Invite Codes

Hello everyone,

since the older invite codes are valid only until the end of the year, we better post them :)

From kreso03 and Prohibition – invite codes from a Croatian magazine Info Gamer, they give you 100k creds, 1000g and a T-127 (the last one is from a guy whose nickname I don’t know, sorry mate)


Steven77′s code: 500g + 7 day prem


Also, don’t forget there are still Alienware invite codes left here (simply register on Alienware site and click the GET KEY button).

8 thoughts on “Invite Codes

  1. Sigh… One of the first to get here. Wrong region codes. Is it possible to get some of all EU/RU/SEA/NA?

  2. I never understood where these codes come from but I most definitively welcome them although I got late as usual.
    Are those codes for NA anyway?