, he watched many movies from Studio Ghibli production

According to the data of Slava Makarov, this morning (around 8 AM) there were already two players with tier 10 aircraft in WoWp, winning the Russian “get to tier 10 first” competition.

55 thoughts on “15.11.2013

      • Virtual or not it’s just money, people can do what they want with it. I mean how natural are our lives? Working depressed salary / monthly wage slaves who are fed with sugar and fat, kept calm by lack of sleep and the taste the freedom of life, 4-6 weeks a year to keep up the illusion that we are living our own “lives”.

    • It was probably 3 guys playing on one account.. for money of some rich kid (:

      But still.. no-life was left in them.. only money in their pockets heh

  1. - according to some player, the devs promised to remove the “shift” (SS: the term used is “rising”, sorry I don’t know what it could be) of the arty aim circle when the tank they are aiming at disappears. SerB states this won’t be changed and they promised no such thing

    They mean, that if u see in Artyview the enemy and target it with the mouse, the aiming circle gets automatic positioned that u ve most chance to hit this target, but if this target disappear the aiming circle gets back to the point where the mouse is. So this jumping is sometimes annoying, and so I think they mean with “rising” that automatic positioning of the aiming circle.

    • this is why skilled arty players(writing this makes me lol but they do exist) always aim behind the tank they want to shoot, on the same point the game would compensate your aim to, that way your aim doesnt get fucked when the target is unspotted.

      • This is true. But depending upon where the SPG is and where the target is you actually may need to aim ahead of the other tank even when both are parked and sitting.

        Its all because of them angles… Dat angling is OP. =)

    • Say you are aiming at the rear deck or the back of a tank that is pointing towards you. When it is no longer detected the aim point shifts to some point closer to the SPG. This means that you have to adjust your aim and let the circle settle again. What should happen is that the aim point should jump to a point further away to where the shell would impact if the tank were not there. Example: Aim point is on the rear deck of a tank that is 1.5m above ground level and the shell trajectory is 45 degrees from the horizontal. The tank no visible at which point the aim point should appear 1.5m further away because that is where the shot would land. If the trajectory is shallower or the terrain sloped away then the point would be further away.

      • Or as said before you could learn to not have ur cursor on the enemy tank and just aim where it would be behind it anyway. It really isnt that hard to learn. Hell just put ur cursor on the tank see where the center of the circle goes then move there until you learn how far you will need to move it by memory

      • “What should happen is that the aim point should jump to a point further away to where the shell would impact if the tank were not there.”

        …not a good idea, since in some situations (e.g. tank on upward slope towards your SPG) jump would be very big and disorientating. Currently there is no jump and as YSUTfavrepeoria below already said, it’s trivially easy to correct by hand.

        That being said, I would like to have (as an option) ability to select aiming always on the ground.

        • Is is possible to tell from the shape of the aiming circle (sic) the lay of the terrain, the shape and size of the target and from ones knowledge of maps just to know where on or past the target. It is not to make it easy It is just fucking illogical, another long standing bug in the system and it is because some developer could not do the math.

        • It may be trivially easy to correct but every now and then I do miss a shot because the enemy who disappeared and crosshair jumped in the very last fraction of the second before my shoot and my reaction time was not fast enough to readjust.

  2. - T110E1 and T110E2 are also mentioned in Hunnicutt’s “Firepower” book, but there’s not much on them there.
    I wonder how this goes. There is a tank project, but no info on it.
    So, some engineers just proposed design and it disappeared?

    • Each case is individual. A lot of German documents simply disappeared in Russia. Almost all Japanese documents disappeared before the war was over. American documents on the other hand are “hidden” in thousands and thousands of various archives, finding them is a lifetime of work (like Hunnicutt did). Other projects were simply ideas that were never worth developing into a full project stage – those were probably removed altogether.

      • Others are like bundesarchiv which apparently still will not disclose some of blueprints… like E-50. Or that is what I heard :D

            • For all we know, one of the paper tanks may have 10000mm effective armour all around, can travel at speeds of up to 300 kph on all terrain, can fly at mach speeds and have 5 railguns and a 10 laser mini guns mounted on the hull.
              Not to mention the ability to fire confetti in times of celebration :D

    • I imagine it’s one of two things: either the data did exist and was just lost after some restructuring inside the company (or a merger of a acquisition by another company) or the concept didn’t get developed enough for there to be any data worth keeping.

    • As far as I know T110E series were…
      There was basically a competition for a heavy tank which was “slim” enough to fit the tunnels to Switzerland in case US had to invade this country. and each E is a proposal…(There is no intel on any of them not having a full gun traverse, so T110e4 has it for balance reasons.) The ideas were scrapped, none was chosen. So they landed in some unknown archive…

  3. Of course Kislyi says that he likes anime, manga, GuP and stuff. He would say he likes to take it in the ass if that would spur up the sales of the product in that market.

    • It’s the server where people go to cry themselves to sleep after experiencing the standard worst quality of random players and failing to carry (I blame the inexperience of the players compared to NA, EU, and RU servers. ASIA is barely a year and a half old).

  4. The archives could take anywhere from a year to three years or more to fully digitize and sort out.

    It comes down to the number of people on the project and the number of frames on each role of microfilm as there is after all 800 roles of film. You can fit iirc 100-200 frames per roll of film. If not more depending upon how it was done to begin with. This is no easy task and will take a long time. Plus even if you OCR the digital images you have to go through every single page and correct the data. Then work out the Meta Data and how it all relates to all the other data and well it is a slow process.

    Don’t expect everything to be known for at least 2-3 years.

    However, if they narrowed down what they wanted to 2-3 roles of film it would be easy to add new tanks and info into the game in under six months. IE within 1-2 patches.


    P.S. My Archive Management class came in handy for a change. Who would have thought that? Might be another year before I ever use what I learned in that class again. Lolz.

    • They’re standard 35mm film, about 24-36 shots per roll. Back in the days before photocopiers, one would just photograph the document or photograph. It’s not the entire Hunnicutt collection, it’s just whatever he thought he had to commit to film (eg he wasn’t allowed keep the original document). Probably looking at months, not years. But yes, the significant concern I have right now is that sometimes there’s photograph of something without context as to what it’s a photograph of. Will likely take some effort to decode.

      • If it was properly archived then by looking at what is before and after the photo should allow somebody to figure out the context. Had a lot of fun digging into the local archives. Also just because it has 24-36 per roll does not mean it is 24-36 pages of documents. It could be 2-4x that if it was compressed when the microfilm was made.

        Had to deal with a lot of context issues with 6 boxes of education files from the late 50s. Took me a few days(all day efforts) to figure out who all the people writing the documents were.

      • But to be fair you know whats on the film more then me. I a just guessing off what I have previously messed with. =)

        Good Luck Chieftain. You will need it.

    • They didnt, the winner has ~600 games with an 85% W/R (American line).

      The 2nd place holder has an 80% W/R and ~700 games (German line).

  5. Lol, website updates linked with game updates. Congratulations WG, you are creating new standards in IT.

    • That’s not strictly true. I can’t know their actual reasons but it’s quite a common pratice, especially if the code involved in this bug is going to be changed with the new deployment (IE: API changes in the backend that involve both game and site).

      It would be a waste of man hours to fix what is an annoying but non critical bug outside the normal deployment time frame, on code which is no longer going to be used anyway.

      • it’s a bug on the website. Not a bug in the game client. Why do they need to wait for a game client update to fix the website?

  6. The arty “shift” he’s talking about is probably the way shells arc out of the gun no matter which way it is pointed. removing this shift would allow arty to perform better as a TD.

    I’ve wished they would fix it so many times…….

  7. Just so you know, guys, I got told by WG RU that the annoying portal bug with switching languages will be fixed with the 8.10 patch, they developed the fix already but something (unspecified) prevents them from deploying it straight away.

    They need a patch to learn how to clear hash log properly? Damn…

  8. Just so you know, guys, I got told by WG RU that the annoying portal bug with switching languages will be fixed with the 8.10 patch, they developed the fix already but something (unspecified) prevents them from deploying it straight away.
    something, unspecified, unexplainable, weird, aliens!!!! I would be also too embarassed to admit i’m incompetent monkey….because how else to call people who suck at what they are doing and are supposedly qualified and educated for that….

  9. Some stuff from the Japanese article.
    -A reported 50,000 users participated in the Xbox beta test of WoT. No release date set, also the Japanese portal should start within the year.
    -Japanese tree will include a lot more tanks than we imagine with different types (assuming TD and SPG) and other prototypes including very recent developments.. (Article also says start with light and heavy tanks but I think it’s a typo for medium)
    - December ETA for the Japanese tanks
    - The Korean market is strong due to the popularity of online games and the networking infastructure is very good. E-sports has been acknowledged as a national sport in that country as well.
    - Mr. Kislyi states ‘quality, quality, quality’ will be the key to success not only in Asia but to all regions as well. In addition to looking good, having a good game system, that is only the minimums. You also need events, staff, and a community to succeed.
    - Further development for Japan, inclusion of the Japanese tanks to WoT, Blitz, Xbox and Generals, then after localization, WoWP. E-sports will be pushed as well.
    - Message for Japanese fans from Mr. Kislyi: WG is the only company that has developed and released a historically based Tanks, Warplanes, and Warships game and no other company has yet attempted this yet. We believe our product is geared to the likings of Japanese gamers and people and we hope to use these games to form a bond between gamers across the globe. I believe we’ll see more gamers from Japan, especially in E-sports and we might even see them at the top of the rankings. Looking forward to their involvement.
    -Personal note from Mr. Kislyi: On another note, I do have a personal liking for Japan and this year’s TGS I went with my parents to visit. I love Kobe Beef and after a little pursuasion of the staff, we went to have some. Last time was two years ago and I’ve been dreaming about having some more… I’ve had the best steaks in America, but ‘This is not Wagyu Beef.’ I have been to a restaurant in America who stated they had Wagyu beef, but when I ordered it, it wasn’t very good. When I asked ‘Where is this beef from/?’ they replied ‘Argentina’ From here on, I thought the best Wagyu needs to come from Japan.