- all the servers altogether (RU, EU, ASIA, US) should be able to handle 1.500.000 players at the same time (Russian cluster only wouldn’t be able to handle such an amount)
- KwK 44/2 for Panther (Ausf.F) will not be implemented, as there are no significant differences in performance from the KwK 42
- it’s theoretically possible Panther Ausf.F hull will be the stock hull for Panther II
- there were no “secret” changes in camo and spotting mechanism in 0.8.10
- Japanese tanks are “not more stealthy than acceptable”
- when assigning camo factor to a tank, both the approach where it is assigned manually and the method where it is assigned automatically based on the vehicle size are used
- SerB doesn’t like the fact SU-76 and T-70 can’t meet Tigers in battle (to be historically appropriate), but says he can’t do anything about that
- vehicle reliability will not be introduced into WoT. SerB: “Masochists can migrate to other games”
- planned server-side replay will be one replay for all the battle members, eg. you’ll be able to see the entire battle from anyone’s POV
- Crusader arty (5.5in) is doing fine statistically
- players not understanding the exact mechanism of how much XP you gain for what? “How terrible…”
- the fact you can rightclick-look around in sniper mode in a tank and you can’t in a TD is due to the fact players got confused when the view resetted to the TD firing arc
- dust raised by gun blast wave and other such effects are already implemented into the gun firing camo loss
- Q: “Why does IS have -6 depression and KV-1S -8 depression for 122mm gun, when both turrets are practically identical?” A: “How terrible, we should change it to -3 for both”
- Q: “Do the developers know about the disconnects from server?” A: “*surprised* What? We have servers?! Use your brain a little. If you have one.”
As a result of the “8.10 MM feedback”, Storm states that everything is fine with 8.10 MM
- Q: “Why does IS have -6 depression and KV-1S -8 depression for 122mm gun, when both turrets are practically identical?” A: “How terrible, we should change it to -3 for both”
and the rof to 1.5rpm too lol
That’d be more balanced
I was wondering about this as well…no reason for it to be different when the turrent & gun is the same.
But then again, KV-1s wouldn’t be so much depression, very hull down, much good, wow! :)
* turret
I agree to that. I have owned 1S almost two years now, and I know it is a bit OP at the moment. So, WG thinks that good idea to nerf it would be that they split it, and nerf mobility? They could nerf it’s depression with two degrees, it would be same as in IS, and it would be nerf. It would still be different than other heavies, and different than mediums. It would still be good, just more challenging to play with. Or maybe nerf depression even more, I think that if it had 4-5 degrees, people wouldn’t like it as much anymore.
And accuracy to 0.34 and pen to 200mm+.
Nothing much to say today.
‘ – players not understanding the exact mechanism of how much XP you gain for what? “How terrible…”’
I’ll be happy to see the exact formula though.
I only know that a player with 4 kills and 1000 damage will get more XP than a player with 0 kills and 1500 damage. So, KS everyone!
Dead tank is worth more than damaged tank.
And that dmg upon detecting is not counted as half of normal damage, but even more than normal damage (strange though)
To be fair, the player who got 4 kills and did 1000 damage did a much better job than the other player.
- Q: “Do the developers know about the disconnects from server?” A: “*surprised* What? We have servers?! Use your brain a little. If you have one.”
Made me laught my @ss off
And when I write that about a mod on WGEU forum, I get banned.
SerB is in a trolling mood again…eh, whatever. I would like to have someone who actually ANSWERS stuff instead of this retard that somehow gets liked by the RUcommunity…
Crude insults aren’t “trolling”. He’s just an uncultured swine, not a troll. Seriously guys, not everyone is a troll, some people are legitimately retarded.
“all the servers altogether (RU, EU, ASIA, US) should be able to handle 1.500.000 players at the same time (Russian cluster only wouldn’t be able to handle such an amount)”
RU server has only 625.000 players online right now.
ONLY!? NA has like 30k at most :(
I so want my transfer to EU.
I started to play WoT on RU servers, played 1800 battles. Then I discovered that to EU servers I can add gold by sms (to remove modules). Created new account on EU. After while I started to buy premium account. Played 8k battles. And then they created nice gift shop and I compared prices. One month premium on EU = one month premium + 925 gold on RU! And now I am back on RU servers lol. Yes and ping is better on some RU servers than on EU, at least for me.
“A: “How terrible, we should change it to -3 for both””
Yes you fucking should!
“SerB doesn’t like the fact SU-76 and T-70 can’t meet Tigers”
This man is a stupid a**hole! What would be the point of it? Realism? Yes Tigers raped SU-76s in real life,just like it would be in WoT.
Russian bias!!!
Maybe Tiger should be Tier 6? ;)
No, then it would be good and we can’t have that, since Tigers killed too many of Storm’s ancestors :D
Even if Tiger is T6 it still wouldn’t be able to meet SU-76 due to +2 MM difference.
Want realism? Join the army
Fucking SerB, the IS/KV-1S question was one that has been bugging me a long time, but that fucker can’t answer properly.
Of course he can. That answer pretty much meant ‘because we felt like it’.
…followed by “Olga, Im thirsty, bring in annother vodka”
- vehicle reliability will not be introduced into WoT. SerB: “Masochists can migrate to other games”
Would have been intresting in historical battles as some tanks were quite unreliable.
interesting yes, but gameplay wise it would be annoying as hell
- SerB doesn’t like the fact SU-76 and T-70 can’t meet Tigers in battle (to be historically appropriate), but says he can’t do anything about that
Well serb there is this other little tank game with more focus on historical accuracy maybe ya should sod of to their dev team.
which one ? the one that Russian have IS 4 as top tier heavy tank and if it any thing close to historical then no fucking gun ingame can stop it ? Or the one that a KV 1 can be penetrate by a punny 76.2mm L10 gun ?
You’re talking about a game in closed beta stage… There are still a heck lot of changes to come in WT:GF and WT in general (ask anyone about 1.37), and IMHO although its arcade mode will be just as it’s labeled (a WoT competitor), historical and simulator game modes will for sure push it to another level. Did you have a look at the control settings ? Clutch, L/R brakes, gear up, gear down… I don’t think KVs will still suffer from such hits, again, at public release.
They can’t get any thing historical with those tank in their techtree, because you will either have an unhistorical high penetration gun for the German or an unhistorical low armored IS 4 and no change what so ever they could do can change that.
Go read this :
So what ? No gun in WT:GF that i saw can penetrate the god damned IS 4 irl, if they do penetrate it ingame then it not historical accurate any more now wouldn’t í ?
Well, IS-4 armor can be stronk but guess what will happen with WT’s damage model once a 152mm rocket will hit its roof, what will happen if he gets detracked and artillery decides to shut him off, etc… And it’s a heavy, unable to quickly react to strategical changes, it was cancelled IRL because entirely unnecessary and ineffective against battlefield threats…
WT IS-4 will probably carry only D-25 which in wot has 175mm pen. My current guess is that Tiger 2 with its long 105mm gun has better penetration while IS-4 is more armored. Dont forget in WT there are planes that can kill tanks with ease.
The IS 4 D-25 used diferent type of shell, not the same as the IS 2 mod.44, the penetration is alot higher
- SerB doesn’t like the fact SU-76 and T-70 can’t meet Tigers in battle (to be historically appropriate), but says he can’t do anything about that
Well they can always do an exception in historical battle mode. Different MM and rules.
But the SU-76′s gun can’t even pen the Tiger!
So? Short barreled Pz3 and Pz4 couldnt do shit agains KV-1 irl.
Pak 44 should have approximately the same performance as L/100, we’re talking about a 1300 m/s gun unless they’re talking about the Skoda L/70.
If the EU server is capable of handling 1.500.000 players at the same time why did we have to split up servers?
The matchmaker would work better with all EU players in the same pool and you wouldn’t have to wait so long for company matchmaking because people are seperated…
I really doubt 8-10 ping is enough reason for the mess they made?
Where exactly do you read that EU can handle 1.5 mio?
- SerB doesn’t like the fact SU-76 and T-70 can’t meet Tigers in battle (to be historically appropriate), but says he can’t do anything about that
Have limited MM for all tanks below tier 8. For tanks with special MM already simply weight their own tank tier more heavily so they don’t get into higher tiers as much.
- Q: “Why does IS have -6 depression and KV-1S -8 depression for 122mm gun, when both turrets are practically identical?” A: “How terrible, we should change it to -3 for both”
Please stop with the overly historical non-sense, this isn’t a tank simulator. Balance > historicity.
- SerB doesn’t like the fact SU-76 and T-70 can’t meet Tigers in battle (to be historically appropriate), but says he can’t do anything about that
Move Tiger to T5 :D Remove the L71 gun, nerf the RoF on a short 88 to a BDR G1B RoF with 90mm gun and decrease HP to 650-700. It’s not like it’s armor would be too OP. KV-1 would still had more troll armor than a Tiger and i’m pretty sure it would be more balanced than a shitty VK3001H that no one drives(unless you are grinding it). Voila!!! SU-76 can now meet Tiger and T-70 also. Well they wouldn’t be able to do much against them, but on the other hand they can’t do much against any other T5 tank. After all they are T3 and are not meant to kill T5s and win T5 battles.
Tiger would fit perfectly one tier lower with L/71 removed or severely nerfed:
- Terror VS tier IV
- Could slug it out VS tier V
- Balanced versus tier VI ( british style gameplay)
- Could still damage tier VII with L/70 or Waffe 0725
- Hopeless VS tier VIII as it should be
and FFS: 75mm L/70 is supposed to be an upgrade from the short 88, not the opposite.
No, that would ruin SerB’s argument of current matchmaker.
- Q: “Do the developers know about the disconnects from server?” A: “*surprised* What? We have servers?! Use your brain a little. If you have one.”
So, basically, no they don’t know. Great……..
> players not understanding the exact mechanism of how much XP you gain for what?
> “How terrible…”
I’ve never been able to figure out WG’s objections to a) good training for players, and b) transparency in game mechanics.
(The former, for those not familiar with game design, is not really about tutorials but more about what the game, through its design, encourages and discourages. An example of a decision that pushes players in the wrong direction is the one to show kills, rather than damage or spotting, in the in-game player list.)