
An interesting thing. SerB and Storm pretty much stopped answering (busy I guess), there’s a new developer guy in the thread though (nickname Yurko2F) – his answers are less funny, but quite technical and detailed. Will try to capture it properly. Also, this guy seems to answer whining politely. He will learn…

- the “tent” in the base (the boxes and whatnot) will also be penetrable in 8.10 – it will change the base capture dynamics
- the camo-net camo bonus applies even when you shoot a gun: when shooting, you are harder to spot with camo net than without it
- T2 LT entering tier 4 battles? “It deserves it considering its complex characteristics”
- currently (although with low priority) the developers are considering making order in the armor display method in WoT (SS: in their characteristics, some tanks display the armor thickness of its thickest point, such as the KV-220 frontal turret, some tanks display the thickness of the biggest part of armor). This will not change the armor thickness, only displayed data. This has low priority, because what is written on the characteristics sheet of a tank has no influence on its performance

- when penetrable objects are introduced in 8.10, when for example the enemy tank stands behind such an object and you know it’s there, but its silhouette doesn’t light up because there is a penetrable wall between you and him, the trajectory will be calculated with the wall as its target, not the tank (SS: important to aim higher then), even though you get to penetrate the target behind the wall
- it will be possible to penetrate several penetrable objects in a row, but the penetration losses do add up: one shell penetrating 4 cars will lose 4x25mm = 100mm
- penetrating the railway wagons (SS: for example on Port map) will also be introduced, but “significantly later”, not in 8.10

Yurko2F on premium tanks (when asked, if premium tanks are inferior to regular tanks, whether it actually damages one team to have more of them than the other):

“Premium vehicles are only a little bit worse than their regular counterparts, especially since there is almost always a nice crew sitting in the premium tanks, they are stuffed with equipment, visual camo etc. Furthermore, the players spend many battles using them and they learn to master these vehicles. That’s why we can assume that the worse tank parameters are compensated by the skill and experience of the player. And the difference between premium and regular tanks is so small that it is more than enough to fit into the allowed 10 percent difference between team MM weights. The players decide, not tanks.”

- when a penetrable object is hit, visually nothing will change: it will still get destroyed like now, only the AP shell will fly further on, its damage is NOT reduced
- each buff/nerf decision is taken individually, with all the tank aspects taken into account (SS: as in, there is no “certain winrate = nerf” template for all tanks), details of this process will not be disclosed
- Russian player whining about premium tanks too weak: “Don’t whine please, that’s your personal opinion, you are certainly free to have it, but can’t you express it with less emotion in another thread?”
- Q: “Is there a plan to introduce camo-painted roadwheels and tracks?” A (SerB): “Yea, painted tracks ftw”

56 thoughts on “3.12.2013

  1. T2 LT entering tier 4 battles? “It deserves it considering its complex characteristics”
    I know a better answer for this question ^^

  2. “- the camo-net camo bonus applies even when you shoot a gun: when shooting, you are harder to spot with camo net than without it”

    Interesting, I actually didn’t know this.

    • It used to work based on the vehicle’s base camo, so up until a few patches ago it worked more like you’re probably thinking it did.

      Nowadays it gives a flat spotting range reduction bonus of the amount it says (20%?), that doesn’t go off unless the vehicle moves. They’ve become much more valuable as a result, to all vehicle classes.
      The paint you can buy was changed as well, if I recall right; flat 5% bonus. It’s not much, but depending on the tier it can pay for itself within a few battles.

    • hmmm… it seems it adds up to 8m of spotting reduction on an E4, a bit more on smaller guns. Doesn’t seem to be the major selling point of bringing nets

      • Really? It should be much higher. Camouflage works on the visibility checks of the tank attempting to spot; a tank with 400m view range should have its spotting range reduced by 100m minimum when trying to spot a camo net’d tank, higher in practice (due to a vehicle’s innate camo adding a few more %).

        Again, keep in mind that camo nets and paint are now additive, not multiplicative (crew camo skill, on the other hand, is still multiplicative). For a T110E4 firing its gun it should work out to 0.023+(0.25+0.05)=0.323 (or 32.3%), reducing the spotting range to 270 meters or so.

        I might be wrong, though. It’s possible that they reverted it when they changed the bush camo bonuses the second time around.

  3. - penetrating the railway wagons (SS: for example on Port map) will also be introduced, but “significantly later”, not in 8.10.

    This is going to be really frustrating for the players who already surprised when they get shot from underneath a rail-car.

    • Well, yeah, that side has already worse position (the right side of the map) – mostly cannot shoot back, but gets shot underneath and if some med/light is keeping them spotted from the slope between the tracks and the road they have a really hard time doing anything without getting seriously damaged in the process.

      Those railway-carts aren’t exactly much of a cover, more like a tank obstacle :)

    • yeah port is gona be fun… the side the side that starts land inwards already has a disadvantage, with that the whole train yard will be a pure dead zone.

      • I think Port (Like Widepark) should be restricted to low tiers. I’m high tiers it’s such a pain, and I’m sure everyone groans when they look at the loading screen and see Port

  4. “the worse tank parameters are compensated by the skill and experience of the player”
    Not when you’re talking about Louie and T34 drivers with 1k battles, 45% WR and maximum tier 2 reached without the premium tank. And unfortunately those are the more numerous premium players, not the good ones.

      • That’s not true. Its very much on par with most tier 8 vehicles, and is most definitely outclassed by its direct counterpart (T32). And although you do see >2k battle players in tier 8 premium tanks, its not nearly as often as good, or atleast average players.

        • I see the typical 200 games Löwe player asking in the chat:” LOWE GOOD?”
          My finger is itching every time :)

    • And now imagine the gold tanks actually were better than standard tanks in top configuration. How many noobs would play them :)

  5. Yep, players decide, that is why I was today in my JgPzIV put twice in small map against T8 :) It was my decision, so who am I to complain.

    • They meant decide whether they are helpful or harmful to a team.

      A JgPzIV in Tier 8 driven by a good player can be a help to the team as they can keep tanks tracked and have good camo to stay invisible.

      A bad JgPzIV will not be a help to a Tier 8 team. They will go rush out and lemming or will hide in the back of the cap and not even try to help.

      That is how players decide. Will they be a skilled smart player and help their team win. Or be a terrible player and do nothing and be useless to team. (Because yes JgPzIV can be a help to tier 8 with its 7.5L70′s high ROF I have had times where I pull 1k damage to keep a tank busy for an ally to take out. Just need to figure out how to play it.)

    • +1

      “*whining about premium tanks being too weak*” “Nobody forces you to buy and play them or you could learn how not to suck with them. Anyway – how terrible!” There, fixed, sorta.

      Anyway… What if this Yurko2F is SERBS ALT AND HE JUST WENT EPIC TROLL MODE? O_O

  6. Yurko2F on premium tanks (when asked, if premium tanks are inferior to regular tanks, whether it actually damages one team to have more of them than the other):

    “Premium vehicles are only a little bit worse than their regular counterparts, especially since there is almost always a nice crew sitting in the premium tanks, they are stuffed with equipment, visual camo etc. Furthermore, the players spend many battles using them and they learn to master these vehicles. That’s why we can assume that the worse tank parameters are compensated by the skill and experience of the player. And the difference between premium and regular tanks is so small that it is more than enough to fit into the allowed 10 percent difference between team MM weights. The players decide, not tanks.”

    Hmmh, and so does the queue for skill based MM get even longer… The only reason for 10% difference is more RnG into a game with base pene/dam of 25% variation to both direction. To ‘level’ the playing field… And then they actually do have skill based… or victory based matchmaker. Win more and your winning tank is getting put to higher battle tier matches ( fact from previous FTRs ). It is not directly putting you to higher tier matches, merely… a tank can be in line for only ONE battle tier. Thus there are also those who play bad and are put to lower battle tier… ‘And guess how bots and reds are more often in top’ is a real issue… Because they can’t compete, they must given ‘easy’ way to be useful… and still fail miserably because the smaller tanks are having more experienced tankers with the ‘excelent’ battle tier up/down system.

    • cause of this thing you come up against teams where top tier are complete reds and the others may be green/blue
      but if your top tiers dont anything and you have a resanable weak tank in comparison to other then anything you would do is just not enough and ofc this will continue for maaany games with various tanks unless the mm decides well you have enough shit in the mm get some moreeee shit…..

  7. - currently (although with low priority) the developers are considering making order in the armor display method in WoT (SS: in their characteristics, some tanks display the armor thickness of its thickest point, such as the KV-220 frontal turret, some tanks display the thickness of the biggest part of armor). This will not change the armor thickness, only displayed data. This has low priority, because what is written on the characteristics sheet of a tank has no influence on its performance

    Or, you know, get in front of the waggon and just f’n publish all the armor specs. It’s not like the information isn’t out there (http://gamemodels3d.com/worldoftanks/ or http://wot-news.com/game/tankinfo/en), there’s no reason to not display it.

  8. “- when a penetrable object is hit, visually nothing will change: it will still get destroyed like now, only the AP shell will fly further on, its damage is NOT reduced”
    Arty now has another reason to carry AP.
    “- the “tent” in the base (the boxes and whatnot) will also be penetrable in 8.10 – it will change the base capture dynamics”
    The same can be said for any cap circle with destructable buildings. This will be especially true for Prokhorovka Encounter, where I know three buildings are especially popular hiding places.

    • Arty now has another reason to carry AP.
      Scumbags still won’t be able to shoot trough rocks :P

  9. “Q: “Is there a plan to introduce camo-painted roadwheels and tracks?” A (SerB): “Yea, painted tracks ftw””

    Didn’t expect a SerB response, that was funny.

  10. Pingback: 03.12.2013 | WoTRomania

  11. Wow, suddenly I missed Serb’s answer like how terrible or do not play premium tanks on that Q&A. It’s refreshing to see a polite answer for those whining players. So I want to ask, how long before this new guy will learn? I’ll give him a month before he lose his sanity on those players. Now I want to follow more on Q&A portion to check this new guy lose his temper.

  12. I love that serb basically tells players to stfu, I hate it when developers ruin a game listening to fans.

  13. - the “tent” in the base (the boxes and whatnot) will also be penetrable in 8.10 – it will change the base capture dynamics


    My life will have no meaning in the future.

  14. - currently (although with low priority) the developers are considering making order in the armor display method in WoT (SS: in their characteristics, some tanks display the armor thickness of its thickest point, such as the KV-220 frontal turret, some tanks display the thickness of the biggest part of armor). This will not change the armor thickness, only displayed data. This has low priority, because what is written on the characteristics sheet of a tank has no influence on its performance
    Why don’t make it simple by display armor range instead of thickest/biggest part? like this: min~max value/min~max value/min~max value (front/side/rear) i.e:130~200mm/50~76mm/50~76mm.(not real tank)