Not much today. Players were “whining” more than usual and SerB was just skipping the questions
- Q: “What’s the point of waiting for the start of the battle for 2 minutes?” A: “a) putting a team together b) loading of the map for those, who have worse computer than you”
- responsibility of clans for the behavior of their members won’t be implemented (SS: as in, automatically punishing the clan is a member misbehaves)
- apparently the current aiming system is sufficient for the game (SS: some player was asking about more complicated system, like non-linear aiming times over distances)
- there was no hidden vehicle nerf (SS: in 8.10 apparently)
- there was actually a TD based on the IS-4 hull planned, there was also a TD planned on the WZ-111 hull (not 113 though)
- 122mm HE shells from D-25 do less HE damage than 120mm US shells because of the “construction of the shell” (SS: this is probably true – when researching various guns, one of the data required is the amount of filling of the HE shells, which probably means this is taken into account)
- generally, SerB is satisfied with the way HE shells work
- there is no turret armor behind the IS-4 mantlet
- it’s possible that when the multiturret mechanism is implemented, you will be able to fire with the high caliber machineguns (like the 12,7mm AAMG on the top of some vehicles for example), but SerB adds that it will do you little good
“What’s the point of waiting for the start of the battle for 2 minutes?”
Why would he complain? During that time I check other Web pages, watch some videos, plenty to do.
and then you sometimes see that player clicks 2 times on minimized game , sending shell in ass of friend with his second click ;)
Then some people need to learn ALT+TAB combination.
“- it’s possible that when the multiturret mechanism is implemented, you will be able to fire with the high caliber machineguns (like the 12,7mm AAMG on the top of some vehicles for example), but SerB adds that it will do you little good”
Nooooo, like if my fps wasn’t low enough, they’ll make me lag and take advantage. 12,7 is effective, not against tanks but against wooden PCs.
I’m playing on an Aver Aspire 5532 on Lowest settings, I can barely pull off 5 FPS.
I suck, but I play for fun, and nobody can make me stop playing, no matter how many times I’m called noob
IT will be good for destroying pesky cover everywhere without need of firing the main gun.
Also waffles and scouts. Might be able to de-track some tanks.
US low tiers are going to be hell of a lot more to play
How would that affect your FPS? There are way heavier things to draw than a simple machinegun fire (and the collisions checks and stuff are counted on server)
Multiturrets? Later people complain that Lee and B1 is OP -__-
Nothing about the Volgorad bomb?
WG didn’t build the bomb, nor did they finance it. WG didn’t nerf Volgograd and why would someone from WG comment about this?
Wut ?
Wut ?
Huh? What does that have to do with WG or WoT?
Oh, thought you was going to say like RIP to them :(
Why would he?
RIP to those brave Chechen warriors fighting for their freedom.
Definitely not RIP – only radicals whose minds are already fucked up do this.
”was also a TD planned on the WZ-111 hull (not 113 though)”
Interesting. Would this be tier X chinese TD?
Off topic: Can someone show the Tier X japanese HT picture?
yes, probably.
as for the jap heavy you’d have to send a satelite to space to have a full picture of it.
Expect a Manta Ray with a huge boomstick. Something like, good frontal armor, quite agile and with augmented heavy tank gun but here comes the question, whether it’ll be the 122mm 60-120T with boosted RoF and handling, the 130mm 59-130T with upgrades similar to those of obj.263′s 130mm IS7 gun OR the entirely new gun with 155mm caliber.
My money’s on 130mm 59-130T because 122mm gun would be a waste of potential on such TD and anything bigger would make interior… tight…
Here’s a pic of two designs that SS posted some time ago:
That gun IS 130mm 59-130T. Im sure it will be kinda of ”tortoise-version” of WZ-111 (same gun as heavy but much better rof, aiming, accuracy and soft stats). Im expecting very low pen for TD ( as it is WZ-111′s top gun), but incredibly massive DPM (would beat 3.5k depending from other stats), good mobility and good armor. Some kind of offensively playing TD. Would unique tank.
Gun is placed so high on superstructure though, so i am expecting super depressing gun depression (4 degrees is highly unlikely, probably 3 or even horrible 2 degrees rather)
Like that’s something new to Chinese tanks ;__;
But im expecting even worse depression than before.
2 degrees is actually pretty possible (will be 3-4 degrees for balance-reasons, but unlikely more than 4)
I disagree with you about low-pen gun. Simply, check the Obj.263 130mm gun and compare it to IS-7′s gun. I believe they’ll do exactly the same with 130mm 59-130T.
Also, tortoise is entirely a different vehicle, Impossible to compare with anything that would fit WZ-111 chassis. If there’s to be any TD that could be comparable in play style then I’d point at tier IX Foch
My bad, would told it more better. I meant ”tortoise-version of wz-111” only by gun-wise.
And Obj 263′s gun is pretty same as IS-7 on looks, but stats are really different.
However, muzzle-break is definitely different as IS-7′s, also i think that gun of Obj is bit longer. WZ-111-TD’s gun looks though exactly the same as WZ-111 1-4s.
You are probably right at gun though, as for balance reasons it could be pretty much like when obj 263 is compared to is-7.
is there the EU forum to ask questions yet?
- responsibility of clans for the behavior of their members won’t be implemented
somebody really ask about this? It’s like “your family will be imprisoned because one of your family member is a killer “. That sound stupid
“- it’s possible that when the multiturret mechanism is implemented, you will be able to fire with the high caliber machineguns (like the 12,7mm AAMG on the top of some vehicles for example), but SerB adds that it will do you little good”
Well, I dunno. They won’t do jack to actual armor, of course, but there’s always the option of spraying enemy’s drivewheels and viewports to try and weaken/knock them out. Gives you SOMETHING potentially useful to do between reloads. Tanks like the T71 would love to have something a little extra to piss people off with, too, assuming its turret machinegun is big enough to bother with.
well… my mouse could use the second gun for scouts and cover and stuff
the reload is atrocious, because my second loader is sleeping all the time :P
And it would give you something to break those little fences down with…that is allowing you to see the silhouette of your target without taking 20mm worth of pen out of your shell…not to mention scaring the shit out of anything that hides in a bush :D
- it’s possible that when the multiturret mechanism is implemented, you will be able to fire with the high caliber machineguns (like the 12,7mm AAMG on the top of some vehicles for example), but SerB adds that it will do you little good
well, for the T95, that machinegun on top would give it some defense from scouts and french meds and lights that try to deathcircle you