WG EU fail? So, uh, the calendar says something about Happy New Year part 1 event this weekend, yet I see nothing on the WG EU homepage. Maybe it’s a new type of solution: instead of releasing buggy event, they better didn’t release it at all :)
- not all tracks act as 30mm thick spaced armor (SS: the 30mm part is wrong, tracks have various thickness)
- Israel tanks will apparently not appear in EU tree (SerB: “Israel is in Asia, or did I learn geography wrong?”)
- Merkava Mk.I will not apparently appear in WoT
- Object 279 will not appear in WoT. Yuri Pasholok states that they actually thought about it at one point, but found out, that ALL the publications have its model (projections) wrong. And to go to Kubinka (or wherever the prototype is) and to measure it by hand is expensive and ineffective use of labor, according to Yuri Pasholok
- apparently, prototype Maus (early Maus concept) had even thicker armor than the Maus itself and had 128mm L/70 planned, according to Yuri Pasholok
- apparently, Yuri Pasholok is cooperating personally with kit companies (specifically Bronco and Miniart and their SU-152 model) to make their models more historical
- Storm on incoming T10 TD nerf: their DPM will generally be kept, but their alpha will be lower. Jagdpanzer E-100 will remain the same, T110E4 will get its alpha reduced, but will recieve a ROF buff
- special APHE mechanics (shells) will not be introduced
- the option to give KV-5 better gun and standard MM was not considered by developers
- Storm confirms that the first tanks to be reworked to HD will be the legendary and massproduced tanks and after them will come other tier 10 tanks
- the new map (in 8.11) will be a winter map from Sweden/Norway, it will be a city with big buildings + port + large open suburbs
- there will apparently be no “jerking” in the new motion model during gear switch, the acceleration will be smooth
- more Asian tree branches (Japan and China) will not come anytime soon due to their low popularity amongst players
- multicore support will come AFTER the introduction of Havoc and HD client
- in 8.11, tank models will switch to new format, that’s why all skins and remodel mods will stop working
- there are plans to introduce sunset maps, where the sun is on the horizon and everything casts sharp and gloomy shadows
- Roaming will be introduced “when it’s done”
- Jagdtiger 88 will not appear in historical battles, it’s however possible Sturer Emil will appear
- for now, no actual non-graphic optimization plans are made. Storm states that it’s possible the rework of the rendering distance (from a square to a circle) will come first.
- the developers have not yet decided, how to rework the spotting and camo system. Regarding the earlier proposed solution (that a vehicle only partially visible will have better camo than a completely visible tank), there is a feeling that such a system would only support camping behind bushes and it would also increase the amount of invisible tanks shooting you without you seeing them
- Storm confirms that the HD models will be added gradually, which means that there will be a situation where one tank (IS-4 for example) already has HD models, while the others do not
- long battles (3 hours mentioned) are not planned
- in historical battles, you will pay for shells just like you pay in random
- changing tanker profession (from radioman to driver for example) is still planned (“when it’s done it’s done”)
- the game mechanics in historical battles will be identical to random battles (SS: eg. no hardcore oneshot mode), crews and perks will work in historical battles too
- hardcore mode (no hitpoints, oneshots) was tested even for historical battles, both for regular players and supertesters
- there will be new camo patterns and inscriptions/decals too
- no tier 8 premium will come anytime soon
- Havoc was selected for client physics, because it’s the most developed engine on the market
- it’s possible the names of tanks will change depending on their configuration (SS: that means 75mm L/24 Panzer IV = Panzer IV Ausf.F, 75mm L/43 could be Ausf.F2)
- it’s possible a view from the gun (like in Xbox WoT) will be implemented
- German base color will not be changed after HD remodelling
- the “yellow” (dunkelgelb) and “whole green” camos for German tanks will not be implemented
- it’s not yet definitely decided that the second British medium branch will appear in 2014
- it’s too early for 9.0 graphics screenshots
- for now it is not known when (if) the Sixth Sense will be nerfed: Storm states that the rework of perks will not come anytime soon
- in 8.11, TD camo will not be nerfed, Storm states that this will happen maybe later
- Storm states that for now no good solution how to improve light tank gameplay has been found, the problem is that with buffing their role, teams would become too much dependent on the performance of their LT’s
- currently, the work of the matchmaker is being studied in order to check for issues
- the fact that you can mount two of the same type of consumable (one regular and one golden) on a tank is not a bug, it’s a feature
- there will be no option to disable enemy messages only in the battle chat
- arties are doing fine currently, they will not be touched for now
- there might be an XP bonus for tanking (potential damage recieved) implemented
- historical battles in the beginning will not feature captured tanks
- war junk (trenches, anti-tank hedgehogs, guns etc.) will be added to the maps in order to improve their war atmosphere
- apparently there is no issue with artillery being too accurate on short distances (SS: some player was complaining that FV304 was too accurate)
- autoaim will not be removed from the game
- XVM and noobmeter will not be banned – for now
- E-25 is slightly OP
- actual vehicle setups for historical battles will be tested after current (Christmas) holidays in Russia
- the respawn mechanics in historical battles have not yet been completely decided according to Storm
- first batch of historical battles will not feature French tanks
- Merkava Mk.I will not apparently appear in WoT
What about the leclerc then?
Merkava prototype had suitable armor and an L7 clone. Theoretically it could fit as far as I remember, but… yea.
my question : appear as what? premium israeli tank?
Tier 10
Leclerc has smoothbore gun. You should hope for AMX-30
Exactly, AMX Leclerc is way too modern.
Well maybe I want some modern MBTs in
How terrible…
Well maybe you are playing the wrong game then….there won’t me modern MBT tanks in WoT so either adapt or stop whining
The third option is for you to fuck off
What about no
And who’s talking to you, you eastern European foreign cunt.
SS please react to this.This shouldnt be tolerated.
Are you suffering from acute autism, Parker?
Hall of shame, anyone?
AMX30=sexiest tank of all time.
there might be an XP bonus for tanking
Why isn’t this implemented already!?
A game about tanks, without rewards for “Tanking” lol ?
Seriously though, when you have specific tanks in game that rely more on their armor than dealing damage (Maus, KV-5, Black Prince, to name a few) then they suffer on the xp side despite doing very well and helping your team.
Now don’t get me wrong, I know it is perfectly possible (and not incredibly hard) to deal a ton of damage with said tanks, but these types of tanks are less suited for putting out damage (Maus vs FV215b for example) and more suited for taking potential damage (or hp damage) for your teammates. This system should have been implemented a long time ago and should be a priority now.
I agree, and not to mention often in these tanks it’s best to focus on keeping your best armor at the enemy and survive as long as possible which often makes it hard if not impossible to effectively return fire. Even though this task can be vital to leading your team to victory; five tanks pointlessly beating on a KV-4 for six minutes is a lot of damage that’s not happening, and yet the KV-4 player will not be rewarded appropriately.
This needs fixed.
Actually Black Prince seems to be already balanced by the new OPness meter.
Why not implement something similar to spotting damage, only you get 1/3 of the reward for the potential damage vs. the reward for doing the said amount of damage yourself? For example, if you took 390 potential damage, the XP/credits reward would be equivalent to doing 130 damage yourself. I say only 1/3 instead of 1/2 like with spotting damage because you tend to get a lot of spotting damage in those cases anyways, as you’re the furthest forward one with teammates typically shooting from behind you at those who are trying to kill you.
I would prefer the formula to be
potential damage take away the actual amount of damage the vehicle took divided by 3.
EG (with Black prince)
4500 potential damage received
take away 1200 (he wins with 300 HP left)
divided by 3
he gains XP equivalent to doing 1100 damage.
Thats Easy for my Black Prince :)
Here is a question point though, why is taking in damage less valuable for team, than bouncing, in case you stay alive?
- Object 279 will not appear in WoT. Yuri Pasholok states that they actually thought about it at one point, but found out, that ALL the publications have its model (projections) wrong. And to go to Kubinka (or wherever the prototype is) and to measure it by hand is expensive and ineffective use of labor, according to Yuri Pasholok
WTMF? This is the company that uses made-up tanks like the VK72.01 since there’s no real figures there either, and yet they can’t use an “average” set of figures using all the different “wrong” model projections?
Smells of pure and utter bullshit to me.
“to go to Kubinka (or wherever the prototype is) and to measure it by hand is expensive and ineffective use of labor, according to Yuri Pasholok”
logical enough, fine by me
if you found more wallet warriors make sure you measure it WG
This sounds odd, because they’ve done exactly that for a lot of tanks (eg: IS-7, IS-4, Obj. 268, etc etc).
Perhaps something was lost in translation.
Anyway, if you were to implement an Obj. 279 into the game, it would bend everything else over. More or less impenetrable, with a ridiculous gun.
Except for a flaw (IIRC), it has its fuel tanks between the twin tracks.
That thing would be a fire hazard at any time it would be out of cover.
Obj.277 and 770 would be less powerful.
Then we would need to get our M60a1, and T95 with Glass armor.
Then we would need a new UK med, and Japanese heavy.
The problem really is WTF do we need another Med from USSR…We have 3 when most have 1 or 2.
A wooden mockup of VK 72.01 exists, only WG screwed up the stats.
It does ? Where ?
to fit it in T10 they made it to a phantasy tank.
rly and who made it? i doubt that germans in 45 :)
As far as I know it was a paper project for a 72 ton tank, but never made it to the mock up stage. Wargaming wanted a gift T10 for Germany so they played with the stats and make a horrible abomination of history and gave it out to clans.
they was two ideas one ligh version 76 tonns and the turret at the rear.
the other heavy version with arround 90 tonns and turret in the middle.
both with 10,5 cm L/70
most times he chose the desight he tought it looks better.
so it was the heavy version and the light version was stopped.
short after the heavy also was stopped for the maus.
Yes, ingame it’s 120 tons and not 72 :D (of course with armor corresponding to that 120 tons)
- it’s possible the names of tanks will change depending on their configuration (SS: that means 75mm L/24 Panzer IV = Panzer IV Ausf.F, 75mm L/43 could be Ausf.F2)
I hope so :)
What a mess..
Oh god, pls no. I would definitely turn off names and start recognizing tanks by their icons to avoid mess on the screen.
What’s wrong with it? It can as well be called Pz IV F2, Pz IV G or Pz IV C… T-34′s can be called T-34-76 41, 42 and so on… Same with other tanks… Not that hard considering we already have M4A2E4, M4A3E2 and M4A3E8 and no one cares about it… They’ll still be called Pz IV and T-34.
I do it already
Just have the option to show the model type beneath the name
Pz. IV
In War Thunder (I play both) it already works like that in a way, when you first spot an enemy, you just see the general type of plane, just something like “Tempest”, but when you close in and target them, it shows you “Tempest Mk. II”. If something is stupid and it works, it ain’t stupid. There’s nothing wrong with using someone else’s idea, so long as you implement it in your own unique way and don’t outright plagiarize it.
- E-25 is slightly OP
*Has just bought a E-25 during the christmas sale*
Humbug :(
Same as me :)
doubt it will get nerfed, being slightly OP isnt all that big of a deal, and the devs seem very reluctant to nerf/buff premiums.
I don’t think the TD needs a direct nerf. They can always make it a regular MM tank, but reduce it’s MM weight so it gets more favourable battles with a mix of tier 9s as well.
Happy New Year part 1 :) :) :) I’m waiting for this, but the weekend will pass :) :) :)
“- it’s possible the names of tanks will change depending on their configuration (SS: that means 75mm L/24 Panzer IV = Panzer IV Ausf.F, 75mm L/43 could be Ausf.F2)”
They denied this a lot of times…
“there might be an XP bonus for tanking”
They promised this a log time ago.
Yesterday: “- E-25 is not better than other tanks of its tier according to Storm”
Today: “- E-25 is slightly OP”
“Yesterday: “- E-25 is not better than other tanks of its tier according to Storm”
Today: “- E-25 is slightly OP”
prem tanks should be worse than normal tanks, if E25 is equal, thus not better, to same tier tanks that makes it OP for a prem.
You are right, but then SerB forgots about the SU-122-44…
SU-122-44 should have been a tier 8 normal tank… that SU-101 or whatever it was called should have been the prem…
SU-122-44 is WAY WAY WAY better than the SU-152 or the SU-100M1.
You also forgot that comparison is not only between soviet tanks, but also any other T7 TD ingame….and if you tried horseshit called Sturer Emil you would see that SU-122-44 is WAY better than that one too….when i think more it performs better than pretty much any T7 TD…
I’m actually waiting for the Sturer Emil, and the fact that I don’t hate the ARL V39 is a good sight.
TBH JP is better than SU-122-44, what with the 203mm of penetration vs tier 8s and 9s. Though I’d take a SU-122-44 any day if the game was vs tier 7s.
It might not be a bad Tier 8 prem if it fired APCR as standard rounds and got something like 970 hitpoints, but as it stands, the ISU-130 (or ISU-122 with BL-9S and 150mm armor, there was such a project) would make a better Tier 8 prem. Currently, there is no doubt that the SU-122-44 is downright the most OP vehicle in game, and it wouldn’t be so OP if it just weren’t for the obscene DPM.
fuck yourself. SU-152 is way better than SU-122-44. My HEAT will shred you into pieces.
Damn, I think it’s the most OP T7 TD
Su122 44 is definitely as good as any other tier 7 regular TD, if not better than most. But at least it gets regular MM where it really struggles against tier 9s. So in my opinion, it’s not as op as e25 which gets special MM.
” – more Asian tree branches (Japan and China) will not come anytime soon due to their low popularity amongst players”
;___; Well, as long as they’re planned it’s good.
They’re somewhat hard to play (no thick armor) but can be very good!
” – it’s possible the names of tanks will change depending on their configuration (SS: that means 75mm L/24 Panzer IV = Panzer IV Ausf.F, 75mm L/43 could be Ausf.F2)”
I say: YES to that. It can be really good to learn some things like that. If, ofc, it’s a real name :).
” – XVM and noobmeter will not be banned – for now”
‘for now’ It’s not ‘never’, that’s great!
Chinese are nor crap becouse of their armour, they are crap becauose of their lack of gun depression and the fact that they are already all around in better forms(Russian bias).
And japanese are not particularly agile and eat arty shells like crazy. No thanks..
Playing a little to tier 4 now I came to really dislike the Japanese tanks… Not a single bounce so far, and as it seems every single HE round can pentrate your hull it’s really unnerving sometimes.
So far the guns only proved good on paper. Especially the 47 mm Gun Type 1 is a waste on T3, the pen is plain overkill, but even compared to other T3 tanks you are often outclassed in DPM. On T4 the gun’s pen is fun, but then the DPM problem is even worse. Plus I’ve never felt to run from “all those” howitzers before ;) Especially the American’s are one-shoting me left and right ;)
I used the Chi-nu and you can bounce sometimes. It’s hard, but if you’re lucky…
In fact almost every time in front 1s can’t kill me. Well, I don’t have much HP left, but I’m alive.
Chinese are fast. And can be really good. I’m talking about Tier VII/VIII though.
You’ll start bouncing stuff from tier 5(last turret) and above, only in the mantlet, ocasionally.
I have both 113 and 121.
They are hard as shit to play. But DAMN they are f*cking awesome tanks. Most fun tanks in WoT for me.
Chinese Tech tree is my favourite. Only T-34-2 did I not like, but rest are all golden monster tanks. Not OP, far too taxing on the human mind for that, far too vulnerable or demanding… but dear god the meds… and the 111 1-4…. and the IS-2… Oh man….
Type 59 is actually better than the T-34-2.
How can you ban Noobmeter? It’s a website. O.o
Unless… by that they meant they will disable API for 3rd parties to access player stats database?
I think he means the stats. Or that you can hide your stats. Didn’t he talk about hiding stats one time?
It can be that, but only for people who wants to hide it.
In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with XVM stats themselves, only with the way some people abuse them. If you see a team full of deep reds, you shouldn’t b*tch and moan, then QQ back to garage out of sheer spite, but you should rather see it as a challenge, play a bit more defensively, and try to sit back in a supporting role to use them as meatshields.
As Woody Allen once said, “80% of success is just showing up”, and it applies to pubbies in that it really doesn’t matter whether they’re just camping that corner, so long as they’re in the right place at the right time to stall the enemy long enough for you to whittle them down and make them easy meat.
Of course, that’s what XVM is meant for, but for those who do abuse it in the way that I mentioned to ruin everyone else’s game because they can’t deal with odds stacked against them should just have it be taken away. Maybe implement a way to just block API for those people so they stop?
At least multicore support will (I hope) come in the future, “3 hour battles” what?! even a 15 min campfest is borring, why (maybe) BAN XVM and noobmeter, FV304 is too accurate at close range (I use it like a ELC sometimes and it works, andI think they were complaining about me :P http://wotreplays.eu/player/aRT_oF_aNTS_SvK ), French in historical battles- I don’t want to see a blueprint or prototype in a battle in the future…
Nah, not only about you :P . Have you gotten Kolobanov with it :D ? Or at least Radley-Walthers? Maybe both in one battle ;) ?
yeah the only fun arty left to play and they want to ruin that too.
and no it is not OP, dealing 30 dmg to a tier 8 or even bounce and not penetrating is not OP!
Battle of France would be fine with B1s and other realistic tanks like D1s, D2s, H35s and S35s when Germans have Pz. Is, Pz. IIs, early Pz. III and Panzerjäger Is.
you know much about history -.-
-German base color will be changed.
To what? Yellow for ALL of them or only the later ones? Please dont fail here WG.
I hope they keep it gray because i like the color of steel.
Will NOT
Will not what?
Oh, i see, sry.
>> Storm states that it’s possible the rework of the rendering distance (from a square to a circle) will come first.
Suuure, because it needs soo much hard work… C’mon Frank, lets call out on FTR for modders to lift that square!
yeah, its the same story as: “- changing tanker profession (from radioman to driver for example) is still planned (“when it’s done it’s done”)”
I am serious, FTR has so may readers now that Frank could make a roll call for such mod here. Another way of influencing WoT ;) – they either make ban threats or push their own solution faster (or just copy mod).
Frank? Is SS’ name Frank?
No, actually it’s Jebodiah.
Oh thanks :D Who is this Frank then?
I don’t know, maybe some anime character?
It comes from “Frank Davis” which was Silentstalkers nickname on blogspot, where FTR was originally located, before moving to wot-news.com ;)
Stahp spoiling teh fun!
Pussukka don’t listen to him! He’s trolling! Seriously!
Accualy iz Dolan
SS should really write an article about himself.
yeah..something like “Buff my tank!” – today we talk about SS, a mythical creature that can be found in a sacred place of legendary origin called FTR
He only existed in blueprints? :D
Wittly this is a reply to you but since the thread three or what ever is limited I’m just gonna answer alex’s message.
WG made him up.
This isn’t something you can mod in. From what I’ve gathered, this is a limitation in the BigWorld engine, and in order to modify that you need WG’s copy of the BigWorld engine. Because it’s hard-coded in the engine, it’d be tougher to modify.
Not only that, with a square/cube you only need x/y/z to call the location of objects (which I assume is what the rendering system works on atm). When you make it a circle/sphere you add pi into the mix which, due to its irrational nature, makes things much more complicated.
Actually you don’t need pi to figure out whether or not any point is within a disk, just trigonometry or pythagoras (whichever is faster). Though that’s still way slower than just comparing a point’s coordinates with the boundaries of a square/cube.
(since it will involve the use of trigonometric functions or powers)
“- in 8.11, tank models will switch to new format, that’s why all skins and remodel mods will stop working”
I hate this news.
it’s filled with “when it’s done”, “not now” and “not anytime soon”
Just what exactly are they working on beside the HD graphics and historical battles?
WG has never really worked hard, this is known.
Yo,S.S. do you still live in 2013?
So adding the ridicilously overpowered Obj. 279 was only prevented by the lack of accurate documentation? Seriously?!
Well IS-7 would be ridiculously OP if it had its realistic armor so I don’t know why they just can’t come up with fake armor thinkesses?
real gun penetraion … this gun could have the same stats than obj 263
Yes, and that.
So basically. NOTHING will come anytime soon.
Oooh, Norway/Sweden map! May be somewhere in Lappland or Finnmark. Fjords is already a Norwegian map.
Why not a third Finnish map after Mannerheim Line (AKA Arctic) and Karelia?
- Israel tanks will apparently not appear in EU tree (SerB: “Israel is in Asia, or did I learn geography wrong?”)
- Merkava Mk.I will not apparently appear in WoT
My A> Not even the Merkava Prototype (http://jedsite.info/tanks-mike/mike/merkava_series/prototype-centurion/pc.html) If not I would say like Serb “HOW TERRIBLE”
- the new map (in 8.11) will be a winter map from Sweden/Norway, it will be a city with big buildings + port + large open suburbs
My A> Okay Where is Ike :)
- it’s not yet definitely decided that the second British medium branch will appear in 2014
My A> Bummer
-apparently there is no issue with artillery being too accurate on short distances (SS: some player was complaining that FV304 was too accurate)
My A> Don’t hurt the little Bert
I’d prefer they left out israel entirely out of the game, and the Arabian nations for that matter.
Well, Arabs, yes. In the timespan WOT models Arabs has only used soviet supplied tech (often with russian crews), hence you already have all tanks Arabs fielded . However, Israelis, they did their own customizations (see M4s for instance). I’d love to see that line. Added bonus, several new possible medals (do some Israeli conflict research).
I do not think omitting tanks of a country that took part in one of biggest (if not biggest) tank battles after WW2 is a good move.
The Arabs also had modifications to some of the Soviet tanks, not just the israelis. Including the Ramses II tank (Essentially an elongated T-55 with an L7), and T-34/122 SPGs among others. I am aware of the israeli modified tanks as well, but I’d still rather them avoid the region of political drama.
date fail ? 2013
and they should be nerfing the Jagdpanzer E-100 alpha at 1050 and leaving the E4 alone at 850 !
JPE 100 is already bad as it is and all 150-155mm tier X TD guns will drop their alpha down to 750 but E4 still gets a DPM buff so I like it.
How about they nerf FV 183 derp cannon alpha first.
The AP alpha isn’t OP, but the HESH is.
And did he specifically said AP or HESH? No he said alpha and i think we all know on what ammo type he is refering to…
Yes, people only fire HESH so I know.
Storm on incoming T10 TD nerf: their DPM will generally be kept, but their alpha will be lower. Jagdpanzer E-100 will remain the same, T110E4 will get its alpha reduced, but will recieve a ROF buff
based on this i assume the jag e-100 will be unchanged
“- multicore support will come AFTER the introduction of Havoc and HD client”
Yeeeeeeah, so they want to introduce hardware-heavy stuff WITHOUT multicore support? Where is logic in it?
WG says: “Fuck logic.”
Yeah, that’s pissed me off too. We will suffer on low detail because of bad optimalization for a half year and then, they maybe will release a multicore support… great :/
It’s ridiculous, I upgraded my pc with some old, cheap, and yet still powerfull parts (OCed q9300 and GTX 570) and I’m having something like 2-3x boost in performance in every game with higher details than before, but WoT is like “nah, bro, here are yours 10 fps more”
- Storm states that for now no good solution how to improve light tank gameplay has been found, the problem is that with buffing their role, teams would become too much dependent on the performance of their LT’s
Oh no, a team relying on tanks to do their job? How terrible.
I wouldn’t want to rely on anyone on the EU server. Oh all the poles…
So I heard u liek siemka?
Kto pl?
The Happy New Year part 1 special is apparently the gift shop offer, but stating it as an in-game special is misleading to say the least…
>apparently, prototype Maus (early Maus concept) had even thicker armor than the Maus itself…, according to Yuri Pasholok
I don’t understand why did he wrote that. From Panzer Tracts:
There were three earlier concepts (VK 100.01 (P), Typ 205, Mäuschen or something like that, I always mess the names up).
Anyways these three designs were from June and October 1942.
Your image is the December 42/January 43 concept.
I asked Pasholok on WG lj-community exactly about the vehicle on the picture above if it is more suitable as tier 10 reward tank than VK 7201 (K).
- first batch of historical battles will not feature French tanks
Well, I find this disturbing. Understandably… Kursk type battle likely comes first. Can’t wait for Historical Battles with French tanks… It will be amazing to hear the cry’s of Fowl from the German fanboys.
All I can say is, know your tanks gentlemen, because it’s going to be crazy…
Meh. French tanks are majority all prototype at high tiers. I don’t think we’ll see a lot of HT French Tanks
Dont forget your B1 wont have that top B1 gun.
Well Pz. IIIs are going to rock with the 37mm :D
The B1′s gun is just fine against the Pz III A.
and pzIs, IIs and IV ausf. A and Bs
Pz III A wasnt used in battle it was too crap for german army.
”- E-25 is slightly OP”
And no comment on the WT E-100 being OP….the only reason the E-25 is considered OP because of it’s preferred MM and because noobs neverbuy it because ”HURDURR IT LACKS POWER AND ARMOR!!1!11!1!11oneone”
Leave. It. Alone, PLEASE!
It’s OP because it’s a prem tank.
Why should they leave it when it’s clearly overperforming? Same as Su-122-44. Quit bitching.
Since players may start demanding their gold back remember SP nerf.
Whatever, they may get it back. They just wont get back their real money. Enough for WG not to care about it.
Premium tanks should be sellable for gold. However, just like normal tanks, there should be a selling penalty (50% IIRC).
WG will never do this, though, because forcing people to buy more gold (even if they lost 50% selling) is better for business than being consistent. They’d rather the status quo than being able to freely nerf premium tanks like any other to make a better overall game (presumably less profitable).
Sorry for the nuisance and the repeating question .
What about the chieftain prototype as a t10 british heavy
HD without multi-core support? yeah….not a lot of people will be able to take advantage of it then
Especially not those with AMD CPUs… INTEL BIAS!
Arty is not too accurate, it’s this BS go-kart FV304 that is too accurate. It’s usually a platoon of those little sh*ts that will spam a heavy tank to death without any hope to shoot back at them. I’d rather be one-shotted.
Don’t you dare touch my FV304! It is the only fun arty left…
no Object 279….:(…that was something that i would gladly add to my hangar…..
is-7 …the real one is too OP…then why can’t they just calibrate this “beauty” (read “ugly duck”) ????? :((((
so it’s better to pay for some documents, then invent some missing parts……than to pay for a visit to kubinka for checking the REAL STUFF………EPIC
“arties are doing fine currently, they will not be touched for now”
I think WG was looking at them new guys who’re “used” to this, and dem damn unicums.
Also, yay new city map \o/
there will be new camo patterns and inscriptions/decals too
Good we can always use more camo paints to individualize our tanks :)
the “yellow” (dunkelgelb) and “whole green” camos for German tanks will not be implemented
This is dumb and almost contradicts the other statement, I know WG said along time ago they don’t want solid color camo paint schemes other than winter ones, but if players want it and willing to pay gold = real money for it then why would you NOT put it in? That’s like someone trying to come along and stuff $100 bills in your pockets and you taking that out of your pockets and throwing it on the ground saying “I don’t want your money”
-Jagdpanzer E-100 will remain the same
They don’t need to nerf something that already crap……
- in 8.11, tank models will switch to new format, that’s why all skins and remodel mods will stop working
So it’s final, my 7 GB skin collection will be waste…….thank you WG for your HD crap….
i hope it stops hit box mods that would make me very happy
For a while. Like a week.
This game is about tanks.
Leaving out the Israeli Line of Modified BEASTS up to one of the top 5 Main Battle tanks in the world is crazy.
The Arab-Israeli conflicts have been pretty much the only “”source”” of battle testing knowledge tank developers can draw on in the 1950′s-60′s-70′s.
Since WWII the only large scale tank battles have taken place on the Golan Heights and Sinai peninsula.
But I suppose that since this game is Russian Tank Biased, they don’t want to bring up the tanks that turned t54-’s and t62′s and IS3′s and SU152′s into SCRAP METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M50-51 Super Sherman.
M48 Patton is a squishy little tank in this game, while in Israeli hands, it PULVERISED the T54/55/62′s.
Magach- Israeli Modified Centurions overtook odds of sometimes 50-1 on the Golan Heights in 1973.
And the Crown Jewel. The Chariot. (Merkava is Chariot in Hebrew). Not 1 has been lost in battle vs enemy tanks. Which included the T72 during the Lebanon War of 1982.
I suppose that it may be a good thing. Because the Russian Bias in this game would make Israeli tanks weak in the game. While they were nothing but the best where it counts the most. COMBAT.
Oh, hello there merchant.
So you guys decided to nerf Foch 155?
Thanks god….
Also no mention on the calender about the return of the top of the tree discounts either….
- Storm states that for now no good solution how to improve light tank gameplay has been found, the problem is that with buffing their role, teams would become too much dependent on the performance of their LT’s
The performance of nearly all tanks is too dependent on the skill of the player (minus the OP ones to some degree)! This is why I see terrible players (40-49%) rush with whatever tank they are in, die and do 1 shot worth of damage if they are lucky.
Buffing scout* light tanks would simply allow them to carry battles more consistently like other tanks can do. Re-balance and standardize light scout tanks and the matchmaking just like arty.
128mm L/70…sounds like a sweet gun, considering that the 128mm L/61 of the Jagdtiger already kicks ass.That would be a most welcome buff to the Maus.
Multicore support is a plus, but how about DX11 or a 64-bit client?
Pingback: 04.01.2014 | WoTRomania
- currently, the work of the matchmaker is being studied in order to check for issues
Thank the fuck Jesus. It’s about freaking time.
- E-25 is slightly OP
Lmao, no it is not. It has shit armor and meh hit points. Want OP TD? Look at Foch 155 and JgPz E100, which they’ve stated they aren’t including as part of the T10 TD nerf for the JPE100. Fantastic. Absolutely ridiculous.