- Q: “How the hell are the guns of tier 8 and 9 German Waffenträgers balanced” (SS: as in, physically – so the vehicle doesn’t tip over when firing) A: “You’d have to ask engineer Hans”
- Q: “So, if the guns aren’t balanced, how the hell do you aim that thing when the hull is even a bit tilted?” A: “You’d have to ask gunner Fritz”
- historically, Chi-Ri had four types of suspensions planned: two models of Hara suspension, the Bugatti suspension and something called “blocked torsion bar” suspension. Two of those will be implemented on various hulls and we’ll think about the other two too
- various O-I models will be used as much as possible in the Japanese heavy line
- apparently, Italians will be the a separate (possibly next) nation to be implemented, they will apparently (not confirmed!) have a separate tank tree, but not very soon (SS: if that happens, I’ll get really pissed – Italians have less vehicles available than Czechoslovaks and most of the hightiers are just American copies (M47 with 105mm) or various fantasy crap, there is nothing Italian above tier 7)
YES THERE IS HOPE!!!!!!! if the Italians get a tree then the polish probably will too they have more tanks then the italians
No they don’t.
tell me if this link works: https://www.lucidchart.com/documents/edit/4777-9fd0-51719ded-ba59-23350a008def <– that's my Polish tech tree
Please use normal hosting, not something that requires registration. I hate clouds.
I don’t know how, give me a minute
try this: https://plus.google.com/photos/112253850037316922971/albums/5962484558179521121
ST-50 and ST-50M are fantasy fakes that someone started spreading around. There was no Polish cooperation during the TVP program.
1. short of going through the archives im not going to know everything
2. I made this a while ago
3. there is always refinement going to be needed, ill go do that
And neither deserves it.
Neither country can into making tanks, even today. Highly outclassed by everything else in existence.
because China……
I’m from Poland and i don’t think we should get separate tree our best tank will prodably be on 5 tier (and Czechs also don’t have anything above 6-7 tier) but this is WG we have so historical tanks like jagpanzer E100, WT E100 and other strange stuff.
Jpz E-100 is historical, WT E-100 isn’t. Czechoslovakia has tier 8-9-10 meds and arty (ours, not Soviet), unfortunately I haven’t seen any such projects for Poland. I’d love to see some though, even from historical POV.
Even the Jpz E-100 is a stretch IMO. The only E series tank in the game that I consider historical is the E-100, since there was a hull made. The rest are a bit too pulled out of someone’s imagination in my opinion.
But the german tech tree needs it after all, since they don’t have after war tanks bar the Leopard line, whereas other nations have.
I think that the game would be better off ending at tier 8 and limiting it off to vehicles made in the 50s, making higher tiers like the JT with historical setup and making them tier 8s.
it was proposed to put either a 150mm or 170mm gun on a sturmgeshutz based on the E100 late in the war.
the best tank that was built (by Poland) would probably be tier 5 ya
but the heavy branch could go to tier 10, and treh medium branch to tier 8 using blueprints and proposed tanks, not fake ones like the WT E100
Siemkaplastik tank for T10.
If we get siemkaplastik for T10 we’d finally get rid of Siemkas from Soviet tech tree. Them psycho-national fanboys from poland would grind only polish tanks.
There probably won’t be any tier 10 candidates. Some t-54 (AM?) variant for tier 9 will be highest tier I guess, but there might be some blueprints nobody knows about.
At least they will be easier to spot. :P
And guyz – don’t generalise on Polish players, not every one of them is a siemka-tomato. Well, at least noobmeter says that I’m average/good :|
I suppose Italians are going in the game for purpose of historical battle mode
– apparently, Italians will be the next nation to be implemented, they will apparently (not confirmed!) have a separate tank tree, but not very soon (SS: if that happens, I’ll get really pissed – Italians have less vehicles available than Czechoslovaks and most of the hightiers are just American copies (M47 with 105mm) or various fantasy crap, there is nothing Italian above tier 7)
“how terrible”?. Maybe Italians will get their own tree for historical publicity reasons? I mean people are more likely to go after the Italian tank than a Czech tank for the same reason someone will go after a German tank more than a Chinese tank (before looking at playstyle, i have the Tiger and King Tiger for iconic reasons)
Italian tanks and iconic are not words I ever imagined together….
I dont even know any italian tanks… meanwhile the Pz35 and 38 are very iconic and effective vehicles of WW2, and there is also the Jagdpanzer 38t
“I don’t even know any italian tanks”, it’s your problem bro.
I dont know any either. Gotta learn them now.
The carro armato P26/40 is fairly famous
Italian tech tree would be annoying. Especially considering that Czechoslovakia had way more tank designs and tanks.
After tier 7 which will probably be the carro armato P26/43 bis what else can they put in? I can also imagine a SPG line but i doubt it could go that far either.
No need to be pissed SS, if the italians get a separate tree, then the czech will do so aswell. You can pull a Daigensui and feed them materials for a czech tree, providing they like you. (they probably dont)
That already happened and there almost certainly will not be a separate Czechoslovak tree.
Unless WG figured out that a joint EU tree with different nationality crews is not going to work. Better to have individual nation trees, even incomplete ones or padded out with fantasy tanks than confuse noobs.
I agree, WG doesn’t.
I actually dont see a problem with a tree that does not have all 10 tiers.
Me neither, technically, but *shrugs*
WG are not particularly interested in trees that don’t go to tier 10.
SS, I have a question for you. Long time ago, you linked some article (or forum post, I don’t remember anymore) about spanish tech tree and spanish tanks, and if I remember correctly it even had some interesting vehicles and did it even have top tiers in it… I’m sorry that I don’t remember better, but I would want to check that link again.
I think it was in spanish forums, somewhere, but can’t find it either.
Ok. Thanks anyway.
Take this, I think it is what you were searching for. A word of advice: the interesting thing there is not the tree(it is completely bonkers) but the research work behind it.
I know of two tanks and a SPG made by Spain during the war:
Verdeja 1
Verdeja 2
Verdeja 75 mm (arty)
Add to that two models of the Trubia, the CCI 1937, and the crappy Sadurni. Also, there was the intentions of building a Verdeja 3, a heavier version of the 2, but the blueprints are lost among Spain’s military bases so no clue about what it would look like.
Hoho, SS is butthurt over Italians :D
You have Czech made tanks in game, you should be happy.
Ehh not in German hands…
Why not , we all know Czech Republic is german clay :P
Are you trying to piss me off and get banned?
Yes clear butthurt detected . And don’t tell me that you not remember that like 40% people of your country was germans .
Ok. Bye.
Nice one Silent ;) Trolls and idiots can go somewhere else ;)
Fuck that shit, I want Yugoslavian tree first :) :) :) OK I want a Christmas tree first for 07.01.2014. :) :) :)
No, please no more christmas trees. The last one lasted till march or April…
Hehe, same here Zoran, cant wait for Yugoslavian tanks ;)
Go Yugo go go go :) :) :)
Lets hope this is a way to faster push new tanks out in separate trees, as a Swede I of course wouldn´t wanna wait longer time because some European nations branch isn’t complete while my nations tree is complete since long time ago.
But being a Swede longing for the famous Strv 103, I guess it is the Italians and Czech players that don’t need to wait for new suspension-programming that is needed for the iconic Strv 103 and what would a Swedish tree be without it…
There is a LOT of info on Swedish branch. That one is looking very, very good.
Not a swede, but been looking forward to S-tank for a quite long time. You guys made a great looking tank.
We had to put out that the creators of the tank, the british, had their tree after the chinese, which do not have a single original tank. The order that the tank trees appear is just as unfair as it comes, I’ve learned to accept it.
i don’t understand you people.
I don’t understand why people wants so badly to have their tanks implemented.
I just enjoy having different kind of tanks that probably require different playstyles.
Being italian myself, i am not happy nor pissed about italian tanks being implemented. If they are worth being implemented, they will. If they are not, life goes on.
The problem is that they may got their own tree, what’s is a bit stupid.
While WG EU staff might be stupid, so far implemented trees worked out just fine.
I am confident that if WG actually decide to implement it, it means they think there is something worth being implemented.
I also found you making jokes about italian military stupid, but we all have freedom of speech i guess.
Its not stupid, some people just get a lil’bit jelly.
Italian tank? Yes! Not in the EU tree? WTF.
Italian tank was somewhat funny and nice, but as SS said hight tier aren’t really Italian. And… well,
>Italian military
YESS i’m italian and i love this news heheh!
The tier 8/9 WT’s are “balanced” due to rear mounted guns. The weight of the gun is distributed nicely enough throughout the entire length of the tank that it won’t tip over. HOWEVER, it is quite the physics problem when the WT’s turn their turret 180 degrees around, so that the gun is facing backwards. That shouldn’t be possible.
Lots of things shouldn’t be possible in WoT, but who cares. It’s a game after all and everything imo should be done for the sake of balance and not realism or historical accuracy. Good gameplay>anything else
I assume you’ve done the related calculations and are willing to present them here since you’ve called it “quite the physics problem”?
Wouldn’t high tier czechoslovak tanks be copies of russians tanks in the same way that italian high tiers are ?
No. We had a relatively advanced TVP program. Check out the “history” section of the blog for articles on Czechoslovak tanks.
I would prefer to see Swedish and Czech tanks before an Italian tech tree but well the most famous of czech tanks are already in the German tank line and by some crazy logic WG probably thought that doing an Italian tank line would be more popular. God knows. I would be really pissed if they don’t expand on the British and French tank tree though.
This has gotten me thinking. I am interested in what the Italian tank tree may present and I will consider making a fantasy tank tree of it. Insofar I can imagine a light, SPG and medium to heavy tank line and possibly a TD tank line. Would be rather interesting to see what will happen.
Am i the only one here who doesn’t care what branch will be next one and just wants the game to improve in other aspects as much as possible before implementing new tanks?!
Except neither the art team nor the archives guys can be handed bug crunching or engine development, so you’re stuck enjoying their work as well.
WG needs to add french HTs and MTs before they add even more shitty nations nobody gives a damn about.
Yes I’m looking at you China, you ruined my dream!
How about no… French tree is the worst of all.. 1-2 decent tanks in each tree, the rest is crap like AXM40, ARL V39, BDR… You name the tank, its probably rubbish
Every french tank above T4 is amazing actually.
BDR rubbish O.o?
yes, rubbish, very tall, no side armor, frontal armor not good as well, also there is a mega tumor on the turret, so if there are any hills you will be fcuked…
I thought we won’t have a new nation until 2015, so hold your horses everyone, you’ll get your tanks, but not before 4 more copies of T-62A and 3 more soviet and german branches :P
I sincerely doubt that.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they did after making 2-3 more tank lines.
Eventually we’ll have African tanks that can fly and have 10 shell autoloaders.
Big Bad Voodoo?
Err, seriously Silent, what do you have against the Italian tree? I know you’d like to see a Czech tree first (and I’d like to see that too one day as lots of interesting stuff is there) but I don’t think it’s a good reason to moan against other nations.
There are 100% Italian designs going up to tier VII, one hole in tier VIII that could be filled by an italianized Panther and Italians had local design modifications for Pattons (and M60!) plus who knows what might pop up from the Europanzer competition archives in France and Germany…
They might be lacking in high tier heavy designs but they have lots of interesting low tiers with pretty nasty guns.
Nothing, I was just pissed at that moment, but I cooled off a bit already. I just have a problem with the fact there are other nations who have larger playerbase and more tanks, but they don’t apparently get an independent tree.
That’s quite understandable, hopefully those nations will end up with an independent tree in time if the respective communities will work hard enough to prove WG that it’s possible.
As for the Italian player base, I might help expanding if I get the right WG contact.
They modified the M60s too? I thought they only produced them under license. And considering just how extensive the M47s were modified, I’d call them more Italian than almost anything in the Chinese tree is Chinese.
lol italian country is more big than cech..more player..more money..more..tank…and we have our tank in the ww2
Italian playerbase is negligible, Czechs and Slovaks are the 2nd or 3rd biggest community on EU server.
I am interested in that sort of info.The WOT players database by country.Do you have any info?
Not as such, no. Only very vague. It was confirmed that the biggest community is the Polish one, then the Germans and Czechoslovaks (who are roughly of 2/3 of the Polish each I think), then the French (IIRC), former Yugoslavia, English and that’s all I know.
Ok.Thanks.Could’ve guessed by the number of siemka’s =).I was just curious cause I’ve met players from all across Europe.Maybe not from Luxembourg,Monaco or Vatican but still would be nice to know.
And still you are against Polish tree ;) …
yes moar copy & paste tanks for 1000×1000 maps
Italian tech tree idea
pretty meh~
3 copy paste tanks (and to fill in those blank holes in the TD line you will probably need 2 more) which is a lot better than the chinese tech tree…
- Q: “So, if the guns aren’t balanced, how the hell do you aim that thing when the hull is even a bit tilted?” A: “You’d have to ask gunner Fritz”
Actually, considering the French reports on the Panther, it’s likely that doing so actually wouldn’t have been possible.
hmmm… i think heard something about Bugatti and tank. Now i’m confused