Hello everyone,
today, we are going to have a look at what Russian players AndrasD and Devilhunter did to find out the camo value of vehicles in game. Original thread can be found here, but I won’t put everything they wrote here (it’s some very detailed analysis), I will stick to the most important parts.
To begin with, in 0.8.6 the camo system changed somewhat and old camo values could no longer be applied (the factor got hidden even for the tanks we already knew the camo factor of). That meant that datamining was no longer viable in order to find what type of camouflage that respective tank has. That left testing as the only real option. The players mentioned above thus devised a following system – I won’t pretend that I understand how exactly it works, but the general idea is following:
You take the viewrange of a vehicle (please keep in mind however that maximum spotting range is 445m), you deduct 50 meters from it (the range where you get spotted automatically) and the rest, you apply the “camo percentage bonus on” (or camo factor) by deducting the percentage from the (viewrange – 50m). Basically, if a vehicle has a standing camo factor of say 10 percent and you are spotting with a 350 viewrange tank, that means the vehicle will under ideal conditions, you first deduct 50m: you are left with 300 – and then reduce the 300 by ten percent. In other words, you’ll spot the vehicle at 320m instead. That’s of course without camo net, bushes and all that other stuff.
In reality, it’s much more complicated than that, so the following tables are meant only to show you what vehicle has relatively good camo and how its camo does compared to, say, Panzer IV or other vehicles of its tier – or how shooting influences the camo factor (note that for example standing WT RhB has very good camo factor like StuG, but when it shoots, it drops significantly).
Japanese tank camo is at the end of the list, Soviet new med camo is there too. All camo measured for top gun and top turret.
Type Tier Name Standing Moving Shooting Gun
LТ 1 Leichttraktor 13,4% 10,1% 3,4% 3,7 cm KwK 36 L/46.5 LТ 2 Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) 15,7% 11,8% 4,0% 3,7 cm SA 38 L/34 LТ 2 Pz.Kpfw. II 15,1% 11,3% 3,4% 2 cm Flak 38 L/112 LТ 2 Pz.Kpfw. I 16,2% 12,1% 3,8% 2 cm Breda LТ 2 Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) 15,2% 11,4% 3,9% 3,7 cm KwK 38 (t) L/47 LТ 3 T-15 19,7% 19,7% 5,9% 3,7 cm KwK 38 (t) L/47 LТ 3 Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J 17,4% 13,1% 4,9% 2 cm KwK 38 L/55J LТ 3 Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) 18,0% 13,5% 5,2% 4,7 cm PaK 38 (t) L/43 LТ 3 Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A 18,0% 18,0% 5,2% 5 cm KwK 38 L/42 LТ 3 Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G 18,6% 18,6% 3,9% 3 cm M.K. 103 LТ 3 Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C 19,0% 19,0% 5,3% 7,92 mm Mauser E.W. 141 LТ 4 Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. 17,6% 17,6% 4,6% 5 cm KwK 39 L/60 LТ 4 Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs 17,1% 17,1% 3,6% 3 cm M.K. 103 LТ 5 VK 16.02 Leopard 16,9% 16,9% 3,5% 3 cm M.K. 103 LТ 6 VK 28.01 14,3% 14,3% 3,0% 10,5 cm KwK 42 L/28 LТ 7 Aufklärungspanzer Panther 10,9% 10,9% 2,8% 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725
MТ 3 Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) 14,3% 10,7% 4,1% 4,7 cm SA 35 L/34 MТ 4 Pz.Kpfw. III 16,4% 12,3% 4,5% 5 cm KwK 39 L/60 MТ 4 VK 20.01 (D) 15,9% 11,9% 4,4% 5 cm KwK 39 L/60 MТ 5 T-25 13,1% 9,8% 3,4% 7,5 cm A18 KwK MТ 5 Pz.Kpfw. III/IV 14,0% 10,5% 3,5% 7,5 cm KwK 40 L/48 MТ 5 Pz.Kpfw. IV 14,9% 11,2% 3,1% 10,5 cm KwK 42 L/28 MТ 6 Pz.Kpfw. V/IV 10,6% 7,9% 2,6% 7,5 cm KwK 40 L/48 MТ 6 Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm 13,1% 9,8% 3,2% 7,5 cm KwK 44/1 L/70 MТ 6 VK 30.01 (D) 14,0% 10,5% 3,3% 7,5 cm KwK 42 L/70 MТ 6 VK 30.01 (P) 9,7% 7,3% 2,3% 8,8 cm KwK 36 L/56 MТ 6 VK 30.02 (M) 9,6% 7,2% 2,2% 7,5 cm KwK 42 L/70 MТ 7 Panther/M10 9,4% 7,1% 2,3% 7,5 cm KwK 42 L/70 MТ 7 VK 30.02 (D) 12,9% 9,7% 3,1% 8,8 cm KwK 36 L/56 MТ 7 Pz.Kpfw. V Panther 9,4% 7,1% 2,2% 7,5 cm KwK 45 L/100 MТ 8 Panther II 9,7% 7,3% 2,3% 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 MТ 8 Indien-Panzer 11,9% 8,9% 2,7% 9 cm KwK 54 MТ 9 Leopard prototyp A 14,6% 11,0% 3,1% 10,5 cm L7A1 MТ 9 E-50 9,1% 6,8% 1,9% 10,5 cm KwK 45 L/52 Ausf. B MТ 10 Leopard 1 14,3% 10,7% 3,0% 10,5 cm Bordkanone L7A3 MТ 10 E-50 Ausf. M 10,0% 7,5% 2,1% 10,5 cm KwK 45 L/52 Ausf. K
HТ 4 Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f) 7,5% 3,8% 2,2% 4,7 cm SA 35 L/34 HТ 4 Durchbruchswagen 2 7,5% 3,8% 2,0% 7,5 cm KwK 37 L/24 HТ 5 VK 30.01 (H) 7,3% 3,7% 1,9% 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 HТ 6 VK 36.01 (H) 6,5% 3,2% 1,5% 8,8 cm KwK 36 L/56 HТ 7 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger 6,9% 3,5% 1,6% 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 HТ 7 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P) 6,9% 3,5% 1,6% 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 HТ 8 Löwe 4,0% 2,0% 0,8% 10,5 cm KwK 46 L/70 HТ 8 VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A 4,3% 2,2% 0,9% 10,5 cm KwK 45 L/52 HТ 8 Pz.Kpfw. Tiger II 4,6% 2,3% 0,9% 10,5 cm KwK 46 L/68 HТ 9 E-75 4,3% 2,2% 0,7% 12,8 cm KwK 44 L/55 HТ 9 VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B 4,3% 2,2% 0,7% 12,8 cm KwK 44 L/55 HТ 10 E-100 3,1% 1,6% 0,4% 15 cm KwK 44 L/38 HТ 10 Maus 1,4% 0,7% 0,2% 12,8 cm KwK 44 L/55
TD 2 Panzerjäger I 19,4% 11,6% 7,0% 4,7 cm Pak (t) L/43 TD 3 Marder II 21,4% 12,9% 7,5% 7,5 cm Pak 40/2 L/46 TD 4 Hetzer 24,0% 14,4% 7,1% 10,5 cm StuH 42 L/28 TD 4 Marder 38T 19,3% 11,6% 6,8% 7,5 cm Pak 40/3 L/46 TD 5 StuG III 21,9% 13,1% 7,7% 7,5 cm StuK 42 L/70 TD 5 Pz.Sfl.IVc 12,8% 7,7% 4,5% 8,8 cm Flak 41 L/74 TD 6 Dicker Max 16,9% 10,1% 5,0% 10,5 cm K 18 L/52 TD 6 JagdPz IV 23,8% 14,3% 8,3% 8,8 cm PaK 36 L/56 TD 6 Nashorn 12,4% 7,4% 4,0% 8,8 cm Pak 43 L/71 TD 7 E-25 25,1% 15,1% 8,8% 7,5 cm StuK 42 L/70 TD 7 Jagdpanther 13,1% 7,9% 3,9% 10,5 cm PaK 45 L/52 TD 7 Pz.Sfl.V 11,3% 6,8% 2,5% 12,8 cm Kanone 40 TD 8 8,8 cm PaK 43 Jagdtiger 10,7% 6,4% 2,4% 8,8 cm PaK 43 L/71 Ausf. A TD 8 Jagdpanther II 10,2% 6,1% 2,7% 12,8 cm PaK 44 L/55 TD 8 Ferdinand 10,9% 6,5% 2,9% 12,8 cm PaK 44 L/55 TD 8 Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger 22,5% 13,5% 4,6% 15 cm Pak L/29.5 TD 9 Jagdtiger 10,7% 6,4% 2,8% 12,8 cm PaK 44/2 L/61 TD 9 Waffenträger auf Pz.IV 15,7% 9,4% 3,2% 15 cm Pak L/38 TD 10 JagdPz E-100 3,0% 1,8% 0,5% 17 cm PaK46 TD 10 Waffenträger auf E-100 0,4% 0,2% 0,1% 12,8 cm K44/2 L/61
Arty 2 G.Pz. Mk. VI (e) 16,1% 8,1% 3,0% 10,5 cm le.F.H. 16 L/22 Аrтy 3 Wespe 16,2% 8,1% 3,4% 10,5 cm le.F.H. 18 L/28 Аrтy 3 Sturmpanzer I Bison 8,9% 4,5% 1,3% 15 cm s.I.G. 33 L/11 Аrтy 4 Pz.Sfl. IVb 16,8% 8,4% 3,5% 10,5 cm le.F.H. 18 L/28 Аrтy 4 Sturmpanzer II 17,3% 8,7% 2,6% 15 cm s.I.G. 33 L/11 Аrтy 5 Grille 15,7% 7,9% 2,4% 15 cm s.F.H. 13 L/17 Аrтy 6 Hummel 12,2% 6,1% 1,7% 15 cm s.F.H. 18 L/30 Аrтy 7 G.W. Panther 4,0% 2,0% 0,5% 15 cm s.F.H. 43 Аrтy 8 G.W. Tiger (P) 3,7% 1,9% 0,3% 21 cm Mörser 18/1 Аrтy 9 G.W. Tiger 5,1% 2,6% 0,4% 21 cm Mörser 18/1 Аrтy 10 G.W. E 100 1,7% 0,9% 0,1% 21 cm Mörser 18/2
Type Tier Name Standing Moving Shooting Gun
LТ 1 T1 Cunningham 12,8% 9,6% 2,9% 20 mm Hispano Suiza Birgikt Gun LТ 2 T2 Light Tank 15,1% 11,3% 3,4% 20 mm Hispano Suiza Birgikt Gun M1 LТ 2 T7 Combat Car 13,5% 10,1% 3,2 Browning MG caliber .50 HB, M2 LТ 2 T1E6 14,6% 11,0% 2,8% 37 mm Semiautomatic Gun M1924A1 LТ 2 M2 Light Tank 13,6% 10,2% 3,5% 37 mm Gun M5 LТ 3 M22 Locust 20,4% 20,4% 6,1% 37 mm Gun M6 LТ 3 M3 Stuart 15,3% 15,3% 4,6% 37 mm Gun M6 LТ 4 M5 Stuart 17,1% 17,1% 4,4% 75 mm Howitzer M3 LТ 5 M24 Chaffee 13,9% 13,9% 3,3% 76 mm Gun T94 LТ 6 T21 15,4% 15,4% 3,8% 76 mm Gun M1A2 LТ 7 T71 14,3% 14,3% 3,3% 76 mm Gun T185
MТ 2 T2 Medium Tank 10,3% 7,7% 2,6% 37 mm Gun M5 MТ 3 M2 Medium Tank 12,2% 9,2% 3,2% 75 mm Howitzer M3 MТ 4 M3 Lee 8,0% 6,0% 2,1% 75 mm Gun M3 MТ 5 M4A2E4 Sherman 12,0% 9,0% 3,1% 75 mm Gun M3 MТ 5 Ram II 12,9% 9,7% 3,6% QF 6-pdr Mk. IIIA MТ 5 M4 Sherman 12,9% 9,7% 2,8% 105 mm M4 MТ 5 M7 14,9% 11,2% 4,2% QF 6-pdr Mk. III MТ 6 M4A3E8 Sherman 12,6% 9,5% 3,1% 76 mm Gun M1A2 MТ 6 M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo 11,5% 8,6% 2,5% 105 mm M4 MТ 7 T20 16,3% 12,2% 3,9% 90 mm Gun M3 MТ 8 T26E4 SuperPershing 13,4% 10,1% 3,0% 90 mm Gun T15E1 MТ 8 T69 12,9% 9,7% 3,1% 90 mm Gun T178 MТ 8 M26 Pershing 13,0% 9,8% 2,9% 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 MТ 9 M46 Patton 13,4% 10,1% 2,7% 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 MТ 9 T54E1 10,0% 7,5% 2,0% 105mm Gun T140E2 MТ 10 M60 7,0% 5,3% 1,5% 105 mm Gun M68 MТ 10 M48A1 Patton 8,6% 6,5% 1,8% 105 mm Gun M68
HТ 5 T14 8,0% 4,0% 2,1% 75 mm Gun M3 HТ 5 T1 Heavy Tank 4,6% 2,3% 1,2% 76 mm Gun M1A1 HТ 6 M6 4,9% 2,5% 1,2% 90 mm Gun M3 HТ 7 T29 5,1% 2,6% 1,1% 105 mm Gun T5E1 HТ 8 M6A2E1 1,1% 0,6% 0,2% 105 mm Gun T5E1E HТ 8 T34 4,3% 2,2% 0,8% 120 mm Gun T53A1 HТ 8 T32 6,0% 3,0% 1,3% 105 mm Gun T5E1 HТ 9 M103 4,9% 2,5% 0,9% 120 mm Gun M58 HТ 10 T110E5 4,6% 2,3% 0,8% 120 mm Gun M58 HТ 10 T57 Heavy Tank 5,1% 2,6% 0,9% 120 mm Gun T179
TD 2 T18 19,4% 13,7% 6,3% 75 mm Howitzer M1A1 TD 3 T82 24,1% 14,5% 7,4% 105 mm AT Howitzer M3 TD 4 T40 21,0% 12,6% 7,6% 76 mm AT Gun M1A1 TD 4 M8A1 22,0% 13,2% 8,3% 57 mm Gun M1 TD 5 T49 20,9% 12,5% 7,6% 76 mm AT Gun M1A1 TD 5 M10 Wolverine 18,0% 10,8% 6,3% 76 mm AT Gun M1A2 TD 6 M36 Jackson 17,4% 10,4% 5,9% 90 mm AT Gun M3 TD 6 M18 Hellcat 21,1% 12,7% 7,4% 90 mm AT Gun M3 TD 7 T25 AT 19,7% 11,8% 5,9% 105 mm AT Gun T5E1 TD 7 T25/2 18,3% 11,0% 5,9% 90 mm AT Gun T15E2 TD 8 T28 18,3% 11,0% 5,5% 120 mm AT Gun T53 TD 8 T28 Prototype 12,6% 7,6% 3,8% 120 mm AT Gun T53 TD 9 T95 18,3% 11,0% 4,1% 155 mm AT Gun T7 TD 9 T30 9,2% 5,5% 2,1% 155 mm AT Gun T7 TD 10 T110E4 9,1% 5,5% 2,1% 155 mm AT Gun T7E2 TD 10 T110E3 10,3% 6,2% 2,3% 155 mm AT Gun T7E2
Аrтy 2 T57 15,9% 7,9% 3,5% 3-inch Gun T9 Аrтy 3 M7 Priest 12,6% 6,3% 2,8% 105 mm Howitzer M2A1 Аrтy 4 M37 14,4% 7,2% 3,2% 105 mm Howitzer M4 Аrтy 5 M41 16,6% 8,3% 2,5% 155 mm Howitzer M1 Аrтy 6 M44 10,0% 5,0% 1,5% 155 mm Howitzer M45 Аrтy 7 M12 12,0% 6,0% 1,7% 155 mm Gun M1A1 Аrтy 8 M40/M43 10,6% 5,3% 0,9% 8-inch Howitzer M1 Аrтy 9 M53/M55 6,3% 3,2% 0,5% 8-inch Howitzer M47 Аrтy 10 T92 8,0% 4,0% 0,5% 240 mm Howitzer M1
Type Tier Name Standing Moving Shooting Gun
LТ 1 МS-1 15,0% 11,3% 3,7% 45 мм обр. 1932 г. LТ 2 Теtrаrch 15,7% 11,8% 4,0% QF 2-pdr Mk. IX-A LТ 2 Т-60 17,5% 13,1% 4,4% 37 мм ЗиС-19 LТ 2 BТ-2 15,0% 11,2% 3,8% 37 мм ЗиС-19 LТ 2 Т-26 13,8% 10,4% 3,5% 37 мм ЗиС-19 LТ 3 М3 лёгкий 15,2% 15,2% 4,6% 37 мм M5 LТ 3 Т-127 18,0% 13,5% 5,2% 45 мм 20К(л) LТ 3 BТ-СV 16,9% 12,7% 4,9% 45 мм 20К(л) LТ 3 BТ-7 16,5% 16,5% 5,0% 37 мм ЗиС-19 LТ 3 LТP 20,2% 15,1% 5,9% 45 мм 20К(л) LТ 3 Т-46 16,1% 12,1% 4,4% 45 мм ВТ-42 LТ 3 Т-70 17,6% 13,2% 4,9% 45 мм ВТ-42 LТ 4 Valentine II 18,0% 18,0% 5,2% 45 мм 20К(л) LТ 4 А-20 16,3% 16,3% 4,5% 45 мм ВТ-42 LТ 4 Т-80 18,3% 18,3% 5,1% 45 мм ВТ-43 LТ 4 Т-50 17,7% 17,7% 4,9% 45 мм ВТ-43 LТ 6 МТ-25 14,9% 14,9% 4,0% 57 мм ЗиС-4
MТ 4 А-32 16,0% 12,0% 4,2% 76 мм Л-10У MТ 4 Т-28 11,7% 8,8% 3,1% 57 мм ЗиС-4 MТ 5 Matilda IV 15,1% 11,3% 3,9% 76 мм Ф-96 MТ 5 Т-34 14,6% 11,0% 3,9% 57 мм ЗиС-4 MТ 6 Т-34-85 14,3% 10,7% 3,4% 85 мм Д-5Т-85БМ MТ 6 А-43 12,2% 9,2% 3,2% 76 мм С-54 MТ 7 Т-43 14,9% 11,2% 3,5% 85 мм Д-5Т-85БМ MТ 7 КV-13 15,4% 11,6% 3,7% 85 мм Д-5Т-85БМ MТ 7 А-44 12,6% 9,5% 2,8% 107 мм ЗиС-6 MТ 8 Т-44 16,2% 12,1% 3,4% 100 мм ЛБ-1 MТ 8 Оbjеcт 416 24,2% 14,5% 4,8% 100 мм М-63 MТ 9 Т-54 15,7% 11,8% 3,3% 100 мм Д-10Т2С MT 9 Object 430 V2 16,6% 12,4% 2,6% 100 mm D-54 MТ 10 Оbjеcт 140 16,7% 12,5% 3,3% 100 мм У-8ТС MТ 10 Т-62А 15,4% 11,6% 3,0% 100 мм У-8ТС MT 10 Object 430 17,8% 13,4% 3,5% 100 mm U-8TS
HТ 5 КV-220 7,4% 3,7% 1,9% 76 мм ЗиС-5 HТ 5 Churchill III 8,0% 4,0% 2,2% QF 6-pdr Mk. V HТ 5 КV-1 7,4% 3,7% 1,9% 85 мм Ф-30 HТ 6 Т-150 6,6% 3,3% 1,5% 107 мм ЗиС-6 HТ 6 КV-1S 7,1% 3,6% 1,3% 122 мм Д2-5Т HТ 6 КV-2 4,3% 2,2% 0,6% 152 мм М-10 HТ 7 КV-3 6,3% 3,2% 1,2% 122 мм Д-25Т HТ 7 IС 8,3% 4,2% 1,6% 122 мм Д-25Т HТ 8 КV-5 3,4% 1,7% 0,7% 107 мм ЗиС-6М HТ 8 IS-6 7,1% 3,6% 1,3% 122 мм Д-30 HТ 8 КV-4 2,3% 1,2% 0,5% 107 мм ЗиС-24 HТ 8 IS-3 7,1% 3,6% 1,3% 122 мм БЛ-9 HТ 9 IS-8 6,3% 3,2% 1,1% 122 мм M62-T2 HТ 9 SТ-I 6,3% 3,2% 1,1% 122 мм M62-T2 HТ 10 IS-7 6,9% 3,5% 1,1% 130 мм С-70 HТ 10 IS-4 6,9% 3,5% 1,2% 122 мм M62-T2
TD 2 АТ-1 21,2% 12,7% 7,4% 57 мм ЗиС-8С TD 3 SU-76 22,5% 13,5% 8,8% 57 мм ЗиС-2 TD 4 SU-85B 22,6% 13,6% 7,6% 85 мм ЛБ-2С TD 5 SU-85 22,3% 13,4% 7,5% 85 мм Д-5С-85БМ TD 6 SU-100Y 6,7% 4,0% 1,5% 130 мм Б-13-С2 TD 6 SU-100 22,1% 13,2% 6,0% 122 мм Д2-5С TD 7 SU-122-44 21,7% 13,0% 5,9% 122 мм Д-25С TD 7 SU-152 16,5% 9,9% 3,3% 152 мм МЛ-20 обр. 1931/37 гг. TD 7 SU-100М1 20,2% 12,1% 6,0% 100 мм ЛБ-1С TD 8 IСU-152 15,1% 9,1% 3,4% 152 мм БЛ-10 TD 8 SU-101 20,3% 12,2% 4,9% 100 мм Д-54С TD 9 SU-122-54 22,0% 13,2% 5,7% 122 мм М62-С2 TD 9 Object 704 17,7% 10,6% 4,0% 152 мм БЛ-10 TD 10 Object 263 14,3% 8,6% 3,6% 130 мм С-70A TD 10 Object 268 16,6% 10,0% 3,9% 152 мм М64
Аrтy 2 SU-18 13,2% 6,6% 2,8% 76 мм полковая пушка обр. 1927 г. Аrтy 3 SU-26 13,4% 6,7% 3,5% 76 мм пушка обр. 1902/30 г. 40 клб Аrтy 4 SU-5 15,0% 7,5% 2,3% 152 мм мортира НМ обр. 1931 г. Аrтy 5 SU-122А 16,3% 8,2% 2,3% 152 мм гаубица Д-1 Аrтy 6 SU-8 8,3% 4,2% 1,1% 152 мм гаубица МЛ-20 обр. 1931 г. Аrтy 7 SU-14-1 7,4% 3,7% 0,6% 203 мм Б-4 Аrтy 7 S-51 4,9% 2,4% 0,4% 203 мм Б-4 Аrтy 8 SU-14-2 3,7% 1,9% 0,3% 203 мм Б-4 Аrтy 9 212А 3,7% 1,9% 0,3% 203 мм Б-4 Аrтy 10 Object 261 6,6% 3,3% 0,8% 180 мм Б-1-ПЛТ
Type Tier Name Standing Moving Shooting Gun
LТ 1 Renault FT 13,6% 10,2% 4,0% 25 mm Canon Raccourci mle. 1934 LТ 2 D1 12,8% 9,6% 3,7% 25 mm Canon Raccourci mle. 1934 LТ 2 Hotchkiss H35 15,7% 11,8% 4,6% 25 mm Canon Raccourci mle. 1934 LТ 3 AMX 38 16,0% 12,0% 4,6% 47 mm SA35 LТ 4 AMX 40 13,4% 10,1% 3,5% 75 mm SA32 LТ 5 ELC AMX 22,0% 22,0% 5,2% 90 mm D. 915 LТ 6 AMX 12 t 18,3% 18,3% 4,3% 75 mm SA50 LТ 7 AMX 13 75 18,0% 18,0% 4,2% 75 mm SA50 LТ 8 AMX 13 90 17,7% 17,7% 4,2% 90 mm F3
MТ 3 D2 12,7% 9,5% 3,7% 47 mm SA37 MТ 9 Lorraine 40 t 12,0% 9,0% 2,4% 100 mm SA47 MТ 10 Bat.-Châtillon 25 t 17,1% 12,8% 3,4% 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504)
HТ 4 B1 7,5% 3,7% 2,2% 47 mm SA37 HТ 5 BDR G1 B 6,6% 3,3% 1,7% 90 mm DCA 30 HТ 6 ARL 44 5,3% 2,6% 1,2% 90 mm DCA 45 HТ 7 AMX M4 mle. 45 6,6% 3,3% 1,5% 90 mm DCA 45 HТ 8 FCM 50 t 4,6% 2,3% 1,0% 90 mm DCA 45 HТ 8 AMX 50 100 5,7% 2,9% 1,1% 100 mm SA47 HТ 9 AMX 50 120 4,9% 2,5% 0,7% 120 mm SA46 HТ 10 AMX 50 B 4,0% 2,0% 0,6% 120 mm SA46
ПТ 2 Renault FT AC 14,7% 8,8% 5,3% 47 mm SA-L mle. 1937 ПТ 3 FCM 36 Pak 40 18,6% 11,2% 6,5% 7,5 cm Pak 40/2 ПТ 3 Renault UE 57 27,1% 16,3% 9,9% 6-pdr AT Gun Mk. IV ПТ 4 Somua SAu 40 16,1% 9,7% 5,0% 105 mm AC court mle. 1934 S ПТ 5 S35 CA 21,4% 12,8% 6,4% 105 mm AC mle. 1930 S ПТ 6 ARL V39 16,6% 10,0% 4,9% 90 mm AC DCA 45 ПТ 7 AMX AC mle. 46 10,6% 6,4% 3,0% 100 mm AC SA47 ПТ 8 AMX AC mle. 48 13,4% 8,0% 3,5% 120 mm AC SA46 ПТ 9 AMX 50 Foch 14,0% 8,4% 3,6% 120 mm AC SA46 ПТ 10 AMX 50 Foch (155) 14,0% 8,4% 3,2% 155 mm AC SA58
Аrтy 2 Renault FT 75 BS 13,9% 7,0% 3,1% 75 mm Blockhaus Schneider Аrтy 3 Lorraine 39L AM 17,6% 8,8% 3,9% 105 mm court mle. 1934 S Аrтy 4 AMX 105 AM mle. 47 19,3% 9,7% 4,0% 105 mm obusier mle. 1950 Аrтy 5 105 leFH18B2 7,7% 3,9% 1,6% 10,5 cm le.F.H. 18 L/28 Аrтy 5 AMX 13 105 AM mle. 50 14,6% 7,3% 3,1% 105 mm obusier mle. 1950 Аrтy 6 AMX 13 F3 AM 18,0% 9,0% 2,4% Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres Аrтy 7 Lorraine 155 mle. 50 8,6% 4,3% 1,2% Obusier de 155 mm mle. 1950 Аrтy 8 Lorraine 155 mle. 51 11,1% 5,6% 1,6% Canon de 155 mm mle. 1917 G.P.F. Аrтy 9 Bat.-Châtillon 155 55 7,1% 3,6% 1,0% Canon de 155 mm Аrтy 10 Bat.-Châtillon 155 58 12,0% 6,0% 1,7% Canon de 155 mm
Type Tier Name Standing Moving Shooting Gun
LТ 2 Cruiser Mk. I 12,7% 9,5% 2,5% 40 mm Pom-Pom LТ 2 Cruiser Mk. III 12,9% 9,7% 3,3% QF 2-pdr Mk. IX LТ 3 Cruiser Mk. II 14,9% 11,2% 3,7% 3.7-inch Howitzer LТ 3 Cruiser Mk. IV 15,4% 11,6% 3,5% QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors LТ 4 Covenanter 16,8% 16,8% 3,8% QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors LТ 4 Valentine 17,9% 13,4% 4,8% QF 6-pdr Gun Mk. V LТ 5 Crusader 16,9% 16,9% 4,5% QF 6-pdr Gun Mk. V
MТ 1 Vickers Medium Mk. I 8,0% 6,0% 1,9% QF 6-pdr 8 cwt Mk. II MТ 2 Vickers Medium Mk. II 9,3% 7,0% 2,2% QF 6-pdr 8 cwt Mk. I MТ 3 Vickers Medium Mk. III 11,9% 8,9% 3,6% QF 2-pdr Mk. IX MТ 4 Matilda 15,1% 11,3% 4,3% QF 2-pdr Mk. X-B MТ 5 Matilda Black Prince 14,3% 10,7% 3,8% QF 6-pdr Mk. V A MТ 6 Cromwell 14,6% 11,0% 3,6% 75 mm Vickers HV MТ 7 Comet 15,1% 11,3% 3,7% OQF 77 mm Gun Mk. II MТ 8 Centurion Mk. I 11,4% 8,6% 2,7% OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel MТ 9 Centurion Mk.7/1 11,7% 8,8% 2,8% OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel MТ 10 FV4202 14,0% 10,5% 2,9% 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A1
HТ 5 Excelsior 8,9% 4,5% 2,2% 75 mm Gun Mk. V HТ 5 Churchill I 8,3% 4,2% 2,1% 75 mm Vickers HV HТ 6 TOG II* 5,4% 2,7% 1,3% OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII HТ 6 Churchill VII 7,7% 3,9% 1,9% OQF 77 mm Gun Mk. II HТ 7 Black Prince 7,4% 3,7% 1,7% OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII HТ 8 Caernarvon 5,4% 2,7% 1,3% OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel HТ 9 Conqueror 4,9% 2,5% 0,9% 120 mm Gun L1A1 HТ 10 FV215b 4,9% 2,5% 0,9% 120 mm Gun L1A1
TD 2 Universal Carrier 2-pdr 19,5% 11,7% 6,8% QF 6-pdr 8 cwt AT Gun Mk. I TD 3 Valentine AT 20,3% 12,2% 7,4% QF 6-pdr AT Gun Mk. IV TD 4 Alecto 26,9% 16,1% 9,1% Q.F. 25-Pr. AT Gun/How. Mk. III TD 5 AT 2 17,1% 10,3% 6,0% 3.7-inch AT Howitzer TD 6 AT 8 18,3% 11,0% 6,2% OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII TD 6 Churchill Gun Carrier 15,7% 9,4% 5,1% OQF 32-pdr AT Gun TD 7 AT 15A 12,9% 7,7% 4,4% OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII TD 7 AT 7 17,4% 10,4% 5,9% OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type A Barrel TD 8 AT 15 12,0% 7,2% 4,1% OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type B Barrel TD 9 Tortoise 8,9% 5,3% 2,4% 120 mm AT Gun L1A1 TD 10 FV215b (183) 10,3% 6,2% 1,9% 183 mm L4
Аrтy 2 Loyd Gun Carriage 18,6% 9,4% 4,1% Q.F. 13-Pr. Mk. III Аrтy 3 Sexton I 14,5% 7,3% 3,5% Q.F. 25-Pr. Gun/How. Mk. II Аrтy 3 Sexton II 14,5% 7,3% 3,5% Q.F. 25-Pr. Gun/How. Аrтy 4 Birch Gun 14,8% 7,4% 3,7% Q.F. 25-Pr. Gun/How. Аrтy 5 Bishop 11,4% 5,7% 2,4% Q.F. 4.5-in. Howitzer Аrтy 6 FV304 20,0% 10,0% 4,2% Q.F. 4.5-in. Howitzer Аrтy 7 Crusader 5.5-In. SP 16,3% 8,2% 2,3% B.L. 5.5-in. Gun Аrтy 8 FV207 7,7% 3,9% 1,1% Q.F. 6-in. Gun Mk. V Аrтy 9 FV3805 8,2% 4,1% 0,9% B.L. 7.2-in. Howitzer Mk. 6 Аrтy 10 Conqueror Gun Carriage 6,6% 3,3% 0,4% B.L. 9.2-in. Howitzer Mk. II
Type Tier Name Standing Moving Shooting Gun
LТ 1 Renault NC-31 12,6% 9,5% 3,2% 37 mm KwK 36 L/46.5 LТ 2 Vickers Mk. E Type B 14,4% 10,8% 2,8% 40 mm Pom-Pom LТ 3 Type 2597 Chi-Ha 16,5% 12,4% 4,6% 47 mm Gun Type 1 LТ 4 M5A1 Stuart 16,6% 16,6% 4,6% 47 mm Gun Type 1 LТ 6 Type 64 15,4% 15,4% 3,8% 76 mm Gun M1A2 LТ 6 59-16 17,4% 17,4% 4,3% 76 mm 54-76TG (autoloader) LТ 7 Type 62 16,6% 16,6% 4,2% 85 mm Type 62 LТ 7 WZ-131 16,5% 16,5% 3,6% 100 mm 59-100T LТ 8 WZ-132 17,1% 17,1% 3,6% 100 mm 60-100T
MТ 5 Type T-34 14,6% 11,0% 3,9% 57 mm 55-57FG MТ 6 Type 58 14,3% 10,7% 3,6% 85 mm 56-85JT MТ 7 T-34-1 18,3% 13,7% 4,0% 100 mm 44-100JT MТ 8 Type 59 16,0% 12,0% 3,5% 100 mm Type 59 MТ 8 T-34-3 14,9% 11,2% 2,8% 122 mm D-25TA MТ 8 T-34-2 17,1% 12,8% 3,4% 122 mm 37-122JT MТ 9 WZ-120 15,7% 11,8% 2,8% 122 mm 60-122T MТ 10 121 15,1% 11,3% 2,7% 122 mm 60-122TG
HТ 7 IS-2 8,0% 4,0% 1,5% 122 mm D-25T HТ 8 112 6,6% 3,3% 1,3% 122 mm D-25TA HТ 8 110 6,6% 3,3% 1,3% 100 mm 62-100T HТ 9 WZ-111 model 1-4 6,9% 3,5% 1,1% 130 mm 59-130T HТ 10 113 6,6% 3,3% 1,2% 122 mm 60-122T
Type Tier Name Standing Moving Shooting Gun
MТ 5 Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai 14,1% 10,6% 3,7% 75 mm Tank Gun Type 5 LT 1 Renault Otsu 14.0% 10,5% 3,6% 37 mm Sogekihou LT 2 Type 95 Ha-Go 15,3% 11,5% 3,6% 5,7 cm Gun Type 97 LT 3 Type 98 Ke-Ni 19,3% 19,3% 5,8% 37 mm Gun Type 1 LT 4 Type 5 Ke-Ho 19,2% 19,2% 5,1% Experimental 57 mm MT 2 Chi-Ni 16,0% 12,0% 3,8% 5,7 cm Gun Type 97 MT 3 Type 97 Chi-Ha 16,5% 12,4% 4,8% 47mm Gun Type 1 MT 4 Type 1 Chi-He 15,4% 11,6% 4,0% 7,5 cm Gun Type 99 MT 5 Type 3 Chi-Nu 14,0% 10,5% 3,6% 7,5 cm Gun Type 5 MT 6 Type 4 Chi-To 12,6% 9,4% 3,1% 7,5 cm Gun Type 5 Mod I MT 7 Type 5 Chi-Ri 10,0% 7,5% 2,5% 7,5 cm Autoloading Type 5 MT 8 STA-1 15,5% 11,6% 3,7% 90 mm Gun Type 61 MT 9 Type 61 9,2% 6,9% 1,9% 105mm Rifled Gun MT 10 STB-1 13,7% 10,3% 2,9% 105mm Rifled Gun
Very interesting… but apparently I don’t use much camo on my TD’s mostly because I just can’t find any reliable data to know if its useful or not and that I don’t camp that much , I prefer to support form long range but it’s more reliable to just retreat during reload rather than sit there and hope you’re not getting spotted. Besides, High tier TD’s have good frontal protection anyway and I don’t want to waste crew xp hen resetting their skills.
6th sense is usefull…
I have it on almost all my tanks but it still doesn’t make camo skill for me viable.
As a general rule of thumb it’s always good to analyze the height of the vehicle, taking a camo factor from there. That said, “short” tanks (like the 268) are best with the cammo skill, since you can actually cut off some spot-range from yourself. And with that said, the RhmBWt has insane camo, which makes getting the camo skill on it – even more profitable, while the same skill on the WT100 won’t do any shit, even the net is qustionable despite the static/fixed nature of the bonus.
Basically the camo skill is only useful on tanks that have some base camo to begin with. In the above table, that would be anything with at least 7% or 8%.
http://www.wotinfo.net/en/camo-calculator is a good camo calculator if you want to work out if skills, modules, etc are worthwhile.
Well, I guess we just figured out just why Tier 7 LTs in a Tier 10 match get annihilated by the mediums so easily, if the medium stands still with a bush… poof it spots the light FIRST. Tier 8 is only slightly less helpless.
Ke-Ni & Ke-Ho will be perfect as passive-scout with “19%”
But Type 61 can’t be invisible with his ” 9.2% ” .. strange, his proto had “15.5%”.
Thank you !
Because Type 61 is taller than STA-1
STA-1 is proto for STB-1, T61 is modeled after patton iirc.
Nope, the STA-1 was the prototype of the Type-61, the STB-1 was the prototype of the Type-74.
Very good work. I guess if you add camonet you can add 25% to sthe “standing ” value?
Camonets are additive, and the percentages are +5% heavy/SPG. +10% Mediums, + 15% TDs.
Camo paint is the same, but +2, +3, +4 respectively
So a Waffle E-100 which has 0.4% base camo factor, with a net now has 15.4%, add paint its 19.4%.
Yes, they need to rethink that one…
Using view range mods is the best way to play a scout or a TD as it allows you to accurately know from which point you might get spotted.
Playing a wZ132 or an AMX13-90 as scouts/flankers is still possible except if the battle has far too many tier 9-10 mediums (like T54-T62 and so on) in which case you better wait until they are either spotted or dead.
If, like me, you play paper TD’s (T40-borsig tier 8 and so on) you need the following:
. Crew with 100% camo + camo net + binoc + camo paint
. View range mod installed
That way you can safely be the top dmg dealer in almost every battle, always stay at the back but using the view range mod you are able to advance and relocate so as to support your heavies/mediums while staying out of spotting range from the enemy.
Same is true for most tier 9-10 TD’s (with a few exceptions like the ones with almost 0 camo value) as at tier 9-10 you usually encounter tanks (and TD’s) which can pen you quite easily no matter how thick your armor is and how good you are at angling.
The tables there are quite accurate
Thanks for the tip about the range view mod
Moving T-54 has better camo than standing AFk Panther and barely worse than VK2801… Because f*ck light tanks, German ones in particular…
And bless Soviet OP ones :P
You should generally compare the sizes of them though, it’s not that surprising that the HUGE ASS 2801 is like a t54. The only weird shit on the table is probably the pz4(IX) camo being THAT MUCH worse than the borschig.
It makes for shitty balance. Awful Panther is slightly harder to spot than some heavy tanks.
it’s bullshit and we all know it.
historical accuracy is fine and stuff… BUT for BALANCING issues, this is nonsense
To make it simple:
Let’s take my borsig tier 8, standing still (not behind a bush) in plain sight.
. crew 100% camo skill + BIA + situational aware + recon + camo paint + camo net + binoc (my usual settings BTW)
against an is-7 with camo paint and BIA
- I can spot the IS7 at 445m (if no bush/tree and so on)
- The is7 can spot me:
. If I am standing still and not firing: at 191 m
. If am moving: 304m
. If I am firing: 364m
As I always, with most of my TD’s give support to some of my heavies/mediums it means I (using the view range mod) try to not let enemies enter my view range circle while keeping the enemies within the maximum view range where I can shoot them.
-> result is usually me ending top dmg dealer while remaining “invisible” to the enemy tanks.
Interesting…. could you prived link to this mod ?
one of the many view range mods
Thank you :)
Yeah that is exactly what world of tanks needs right now – static/camping/boring gameplay explained to the pubbies.
Great so please do tell me how to use paper TD’s or tanks with no armor?
The post was about camo tables and I was just explaining how camo can work in your favor.
Or maybe you did not read my post which is about specific vehicles.
I do hope that you were not the RHM borsig I saw the other day who thought he was a “stronk tank’ in a tier X match and died doing nothing….
No thx – i prefer tanks that require skill.
That’s just what WoT needs….players without skills playing tanks that need skills.
Next time you want to diss TD players, you might want to remember that.
Why play them in the first place? TDs are boring to play and especially boring to play against – even Wargaming said this a couple of days ago – you might want to remember that.
Why play heavy tanks in the first place? They are slow, bad camo, and mostly are used to drive up at point blank range to shoot other tanks. Not very realistic and pretty boring. Especially all that side scraping which isn’t even taught in any tank school in any army. Yeah, really cool.
Guess that’s why you like ‘em.
Tanks that require skills…..all the tanks except a few ones (Foch155 hello) and even those do require some basic skills otherwise they are just XP pinata.
In case nobody took notice -> playing a SCA35 or borsig tier 8 do require skills -> especially if you aim to be the top dmg dealer in the team.
TD’s require skills if you want to be a good player.
This said I enjoy bouncing TD’s shells when I am driving my Maus too.
and FYI: Playing the borsig in a tier x game and ending up top dmg dealer does require some skills….
camping is part of the game, so learn to live with it and don’t cry.
and remember, skill is required for camping too: good campers will kill you without being spotted.
P.S. if something is boring for you, maybe it’s NOT boring for everyone……
Yeah, those view range mods can be a really good tool.
Really knowing where and how I could expect to see and be seen seriously improved my TD gameplay.
PS: It’s interesting to see, that the Nashorn has virtually the same camo as a Jagdpanther… And also that [for the German Tree at least] it’s a little strange, how the camo factors of many MTs are very close the TD values of the same tiers.
You are right but the camo net can also count when you are firing -> if you didn’t move your hull.
Which means that, in a tank/TD with a turret -> you can retain the bonus provided by the camo net even if firing as long as you do not move your hull.
This is why the Borsig at tier 8 or the T28 proto can be so deadly -> because you just rotate your turret and that means your camo net and binoculars are still active.
And this is why I love the T110E4 at tier X so much because it can keep its camo net bonus thanks to its turret
Didnt serb say someday that leo has the best camo factor of all t10 meds? ._.
Fuck all these t62A clones with their overpowered stats
T20 MT has more camo than T21 LT… wat
nice information,
little schocked about german camo values, i know that they are the largest by far. but 3-4 times less on JPZ E-100 and 30 times less on WT E-100. good thing i wasn’t going to train the crew with camo skill, its useless. camo net can still work in combination with the turret as pointed out earlier.
also fun to read that the dedicated scout Aufkl. Panther has less camo standing still then LEO PTA and LEO 1 ;), which was kinda what i suspected as it 40t so not really a “light”
I thought light tanks retained camo on the move?
Looks at first 5 American lights as example…
Uh huh.
Either WG is lying, game is unintentionally broken or there are some incorrect measurements here.
Light tanks designated as scouts retain camouflage value on the move. It was always like that – tier 1 vehicles never had same value on the move and standing still.
Damn the OP russians TD ISU, 704 and 268, they even have great camo…better than german scouts
In soviet russia TDs scouts you
Did you notice that the T95 have better camo than the Obj 704 when standing still?
T95 third best camo in game ><
Far from third, there are many over 20%. Best is UE 57, second Alecto, third E-25, fourth T-82, fifth Hetzer
Nope fourth is the tier 9 Obj. 416.
Somehow i looked at wrong stats and thought T95 was 24%
No wonder why they don’t want to publish camo stats to public….if they do that then they couldn’t lie about it…for example how they said that Leo1 has the best camo of all T10 mediums, but we can easily see that all 3 t10 uber soviet clone tanks have better camo than Leo :puts on my tinfoil hat:
I think they need to speed up the camo rework. Current numbers are arbitrary.
Leo1 sure has the best camo in tier 10…because Russian is not count here. All Russian tanks have invisible device…
oh.. even Chinese copypaste tank has better armor than Leo 1. Next time, don’t believe what they say about German tanks. And Obj 430…HTF it has better camo than Bat chat? new T62A clone will become the best camo Medium? serious?
Looks like putting any kind of camo related stuff/skill on WTF E100 is a complete waste…
Well no shit scherlock, that thing is huge and has cosmic firepower! It would be absurd and game-unwise to give it any actual camo factor
You do realise that the camo mechanics changed a patch or two ago don’t you? Camo net and skill add fixed bonuses rather than a %age of the base as they used to. The WTE-100 hugely benefits from this.
Well I must have missed that, thx for info.
Btw, ExoNut, are you such asshole in real life too?
haha, my E-25 has the best Camo!
That’s why RanZar in his cartoon gave E-25 a ninja theme :)
That’s fairly visible in the game – I can easily shoot from bushes in my E-25 and not get spotted, where I would in some scouts.
the UE57 has best camo, then Alecto then E-25
“To begin with, in 0.8.6 the camo system changed somewhat and old camo values could no longer be applied (the factor got hidden even for the tanks we already knew the camo factor of). That meant that datamining was no longer viable in order to find what type of camouflage that respective tank has. That left testing as the only real option.”
Testing was always the only option for the release version.
Back in beta, someone (ZiggyDeath , if I’m not mistaken) datamined the camo values and made them public, which resulted in WG permanently removing them from the client.
they nerfed T-62A? it used to have same camo as batchat :(
no it never had same camovalue for quite some time which was worse then bat:
Btw, it’s worth noting that the camo skill increases your camo by 0.8% per 1% skill trained, so 100% camo increases your camo by 80% (x1.8). Many think that full camo skill doubles your base camo but that’s not the case.
Frank, do you think you could find the russian table where they tested the effect of camo skill, net and paint on all tanks? It seem to have dissapeared.
Waffenträger auf E-100 0,4% 0,2% 0,1%
Who needs camo when you can outright kill anyone in front of that gun?
because half the map can see you when you are doing it ;)
chi-ri has better camo than chi-to?!
hellcat has 21% no wonder it is OP
its a TD, they all come with camo bonus (if its not german)
Why do you think the huge 704 comes with 17%+
what I am really surprised that the O 430 has such a good value. I thought the V2 would have a higher value because of rare turret, but the normal 430 has an even better value.
that camo + the view range + a turret + fast-aiming-good-depression-punchy gun + speed is a recipe for OPness. does the armor really matter if the enemy can’t even see you?
Turreted TDs shouldn’t have the same camo values as the non-turreted in the first place
imo the hellcat should have either its camo or view range nerfed, aimtime should be 2.3 and accuracy while moving nerfed a bit!
they can also give it its historical gun which is the M1A2 not the 90mm M3
you can also move it to t3 then, because historically it has paper armor and we all know that paper tanks are on low tiers…now seriously…quit whining…hellcat is usefull with camo skill and camo net, but on the other hand so is any other decent TD out there with that equipment and skills….hell, even the flakbus which i drive atm with camo skill and camo net is pretty damn stealthy and i love it…without camo skill and camo net it would be piece of shit….
then look at the UE 57. Ninja TD confirmed.
SS, might it be possible to get this data as some kind of excel file or something similar?
Thanks in advance!
Spreadsheet version?
Yes, would be cool.
Least that would prove something for those who sayed wt-e100 had
somehow good camo. I have it and even testerver proved that thing
doesnt have camo att all.
I know this tank is deadly when hidden, but problem is you cant
even go most good sniping positions because you are spotted
It is td and still have worser camo on idle than moving
given tht the Wt is a very tall vehicle would make it spotted earlier, but this is a huge difference. so you are spotted at maximum range all the time and penetrated through the turret by even a Tier 1 ;)
T7 CC 320% camo while shooting :D
This will definitely come in handy.
Great work!
strange that teh Vk Ausf. A has less camo then the KT, which is bigger in every way. only .3 % but still a difference to the opposite.
the new soviet clone (ob. 430) having better camo than batchat = GG WG
I’m interested in how camo values are assigned, is it a formula based upon vehicle dimensions/height? Because it doesn’t seem so. This is another mysterious part of the game that needs to go away.
Unfortunately no, camp is ‘supposed’ to be a balancing factor and therefore is arbitrary. However with that said, many tanks need a rebalance; lights need much better camo and meds need much lower camo.
Formula for base camo is actually quite simple, it’s:
π * height * Russian bias
^^ hehehehe xDDD
is that Russian bias calculated by this Formula:
float Bias = value;
if ( this.Tank != Russian)
RusianBias = (1 – value);
RusianBias = (1+ value);
return RusianBias;
This is before factoring in the Russian Cloaking Device that is 100% “Historically Accurate.”
STA-1 way too much camo
meanwhile, a FIRING T92 has more camo than a stationary tier 10 Waffle. working as intended
wtf alecto better scout than luchs?
Waffenträger auf E-100 0,4% 0,2% 0,1%
absolute BS, 128mm gun and it has 7.5 times worse camo than nuclear launcher JPE100
But with 6 shells it does 3360hp dmg…
I love to play the WT, but damn it takes a lot of strategic planning, where to go, when to shoot, when to reload. Just to stay as unspotted as possible and do as much damage as possible.
I like how the STB-1 is ever so slightly smaller than the Leo1, but Leo1 have better camo..
Some of the German arty ones make no sense…so a GW Tiger and GW Tiger P are only slightly easier to spot than a Tiny Bison by size comparison, yet a Hummel much bigger than a Bison is harder to detect????
Can you create an exportable version of this? (I already saved the paged locally, but I’d like an excel, word or pdf or something please)