Hello everyone,
Stanislav “Veider” Kargin made one of his weekly streams yet again and Maiorboltach from RU LJ forums was kind enough to re-write the answers into text. Here’s a summary of what Veider said:
- M26E4 Super Pershing will be buffed, but not in the next patch
- Top tier TD’s will be rebalanced very soon, but how exactly is secret for now. It’s possible all top tier vehicles will be reviewed and rebalanced
- in 9.0 there will be no new tanks whatsoever, apart from possibly one premium tank (which one is secret for now)
- T-34-3 won’t be buffed, the tank is fine, if a bit lackluster
- night battles will not come anytime soon, Veider adds that it will be like blind moles fighting in the dark and it doesn’t look too good
- the new (SS: as in next) nation that is planned is the EU tree, but it is not sure when, WG has no plans so far ahead
- apparently there will be no map choosing in team battles, the map will only be displayed before the battle starts
- new Chinese vehicles have the same problem as the Japanese heavies (SS: holes in tree, not enough info)
- Roaming is still being tested, not sure if it will come in 0.9.0
- Veider uses Jagdtiger 88 for farming
- KV-5 will definitely not be buffed, the vehicle is doing just fine in battles
- Lowe won’t apparently be buffed further either and IS-3 will not be buffed either, as it is “the most balanced vehicle in the game”
- probably the most unbalanced (SS: overnerfed) premium tank is the Super Pershing, it might be reworked
- the “Alien” M6 buff is not planned for now
- Panzer IIJ is overpowered, it won’t be buffed
- British tier 10 TD will not be nerfed, Jagdtiger 88 speed will not be buffed
- the new upcoming map will be Kharkov: it’s much like Ruinberg, a 70 percent city map, only with higher buildings
- it’s possible Maus might recieve further buff somehow, but Veider is “waiting for now”
- when told that cybersports players are whining because arty is useless, Veider replies that it’s pointless to talk about artillery, since there are “other plans for them” (SS: as in, for cybersports)
- Veider states that tank transfers from player to player (SS: as in, trading tanks) will be allowed only when players stop stealing accounts (SS: which means never)
- E-10 (SS: the “Hetzer”) is planned for release, apparently the adjustable suspension is a small problem
- US Christie tanks were postponed for far future
- FCM F1 is not planned for now
- SU-85i will be released soon as a regular premium vehicle
- new French vehicles (TD/MT/HT) do not have the highest priority, the priority is in HD models and alternative hulls
- Highway is being completely reworked by now
- Wargaming planned new US medium branch, but it was postponed, its top tier is the T95 Medium Tank, very similiar to the Soviet T-54 according to Veider
- current Wargaming player rating won’t be removed, Veider thinks it’s almost perfect now
- RhB WT will not be nerfed soon, but its performance is being watched carefully
- apparently, in far future, players will be able to reset their player statistics (SS: I am not absolutely sure I got that right)
- Char 2C bis and Sturmtiger were both modelled already but later postponed, but the 2C bis case is that Wargaming doesn’t simply know where to put it in regular branch and don’t really feel like pushing it at all costs, there are 5-10 such vehicles on WG “shelves”
- rear-turret VK4502B will be buffed
- US premium TD: there is one very paper vehicle (SS: as in, not very well developed) for tier 8, but that one has not even reached pre-production stage in real life (SS: odd)
- AMX40 is fine statistics wise, but really lackluster and it cannot influence the battle as much as other tanks of the same tier
- it’s possible there will be a tiny buff of ARL V39
- Historical battles will come in 2014, maybe in first half
- there will be changes to the T49 tank destroyer
- Object 263 branch is “playable” according to Veider: “Noone promised it would be easy”
- it’s possible T23 medium tank will return to the game, but not soon, WG keeps it in mind however
- T18 will not be nerfed
- Veider on T7 Combat Car: “Well, let me tell you like this, it’s not exactly an ultraOP vehicle”
- new maps for team battles were not introduced, because there was a clash of two groups, the regular players wanted new maps, hardcore cybersport guys wanted to play only the old maps and since TB is meant for cybersports, WG decided not to put new maps in it
- new tier 8 LT will come in 2014
- there will be no arty vehicle amongst the gift tanks
- there will be no tank and airplane battles on the same map, Veider states that when he played Battlefield, he always got really pissed when he got bombed in his tank by a plane and he couldn’t do anything about it
- IS-7 statistics are closely watched for now, this goes for IS-4 too
- Q: “When will there be fewer noobs in the game?” A: “When you leave *laughs*”
- the “quality of armor” parameter will not return
- in near future, WG will buff tier 8 premium profitability, but not by much
- Veider states that if he really wanted to get that IS-6 from the event, he could do it in 3 days
Hmm interesting. Alot of news concerning tank rebalances. 2014 will be an interesting year for WoT I think.
i wonder if all that talk about buffs and nerfs is a direct reaction to the player proposed balancing method. everybody can see and has actual facts (statistics) to argue wiht that there are many unbalanced tanks which could need some love.
hopefully all that balancing wont take to long. cant be that hard…
I dont like balancing that much. Tanks should be as different as possible. Balancing means for me: making them more equal. If there are tomatoes under the tanks, i think thats great! Makes the good tanks more valueable and motivates me more to get the right tank.
Indeed, there are lotsa tanks that really need a rebalance but I somehow have a bad feeling about tweeking around with underpowerd and overpowerd tanks. As mentioned below (post from Knaller) having “equal” tanks is boring. And what happens if they adjust some underperforming tanks (or overpowerd tanks) how will it influence the tanks that are doing fine? Will they suffer from the result or getting even overpowerd? In that case a new rebalance will than happen also for these tanks. I don’t want to think about the endresult :-S
Just my thinking…
*As mentioned above
They said before the new formula that 2014 would be the year of vehicle re-balance. While it helps them do this, I’d hazard to say it was coming long before.
- there will be no tank and airplane battles on the same map, Veider states that when he played Battlefield, he always got really pissed when he got bombed in his tank by a plane and he couldn’t do anything about it
Learn2play, you can destroy jets in 1 shot with a tank.
Unless jet is diving on you under 90 degree angle shooting you with 20 rockets from 100 m altitude and miraculously pulling an upward U-turn after that, readying up for another strafe. Fuck laws of physics.
BF3 is for noobs who like eyecandies.
You want realism? You want hardcore simulation? Try ArmA2. I killed dozens of aircraft with T-90′s co-axial turret machinegun…
How is that realistic, I wonder~
and what plane you killed? biplane or some WW II aircraft ? You may kill some heli because it fly low and slow. But tell me, how you can predict a ultrasonic fighter come from nowhere with 2 times sonic speed?
E.T. they call that “dive bomber” for shot.
- rear-turret VK4502B will be buffed
Still grinding my way through the VK4502A but this makes me happy :)
VK4502B ain’t all that bad, but requires different playstyle and is a bit more situational – but E75 is imho superior right now.
Ground throught it with 65% WR to Maus in 109 battles (premium account) cca two months ago – have been leaving it at rest for more than 2 years – I was quite afraid of the rear turret design :)
You have to constantly remind yourself of NOT peaking with your front but rather sidescrape yourself in place, which is something you don’t exactly learn from the front-turreted VKA (btw, I liked that tank a lot too, I’m quite fond of fast heavies).
A mobility or DPM buff wouldn’t hurt.
I LOVE the way they did with T26E4 :D :D :D
nerfed to the ground, palyers sold it for gold, now they’re gonna rework it again and “buff the price” as well :D :D :D
omg wrong section, disregard.
I went and did the opposite of what you did. I went for the VKB first, specifically because of the rear turret design, I though the E-75 was a bit too bland, I mean, at the time (and still) it didn’t really have anything that really separated it from the rest. but the VKB had the turret in the rear, and that made the VKB a much more interesting tank to me, so I got it first. I do have the E-75 now, but I still do much better in the VKB, I also like the VKB more as well.
VkB is a goddamn fortress and sidescrap master.
I was in a tier IX match once where an M103 driver on my team was smack talking about how horribad the VKB was, because there was one on the enemy team (he was having a beast of a game too, practically won the match for his team), anyway they guy just wouldn’t shut up about how awful the tank was, so me and the guy in the VKB kept trying to tell him how good the tank really was, but the M103 was having none of it.
So then, a few minutes later, the M103 and VKB met in the middle of the map. The M103 kept bouncing all of his shots off the “weak, under powered, and mostly pathetic” VKB, who pretty much slaughtered that entire flank after chewing up the M103 (he had a little bit of help, but did do most of the work). That glorious defeat shut the M103 up for the rest of the match, and we didn’t hear a single peep out of him again.
I didn’t mind losing either, because it showed everybody, on both teams (especially that poor M103 driver), just how good the VKB could really be when played properly.
As long as you’re not having to deal with hills, the VKB shits over other heavies. Especially the m103 I’ve found!
The only good VK buff is a down-tiering to somewhere closer to historical stats.
Sure, because the issue with the tank is its adherence to historical values. I’m sure with it’s 80mm of frontal armour placed at tier 7 along with it’s historical counterparts the tank will work wonderfully.
- the “quality of armor” parameter will not return
and what is this?
It was used to represent the quality of steel used on the tank. Basically a good quality plate had more effective protection (thickness) than a plate of the same nominal thickness but of worse quality.
They removed it because it confused people and just compensated by buffing/nerfing armor thicknesses accordingly.
And yet, taken from the 8.10 patch noes:
“Object 140:
After this tank was included in patch 0.8.8 we received some complaints from our users related to the thin front armour of its turret being too easy to penetrate. Previously there wasn’t enough data to deal with this issue. After we received additional data, appropriate changes were applied. Now the armour is tougher, even though the armour values have remained the same.”
Do tell then WG, whats that if not the quality of armor parameter?
as far as i can see the sloping got a bit better
They spread the actual areas of where that “super armor” is.
Just because the tank values say a number doesn’t mean the entire side has that thickness.
Let’s take for example the churchill 1.
If I remember correctly, the frontal armor is claimed to be 177.
There is a single box of 177 armor on the front, while the rest consist of 76, or something like that.
In comparison to the obj 140, they basically spread out that max armor to more surface area.
“the new (SS: as in next) nation that is planned is the EU tree, but it is not sure when, WG has no plans so far ahead” – yeeeeeaaaaaahhhh
Maybe in 3Q.
I`d say (optimistic) – exactly in 1 year from now.
Veider states that if he really wanted to get that IS-6 from the event, he could do it in 3 days
I call BS. 235K xp per day? No. Bloody. Way.
it is more, even if you have all the vehicles available, you cannot always be in the top 10.
“Can’t always be in top ten”…
You are joking, right?
During the weekend you just need to move 10m to be in the top 3 xD
“Can’t always be in top ten”…
“You are joking, right?”
Not at all. In losing battles it’s not hard to stay in the top ten, but in battles where your team wins, if you’re not in a “carry” tank, it’s pretty easy to get unlucky and end up in a position where the rest of the team eats all the XP and there’s not much you can do about it.
Happens to me all the time in arty or tanks such as the Churchill GC.
It is only 9791 XP per hour.
I also call that BS. Even 1 with prem acc just barely get 10k xp for each nations in 7 hours. Well you may get it if you are playing for whole day.
You’re joking? You can do 10k xp for each country in 7 hours without PA. and that’s on an average day, 50-55% won games. And this should, no sorry, it is possible for an average player.
It is possible for an average player, but its also the time the mission is active. Afterall its holidays time and I hardly doubt that ppl which are married, have kids can spend infornt of their PCs alot of time nowdays.
I started this mission last week. I just happen to have all of the t6s in the game researched, so I bought 2 from each tech tree to double my daily doubles and increase my xp earning. I made it to 35k xp per nation within about 5 days. The mm and teams were so horrendous that my w/r dropped literally from 51.56 to 51.45 in those 5 days (I have 20k games, so that’s a lot of losses to make it drop that far). To get to those 35k xp I was playing about 5 hours a day at just tier 6. Yesterday I sold them all and said fuck it. It wasn’t worth the frustration. I was on track to easily get to it, but in the end, I already have the IS6 and I can do other things with my time.
Surely this event is for some “hardcore gamer” who spend almost all their time to play game in front of their PC, not for us who work 8h/day and play 1~2h per night. I’d rather hang out with my friend than doing this. Beside, i had a KV-5.
It’s designed to make people play a lot, not to actually allow anyone to get the tank. They would lose a lot of money if a lot of people were able to get it. All the event does is give people a false hope of getting a $50 tank for free. I’m sure some people will get it (as you said though, people with few responsibilities) but it will not be very many.
I’m happy as long as they nerf the tier 10 TDs and mediums enough (mainly the TDs). And no a small nerf is not enough, they need to be rebalanced and thought throughoutly.
Please WG just exterminate the current “powercreep” and try to make the tier 10 as balanced as possible.
I’m not expecting anything from WG, but I still have a small glimpse of hope.
the mediums don’t need a nerf…
It depends. I would say E50M, Patton are not overpowered. But I have Batchat and it is slightly OP (awesome camo, mobility, great gun with drum).
Bat is only good in hands of a good driver ;)
I smell heavy tank driver. No srsly TDs nor Mediums need a nerf..
O rly? Cared enough to check my stats? The only tier 9 heavy I have ATM is an ST-1. And I use mainly medium tanks myself. And seriously TDs don’t need a nerf? Is your head in your butt or what?
TDs do not need a neft. Just a hardcap to 5-6
Tier 10 TD’s are not OP, the huge alpha + camo + awesome view ranges make them hard to win against. Nerf one of them stats and your getting to balanced tanks
- Veider states that if he really wanted to get that IS-6 from the event, he could do it in 3 days
lol, sure :D
I call botting…
seems legit if your job is to play all day…
- T18 will not be nerfed
All those sealclubbers must have held a huge sponsoring event/sacrificial ceremony for this :D
- US premium TD: there is one very paper vehicle (SS: as in, not very well developed) for tier 8, but that one has not even reached pre-production stage in real life (SS: odd)
Turning T34 into a premium heavy was one of the worst WG’s decision. It would fit in the turreted TD branch and the degenerate turreted offspring of T28 could have been made a premium TD :)
well it would be a bit boring if the T34 led to the T30. only difference between the two are the guns, and that the T30 doesnt have the thick rear turret armor
Just as boring as it was before in the heavy branch :)
T29 -> T32 -> T34 -> T30
dont see what’s wrong with T28 Prot. OP gun is OP. got my ass saved too many times by it
- it’s possible Maus might recieve further buff somehow, but Veider is “waiting for now”
Probably +1°/sec traverse speed.
- it’s possible there will be a tiny buff of ARL V39
Even with big buff that’s still gonna be piece of crap. Useless TD/tank.
- T18 will not be nerfed
Why not? What’s the reason for leaving statmobile as it is? It’s freaking T3 TD with less HP.
- in near future, WG will buff tier 8 premium profitability, but not by much
I guess they meant to revert it back to the old profitability. You know before they ninja nerfed them hoping no one will notice.
– Veider states that if he really wanted to get that IS-6 from the event, he could do it in 3 days
???? Did he just went full retard and removed all doubts how really dumb he is?
Wherever and whenever you post, you always come out incredibly obnoxious.
Just needed to get this out of my system. maybe because you are still a potato begginer and don’t know anything about WG and their famous “Soviet bias” and i as proclaimed German fanboi can’t stand them and their stupidity sometimes…and i do write my posts to provoke obnoxia because that way i do get people’s attention….i got yours, haven’t i? I have too much experience in this game to put up with their bullshit…..For example T18 has been OP for ages now and everybody knows it including WG yet they don’t want to do anything about it….they sacked previous game balancer “Zlobny” who imo did pretty good job and now his successor is this moron(Veider) who stated that he could grind like 600-700k exp in 3 days…should i praise him instead? I just don’t like to meander around and like to tell everything straight forward eventhough it sounds harsh and bold sometimes…
“I have too much experience in this game to put up with their bullshit”
LOL!! That classic. Translation: I play this game ALL the time and then come complain about it ALL the time! He’s right, you are obnoxious.
Says the moron with 7k battles more than me and 8 battles per day on average more than me. You are right, WoT actually became my life. If that’s how you call people who play 13 games per day on average. You not only are obnoxious, but pretty retarded you know. After 20k battles one would presume you actually learned to play it. Now go crawl back under the stone under which you crawled out. And interestingly none of you actually named the reason why you find my posts obnoxious. Looks like someone is butthurted by me.
I don’t like to get into discussion like this and use the words i just used specially not on Christmas night, but when someone is as retarded as you are i just can’t sustain myself.
The discussion wasnt about battles or stats. In fact, I’m happy with my stats (since you brought up “learned to play”). If you can’t find the reason for your post being obnoxious, well….. maybe YOU should stop playing so much. How am I butthurt? What are you? 10? You’ve not thrown one insult at me or anyone else until this post, so whats to be butthurt about? Since its Christmas and I feel giving, here is why you’re obnoxious. You play this game (I’m using your math here since i never took the time to figure it out, and assuming that you’re being honest about your stats since I also never cared as much as you to look up your stats) 13 games on average every single day. Assuming you miss a day here and there as I do, it’s probably far more on some days. In the end you still think WG owes you something for it and in fact make statements like “I have too much experience in this game to put up with their bullshit”. Don’t put up with it. Quit playing it. If it’s so terrible – why play 13 games per day? Of course I’m being facetious because I know why. Your sense of self worth is tied deeply to this game. You immediately respond to both mine and Vixatious’ post with barbed attacks about our skills. Yet, the conversation is about your posts. Thus, you continue to prove our point. No need to respond (though I know you will since you feel the need to get the last word), as I won’t be following up to hear about how my stats are worse than yours and how WG owes you something for 12k games. Oh and by the way, 12k games is still a far cry from 20k – and I still understand that I have to “put up with WG’s bullshit” unlike you. Your sense of entitlement is laughable – enjoy your existence.
Much butthurt
So burn
dude dont forget the marshmallows. this one’s a smokin good burn to make a barby!
Why the hell is the T18 not getting nerfed at least in terms of speed? Its the most ridiculous Tier II going.
Along with KV1S and Hellcat a nerf is well overdue and definately necessary.
It wouldn’t take much for any of them but certainly required.
- Top tier TD’s will be rebalanced very soon, but how exactly is secret for now. It’s possible all top tier vehicles will be reviewed and rebalanced
And by top tier they mean X tier TDs only?
Probably all X vehicles, not only tds
they quite clearly say that tier 10 TD’s will be rebalanced and that its possible the other tier 10′s will be rebalanced
I hope they buff the Super Pershing’s gun and correct the armor. 8.8 really nerfhammer to death pretty bad
AMX-40 is a bit too easy to kill it… And I feel bad for AMX-40 players they just want the elc than the duck. About week and a half ago (Widepark) I kill 2 amx-40 and they just chat to me “quack quack” I reply “now your a roaster duck” and I out and lose to a speed Cromwell. I feel like i don’t want to kill another duck again. It so not right to kill an Amx-40…
And a new tier 8 Light tank is the British(TV series), the Americans(M41 WB), German(RU251) or maybe an unknown soviet light tank…?
I LOVE the way they did with T26E4 :D :D :D
nerfed to the ground, palyers sold it for gold, now they’re gonna rework it again and “buff the price” as well :D :D :D
I expected that to happen.
yeah, I bought it to a friend as a birthday gift and I felt too bad about it, it was (is) piece of crap.
Gun that can’t even scare birds, armor of a medium, mobility of a superheavy …
I’m glad it’s gonna get better and he will appreciate it.
crap? i still can be OP in it. just not as much as before, but spaced armor still stronk if vs noobs >=)
Thas was obvious. I knew it when they anounced the “sell it for gold” thing.
The Super Pershing now costs only 86RMB on Chinese server now (10.3 euro), with a slot, 100% crew, and 100 apcr rounds. I’d like to have one if it’s really going to be buffed (before year 2014 ends).
omg t18 not nerf….
Buff to the Super Pershing? You have my attention
I think the “nerf” was actually a small buff, because i can cope with it better after 8.8.
It is certainly not as painfully slow as it was.
So they admit, they have nerfed T8 premium profitability and now going to fix this?
Read it again .. he never said that.
They have increased T8-10 profitability except the premiums. So maybe because of that…
- there will be changes to the T49 tank destroyer
That sounds ominous!
They should have nerfed t49 months ago.
Amusingly, the new method of gauging how up/op a vehicle is puts the T49 at somewhat average balance; slightly underpowered in the hands of newbies, slightly overpowered in the hands of good players (though oddly according to the curve VERY good players do as badly in bad players do).
Not sure why they would want to do anything to it, there’re far worse tanks (both under- and overpowered) that need attention. I would guess if anything, they’ll want to switch the top and stock turrets, since it doesn’t make sense for the closed turret to have better performance than the open one.
i fucking love t49 , best tank ever … only if you are skilled you can see its quality
I am guessing they might change it rather than nerfing or buffing it. It is too much a handicapped light tank right now. When people just scout in it without even bothering to fire their gun, you know there is something not right with a vehicle. My guess would be more accuracy, a bit more pen and less horsepower.
It’s a multi-role vehicle. It can scout, be a light TD, play as a medium tank, all at the player’s whim and as the situation calls for.
If there are people who choose to ONLY scout in it, that’s their fault. The gun is quite good on a tier 5 tank, it has enough penetration to get the job done, it’s accurate enough for all but the longest distances, and the fire rate is pretty quick.
Anyone who only uses its speed to rush in and grab some quick spots before dying is doing it wrong and wasting its potential. Though really, that can be said for any quick tank.
I have it and love playing it, so my opinion might be a bit biased, but I think it’s just fine. It’s not a carry tank, but it’s not useless either; that should be the goal when balancing a vehicle.
“- Panzer IIJ is overpowered, it won’t be buffed”
Lies! It needs a buff!
-Pz IIJ Owner
(Hope you know i’m being sarcastic before you rage at me)
The only thing I’m looking forward in 2014 is the possibility of a second britsh medium line.
only thing im looking forward to is optimization, multicore support, and finally balancing all the content they released in 2013.
“- Top tier TD’s will be rebalanced very soon, but how exactly is secret for now. It’s possible all top tier vehicles will be reviewed and rebalanced”
“very soon” is such imprecise statement. I hate them. How should I understand it (by your opinion)? January? March? 2014? I am curious whether you have any gossips regarding date of next patch.
- M26E4 Super Pershing will be buffed, but not in the next patch
Amerrrrica, amerrrrrrica, God shed his grace on theeeeee
And crown thy gooood, with broooootherhood
From sea to shining seaaaaaaaaa
And then they nerf the t 49 the m18 and the t30 again :troll:
T49 needs a nerf, M18 probably needs a nerf.
as long as The OP-1S is still in the game as it is the hellcat and the T49 should remain as they are
T49 needs skill and good knowladge of the whole game so you can feell it;s OPness as some they bitch
same with the hellcat no armor tank and not enough hitpoints to take a spare shot
- current Wargaming player rating won’t be removed, Veider thinks it’s almost perfect now
I think Woras should let that one run together with XVM in his next fail compilation
- apparently, in far future, players will be able to reset their player statistics (SS: I am not absolutely sure I got that right)
He doesn’t say it will be possible. He says that it is not planed, but he can’t exclude such a possibility in far future.
New US Meds were postponed..ugh well that blows I hope it’s not like the German TD’s were..or the current French Heavy’s..two years in the making? bleh
WG is absolutely at the height of their hubris. They refuse to nerf tanks that everyone knows need nerfing (T18, Rhm B WT, WTF E100, etc), and buff tanks everyone knows are horribly underpowered (ARL V39, AMX 40, Maus, etc). It will be a long fall for them when it comes, and it will come sooner or later. *fire retardant suit on*
- Highway is being completely reworked by now
Finally, that horrible map…
War Thunder removed the automated tagging of groudn vehicles and suddenly it was alot harder to hit and even see them because of all the foliage.
Am I the only one who noticed this states: “M26E4 Super Pershing will be buffed, but not in the next patch”
Do you mean the non-premium M26 Pershing?
Or the T26E4 Super Pershing?
“- Highway is being completely reworked by now”
Good idea, since IMHO, the northern team has an advantage in random matches.
BTW: Did WG remove Highway from the map circle with 0.8.10?
No. Sadly. This map is bullshit.
“- the new upcoming map will be Kharkov: it’s much like Ruinberg, a 70 percent city map, only with higher buildings”
Yeah, like we needed more anti-arty maps…
“- Panzer IIJ is overpowered, it won’t be buffed”
super pershing armor now is balance only problem is the pen. I hope they buff pen to 180 – 190 (201 dream!). With a good pen it’s a very nice tank. we can make a lot of money.
So when will the Chieftain prototype be implemented?
- there will be no tank and airplane battles on the same map, Veider states that when he played Battlefield, he always got really pissed when he got bombed in his tank by a plane and he couldn’t do anything about it
how terrible
No hellcat nerf? :P
Hellcat was nerfed already…it’s traverse both hull and turret were nerfed pretty hard…Hellcat is one of those vehicles which in good hands are completely OP and in a hand of a casual player is just useless….good player will abuse all of it’s good sides and casual player will die fast in it…if they nerf it even more it would be pretty hard vehicle to drive for casual players and therefore i doubt they will touch it….
According to the methods described on FTR, Hellcat is the most overpowered vehicle in the game. Its so OP it doesn’t even fit on the chart. ANd guess what? For noobs and unicums alike. So stop living in denial (or stop fooling yourself because you statpad with hellcat).
So being OP in with good hand, while these good hand can’t make any other tank OP is balanced to you? no. a good hands can make any tank OP, not just one, otherwise they aren’t good. and probably most of hellcat drivers aren’t even skilled or good and just statpadding.
if they nerf aim time, accuracy and accuracy on move and turret rotation it would still be very competing tank, and probably will still be OP in many situations but at least it will be bearable!
Please give ARL V39 to a unicum and make it OP. I dare you. And presuming someone is statpadder without even checking is plain retarded. I have better idea. Let’s nerf all tanks into shit and then finally everyone would have the reason to complain about something. Remember how developers said that after they nerf arties noobs will still find a reason to complain. It didn’t took them that long to start QQing about OP TDs. When they finally nerf TDs they will find yet another reason to QQ.
so all tanks are piece of junk while the hellcat is just perfectly fine is your idea of balance?
of course you’ll think that way, since hellcat is OP therefore all other tanks are bad
and ARL is underpowered, and the fact you said that this tank can’t be OP to unicum while the hellcat is clearly means there is imbalance here. and even the very good players still have better stats in hellcat than their other tanks, that’s why they use it in TC so much.
BTW I see you have 71% winrate in hellcat, your highest among all your tanks.
SU-85i in the shop? YAAAAAY!
“- M26E4 Super Pershing will be buffed, but not in the next patch”
You know, I used to want a Super P. It looks cool, it was tanky as hell, the gun is “adequate”. Then you guys nerfed it, and its looks aren’t enough to make me get one. Now you want to buff it.
MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, WILL YOU. All this flip-flopping on how much it should underperform is making me dizzy.
“- night battles will not come anytime soon, Veider adds that it will be like blind moles fighting in the dark and it doesn’t look too good”
It would actually be pretty neat as an optional battle mode (like Assault/Encounter), but then you would have people modifying the lighting files (essentially cheating) and gaining an unfair advantage over others. I wonder how many other ideas have been shot down because they know a sprinkling of lameass players will ruin it…
” – probably the most unbalanced (SS: overnerfed) premium tank is the Super Pershing, it might be reworked”
Golly, mister, you think maybe? The entire playerbase has only been telling you this since the beginning of time.
” – Panzer IIJ is overpowered, it won’t be buffed”
When placed in a tier 3 battle, the PzIIj is the closest thing to a pay2win tank in the game. 80mm of armor at tier 3 is ridiculous, and loading APCR makes the gun adequate against most things it faces there. People seriously want it buffed?
” – T18 will not be nerfed”
Take a medium tank. Now add good frontal armor for the tier range, decent view range, nearly light tank specific power, arbitrary TD camouflage rating, and a fast-firing, wide-traversing gun that can oneshot a majority of the other tanks it faces.
You’re right, that DOES sound perfectly balanced, it shouldn’t be touched.
” – Veider on T7 Combat Car: “Well, let me tell you like this, it’s not exactly an ultraOP vehicle””
If they haven’t nerfed its stats from supertest, the LT VIc is probably going to be able to circle the T7 to death due to the T7′s low turret traverse speed and high ground resistance slowing its hull traverse. As a light tank, the T7 is a piece of shit, and its gun is too poor to fit it into any other class : /
- British tier 10 TD will not be nerfed, Jagdtiger 88 speed will not be buffed
I hope since 183 will not be touched, WG won’t nerf JPE100… and the balancing method posted recently clearly shows it does not need a nerf. Just leave it be or buff soft stats slightly.
hellcat is just a tank which does not suck initially.. but can be two shotted by most of the tier6s,and penetrated by any tank ingame
t18 is OP from the front (still can be penned at places), side and rear is nothing.
OP-1S most overpowered russian nuclear magicbounce tank ever in wot.
- there will be no tank and airplane battles on the same map, Veider states that when he played Battlefield, he always got really pissed when he got bombed in his tank by a plane and he couldn’t do anything about it
So being bombed by aircraft that he can see coming, smoke screen to hide from, and shoot down with either his AA or main gun (particularly with guided shells or canister shell for low flying one) or better still with SPAAG or hell by coming out of the tank flipping a Stinger out and shooting the plane is worse than…
being shot by artillery shell that he can’t see coming… only guess, cannot retaliate against until he gets into line of sight range against the artillery, and the only defense against is by hiding in cover or not be seen at all? (since we have no smoke canister dispenser in this game)
- there will be changes to the T49 tank destroyer
Patch after patch. Nurf after nerf. Buff after buff. All the tweeks, all the changes and we were all able to enjoy this secretly OP TD for so long. Sadly the secret has come out and the monsters at WG will soon put the knife to our beloved. Bow your heads and join me in a moment of silence. RIP RIP RIP T49. You will be missed lil OP buddy
you get what you deserve and worse statpadders :P
- Veider states that if he really wanted to get that IS-6 from the event, he could do it in 3 days
Veider STRONK player ccc ;)
This is funny:
” there will be no tank and airplane battles on the same map, Veider states that when he played Battlefield, he always got really pissed when he got bombed in his tank by a plane and he couldn’t do anything about it”
But it is completly ok that you get “bombed” by arty and there is nothing you can do about it (Actually, if you was very skilled in BF you could shoot down helis and aircrafts with the main gun of the tank…)
“Top tier TD’s will be rebalanced very soon, but how exactly is secret for now. It’s possible all top tier vehicles will be reviewed and rebalanced”
I agree with the need for nerfs on tier 10 TD’s. However, I’m currently suffering through the shitty french TD line. If you nerf the fochs to uselessness (which WG LOVES to do, they can’t balance for shit…) I’ll quit playing for good and wait patiently for WT Ground Forces. I already got shat on once, day after buying my E-75 it got the super-realistic frontal engine and removed top engine. Also VK36 nerf because germans couldn’t be good. No more.