Hello everyone,
an interesting case appeared in the Czech community, so I thought I’d give you guys quick heads up, as I doubt this will concern Czechs only.
A player made a thread, where he described the following situation: while checking his bank statements, he noticed that there was a transaction on 5.1.2014 of 9,95 EUR from his account to Wargaming, listed as a credit card payment. He however made no such transaction and of course he freaked out.
He then wrote a support ticket, where he got a reply it’s being investigated and then – nothing. Since he allegedly was not alone having this issue (apparently, other players of his clan reported such a thing too), he made the thread.
WG employee (Karlie, Czech community organizer) replied – apparently, these “suspicious” payments are delayed transactions from December (specifically, between 7th and 9th of December). While it’s not clear whose fault is this, it’s not like OMGRUSSHUNSARESTEALINMUHMONIEZ, it’s delayed legitimate payment for things you ordered between those two dates.
I hope this helps to clear up some misunderstandings.
I wunt mah moneh Bak!!!
So I payed two times for one thing???
more like bought same thing 2 times? depends if some days later you ordered the same thing! cause it didn’t work!
Nope, just once, only with delay. Trust me, if you paid twice, there would be a huge “WG STEALS FROM PLAYERS” in the title :) It’s just a mild problem.
I wonder what caused the delay, and why those specific dates?
I iz IRL lawyer, and dis vury ilegul
I sue comunniste theifs Wargayming
Gooby pls….
Thankfully that is why I used Paypal, much easier to keep a track of what money is being taken.
I think there was a notice about it on FTR too. The Playspan had some technical problems in december.
They shifted money to a different fiscal year…buy moving the date to after Jan 1, its 2014 money not 2013 money.
Sure, a company making possibly hundreds of millions dollars a year needed to shift few payments that I doubt make up to any significant percent of that.
EVERYTHING has to be accounted for. Do you really think they don’t care about such small payments?
Well it just happens that their millions come from such payments, and they are very cautious not to let anything slip, because it would be illegal.
The new fiscal year is a big deal for every company, no matter if they make millions or 10 dollars a year.
Sure they shifted money, but my point is, that they didn’t do it because they wanted to – there was other company included and honestly – the costs from moving the money in this case wouldn’t really help them in anything.
That’s my point – you implied they tried to shift money, I reply to you, that it’s nonsense, they wouldn’t profit from that.
so he didn’t notice they didn’t charge him in december and then wonders why money was taken a month later?
What a giant doofus…