
- SerB states he does read the Suggestions forum (SS: on RU server), but very, very few things make sense there
- inner parts inertia is not included in the WoT motion model
- M6A2E1 gun penetration is not bugged (SS: a player was complaining that his penetration indicator turns red even though he should be penetrate some part of KV-4)
- the shape of the rendering distance will eventully change from current square to a circle (when it’s done it’s done)
- tier 8 tanks don’t get thrown on the bottom of the team too much
- HEAT shells will simply destroy destructable objects without passing through them to cause damage in 8.10 (only AP and APCR shells will pass thru them)
- Q: “Is there a chance to see SU-152 “Taran” in game?” A: “50/50 – it will either come, or it won’t”

- it’s possible that there will be non-Soviet tier 9 and 10 medium tanks with something else than a L7 clone
- ALL destructable objects will reduce the penetration of an AP or APCR shell by fixed number: 25mm
- it’s possible even houses will be penetrable in the future
- EACH destructable object will reduce the penetration by 25mm, so a 100mm PEN shell will have 50mm after it flies through two destructable objects (for example cars in a row). If it happens that the shell loses all its penetration (for example a 24mm PEN shell), the object will still be destroyed but the shell will disappear
- Storm on replays: “Replay is a list of commands that arrive from server to the tank during the battle. When you watch a replay, it’s the same situation as if the battle is running right now and data from server are arriving to your tanks” – that’s why it’s possible to have different FPS in replays for example
- some sources state that the LFP angle for E-100 is 52 or 50 degrees, Storm states that the correct information is 49 degrees, current ingame angle is 48,35 degrees which is within acceptable error limit
- apparently the E-100 turret position is correct
- if you disable automatic repairs and your tank gets ammoracked and its turret gets ripped off (planned for the future), after returning to hangar you will see a normal wreck like it is now

- Chi-Nu Kai is simply a Chi-Nu with Chi-To prototype turret (75mm), whereas the ingame elite Chi-Nu is the planned Chi-Nu upgrade with 300hp engine and 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 cannon in the main Chi-Nu turret:


Chi-Nu Kai has thicker turret armor, but worse engine (240hp) and worse depression (-6,5/+20 compared to -10/+15)

- TD nerf will not come this year, developers are considering options, including reducing the alpha from 850 to 750 (while compensating it with ROF)
- it has not been decided yet how to nerf Foch 155
- Object 430V2 (tier 9) will not have fully rotating turret, only 90 deg to each side (180 in total), its depression will apparently be -5 (if I read it correctly)

87 thoughts on “29.11.2013

  1. - Object 430V2 (tier 8) will not have fully rotating turret, only 90 deg to each side (180 in total), its depression will apparently be -5 (if I read it correctly)

    Shouldn’t 430v2 be in tier 9?

  2. - Object 430V2 (tier 8) will not have fully rotating turret, only 90 deg to each side (180 in total), its depression will apparently be -5 (if I read it correctly)

    Serious comment – with that rof being only slighly better than T-54 it might suck actually. Obj 416 has at least better gun than T-44 with highier rof to compensate the turret cons.

    • Yep, I agree here. Would be alright if they stuck the T10 gun on with nerfed stats, like the L7 on other nations, but they aren’t…

      That being said, there are some situations where the monster turret (seems like T-62A grade turret at tier 9) could do things that the T-54′s relatively weaker turret couldn’t.

  3. - the shape of the rendering distance will eventully change from current square to a circle (when it’s done it’s done)
    I want it done now!!! This really should be among higher priorities.

    - it’s possible even houses will be penetrable in the future
    Imo they should be really careful with all this. It could affect a lots of maps and their gameplay which might not be good.

      • Campinovka actually has undestructable buildings….my first though was Prokhorovka and the village in the middle….all houses there are destructable and in future might be even possible to shot trough them….that will change the gameplay a lot….

  4. “- ALL destructable objects will reduce the penetration of an AP or APCR shell by fixed number: 25mm”
    1 object -25mm, so 2 or 3 objects (like 3 cars on new asap video) will reduce 25×3= 75mm pen ????

  5. - TD nerf will not come this year, developers are considering options, including reducing the alpha from 850 to 750 (while compensating it with ROF)
    - it has not been decided yet how to nerf Foch 155
    These are actually answers to my questions I asked Storm in their livejournal paje :D

        • NO NO NO NO DON’T TOUCH THE LOVE OF MY LIFE >:O they can nerf speed and camo but I will come to Minsk with a mission… if they touch the gun, 3 shell autoloader <3 people who hate it just don't have it and are jelly that others have.
          But on a serious note – I've seen TONNS of "players" with 2400-2700 avg damage on it… It can't have THAT good server stats…
          I now play only on it to sqeeze all out of it before stupid wg will nerf it

      • I think they’re trying to think about how to nerf it while allowing it to remain competitive, instead of the “OMG NERF IT NAO!!!” approach that they took with another, lower-tier TD that a lot of people used to enjoy: the Marder II, which caused almost NOTHING but rage from German TD drivers (and I HATED grinding that thing, but the following tank is in some ways even WORSE).

  6. Huh. Was anywhere mentioned if shooting through objcts also affects the shell damage?
    (Also I hope they’ll come with somehing better than flat 25mm penalty on everything, even if houses do probably count for each separate destructible part.)

  7. when is the 8.10 test server coming up? and any idea if the japanese lights will have scout MM or will be like the british?

  8. Storm on replays: “Replay is a list of commands that arrive from server to the tank during the battle. When you watch a replay, it’s the same situation as if the battle is running right now and data from server are arriving to your tanks” – that’s why it’s possible to have different FPS in replays for example

    So, can’t we watch replay when we’re offline?

  9. >> – the shape of the rendering distance will eventully change from current square to a circle (when it’s done it’s done)

    Thanks to all gods involved. That’s one of the biggest game breakers, many very proficient players with respectable battle count and good wr still do not understand how it works.

  10. 25mm pen loss firing through an object huh? that means ill be able to ding the medium I with the m2 LT XD
    and soon the tier 2 japanese tank with 28 pen on his 47 (i think) mm gun this is going to be a funny training room replay :p

  11. it seems that we have many noobs on WoT here that they didn’t know is you can’t modiffy armor if is not historical, you cand modiffy speed and mobility if is not historical …. you can only modiffy damage per shell, time to reload, camo numbers…. if you modiffy the historical data you will not have a realistic game …. you will have just a strategy game like Might and Magic or other bowl shit games …. we … the players …. like this game for the realism and for historic data of all tanks and maps … otherwise will be a shit game …. the FOCH 155 is not OP if you are not playing with it …. is just like WTe100 or like OBJ268 or other TD’s in the game… it has pro’s ans con’s … there are games when you will make 10000 damage and you will lose and games with 100 damage and you will lose. it is OP if the f*****g player KNOWS how to play with it…. it is OP if a moron get front of FOCH 155 and he didn’t know that his tank will NOT get ricoshe/bounce shells….

    • a note WoT is an arcade game using Tanks from WW2 era it’s not a realistick game…..
      which leaves a huge open space for balancing
      and you are saying historical accurasy then give the IS7 S-70 gun the historical RoF and the Historical mobility then tell me about OPness….and other tanks that have other stats then these in wot….

  12. - TD nerf will not come this year, developers are considering options, including reducing the alpha from 850 to 750 (while compensating it with ROF)

    They’ll still whine… If they nerf TDs to the ground they’ll still whine… This is a good change though.

  13. - it’s possible that there will be non-Soviet tier 9 and 10 medium tanks with something else than a L7 clone

    PLAY THE 121 THEN! Or, wait for the AMX 30 which has a NON-L7 105mm gun.

    • 121? is that a soviet clone too?, and French 105mm is identical to L7, in a older FTR when somebody asks about Batchat ‘s 105mm gun
      none Soviet with no L7 clone….. a Western tank with soviet 100mm gun? @_@

  14. “SerB states he does read”

    First I read SerB states he can’t read and I was like, Hah I knew!

  15. - it’s possible that there will be non-Soviet tier 9 and 10 medium tanks with something else than a L7 clone

    yeah, AMX-30, is it?

  16. I get really REALLY tired of the whole “T57 is OP” bollocks, which from the comments appears to be from people that do not actually have one. It has paper thin armour and massive hit zones. There is no place on it that bounces a shell and its camo rating is that of a large house. The only thing it has going for it is the autoloader.

    • Tell that a Leopard 1 – thats a tank that bounces nothing.

      A T57 actually bounces alot of shots, even if its paper stats dont suggest so…
      And i wont even start a comparision with AMX 50B….or well, i do it just for you: That thing bounces NOTHING, has longer reload, horrible gunstats, longer interdrum reload and is fucking BIG…u get my point?