Hello everyone,
as you probably already know, Wargaming was recently featured in the National Geographic “Megafactories” show. Well, I’ve watched the show and – let’s be honest here: noone probably expected any negative facts to be mentioned, but it feels much like a 40 minute advertising reel. Well… no matter.
What was a bit more interesting though was the fact there were some pictures, depicting work in progress. One of the was a “leaked” sneakpeek at what is possibly the new upcoming American light tank, the T37 (pictures courtesy of Buck-O from Reddit)
Now, to put it in some perspective: the T37 Light Tank is in the game already. Sort of. In real life, it was an upgrade attempt for the M24 Chaffee and as such, it exists in the game in the form of the second Chaffee turret:
The turret looks a bit different, here’s how the T37 Light Tank looked in real life:
Regarding the T37 itself, I will post earlier Priory_of_Sion’s text from another FTR post on American Light tanks:
First off I would like to discuss the “missing link” between the M24 and the M41, the T37. Most of you should know a little about the T37 by WoT. It is the source for the M24′s upgraded turret, even though it is too large for the Chaffee’s turret ring(the US did have plans to enlarge the T24/M24 turret ring though which would allow the T37′s turret).
Now to discuss the T37. In Jan. 1945 the Army Ground Forces Equipment Review Board and the War Dept. Equipment Review Board both decided the M24 wasn’t fit. They proposed a 25t vehicle that had superior firepower & mobility compared to the Chaffee. They called it the T37.
Development began in 1946 and a pilot was produced in 1949. The T37 was split into 3 “phases”. Phase I was the turret and gun combination we see on the Chaffee in WoT. Phase II was mounted with a deadlier T91 76 mm gun (same gun as on the T71 LT) with a Vickers fire control system and became redesignated the T41 (direct precursor to the M41). Phase III was an autoloading variant which wasn’t built due to the Korean War. Some more advanced features of the T37 such as the rangefinders, the FCS and autoloaders were never fully developed due to the war in Korea. In 1950 orders were given to Cadillac to produce 100 T41E1s which became the famed M41 Walker Bulldog.
In World of Tanks
As you can see, the model is clearly different, which leads me to believe the T37 is developed separately and not as a Chaffee turret remodel. In fact, historically it would be an ideal solution, as the T37 development led to what is clearly tier 7 material: the Walker Bulldog. What I guess will happen is this: Chaffee will lose its top turret and will remain a tier 5 light tank (with better MM when compared to today and proper nerfs), T37 will become tier 6 and Walker Bulldog (confirmed numerous times earlier) will become a tier 7. What will become tier 8 is not known, but it apparently won’t be the T92 Light Tank.
But for now that all is just guessing.
Well just like the rest of US tree.. this is one ugly tank!
If were going to compare it to you’re face, the tank is beautiful.
nope, still not insulted.. try harder
The American tanks are a thing of versality and beauty
calls someone ugly, has an anime horse as profile picture lmao
Please don’t insult anime with this horse cartoon, thx.
I was thinking the same thing ;)
How terrible…
don’t play T37 TANK
still want an M551 Sheridan
Why not Chaffee – tier 6, T37 – tier 7 and M41 – tier 8?
The line could start from M7.
I think they will make another Stuart for tier 5.
I don’t think M5 could fit in tier 5.
There is an old leak: http://world-of-tanks-leaks.wikia.com/wiki/M3A3
But who knows. Will take months till we know.
This could work!
T9 = T54E2
T10 = T95 MT
To be released 2015? (“Soon”?)
Soon ™
Is it just me or are scout lights sorta unneeded now that theres enough tanks out there that can move fast and have good view range, as well as great radio range? I mean, I get the scout medal in my FCM50T quite often…
But those tanks are too valuable on their own to be “wasted” by spotting and not shooting.
I typically survive…
Wargaming is too lazy to rebalance light tenks and give them standard matchmaking, I think.
Blame obsolete scout MM.
Scout MM should have been cancelled a long time ago
Put the T92 after the T71 leading nowhere or to T54E1 as an option to the T69. They can make the Chaffe tier 6 after the M7 and buff that little shit of medium and give the tier 6 Chaffe only the M1A2 with the stock turret, and give it at least 60 kmh top speed.
Is it just me or the model has a lot more polygons than what we currently have in WoT? Are they showing off the new improved models?
Well it would be a waste of development time to make new models for the current graphics, if they would like to implement those tanks after the implementation of improved graphics.
Here’s what I think: M7 > M24 Chaffee > T37 > M41 > ??? > T95 Medium Tank
make http://world-of-tanks-leaks.wikia.com/wiki/T54E2 the tier 9
That must be really old, because the T54E1 is as a premium. Anyway, the T54 was an M48 hull with T54E2 turret and an autoloader, while the T54E2 didn’t had an autolader, and both had the same 105 mm gun. So overall it would be a drawback compared to the tier 9 and the brach would be wird. And an old leak said that the E2 was planned to be tier 9, probably before the T95
they are gonna take the nerf bat to the Chaffee like the other tier 5 lights and turn them into turds.
Interesting topic.
The tier 8 T42 tank should be the means, which is an evolution of the T37 project.
This is my idea:
Good example of “how NOT to make trees”
Standardize and re-balance scout tanks with normal MM, too many new players bring scout tanks thinking the MM is no different.
Same turret, different hull, no biggy i suppose but i would like to see the T42 :))
a month+ ago the Chief was asking for pictures of the T41 light tank as well. So something that may come after the T37 if they add a higher tier.
I seriously hope they will not nerf hard the Chaffee… But if they remove the second turret, they also remove the top gun, so here is a massive nerf already…
Hope to see more informations soon about tier VI VII and VIII of this USA light branch.
But i think the game is a bit fucked up for scout players. In tier X matches, we are most of the time near useless because heavies can see farther than us. *facepalm*
Perhaps that would be a good idea… Boosting the view range of top tier scouts a bit… 5-10 meters would be enough to make them competitive…
While I would prefer normal matchmaking, and I do believe it is WG holding on to a design anachronism for the sake of laziness, most scouts do have a significant advantage in camouflage and size, which gives them an edge in spotting in forward positions without being spotted back.
They do not have a significant advantage anymore since 8.6. Their camo got nerfed hard.
Sorry, correct post here: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/302362-why-do-light-tanks-not-have-better-view-range/page__st__40__pid__5988452#entry5988452
I love the double fifty-cals on the turret. Some kind of modelling error?
They are apparently comparing the M24 Chaffee turret with the M37 one.
M37 >> T37, sorry.
He’s moving the turret model around, I’m assuming. Thus the duplicated everything.
Is it just me, or does it have a M2 in an M2?
I love my T71, I can’t wait to get some higher tier US lights!
I like how they show a map from Indonesia and hint at world of warships only at the very very end.
this tank looks beautiful i cant wait for the T95 line.
What will be tier VIII???
It would nicely lead to the T95.
At least credit /u/buck-o from reddit where you got these from.