Test 8.10: Supertester vehicles characteristics

Source: gamemodels3d.com site

Hello everyone,

here are the characteristics of supertester vehicles in Test 8.10. Obviously, all these stats are preliminary.



Level 3
Crew 4
MM balance weight 5
Health 170
Hull armor 60 / 30 / 50
Speed limit 50 / 14
Penetration 86 / 102 / 38
Damage 110 / 110 / 156
Rate of fire 15.79
Accuracy 0.44
Aim time 1.9
View range 300
Radio range 325
Weight 22 530 kg
Price 1 000 gold

Ammo bays health
maximum 90
repaired 60

Fuel tanks health
maximum 150
repaired 60


Level 3
Load limit 24 800
Traverse speed 48
Terrain resistance
hard soil 0.9
average soil 1.1
soft soil 2.1
Brake_force 22 800
Shot dispersion factor
movement 0.22
rotation 0.22
maximum 70
repaired 55
Weight 7 000
Price 2 000

Gun 76mm S-1:

Level 4
Caliber 76
Ammo capacity 98
Reload time 3.8
Aim time 1.9
Accuracy 0.44

Shot dispersion factor

turret rotation 0.08
after shot 3.5
while gun damaged 2

Traverse Arc -10..+10
Elevation arc -5..+15
gunrotationspeed 39.375
Impulse 0.44
Invisibility factor at shot 0.364
maximum 106
repaired 53
Weight 1 155
Price 30 550

Engine Maybach HL120TRM

Level 4
Type gasoline
Power 300
Fire chance 0.2
maximum 86
repaired 42
Weight 920
Price 10 000

Radio 9R

Level 4
Signal range 325

maximum 110
repaired 55
Weight 30
Price 2 000

Ke-Ni Otsu

Type 98 Ke-Ni Otsu_0-6-41

Level 3
Crew 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
MM balance weight 5
Health 260
Hull armor 16 / 12 / 10
Turret armor 30 / 16 / 16
Speed limit 50 / 20
Penetration 48.1 / 68.7 / 18
Damage 45 / 45 / 60
Rate of fire 28.57
Accuracy 0.41
Aim time 1.5
View range 310
Radio range 400
Weight 6 950 kg
Price 1 000 gold

Ammo bays health
maximum 100
repaired 80

Fuel tanks health
maximum 125
repaired 50


Level 3
Load limit 9 400
Traverse speed 52
Terrain resistance
hard soil 0.7
average soil 1
soft soil 1.9
Brake_force 7 400
Shot dispersion factor
movement 0.22
rotation 0.22
maximum 70
repaired 55
Weight 2 500
Price 2 000


Level 3
Health 52
Primary armor 30 / 16 / 16
View range 310
Traverse speed 36
Turret rotator health
maximum 80
repaired 40
Surveying devices health
maximum 60
repaired 30
Weight 800
Price 2 000

Gun 37mm Type-100:

Level 3
Caliber 37
Ammo capacity 106
Reload time 2.1
Aim time 1.5
Accuracy 0.41

Shot dispersion factor
turret rotation 0.08
after shot 3
while gun damaged 2

Traverse Arc -180..+180
Elevation arc -11..+20
front sector -15..+20 (125°)
rear sector -15..+20 (20°)
transition 5
gunrotationspeed 40
Impulse 0.22
Invisibility factor at shot 0.3

maximum 66
repaired 33
Weight 206
Price 4 400

Engine Mitsubishi Type 100 V-6 A

Level 3
Type gasoline
Power 130
Fire chance 0.15
maximum 66
repaired 33
Weight 630
Price 2 500

Radio Type 94 Mk.IV Hei-Kai

Level 4
Signal range 400
maximum 100
repaired 60
Weight 90
Price 8 160

24 thoughts on “Test 8.10: Supertester vehicles characteristics

  1. I’m curious SS, can’t you use something to better organize the information? Like, making names of parts bolded, or even better, making a table?

  2. A little confused.
    I saw in the module info that there is price listed with some of the modules.
    Does this mean these tanks are not premium and will be added into the tree or are these hypothetical values?
    Sorry if there’s actually an obvious answer listed somewhere that makes me look ridiculous :/

    • Superstructure looks rather thin to me. Other than shitty accuracy, this thing is the perfect TD.

      • The front of the driver’s area is 60mm. Bottom edge of the superstructure is 55mm. The rest upwards is 45mm. Entire lower plate is 50mm.

        It’s not horribly thin, but it’s definitely not 60mm all over the front or even on the majority of the front.

  3. At first I was like “oh yippee, a TD with the same crappy gun that the Matilda IV is stuck with”…

    And then I realized that it was at tier 3, where such a gun is actually pretty good. That accuracy though, eugh. Looks like it’s going to play like an assault gun what with the speed, moderate armor and inaccurate gun.

    Can’t say that I want one, but it looks like a decent little gift/reward/etc tank.

    No comment on the Japanese light.

    • Maybe it can become the solution to the T18 infestation at t2?

      Strong gun, good mobillity and enough armor to survive the derp gun.

      The SU-76i will have to look out for the FCM36 PaK40 though as it’s got a better gun and 400 meter view range.

    • >Matilda
      >crappy gun

      Pick one.

      In all seriousness though, Matilda has an amazing gun. It has great DPM and enough penetration to go through almost everything it meets without premium shells. Its single true weakness is it shoots faster than it aims.

        • Fair enough. Didn’t read that he talked specifically about Matilda IV’s gun, not the regular Matilda.

    • You tried the SU-85i, it’s not the same tank but they seem to be rebalancing that one too.

      Last patch they moved around it’s weight and earlier they reduced the engine power from 440 bhp to 300, but also reduced the weight from 28 tons to 22.5, increased it’s AP pen by 2 mm and increased it’s aim time to 2.3 sec.

      With the introduction of this we might actually see the SU-85i again.

  4. Pingback: SU-76i and SU-85i | For The Record