Storm’s digest


Hello everyone,

Storm posted another one of his digest and it’s a blast. In it, he introduces new upcaming ingame features:

One-click crew re-train, one-click crew repositioning between vehicles and one-click returning crew to barracks


Disabling the battle chat (in random battles only)


The option to enable/disable showing the vehicle that killed you after your death


New option to show vehicle statistics in garage menu


And new icons/warnings for fire


From the discussion with Storm

- the fact someone has battlechat disabled apparently won’t be displayed to others in battle
- crew role retraining (SS: radioman to driver for example) will come (when it’s done it’s done)
- Storm states that the color filters do not eat any system resources
- theoretically, the features above could come in next patch (9.0), but nothing is sure yet
- Veider will disable the chat for himself actually
- crews will also get simplified one tank to another transfer interface/mechanism
- it’s not yet sure whether the patch after 8.10 will be 8.11 or 9.0
- there will be improved filter for the tank selection in WoT, in patch after 8.10
- (obviously) if the tank that killed you wasn’t discovered (scouted), it will not appear even if you enable this option
- XVM-type minimap (with tank names) will not be implemented: Storm states that it’s fine for a mod, but not for full implementation into the game, Storm also adds that they did think about it, but for now haven’t find an acceptable solution
- Storm states that only like 5 percent of all players use the XVM map mod
- afraid of really bad players disabling battle chat and sucking even more? Storm: “Noobs don’t use settings. We checked.”
- no plans to assign a hotkey to chat disabling
- the features listed above are already working on internal WG developer server
- no plans to separate solo and platoon statistics
- disabling the chat will be possible only for random battles. Platoon chat will remain available, you will also see and perform map pings (SS: so we won’t get rid of the ping spam) and you will also see (and perform) short commands (“Help!”). However, you won’t be able to write your own chat messages when your chat is disabled
- there will be many Mission window fixes in 8.10, Storm however states that he doesn’t himself play missions, nor does he keep track of them
- apparently accepting chat messages from your friends only will not come anytime soon (SS: crap…)
- the new “fire” icon will not interfere with 6th Sense, the bulb will simply appear above it
- there will also be a voice message yelling stuff like “FUCK WERE BURNING”, that will override all other sound (when it’s done it’s done)
- circles on minimap, representing viewrange will not be implemented for now
- the features mentioned above were implemented now (and not earlier) only because the developers had some spare time
- there are no plans to make the various frames moveable (SS: as in, dragging the minimap with your mouse around the window for example)
- disabling the transfer from arcade mode to sniper mode via mouse wheel zoom is not considered necessery
- there will definitely not be a hardcap on gold ammo carried
- it’s still being decided whether the patch after 8.10 will be the “epic 9.0″
- for now it’s not yet possible to release a screenie how the WoT HD models will look like
- WT E-100 is doing statistically fine, its stats are in fact going down, Storm doesn’t know whether there will be a nerf (but apparently not)

71 thoughts on “Storm’s digest

      • I still want the mini map to be move-able, i play on dual monitors and really wanted the map on my other monitor, i’ve seen it done in some other games, and tried to find a mod for it for WoT but no such luck :(

        • like in supreme commander? that would be pretty cool for arty… if arty was pretty cool….. but alas….

          its about time they are making some QOL changes to the UI! MEBE we will get the new chat they have been talking about for 2 years…. or MEBE we will get ACTIVE STATS IN GARAGE ACCORDING TO CUSTOMIZATION! (crew equipment consumables modules) or MEBE we will just get another story of how this game will be soo much better in the future….

          I really hope they do some work on the garage the way they got it now just looks horrible even with premium, i know you can customize it but that’s not enough. I want a garage that resembles the veterans day one except with all my tanks loaded with a camera that scrolls to the other tanks.. not this magic tank poofing into existence shit.

          I also want more immersion. that’s a whole article in itself though. and the engine can barely run the game as it is…

  1. “- crew role retraining (SS: radioman to driver for example) will come (when’ ”

    I need to know why, kinda, I have 2 Chinese 100% Radiomen sleeping in the barracks doing nothing, I could use two 100% guys :)

  2. I actually don’t want chat to be able to be disabled. Won’t that effect the overall communication and “effectiveness” of the team?

    • How often do you see people actually communicating in a way that helps in coordinating any actions? It’s so rare, that Devs could disable chat completely and it would not have that much of an impact..

      • true this mighty feature is a must since pre-Alpha version. but due to brilliant programming it was not possible due to advance complex stuff in server…. only now!

        • I’ve always called it just “kamikaze scouting”… but i guess it basically the same?

      • I don’t think it is a good idea.

        I’d rather see them enlarge the ignore list to 10,000 or 20,000 than have to choose between on or off. Most spammers use the function keys or click the map and turning off the filter will not stop them.

      • People alerting others of where help is needed. People telling others where they’re gonna scout. Arty telling people where they’re focusing on or who they’re attacking. People requesting help. People helping you by telling you what an enemy is doing if you’re not paying attention. Starting plans. Telling others when you’re reloading if you’re arty/auto loader.

        I see that stuff pretty much in every game.

  3. “- Storm states that only like 5 percent of all players use the XVM map mod”

    Only 5%? Hard to believe! The XVM map mod is the most useful mod out there, much more useful than the XVM stats tool, which shows the skill of the other players or the silly win chance calculator.

  4. I’m kinda blasted by ll those changes aimed at “convenience” I’m kinda surprised they didn’t came up with crew retrain with one click.

    These are very good improvements, my faith in WG has been strengthened further…



      • NOOOoooo…

        We need more French and more Brutish. The French especially have been almost completely ignored since their release.

  5. I really do not need to hear “Carruthers old chap, I rather wish we did that little detour and picked up some crumpets because we would be able to toast them on the fire in the engine bay” – “FIRE!” should be enough.

  6. What about the new fire symbol with the old drowning simbol?
    I know that’s pretty hard to catch fire underwater but i think it is possible, am i wrong?

  7. “It’s not yet sure whether the patch after 8.10 will be 8.11 or 9.0″
    Whaaaat? is that even possible?

    Also, looking at how the “disable chat” might work, wont it just be an equivalent to an ingame mute? except that you cant say “help!” or beepbeepbeep the map

  8. “- crew role retraining (SS: radioman to driver for example) will come (when it’s done it’s done)”
    How would this work with the training levels and perks/skills?

  9. WoW amazing advacement after gazillion years the old farts are implementing some quick wizards….

    1+ Core support Soon(TM)

  10. I know storm says we wont be able to see if others have chat on or off, but that would help tons.

  11. Btw SS is there some reason why the current poll is so biased and preloaded with strange assumptions? It is like having a poll like this:

    Do you like to eat meat?
    - yes, I like chicken
    - yes, I like fish
    - no, I hate ALL meat

    What if I like pork? You either like fish or chicken or hate all meat. That is biased poll. Similarly skill based mm is not about using win ratio nor WG’s “personal rating” because none of those work in skill based mm. Every other game that has skill based mm does it by using some kind of elo system. Not win ratio or personal rating (wn, eff, noobmeter etc.).

    If you wanted to know how the players feel about skill based mm all you needed to ask was:
    - I want skill based mm
    - I don’t want skill based mm

    That’s it.

    Loading the poll options with win ratios and personal ratings will only make the whole poll TOTALLY useless. The poll doesn’t tell if people want skill based mm or not. It only tells if people mm that uses win ratio or personal rating. That’s not even skill based mm. That’s something else.

    I want skill based mm but I voted “I want it to stay as it is” because skill based mm based on win ratio or personal rating is stupid. Skill based mm based on elo like rating is magnificent though. Please fix the poll. If you don’t then at least don’t try to use it later to justify that any claims saying that “majority doesn’t want skill based mm” because that is not the question you asked in the poll.

    • I think SS wanted to present the most commonly demanded, and most easily implemented “skill based” MM variants. Personally I can’t see a bias in the poll.

      ON the rest: In theory “elo-based ratings” are a good idea.
      But in the end they are deeply flawed: for example, they are intransparent in how K-factors are created, how the ratings of good an bad players are created in relation to number of games etc.
      Additionally, in a non 1vs1 environment they don’t carry much meaning at all.
      Winning in equal teams MUST yield more points for lower rated players while at the same time loosing such a game MUST yield bigger point reductions for higher rated players. In the end elo-ratings in WoT would be no more then a complicated variant of win ratio.

      • I don’t think _anyone_ has wanted skill based mm based on win ratio. NO games do it that way. Not one single game ever created does skill based mm purely based on win ratio or personal rating like wn/eff/noobmeter because it doesn’t work. It is the same thing as making tanks out of chocolate. Nice tasty idea but doesn’t work. Sure I can imagine lots of people wanting tanks made out of chocolate but it is still horrible idea.

        No it would not be just a more complicated variant of win ratio. The main thing about elo is not about winning but who you play against and how the rating sees BOTH the result and the skill balance itself. Of course whether you win or lose is the main thing that defines the outcome and rating changes. But if you win against much better player or team then you get more points. Not because you won but because you won against a team or player who is supposed to be a lot better than you.

        In other words the system is like a probability. When you play against better player it is very likely you will lose. The better the more likely you will lose. That is because the system itself must use a rating that can make that conclusion. Win ratio cant make that conclusion and neither can any player rating.

        If you start with 2 extremely good players and 2 average players. Have both the 2 good players and the 2 averages play 50 matches against each other. Now they all have average win ratios and personal ratings. If you use win ratio or personal rating all 4 players appear to be just as good. Which is false. With elo system the ratings stay true. While the two good players both win equal amounts of those games their rating doesn’t change. The system expects both to win and lose 50% of the matches because the system looks who are playing against each other. And unlike with win ratio or personal ratings the system does not look just at the result.

        But it is not about one single games. The system does not be super precise. All it needs to do is to figure out how difficult the game was to win for you based on your and everyone else’s skill rating in a big number of battles. That is also the core idea of any skill based mm and neither win ratio or any personal rating that ignores player skill comparisons can do that at all.

  12. Mate, you have two senteces with the same meaning there.

    “- it’s not yet sure whether the patch after 8.10 will be 8.11 or 9.0″
    “- it’s still being decided whether the patch after 8.10 will be the “epic 9.0″”

    No big deal, just saying :)

  13. “- it’s not yet sure whether the patch after 8.10 will be 8.11 or 9.0″

    It’s gonna be a long way till 8.99
    And then … 8.100 hooray!

  14. One-click crew re-train, one-click crew repositioning between vehicles and one-click returning crew to barracks and disabling the battle chat… I am looking forward to all of those things.

  15. - afraid of really bad players disabling battle chat and sucking even more? Storm: “Noobs don’t use settings. We checked.”
    Not only that. Even if they have chat enabled they don’t/can’t read it anyway so it’s like writing to a wall.

    • - the features mentioned above were implemented now (and not earlier) only because the developers had some spare time
      How come they do best changes in their spare time and comes up with complete bullshit when they actually are “working”. Looks like their work is “inventing more and more tech trees and designing few maps and everything else that is actually useful is done in spare time.

      - there will definitely not be a hardcap on gold ammo carried

      • IKR they should all take a vacation and stop working so hard on all that map and tank model editing (i.e. Absolutely Nothing) Then maybe the game would actually improve a bit, instead of jamming more tanks and maps into a shitty game.

  16. -there will also be a voice message yelling stuff like “FUCK WERE BURNING”, that will override all other sound

    Your kidding, I hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. why would anyone want all that nice futures like one click crew repositioning in client? Mods do the same, for a long time now. I don’t even remember when the first mod, disabling that damn chat, appeared, but it was somewhere in 0.7.x, for sure.
    It took a year for WG to implement very basic over-target markers and damage indicators, ffs.

    • that’s how MMO with active modding community update, they simply steal and implement the mods into the base client, WOW has been doing it for years.