Hello everyone,
as you probably all know by now, we will be given a gift tank on 25th of December – the Light Tank Mk.VIc. Here are its characteristics (patch 8.10):
Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
Tier: 2
MM weight: 3
Health: 150
Hull armor: 14/13/6
Turret armor: 14/14/11
Maximum speed: 52,5/20
Viewrange: 300
Radiorange: 375
Engine: 88 hp Meadows E.S.T.L.
Weight: 5000kg
Power-to-weight: 17,6 hp/t
Engine fire chance: 20 percent
Hull traverse: 40
Terrain resistance: 1,1/1,3/2,3
Gun: 15mm BESA
Penetration: 25mm (uses only 1 type of ammo – AP, no gold rounds)
Damage: 9
Formal rate of fire: 101,78 RPM
Autoloader: 5 round bursts, 40 rounds in clip
Autoloader reload: 18s
Aimtime: 1,5s
Accuracy: 0,52
Turret rotation: 36 deg/s
Depression/elevation: -10/+37
Shell velocity: 884
Range limited to 350m
Looks sick, gonna be fun one shotting it in my T18 just like the T7 Car! :D
Watch out, we got a badass over here…
Range limited to 350m. What range?
Pen is probably negligible at that range
Gun range, like the one of all lowtier autocannons.
Yay another free garage slot :)
I wonder when we’ll finally get a German gift tank…
All those soviet, US etc. shit is just a free garage slot and some credits :-)
Well at least it’s British and not American AGAIN. But it would be nice to see a couple premiums from two of the oldest nations in WoT
I’m assuming German and French?
french? are you kidding me? france was the 4th nation ;) russian and germans where first
We got Tetrarch as soviet gift tank. Germany should get one too finally.
Well the penetration is still better than on the T7CC XD
That RoF…
Ah the BESA is pretty fun in the game right now, I relish the chance to use it again
Just another free garage slot like CC and LTP
LTP isnt actually that bad TBH, *almost* immune to Pz 1C, punchy gun and stuff.
my T2 light punches through the LTP’s side hull like it’s paper, i would imagine the panzer 1C does the same.
i mean at that tier, virtually almost all tank with a handful of exception will be penetrated on the side by even .50 cal MGs.
LTP has 20mm of side armor with no angle, LOTS of light tanks at T3 has LESS than 15mm of side armor even…
you can count yourself lucky essentially to have 20mm of side armor.
That’s actually very true. Not that many tanks have 20mm of armor…however, since it’s flat, it’s pretty poor compared to a tank with 15mm of armor but sloped.
But there is hardly ANY light tank at it’s tier with sloped side…
PzI series? flat, Stuarts??? flat, Cruiser tanks??? flat
PzII?? PzIII ausf A?? Pz 38t??? BT-7??? T-46???
the few exceptions with side armor are tanks like AMX-38 for example which is known to be well armored for it’s tier etc…
Sloped side armor is an EXCEPTION rather than the norm… so LTP is in fact actually pretty good for it’s tier in both firepower, and armor, it’s lower than average mobility is it’s only real weakness… but ppl are just too dumb to realize what it’s tier equivalent tanks are like.
I remember this thing from Battlefield 1942 Forgotten Hope mod(Best thing ever) I think there was something similar to this, I may be wrong though.
Yes it was. It could troll rather well and just destroy everything in its path… and if not. You got out with the Bazooka and let the other guy have it.
Another cannon fodder … good !
Urghrughrh. Why did they have to use the VIc….
This looks like FV 215b 183 WITHOUT the big gun! GIVE IT THE DERP PLEASE!!!!!!! (just trolling, it’s really like a tiny version of 183 :)))
Other than the CC and LTP I might keep this one, not sure though.
My T18 approoves.
300 gold saved on a garage slot, neato.
and you get some credits for selling this carp
150, garage slots are half price for a month.
actually gonna keep this need a crew trainer for light british light tanks
Yeah why don’t just keep it, it’s a nice collectors tank but I think you should wait some weeks to play it ;)
I really hope it has special MM by not seeing tier 3 battles….besides that – another crappy tin can just like t7 combat car
I think it does, just like T7 CC.
25mm of penetration? *sigh* Well gonna take my T18 for a spin then.
I’m so happy i didn’t sell my T1E6 since all the recent gift tanks are garbage.
I miss mine I regret sell it I was a noob back then
T18 players thinking they are good cause they can 1-shot tier 1 and 2 tanks…sick…
only assholes drive T18 ;)
I’m just going to let this tank rust in my garage untill WG does something about the T18…
You are an asshole >.<
T18 driver spotted lol
it’s extra satisfying to set T18s on fire.
ESPECIALLY in my T2 light :D.
It’s gonna be a good day…to be a t18!
Yay, British thing!
I can’t wait to farm these with my T-60
or PzII :D
Or T1 Cunningham.
or LoL
This tank actually looks pretty good.
yeah the modellers have done a pretty good job with this one.
This i will keep! that speed is so much better and the turret traverse too! :)
* much better than the combat car :D
Thats because WG nerffed the T7 CC’s speed. It should be something like 56-58kph.
It looks like we will make a Micromaus platoon after the Xmas! Cannot wait to see those poor Mk drivers.
Then you get penetrated by Japanese steel
All those comments make me happy I can drive these tanks (T1E6, T7, M3 Light, this one, etc) and prove them they’re wrong~
My T18′s 75mm cannon says otherwise
Remember – the T7 can penetrate the T18 through the gun.
If you DO die to a T7, it is the most embarrassing death you will ever have.
Useless peace of crap. :) I`ll sell it for slot and some creds.
Yay next vehicle that can’t penetrate the H35 :D
I’ve killed an H35 in my t7 car. :) And it has 3 less pen. All you have to do is aim down on the engine deck. Easy.
All you have to do
yea it’s so easy to do it whenever you want it
You know, if anyone wants to have fun in their tank, I’ll open a training room on malinovka with only t2 autoloader gift tanks (sorry Tetrarch, you’ll have to go elsewhere).
Everyone rush the field and start brawling, it will be glorious.
No need for this, just connect on the 25th and 28 out of 30 vehicles will be Mk VIs !
and the other 2 being T18s who get 9 kills each, where is the fun in that?
Pfft. Only if a player isn’t smart enough to flank the t18.
WoT player > Smart
When did that happen?
On a more serious note: for every good player in a gift tank there is another good player in a T18. Have you ever tried to flank, or even touch a T18 driven by an even remotely good player?
No, because I dont need to pad my stats/fun with low tier play
Are you implying that I’m a noobstomper?
I just wanted to have some random fun in the gift tanks without being worried about such noobstompers in T-18s ruining my fun.
Do you all act like this when somebody gives you something?
Pretty much, you should have seen the whine when they released the Tetrarch “it’s so bad, no armor, long aim time and the BT-2 is faster”
Do you show gratitude when someone gives you AIDS?
Do you whine and bitch when you get chocolate, more like.
New crappy gift premium?
My Pz 38H got restored last month :)
And it’s going to be oneshot by the T18 swarm, just like all t2 tanks.
Something really have to be done about that tank.
and that something is called nerfbat!
Another T7CC? Damn
Ha-Go:s and Mk IV:s! It’s time to warm up the ol’ T18 again! ;)
Thats so cool!
Every year they gift me a tank for my birthday!
This looks like H38 Top guns grind again like with t7 cc
And we will also get free slot and some cash after selling that thing
Mark VI never had the 15mm Besa
Yes it did.
I always find myself amused that so many people use the scrubcannon on the T18 and think that they’re special or badass for oneshotting tanks in a tier where armor is a rarity.
By all means, continue bragging about how you’re rewarded for not trying. We’ll lump you in with the artillery players, you’ll all make the bestest of friends.
I actually like how the VIc looks, statwise. Power:weight aside, it’s a better light tank than the T7 turned out to be, with that turret traverse, speed limit and ground resistance. The BESA is rather piddly, but it does aim a bit faster and is a little more accurate than the Browning. Also has less gun dispersion when moving the turret (in exchange for more while moving the hull).
Aesthetically, it’s not bad. Kind of makes me think of a scaled-down Medium I. Definitely very early-British flavored.
Ought to be interesting to try, if nothing else. And I certainly don’t mind having another tank to train my Crusader and eventual Centurion crews in.
Now, now… when playing SPGs you do actually have to try to aim so you have half a chance at hitting it… It does not do it automatically like the manual says it will. I am still waiting to hear back from the company… I was told my SPG loaded and fired at the target all on its own.
What kind of antialiasing are they using at WG and why do they not let us use the same? Those pics look gorgeous.
My H35 is happy.
My H35 will be happy as soon as the garage is expanded by 20 slots. Then its open season.
i might actually keep it just for the fact it is one of the more well-known free tanks WG has given us.
By well-known, i mean along the lines of it saw extensive service.
Yes it did. It is also popular in BF1942 Forgotten Hope. It is extremely effective at its job in the game.
so this is basically just a slimmer and “armored” version of the mark2 lunch box with a BESA? seems legit. at least BESA is playable. not sure abt the speed….my gut says underpowerd engine again. i’ll still keep it anyway. collector’s blood =P
All that’s left now are the French who are still without a premium LT.
Seeing the penetration I thought this will be even worse than T7 car since it has 27mm of pen, but then I went checking online pages and wiki and found that it has only 22mm of pen. I’m really confused, I remember seeing 22mm of pen when the tank was just introduced in game, but in a few hours it was somehow changed to 27mm and ever since it shows 27mm if I check the gun in my garage, so which is it? 22 or 27?
When in doubt, trust ingame stats.
The Browning has 27mm ingame. The BESA has 25mm.
Keep in mind that the Browning MG that the T7 uses is NOT the same as the one that the M2 Light does. The M2 Light’s version has a smaller magazine, reloads slightly faster, is hopelessly inaccurate, and has less penetration.
I would guess that whoever entered the information into the wiki assumed that it was the same gun, using the same ammo, and thus would have the same penetration; but indeed, it is a completely separate gun, and WG decided to buff its penetration from “completely useless” to “borderline useless”. Yaaaay.
nice for my collection ;D
SerB: Haha, they be complaining about T7 gun with no pen?!? Make another one~!!! Muahahhhahaaaa