As I wrote on FTR FB earlier, yesterday I missed the QA, because there was nothing to translate.
If you want, Overlord is collecting feedback on World of Warplanes – how do you like it?
- SerB is fine with the performance of old premium/reward tanks, such as the Ram II, Matilda LL, T14, A32 and Panzer S35
- spall liner will have no effect, if a HE shell splash (or blast itself) hits a zone, where there is no armor (like on the open-topped new German TD’s) – SerB states that it reduces damage proportionally to armor and when the armor is 0, the reduction is also 0 – spall liner doesn’t reduce the damage of complete penetrations (SS: BUT the improved saving throw for crew will still work)
- camo factor of the WT E-100 and RhB WT won’t be commented on (SS: a player asked whether WT E-100 has worse armor than Maus)
- apparently the frequency of server checks (synch of client and server) is 0,1s on average
- actually, a gun module apparently consists of two modules: an internal part and the external part (SS: that means the breech of the gun has 0 armor and is subjected to saving throws only, which means guns with a HUGE breech, like the Sturer Emil, can get its gun damaged even by being hit on the side armor
- SerB states that the developers never planned to introduce +/-1 MM spread, because it’s not needed – for example in such a case the T-34/76 couldn’t face the Tiger
- for now there are no details on the transfer of E-50 to tier 10, SerB states it is just one of the ideas
- penetrating the tank wrecks with partial penetration loss will not come in forseeable future
- there is a separate collision model for a live tank and separate (simplified) model for a wreck
- Q: “We’ve seen Yuri Pasholok’s post on the 88mm L/71 autoloader, will we see it in Jagdpanther and King Tiger?” A: “It won’t fit in KT” (SS: its implementation into Jagdpanther is thus not excluded)
- tank hulls (both life tanks and wrecks) do not serve as a visibility obstacle (SS: a huge stone will block spotchecks, a tank won’t) – this rule however doesn’t apparently apply on the “object” wrecks, that are a part of the map (SS: for example the burning Malinovka Panther near northern base) – these do count as obstacles
PS: WG EU really did it! Fail hattrick this Friday – if you open WoT launcher and click on the TRIPLE EXPERIENCE FOR THE FIRST VICTORY – you won’t end on WoT page, you’ll end up on World of Warplanes portal. How terrible.
On the cammo thingy about WT E-100 and Maus comparison, I think you mean if it has worse cammo*, not armor ;)
Btw, could it be possibly to implement the 88mm autoloader version into a stock Ferdi or JgPanther 2 perhaps?
You were right, you do have a lot of free time, again first comment
Lol, this is just coincidence, i just came online actually XD Plus, still better my comment than the retarded “first” assholes :P Right? :)
Prepare for the bannhammer.
Just kidding :D
Oh you ^ ^
Lol a lot of free time
>>- for now there are no details on the transfer of E-50 to tier 10, SerB states it is just one of the ideas
When/if this happens and E-50M becomes a hull option, will it be necessary to mount it for HP or something? Because to me the original E-50 looks so much more badass than E-50M.
Well they said that the suspension will be “connected” with the hull option upgrades. But this is still just SerB’s mind plan, it’s still not 100% sure how and which tanks will have this implemented.
Sir Silentstalker, will you take a day off for the start of the testserver? (:
- camo factor of the WT E-100 and RhB WT won’t be commented on (SS: a player asked whether WT E-100 has worse armor than Maus)
So he avoided a question by avoiding a totally different question? That’s a new one.
– Q: “We’ve seen Yuri Pasholok’s post on the 88mm L/71 autoloader, will we see it in Jagdpanther and King Tiger?” A: “It won’t fit in KT” (SS: its implementation into Jagdpanther is thus not excluded)
But the 105mm can fit?
I asume SS did a typo there, I guess he meant “camo” instead of “armour”?
Have you seen that autoloader? It’s pretty bulky.
“PS: WG EU really did it! Fail hattrick this Friday – if you open WoT launcher and click on the TRIPLE EXPERIENCE FOR THE FIRST VICTORY – you won’t end on WoT page, you’ll end up on World of Warplanes portal. How terrible.”
Working as intended ^^ they want players to start WoWP xD
It’s like that whole google+ and youtube thing all over again :/
You are damn right….like it’s not enough that Google is trying to force that shitty google+ down our throats now WG is doing the same thing with WoWP…..if i wanted to play freking airplanes i would play them no matter you advertised it or not…..i tried it in CB when i got the key, played few battles uninstalled it and never played it again….game maybe changed a lot, but still i prefer tanks….
If you look at this site (, you’ll see that the WTF E100 does in fact have worse camo than the Maus, or pretty much any tank, ever. Despite this, I don’t feel sorry for WTF E100 drivers at all.
- camo factor of the WT E-100 and RhB WT won’t be commented on
Yeah the camouflage on the WT E 100 is really bad (obviously) and the camouflage on the Rhm is absolutely stupid, I spotted an ISU-152 yesterday before the Rhm so it’s better than that, and we all know how the ISU has a cloaking device off a Nod Stealth tank…
it was about time that another tank wold have better cammo factor then the ISU with his stallinioum cloacking device
also RhB WT is pretty small and stealthy so it is logical after the new td like of the germas are counting on good cammo factors( some of them at least that are not huge)
That’s true for ISU up until and including the moment you press the trigger. Afterwards everyone on the map and the space station MIR know where you are and what you’ve had for breakfast :).
For the RHM…I was staring at one in the middle of the road while reloading and it went PUF! Vanish! I could almost hear that NOD stealth field coming up :D
- SerB states that the developers never planned to introduce +/-1 MM spread, because it’s not needed – for example in such a case the T-34/76 couldn’t face the Tiger
THAT’S their excuse for having a fuck-awful MM system? *sigh
Welcome to some challenge. Killing tank 2 tiers better then you is IMO quite a satisfaction.
+/-1 MM is useless and boring, since you won’t ever get epic medal like Halonen / Oskin / Tamada / Orlik
Killing tank +4 tier higher than you is epic
-(SS: its implementation into Jagdpanther is thus not excluded)
Good thing I never sell this hot babe….
“- SerB is fine with the performance of old premium/reward tanks, such as the Ram II, Matilda LL, T14, A32 and Panzer S35″
I invite SerB to play the Matilda LL for 50 games and see just how “fine” it is to be penetrated by every tank that has come out since, while having to be laser-precise to have a chance (yes a “chance”, implying not guaranteed) to pen them in return. And god help you if an Excelsior or AT-2 appears that you need to try and solo, since the premium ammo is so unbelievably shit.
Interestingly, I have none of the same issues in the Excelsior. It’s amazing what 5 extra penetration can do when battling nearly everything in the tier spread, and the premium ammunition is actually worth purchasing to target heavy weakpoints with (e.g. AT-2 cupola when getting around them is impossible).
Seriously, that’s all the tank needs; bring the gun penetration up to on-par with the other tier 5 premiums. Then it would be “fine”. It’s not like the tank is massively powerful in any other respect aside from gun depression, which is negated somewhat by the distinctly average mantlet/turret face thickness.
As for the WT E-100′s camo rating, why are people bitching about it? Did they really think that having a ridiculously powerful gun sticking out the top of the hull wouldn’t have any downsides? Game balance aside, it’s *taller than the Maus is*. Camouflage rating is at least partially based on silhouette height, why would anyone expect it to have better camo than a smaller tank does?
Sometimes…sometimes I see why Serb trolls as much as he does…
PZ 35 is fine how? The PZ B2 sees tier 4 max and has twice the armor/hp pool, and this thing sees mostly tier 5 with a tier 2 gun. How is it doing fine? I think it should see tier 4 max, but I know it will never happen.