War Thunder fail ads

Picture linked by ApplesauceBandit (US)

Hello everyone,

one of the things I find most annoying are the obnoxious animated flash ads with “games”. We probably all know this crap from World of Warplanes, but War Thunder has this “very special” ad, beating anything Wargaming produced. And when I say special, I mean not a “special occasion”, but “my mum said I’m special”. Or “special kind of hell, reserved for child molesters and people, who speak in theater”.

Oh look – a warplane destroying World of Tanks KV-1 icon.

And then there’s “DISTROY”. Such English. Much spelling. Wow.

World of Tanks portal might suck, but this ad is so special I might call it “Vera”.


War Thunder physics. Somehow, I don’t think Wargaming should be worried…


176 thoughts on “War Thunder fail ads

    • Saw one of these “ads” for the new Sim City a few times.
      Bild your own city! it said…

      Those ads are made by some random company, they get the job and nobody cares what exactly they do.
      Heck, nobody thinks that “interactive” ads do bugger all, they just want to be seen,
      and those ads are the current form of advertisement.

      [quote]I don’t think Wargaming should be worried…[/quote]

      I remember playing the russian closed beta on a friends account.
      And even that was way into the cbt and not at the early stage WT is currently at.
      So comparing these two… WT GF looks better and plays better, but has about the same
      content/value as the WoT cbt back then.
      Jeebus, it’s not that hard to find early WoT footage on Youtube if you don’t believe me…

      And lastly… my usual… nvm I’ll just quote myself from now on every time this comes up:

      I’ll never understand the “OMG WT is better!” “OMG WoT is better!” anyway.
      I play both, I have fun with both, period.
      They’re two different games with the same genre, and it’s the best thing that could happen to us as customers if WG finally makes WoWP playable.

      Competition is what keeps devs and publishers from screwing their costumers over,
      only people unable to think two steps ahead would wish for either Gaijin or Wargaming to crumble and dissolve…


      The whole “I don’t think Wargaming should be worried…” is bs, SS.
      And I believe you know that very well.

  1. I love ads on Internet, they are so damn bad, somewhat similar to those you could see on the TV “back in the old days” :D When all the ads will be professional in the internet too, we will simply laugh

  2. SS, I think you shouldn’t mock the physics of a game who is still in very early beta. Not to speak that WoT’s physics don’t even allow for a tank to flip over.

      • I’m more of a fan of Jagdpanther flying all across Ensk and landing on an enemy arty, crushing it(accidentally)

        Happened to me once, when I tried that bug on ensk. The guy was like “WTF!? FROM WHERE!?”
        Being killed from above for a change was a big shock for him.

      • That WT GF CBT is basically a closed-but-a-bit-open alpha, they’re most likely still gonna chance right about everything. WT planes are still in beta BTW.

        • Yes, they want to limit the ammount of people going in, like in WoT the Pz. B2 was in the gift shop for 50€ and you got gold and premium worth that, but the price was there just to
          limit them.

          • you can also only allow a certain number of people to create accounts, that’s how beta access was limited before.

            This is just money grabbing.

    • I disagree. You rush something into the public eye before it’s ready then you better be prepared for the consequences. I think they should have held back for a while longer when the game was more put together.

      On a personal note, I would be unable to play it in its current state. I had a concussion 5 1/2 months ago and it gives me a headache just watching the videos. World of Tanks doesn’t give me any problems, so its physics are at least “intuitive”. Apparently the cerebellum wants what the cerebellum wants.

    • stop mocking other games. they both got their strong/weak points.
      you all will eventually play both games, trust me.
      you’ll play WT GF when you had enough with WoT.
      you’ll play WoT again when you had enough with WT GF.

  3. As for the ads – they always suck. But for the physics – I watched a few videos for WT and they said that physic aren’t fully implemented yet (tank weights and such) so it’s not fair comparing it with WoT.

    But one thing that I really like more in WT (judging from the videos) is that their tanks look a bit more realistic (except for too much rust). When I say realistic I mean they look bigger, proportions are somewhat better than in WoT.

    • “I watched a few videos for WT and they said that physic aren’t fully implemented yet (tank weights and such) so it’s not fair comparing it with WoT.”

      That’s like telling my boss “I haven’t developed self control yet, so you can’t fire me if I punch you.”

      • That’s the worst analogy I’ve seen this year. You can’t compare the product in development to a finished, polished one. And even if you wanted to, WoT’s physics suck too, just in a different way.

        • funny… many WT fanboys weren’t against comparsion between finished (WT) and unfinished (WoWp) product… what the hell had changed? :D

    • Heh, if their track record of introducing dozens of new planes, and never fixing their flight models or even damage models for that matter, for months and months, I don’t want to know what is going to have to individual tanks’ physics model…

      Great game, horrendous developers. Worse than WG in my mind, because at least WG has the decency to pump out finished tanks, not new 3D models with placeholder stats.

      • Don’t know about that. I played WT planes for about 20 or so battles, found out that I’m not into planes and quit. Partially because of the crappy user interface, I couldn’t find out heads or tails…

  4. About 0:21: Is that an empty shell casing? Bounced shell? What is that? (seems to fly from StuG over T-34 to left)

    After turning him back – is his gun broken? Or is it just model? I wonder~

    All in all, I think their physics model is very young and therefore meh (but it’ll improve, most likely). Seems like they set the weight of the tanks a bit too low for that “extra bouncy” suspension effect (that tanks these days do have – but they didn’t have at times of WWII)

    • Not just after. You can see after it’s flipped over that the gun is peeking out of the tank’s bottom.

  5. WTs ads have always been something special, but that just takes them to a whole other level.

  6. War thunder Ground Force are in Early closed beta and is normal ther are some bug, World of Tanks is a 3 years old game and have much more bug (flying tank, invisible tank, non-penetrable tank, ….)
    What war thunder do is only an ads, for me a funny ads (war thunder destroy world of tanks)

    Thanks this post now i have the certainty this blog is made from a WoT fanboy… Why you don’t talk more about War Thunder??? Why you write only about a singre War Thunder (as you call)”fail”??
    Next time talk only about your love game and maybe you win 1 day premium….

    • I highly doubt someone would put so much time and effort in a blog about WoT if he isn’t a fan of the game. I didn’t need this post to know that.

      But I agree, he shouldn’t write only about the bad sides of a game.

    • ” invisible tank, non-penetrable tank” shows me that you dont understand the game… if you cant penetrate a tank, its normally your fault, not the enemys :)

      if you cant spot an enemy, you dont understand the spotting mechanics…

      • The” invisible tank” is a smart way to solve the small map problem.
        But it isn’t a common or natural mechanic, so it creates doubt and frustration, especially in some ”Wtf he is right there, on open field, how cant i see him” moments
        Said that, WG could learn something with WT, on bigger maps creates better spotting mechanic

        • People that can’t understand that games do not mesh with reality are too stupid to play.

          Or do you complain when playing Bioshock that the super-powers aren’t realistic?

          • Are you seriously comparing WoT to Bioshock? Wow, WG fanboys really are delusional..
            Plasmids weren’t just some random arcade mechanic, they were part of the story and as such were well explained in-universe, they weren’t breaking the suspension of disbelief at all. Spotting mechanic in WoT has no in-game explanation whatsoever and is very non-intuitive to new players (I consider it to be the most ill-designed part of WoT). It simply breaks immersion when immobile tank in the middle of the field disappears. As an experienced player I have no problem with that anymore, but obviously all the newbies do, and that is the mark of poor design (show me one such non-intuitive design in Bioshock, I dare you).
            Oh, and please, do tell, why do Bioshock, a few year old game, has better graphics than WoT? And why does Bioshock at maximum settings gives me more FPS than WoT at medium? Clearly, creators of Bioshock are higher beings in comparison to WG devs.

            • No, spotting mechanics with vanishing tanks are to make game more realistic – as strange as it seems. You already have mods for white wrecks, highly visible skins with modules etc (not mentioning overtarget markers as a default). Imagine same mods for WTGF, with permanent OTM and red outline added – that game will be just broken by “cheaters” – but they aren’t cheaters if it is allowed to be done client-side. That’s the main thing that i fear for WTGF.

              The thing that breaks WoT is rendering cap being square. I would lift it completely (because if you have no LOS it doesn’t matter how far enemy is, and if you have LOS you still need a spotter to render him) – and i think that it is doable client-side, but i couldn’t manage to talk anybody into trying to make such mod (anyone :P ?).
              They promised to make it a circle but if it will be fixed radius for everyone, it’s still not that good. If they make it viewrange ratio (like 1,25x or 1,5x or even 2x) it could be not that bad, and it will add even more importance to viewrange stat :) – but probably not possible as it would have been server-calculated and that adds more strain.
              With spotting range cap i’m not very happy but i understand server power restrictions, so i’m kind of ok with – and we can come back to lifting this in a year or two.

            • “no in-game explanation whatsoever”

              actually the system in world of tanks is more realistic than that of war thunder arcade battles (not saying anything about RB or SB).

              you have to remember that it is your commander doing the spotting in WOT and you, the floating entity above your tank, have nothing to do with it; a fairly true to real life system ATC.
              This isn’t the case in war thunder, where you, the floating surveillance drone, can spot enemy vehicles with the player’s own Mk.1 eyeball with no LOS from the tank whatsoever, a considerably less realistic system.

              Anyway, still looking forward to play it in open beta ;D.

              • “Spotting mechanics with vanishing tanks are to make game more realistic”
                This is true, but this mechanic has its problems, it works fine, when some one is behind a bush, or a low visibility area, but when I’m in an open field with my 13 90 shooting a T32 at 300 m, and he can’t spot me, this mechanic stops to make sense
                445m vr is a mechanic limitation, to balance the 1km x 1km maps

    • “Next time talk only about your love game and maybe you win 1 day premium” <– means you dont like WT being mocked at by our WoT fanboy
      "for me a funny ads (war thunder destroy world of tanks)" <– means WT mocked WoT "indirectly"
      btw the WT GF video opening used the WoT 2011 Trailer
      look here, i'm not saying that both parties aren't to be blamed at, but that's just the way it is. rivalries between these two is like Call of Duty (WoT) v.s. Battlefield (WT).
      btw thanks from your comment i can be sure you're a WT fanboy.
      im neutral :) dont kill me :)

    • About WoT bugs you mention.
      Flying tanks: a very rare bug, I don’t even know if you can still force it reproducable. And I haven’t seen this in any of the thousands matches I played since physics were introduced.
      Invisible tank: not a bug, RTFM, it’s how the spotting system works. Don’t make WG responsible for things you don’T understand.
      Non-penetratable tank: may happen due to sync problems. Also very rare, I never experienced it myself. I’m sure most other real time MMOs have similar problems.

      I agree, WT GF is an early beta. But let us have the fun this time, ever since closed beta of WoWP the WT community is pointing at WG how much better WT is though WT planes are in development for a much longer time than WoWP and you can even count the IL-2 games to WT development phase.

      This simply is an example of how difficult it is to create a well running MMO from scratch (as Gajin did not have to think about driving physics before).

      BTW, i just gave up WT since controls suck with my good old MS Sidewinder joystick, even if I would be able to tweak the controls so that a plane does not behave like a Battleship (yes, turning, diving and climibin with mouse works better than with my joystick) I simply don’t want to waste hours getting the game working.

    • As Jingles said, Wot is free and so is Wt, so we all can play them ,and test them both, some don’t have the time to give to both games, but you can still play it from time to time. The key is to have fun

      Wt making a good Tank game, will affect us all, WT fanbys, Wot fanboys or the casual gamer, if it turn out to be a good game, WG will improve Wot even more.

      So best of lucks to Gaijin ;)

  7. seriously ???
    this is just becoming pathetic. SS please, put your shit together man. This blog used to be awesome, but mocking a game based on ads and early beta footage is fucking stupid.

      • How can he decide if he likes it or not without reading it?

        Besides, this blog is very useful with its informations, but when sometimes SS post shits like this (yeah I agree that mocking a game based on VERY EARLY CLOSED BETA footage is silly) it makes me wonder why he hates WT so much.

        • And what was WT community doing when WoWP was in alpha?Praying to the God to help WG improve that game better?…you’re amusing me.

            • WT were pointing out WoWP’s mistakes since it’s very first days(So the excuse that AMAGAD BUT ITZ ONLY IN ALPHA DON”T BLAME THEM is out of the question in case of WT GF)
              Since they gave no shit about it why would we about their GF?

      • I do like most of it, but this is just totally pointless…
        But yeah, seeing how biased this place is….meh

    • Mocking WG fails for at least half a year almost everyday – that’s fine, no problem, it’s WoT blog, even if they’re about the same magnitude as those.

      Double standards at their finest.

      • its not about the Ad or the spelling, its about digging a grave for a game that has not even been released and its in early beta.

        • Sorry, but wasn’t WT community dinging grave for WoWP as soon as the first footage appeared from /alpha/beta? Why double standards all of sudden?

  8. Seriously, SS, you shouldn’t make some posts like this any more. What wrong with WT if you even don’t play that? This is world of tanks blog, please only post WoT news. I’m too tired when seeing such argument between two game. A bit off topic, but this look like a LoL fan boys argue with a DoTA fan boys, try to prove that their game is better than other. 2 different game is different, even if they have same theme. Leave WT “fail” for some WT blogs. I don’t thing many of us want to hear WT fail, because we come here for WoT news, not for a stupid ads of other game don’t relate much with us.

    • So if it’s WoWp it’s fine to criticizes while it was in its testing phase, but you can’t say anything about WT?

      • I tested WoWp, and i can safely say, i tested better alphas, Im not saying you cant critic it, just to bear in mind that this is not a finished product, as in released, so bugs, mistakes are expected.

        • It’s to be expected that WoWp would be very rough, because WG never made flight games.

          Just like Gaijin doing the ground forces. They can’t fall back on all of their past projects for models and physics.

          • They just need some time to figure out the physics, the models they obviously already have (an advantage in). There is a problem with mocking games still in beta or alpha, though WoWP was in beta when mocked and it still isn’t good, even after all this time.

            • Especially mocking games from small indie company’s, that’s how dreams are shattered.
              Not all Devs can take bad feedback.

            • You’re just saying ‘isn’t good after all this time’. At this point it’s just your opinion.

              Look at Jingle’s video. He clearly says that the PRIMARY FIRE button isn’t mapped to anything by default, as are the keys to select ammo/arty support, yet he is calm and says it will be fixed in due time. When he reviewed WoWp, he made such a show of pointing out that the roll keys were not assigned to anything, and complained endlessly that the keys should have been assigned to A & D to begin with (What’s worse, he stated he jumped in the game without even looking at the settings. He expected the controls to be exactly what he was used to in WT, and bashed WoWp for not having the exact same control setup).

              That is a clear bias, and the reason most people think WoWp is bad. Jingles made one video defaming WoWp on every little detail, even though the game was still in its testing phase, and everyone else jumped on the bandwagon; everyone made videos on how bad WoWp was based on Jingle’s video.

              Now, I’m going to say what the WT folks don’t want to hear. Ground Forces are crap and never should have left Alpha.

              > The physics models are so bad they can be considered non-existent. Whatever you think/say/hear about WoWp physics at the same point in development, the FM never was broken (though I agree the FM had room for improvement at the time).
              > The game is in closed Beta (and the NDA was released), yet the game only has 8 vehicles, 1 single map, and it severely limits what planes you can use. At that stage in development, WoWp had 20 Russian planes, 20 German planes, 19 US planes, 10 Japanese planes and 5 maps.
              > The game contains ammo that is clearly superior in every respect to any other ammo type and has little to no drawbacks whatsoever.
              > Out-of-map arty strikes. Low on ammo? Can’t reach that far away tank? Just spam that arty strike.

  9. If you look at 0:50 and onwards, you can see the StuG’s gun pointing through the floor of the tank.

  10. SilentStalker you seem so eager to bash a early WiP game, just to make WoT sound like a better game when Warthunder already has some features WoT should have had years ago.

    So much for you being unbiased.

  11. Well, even though SS maybe giving harsh critique, it’s his blog. Even though WT may have its flaws, WoT probably has x10 more.

  12. “Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!” – Firefly fan here too =)…dobre ty +1!

  13. So, when SS pointed out WG fails so many time its cool and dandy and funny, but when he point WT fails for once or two times suddenly he is a fascist?

    And think it like this: everytime SS pointed out fault on WT gameplay or mechanism, there are probability Gaijin will hear that too and perfecting/fixed it for future. Like you all said, WT ground force still on development and every input can be useful to perfecting it.

    • The problem is that Gajin is famous of being even more deaf to players feedback than WG… Not that i pity them, if they fail it’s their problem.

      • Then you haven’t paid much attention, Gaijin actually listens from time to time. WG just calls people retarded, alcoholic, drug-abusers or tell them to go to the army or hague tribunal as insults.

    • As do many of us. Fuck WT and fuck the WT fanbois that feel the need to infest every blog they can find with their bullshit spiel.

      • Personally, i am indifferent on WT ground force right now. But seeing how many people hyped by WT ground force just from looking on video and seeing nice graphic and start to bullshitting WoT it getting to my nerves.

        WT air force mode is nice but somehow, i prefer tanks.

        • try both once GF’s gets released, the great thing about GF’s is now when one pisses you off, you have something else to go play

  14. There’s nothing wrong with Frank preferring WoT over WT, but let’s not mince words here. WT has it’s problems but is an objectively superior game.

    Speaking as someone from closed beta of wot with 20k+ games and thousands of dollars invested in it, WT is just plain /better/, and one gets the feeling Frank is both annoyed at WT fanboys and has little experience of it himself.

    • Lol…objectively superior…
      Comparing 2 things (and on top of that, 2 freaking different things) will never bring an objective POV.
      A WT fanboy will always say AMAGAD WT Rulz!!! exactly as a WoT fanboy will say about it’s game.

      Maybe you like WT more than WoT because it fits you better, but even if you played WoT that much it still doesn’t give you the thrusting required to point something “objective”…you only found a game that you LIKE(like=something subjective) more.

      • Also, you’re one of the dudes that bring the hate among the WoT community….duh….”objectively superior”…

        • I think the people preaching about how extremely much better WT GF will be (before they are even in OPEN beta) are just as bad as people who hates WT (when they haven’t tried it) because people have told them it’s good and they recommend it.

          I used to dislike LoL, because it was popular and I saw the graphics that didn’t really appeal to me, but then a friend needed some help and I could help him, so I did. Then I tried the game and found out that it was actually very entertaining, even if the graphics weren’t in my style and looked kinda goofy.

          • Maybe, but I for example had nothing wrong with WT until such butthurts as above came en-masse to defend that game with stupid remarks and comparing 2 different things.
            Can’t say now that after this stuff I do hate WT either, ‘cuz again, it’s a damn different game.I might hate only it’s patriotic kids.
            And the reason I won’t play it it’s because it doesn’t fit my style, which WoT on the other hand fits, thus, stating again that they are different.

  15. And just to add, since I can’t seem to find the edit function-WT Ground Forces tester. I’ve played both sides.

  16. SS I know it’s your blog but things on comments are getting useless debate that becoming savages.
    anyway I will keep watching blog

  17. It is very funny watching how ppl compare things from game that is alive for some time (years), that game is not even on beta stage for some time with the game that walk into CBT just month ago.

    But SS be honest, every day you can see FAILS from WG not only on translation and portal things but also in game.

    Vids with ghost shell was there for a very long time and WG do nothing about that for ages and after WG fix this they told you it was just “rare bug” well i feel that “rare bug” every battle not just once but many times and I was not alone right?


    same with WG physics where small fances could completly stop the big tanks that have about 20hp/t and 50+ km/h and not let them cross small stone that even do not touch the floor of the tank.

    or what about another nice WoT bug flying Maus?


    All af that and ocean of more bugs for game that goes alive for ages and with so much money they can buy half of the world.

    Now tell me what is bigger fail? Turn that Stug on roof in CBT stage game or flying with Maus to the moon in game that was released ages ago?

    So WT have some issues with phisics now when the game is in CBT stage for a month??? And what is so strange about have some issues that you need to fix when the game is in beta stage?

    Wake up ppl

  18. what’s with all the trashing? you are purposefully trying to tarnish WarThunder from the day they announced Ground Forces. yea i get it you are a WoT Blogger hosted on Wot-news site.. you had some very nice articles comparing the games (at present state) but now you moved to a new level.

    and i imaged that SS will have a section WarThunder GF in this blog one day… seems that you have already decided who you work for….

    as someone who actually couple of hours in GF and i very much like it will all it’s bug and early alpha (not beta) state, it’s a totally different game and different experience from WoT. re physics they test various aspects each patch so all you see does not matter. also im regular player of WoT (daily) so don’t give me that FanBoy crap.

    so keep writing on WoT or you will start losing readers (i disabled my ad view as punishment for 24 hours) ;)

    • Silent, what’s with all the trashing? You are purposefully trying to tarnish World of Tanks from the day you you started FTR. Yea i get it you are a Blogger.. you had some very nice articles but now you moved to a new level. Daily fails here, Stalin mockery there. I cant stand it anymore. So keep writing trash-free or you will start losing readers


    • The mighty Jingles trashes WoWp and that’s totally fine.

      SS pokes fun at WT’s ground forces and gets crucified…

  19. So he makes fun of WG and insults nearly everyday and hes A WoT Fanboy?

    You sir, are an Idiot.

    Im sad that Joseph Stalin executed the smart people. And left the dumb, uneducated peasants to reproduce.

    • SS precise what WG did fault, not insult.
      He already said that

      and Yeah, Stalin should have done more effort. for you

  20. this is the first test of war thunder ground forces wich equals they testing the physhics engine and the controlls for the game a lot of people who played wot is hates the games controll system because of this and they figthing more with their tank and less with the enemies

  21. First: two Firefly references, not bad.

    Second: WoWP and WOT put up plenty of annoying flash add games.

    “Hello everyone,

    this will be the first and probably the last (at least on FTR) post on War Thunder I am going to make,”

    Weren’t you the one, whom on a earlier blog entry said that crusading for one game or the other was silly in the extreme, since then you’ve done nothing but crusade against WT.

    We get, you don’t like WT.

    However a large chunk of your readership will like it, and will enjoy it. You constantly slagging off a game they enjoy, well its not going to endear you to them. And pissing off your readers is never a good idea. I come here for the WG related news, not to have another game I enjoy marched out and crucified by someone who appears to have an agenda and zero understanding of the game he’s slagging off.

    But, and this is the mind blowing bit: You can play both! At no point is either game going to run a system scan and shut down if it detects the other game installed.

    Its interesting to note, that suddenly WG has picked up their ideas. Things we’ve been asking for for years have suddenly started happening or are at least now possible, due to happy “accidental” discoveries. Things like Shooting through cover, Wheeled vehicles, HD graphics, updated physics engine, Getting rid of that antiquated Big world engine, using more than one core on your CPU, Garage and historical battles, all have hove into view. Do you think the timing is a coincidence? Or suddenly the fact that a threat to WG’s monopoly has suddenly sprung out of the bushes.

    I certainly intend to play both. Equally I intend to keep giving my free time to help out WG, like I do now.

    • You know that the countless fail posts on this blog are about Wargaming fails?
      Wrong shop descriptions, not working missions, wrong translations, website language problems…

      Now we have three posts about gajin failing too, first the tank tech tree (every small modification is a completely new vehicle), second the optics of the tanks (detailed indeed but they look like the modeled the tanks after the current state they are in inside the museum) and now this one.

      Looking how easy the WT fanboys go enrage I don’t feel like I ever want to be part of that community, seems like they are more immature than the WoT community…

      • **snort** I’m a Gaijin fan-boy am I? This amuses me greatly. :D I do more free work fo WG than I do for Gaijin.
        If I’m a Gaijin Fan-boy then I’m engaged to Wargaming. A small quiet ceremony in the registry office I think. unless they’re paying then you’re all invited to their new building… ;)

        Anyway, to answer your points more bluntly.

        I’m not to keen on the so called “WG fails” either. They do little apart from appear (do please note that word) to be SS grinding an axe with the WG EU office. However they are (technically) within this blogs stated Remit.

        On the flip side, if the news is being expanded to cover both games, how about something Gaijin did right? The recent introduction of skill based matchmaking for example? Pretty major difference right there. Suddenly seal clubbers are facing an uphill battle. Wouldn’t you like to see all those T18 drivers getting up against tier 5 tanks?

        Did we hear a peep of it on here? Nope. See the difference?

        • I quote from your first post:
          “since then you’ve done nothing but crusade against WT”
          “You constantly slagging off a game they enjoy”

          There were two posts about things that SS does not find good about WT and now this one that shouldn’t be taken too serious.
          To speak with your words, the WT community is on a never ending crusade against WoT / WoWP.
          “WT has real physics”
          “in WT tanks have no HP, it’s soooo realistic”
          SS simply wants to show what problems arise of a not finalized (or bugged) physics engine and recently he analyzed the damage model of WT and pointed out it’s problems compared to the more simple and intuitive WoT model.

          If people like WT I would be the last one to try to prevent them from playing it. Everyone should be free to play what he wants.
          But everyone has the right to say what he thinks about the other game, what he likes and dislikes. This applies to both sides. But on ever website or forum it’s the same. If someone talks bad of WT, even if it’s only his subjective point of view, legions of WT fans will flood the comments / forum with flames.

          The WoT community in general is bad enough but it seems the WT is even worse.
          A few days ago I tried WT again after having played some time ago in the beta. And as mentioned before I have real troubles getting the controls working properly.
          So after crashing my first plane in the first battle I immediately got flamed “noob”, “fuck you” and so on. I can’t remember having seen a behaviour like this in a tier 1-2 match in WoT, the flaming in WoT normally starts at tier 4 and when people with more than 1000 matches still play worse than a cat running across the keyboard.

    • WoT Fails lololol

      WT has some fails too? SS HOW DAER U POST TEHM? U R EVIL BRO!

      War Thunder has problems too, so chill out and don’t get 2-3 posts get to you….

  22. Just came here to say I laughed my ass off after reading:
    And then there’s “DISTROY”. Such English. Much spelling. Wow.

    Doge and Firefly reference in one article = wow, such win, much epic.

    As for the butthurt in the comments about SS “bashing” WT GF -> http://static4.fjcdn.com/comments/3704879+_33b32b25e3e579547829796a9fbfaec2.jpg

    Havent tried WT GF yet, but it seems they are doing a good job, which can only benefit both games in the long run.
    SS rightfully pointing out on some of the fails can only make it happen sooner if both sides follow his blog (and trust me, they do).

    Less bitching, more pew pew.

  23. WoT ad’s are the best, one them is this flash “game” which basically is shoving how easy it is to play arty. You have smt like pre 8.6 Batchat arty that reloads the next shell in 2 secs. Did i mention you do over 1k dmg every shot? Yea… All though, I started playing WoT because I saw an ad of it, and now I’ve played it for over 2 years and spent almost 100e to it, so I quess the ads do kinda work.

  24. I only see a plane destroying a German and a Russian tank…
    And this isn’t Gaijin’s fault, but the a marketing company’s, who paid to make this kinda things.

  25. I’m a regular reader of this blog and i really like reading but i can remark the bias towards wot, all war thunder posts have a bit of hate, i can understand after all this is a wot blog and wot users are donating and stuff but all the wot fail posts are kinda filled with humor and these with war thunder are filled with hate. Anyway it’s clear that both games will co-exist but wargaming definitely needs to be worried, not on short term but on long term, they still have the advantage of more content and stuff but they need to fix stuff.

    • Have you missed the endless streams of WG fails he posts here? Sure seems that way.

  26. Still much better than WoT.. :)
    cuz how da hell tank can be destroyed shooting top cupola, or top viewport.. sux

    • because it’s a game not an simulator.
      like hitbox in FPS game, ya know?
      it’s not one-shot-eveywhere-and-I-die like ARMA simulation (which less user friendly gameplay wise)
      exemple is not really correct but chill, this is a game, gameplay wise is priority

      • and I wanted mention, each game has own game play. and client can choose. we are free to choose tho

  27. ok WT lemmings…go play that game and stop coming here…here is only for WOT fans ok….OK?

    1st – WT and WOT have tottally different concepts…..i wil always play WOT cos i like the ideea of taking my tank play max 15min (ususally 4-6) then go free to do whatever i want…or if i want to play the same tank i can play it many times in the same hour
    i never had the courage to play WT but the ideea that i have to play along same TOMATOES for an hour…..fuck it….
    dude…you say is more fun WT…..i see no fun on playing the same battle…with respawn shit….WTF is this….since when in a tank battle the crew went to their lines and instantly entered the battle……get serious..that mode should never be implemented…

    2nd – no way to compare them…different stages of development so all the rant is irrelevant

    3rd…that ADD IS EPIC
    – 1 – dIstroy
    – 2 – free to play LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO
    i will cite from front page of WT:

    Those who purchased tank packs can now access the test server!
    The second wave will give CBT access to those who purchased tank packs from December 4th to December 31st (included). Players who purchased their packs after that date will be included in the next wave of invitations.

    that’s my two cents for FTP of WT……you have to PAY to play in beta…and then they advertise it is FREE

    4th – for all those that talk about ghost shells, invisible tanks and more…please talk when you use at least medium graphic…..AT LEAST (yes the engine of the game is BADLY OPTIMISED but then read the fucking info that SS is putting here, not just what you want to read)
    on the lowest settings as is obvious the clip with french OP tank is made you will never had rendered ALL THE OBJECTS AND ALL THE TERRAIN….i had same problem and when i took the replay from the laptop to desktop……i was impressed to see what was happening there…….and how i was shooting boulders not the tank behind them
    and for the flying maus….i had my fun with it too….but some points of interest are no longer working……so the fun is over

    last one – the title of this article is : War Thunder fail ads……but none seems to see the fun SS has put in his text


      • i bet you didn’t…but we can’t without PAYMENT….i tryed….
        what i love the most is that they advertise FREE TO PLAY..but that aplies to planes not to tanks….so i don’t feel that freedom as i am not such a big fan of planes…and access to tanks goes through my wallet “you wanna play our FREE TO PLAY GAME”..give us some bucks and we let you play

        so @!#$#!@ offf


  28. “War Thunder physics. Somehow, I don’t think Wargaming should be worried…”
    Seems SS knows nothing about game development. First of all this video is a violation of the NDA. Second its a closed beta test for reasons. Its still a long way to go from now but the potential of War Thunder Ground Forces is immense. It can go bad too. Im not a blind idiot who follows Gaijin without a thought. It is such a good chance for all of us. Gaijin and Wargaming will try to make their game better than the one of the competitor. They are pushing each other. We are the winners of this.

  29. i have a lot of video and i think wt is a very noob game…fire gameplay is fast and easy …u can death and rejoin in the same battle with the same tank….lol nooob a gogo…and phisics is a nightmare…rubber tank..

    • The noob game is which hides you from long range shots.
      Which saves you from most of the one shot kills by giving you hp pool.
      Where you can reach top tier and play regularly with it, with 400 efficiency…
      WoT doesn’t even had physics for 2 and a half years!

      Serb: “How terrible”

      See you next week on WoT

  30. Nevermind that the bomb looks strangely like a finned penis, but also the fact that he failed to penetrate the target. :3

  31. “Oh look – a warplane destroying World of Tanks KV-1 icon.”
    You mean warplane destroying kv-1? Where extacly you can see WoT signature on that kv-1? You do realize WT has kv-1 in game and warplanes and tanks can meet on one battle field in WT right?

    And about the physics, let’s sum things up:

    1. Things wrong about War Thunder CLOSED BETA ground forces physics:
    - tanks flip too easy
    - tanks don’t move the way, their weight would indicate

    2. Things wrong about World Of Tanks FULL RELEASE game physics:
    - you can’t flip a tank
    - tanks can fly and WG doesn’t give a crap about that bug existing since 0.8 patch
    - tanks can stuck on invisible obstacles
    - massive heavy monster tanks can get stuck on little rocks and kerbstones
    - tanks can levitate
    - no shell physics cuz gravitation doesn’t exist in soviet russia
    - this great damage system when you fall down on another tank :)
    - tanks don’t move the way, their weight would indicate
    - tanks are made of materials that bend laws of physics (like the magic RHM rifle that obviously must be made of anty-gravity to stop tank from falling)

    • If ur not dumb you could’ve noticed that icon is the same as the icon in WoT.

      1. no comment

      -not yet
      -dont know if its fixed, who the f**k is doing that anyway? Oh, scrubs like you
      -improve the terrain quality and you will see the wall infront of you
      -levitate? where u got that
      -why make it hard? It’s not a sim dude
      -so when a 70ton tank is at the edge of a high angled cliff it gonna stay there? Kill urself
      -wat did I just read?

      Didn’t mean to make this a flame post but I had to. I must make one once in a while.
      What’s even worse most WT fans didn’t realize what he tried to tell with this post.
      He was pointing the failure of the ad, not the game.

    • same thing happened before….
      OOOOO…WP is so bad compared to WT – same beta vs official release

      1. i have no comment……the game is not available to public…so we cant talk about it’s bugs/glitches…those info are protected by NDA
      2. name a game without bugs please

  32. Although WG makes some bad choices one thing I like is that they finish their beta tests in a timely manner. Correct me of I’m wrong but wasn’t beta for war thunder released before world of warplanes. I mean it seems to me it is just in opn beta for an excuse for all the bugs in it.