Storm disclosed the 8.11 patchnotes. Here’s the translation.
- Supertesters get three new vehicles for testing: T23E3 (US tier 7 premium medium tank), T95E6 (US tier 10 reward tank), Grosstraktor Krupp (tier 3 German premium medium tank)
- new map “Windstorm”, 1000x1000m, European winter map, semi-city map
- fixed some game elements on the following maps: Erlenberg, Redshire, Highway, North-West
- completely removed the Port map from all the game modes
- added new map “Ruinberg on fire” – Ruinberg with rain and fires going
- added new map “Winter Himmelsdorf” – winter version of general Himmelsdorf
- fixed the bug where you can enter the building inside the cap circle in Himmelsdorf Encounter
- improved the game performance (SS: FPS) on maps Fisherman’s Bay, Serene Coast, Severogorsk and Ensk
- fixed the excessive brightness of some effects on certain maps
Mechanics and fixes
- added new mode, “National battle”, in which the teams are balanced based on the nation of origin of the tanks
- added new group operations with the crew: mass retraining of the entire crew on the new tank and the one-click return of the old crew
- added the option to disable the battle chat (only text messages – you will still see the “command wheel” commands and pings)
- added the option to view the chat history
- added new icon for the situation when the tank is on fire, analogical to the drowning icon
- added the option of disabling the killcam (viewing the tank that killed you)
- the mission/discount window – some improvements were added
- when you rightlick on a tank in your garage, new option was added to go straight to that tank’s statistics
- research window now has an option to go to that tank you are viewing in the hangar
- added the option to activate fire extinguisher by left-clicking the fire icon in the left lower corner of the screen
- after the destruction of your tank, the camera will now first cycle to the tank of your platoon member and other tanks after that
- added the reload time remaining to the “reloading” message (from the command circle)
- added new markers to the aim reticle settings
- fixed the bug where the mastery badges “disappear” for many players
- fixed the chat and voicechat in team battles
- fixed sharp drop of FPS on some PC configurations, when looking closely at some of the Japanese tanks
- fixed the way visual camo works: now, if you buy camouflage pattern for gold, it gets stored and you can return to it later if you buy other camo of the same type
- added new “Hero of the Battle” medals: “Main Caliber” (for doing damage) and “Tanker-Sniper” (for doing damage at distance over 300 meters)
- the “Sniper” medal was moved from “sniper” to “special” category, in the achievement window you will be able to see how many Sniper medals you got and on what vehicles. It will not be possible to recieve Sniper medals anymore.
- added several new awards especially for team battles
- added the option to actually see you fulfilled the conditions for the mastery badge, even if you already have one for that vehicle
- optimized the motion blur effect
- added the modifiers, influencing the skill level of the crewman to the crewman personal window
- richochets were reworked graphically
- Raisenai Heroes medal was visually reworked
- fixed the replays mechanism (they sometimes were saved with bugs or not at all)
- fixed the speed meter when the tank is moving backwards
- insignia of tankers of all nations brought to one standard
Vehicle changes
- fixed the bugs in size of Type 59, T-54, WZ-120, Nashorn
- fixed the armor of Foch 155, Foch and AMX AC 48
- rebalanced some parameters of following vehicles: Foch 155, T110E4, T110E3, Object 268, WT E-100
- increased the profitability (money-making ability) of following tanks: Lowe, T34, 112, T-34-3, FCM50t, M6A2E1
- MM weight of artillery reduced by 10 percent
- following tanks have the suspension damage model detailization standardized: T29, T32, T34, M37, M41, Chaffee, Pershing, T92, Hellcat, M4A2E4, M46 Patton, M103, T57, T110E5, T26E4, T110E4, T110E3, M44, M53/M55, T69, M60
- M44 was drowning too early, it was fixed
Damn! I wanted the Ke-Ni Otsu!!
What are you on? I want the SU-76i
Tanks in the rain one of the most interesting points in the patch. Thanks SS
No new tanks at all this patch?? Was looking forward to the T-44-85… :(
new medals, nice!
Also himmelsdorf and ruinberg are both gudmaps™ so having those 2x as often is nice.
I wonder if they will be x2, or if they will be drawn as often as now, with additional randomness between 2 variants.
“- fixed the armor of Foch 155, Foch and AMX AC 48″
What sort of fix?
reduzed their side-armor, because it stoped 7,5cm HE shells (somethimes)
I don’t know either, and i want to know, too
fixed the bugs in size of Type 59, T-54, WZ-120, Nashorn
Can some1 explain me that bug?
Most probably everything but T-54 will be increased to it’s historical size, specially Nashorn. And T-54 will most probably be shrunken also to it’s historical size.
I have both the T-54 and Type 59 in my garage, and when I compare them right next to each other there is virtually no difference in size at all. The only differences I see is the T-54′s turret in the rear slopes inwards like a “neck” and the 59′s is just flat, as well as the placement of the tow hooks on the front. There is no difference in size at all….so….if they are both the wrong size, it must be wrong in the same way,
But are they going to increase their size, or decrease?, that is the information I want to know. Btw, WZ-120 (T-34-3) is taller than T-54, idk why :c
“WZ-120 (T-34-3)”
The WZ-120 and the T-34-3 are different tanks. The wz-120 is a different classification for type 59, the t-34-3 is a t-34-2 with the 122mm..
But anyway, you’re right, the wz-120 is imported t-54 with i believe a different turret though, that might explain why its taller.
WZ-120 (Type59) is an imported T-54A or T-55 with no changes made to it ,that’s why there’s a difference in turrets from the in-game T-54. Only the first production models of T-54 had the “neck” at the back of the turret, on the later T-54A and T-55 tanks that was filled in because it wasn’t necessary. And when China bought those, it got the new turret too. The Chinese developed new turrets for the Type62 only.
But the ingame Wz-120 and T-34-3 share the same 3d model, which is completely differend from the Type 59 and T-54 who share 3d model with eachother.
- increased the profitability (money-making ability) of following tanks: Lowe, T34
About time.
Shame there is no IS6 on the list, but considering they gave away (tens of) thousands of them, no wonder.
The IS-6 earns credits just fine, and the fact that it is the premium heavy with the highest win rate already. More wins = more credits.
Also the IS-6 actually earns the most gross credits after the Type 59.
The 112 and T-34-3 buffs are much needed because right now the 112 earns significantly less credits than any tier 8 premium. In fact 112 earns about the same net credits as the Chi-Nu Kai right now.
“fixed the armor of Foch 155, Foch and AMX AC 48″
What does that mean? nerf? or a model bugfix?
“The mantlet now takes full damage from HE as it was originally intended”
I can only hope that no more 350pen shells bounces… :D
- fixed the bugs in size of Type 59, T-54, WZ-120
Uh… is this good or bad?
T-54 is allready as big as IS-3…i think it should become smaller, at least a bit.
“- after the destruction of your tank, the camera will now first cycle to the tank of your platoon member and other tanks after that”
+1 for a quality of life fix. Love it.
And what modifiers are in crew-member window?? Is it reffered to Ventilation, BIA, Chocolate, Tea and stuf?? Is commander bonus there??
“following tanks have the suspension damage model detailization standardized: T29, T32, T34, M37, M41, Chaffee, Pershing, T92, Hellcat, M4A2E4, M46 Patton, M103, T57, T110E5, T26E4, T110E4, T110E3, M44, M53/M55, T69, M60″
I need more translation! What does it mean for me?
I like to know too what this mean??
Basically they have improved the look of the tracks when you are de-tracked.
There are two track models (when the tracks are on, or when you are tracked).
“The model of damaged tracks (for the following vehicles) has been updated in quality/texture to meet the standards of other vehicles with more (detailed?) damaged track models.”
I’m pretty sure it just means there are gaps in the track model now where you can shoot them in the track area but not hit the tracks(20-40mm of armor depending on the tank) and directly hit the hull behind it. If you want to see an example look at the current T29 and the current A-44 in a tank model viewer and look at the damage model of the tracks(coloured one showing armor thicknesses)
T29 has just a single track shaped blob of green for the tracks, A-44 has 3 or 4 gaps in the track area showing where you can directly hit the hull behind it. This is to make it more accurate, as if you look at the tracks there are clearly gaps between rollers and torsion bars and such so your shell literally hits “nothing” right now when it hits a T29(and related) in those areas of the track. This is a good change. Every tank will have this style of track hitbox eventually. Christie suspensions(T-54, etc) will have an advantage here as the only gap in their tracks is the rare gap between road wheels(in most cases, near the front)
Or this.
T54 christie suspension?
Since when..?
Its torsion bars same as on t29
“Christie suspensions(T-54, etc)”
T-54 has torsion bars.
- increased the profitability (money-making ability) of following tanks: Lowe, T34
Someone mentioned this above but there are quite some nice quality of life changes in this patch.
FCM50t play like a truly medium tank and have buff credits making, why Super Pershing play like a heavy not have …
btw, I have T34 and FCM50t so, yay XD
sr if my spelling wrong
Maybe because Super Pershing would be crazy good if it can fire all APCR and still make a profit. Its APCR is just too good.
Yay, my Super 6 gets an income buff. Considering I’m already making between 60-100k on it now, that’s great.
I have both them as well and i will tell u personally i earn shit loads of credits from both already so my FCM and T34 are probably going to shit credits now LOL
- added new map “Ruinberg on fire” – Ruinberg with rain and fires going
can’t wait XD
Fixed Foch armor? <3
combined with 1000hp engine and nerf alpha damg, poor F155 driver :)
They nerfed it too hard, it’s happening what happend with m48 patton. I think the engine OR the alpha dmg were enough to balance it, or maybe mobility and add 5 sec to reload time, but: NO! nerf everything!!!!!1:
wtf?!!!1 to many noobs whining about it. It has big and many weak spots anyway… there will always be guys like: I can’t faking kill this tank, there is no way it’s coz my skill, this tank is OPOPOP!!!!1111 go forums and whine. If WG don’t learn what’s balanced and what’s not this game will get lot much broken
Its statistics say the opposite, end of discussion. The nerf bat hit it a bit too hard probably, but at least wait for the test server.
look, the kind of player you were talking about exNoob – so funny :P
fuck the F155 drivers, they knew they where driving an insanely OP tank, fuck.them.
the thing flies like an RC toy-tank, faster than meds, the ENTIRE FRONT is a fucking thick uniform IMPENETRABLE SLAB with no weakspots(unless you use gold) and the LFP is also not guaranteed pen, also, it can dsh 850ish every 6 second…
yeah, fuck you f155 drivers, go rot in hell
Learn to play mindless mule.
This is the kind of noob I’m talking about
The bloody STATS show it’s OP. Both in global WR and in expected WR.
I’m not sure they nerfed the gun of the Foch 155. In the ASAP video it only mentions that they nerfed the alpha of 150mm to 152mm guns at tier 10 to a uniform 750 average with AP. They do not mention 155mm guns, but it could just be an oversight on their part. They also mention that the alpha of 130mm and 170mm guns is not changed.
Man I was in the middle of editing my above post and the timer ran out and said “fuck you” and closed the box and erased everything I wrote. Fuck you too, timer!
If you think the Foch has no frontal weakpoints then you must be really shit. Look at the top of almost every tank in the game, hatches, observation devices, those are huge weakpoints on 99% of the tanks in the game. If you can’t see that then please, don’t ever be on my team. You sound like the type of person who would look at the E-100 turret and think, damn, that is a strong turret, completely ignoring that 150mm flat bar going straight across the top of it that even tier 7s can penetrate.
lets compare with obj 268 that is as well considered OP (doubt it)
obj 268 has paper LFP, weak UFP (pike), same gun, same rangerfinder weakspot, no mantlet (!), 187mm flat sourface near the gun (quite big), worse speed, 100mm side armor (equally worthless, better against splash dmg) and nice camo. good 15,7 hp/t
Foch 155 has 220mm effective tiny LFP (equal to the huge obj268 pike nose), unreliable rangefinder weakspot tends to do zero dmg a lot, cupola tends to ricochet. Both are small, hard to hit at range, you have to have an accurate gun.
You may say it has weak sides, but only few mediums can reliably circle it as it has awesome traverse (same as centurion 7/1 at 30degrees, Foch even have superior engine (horsepower) which make it even better!), so you have to shoot it only when its distracted. exceptional hp/t is the same (in fact slightly better) as of t-54 at 20hp/t !!!!!!! Long reload hardly outweights the burst damage, only an idiot cant get to cover with 20hp/t, more so if you have 14 other friends covering you.
What about the gun?
Not sure if you have faced E-100s recently as the rangefinder bar on the turret lost it’s hitbox for damage to HP a lot of patches ago. Same for the T29 ears (rangefinders).
One should not forget that the E-100′s turret is almost 100% flat so you could pen the turret if the driver doesn’t angle it in between shots. And ofc the LFP.
The traverse is OP too. Watch one brawl with a medium tank up close and it usually wins. Shpulnt be possible
- increased the profitability (money-making ability) of following tanks: Lowe, T34, 112, T-34-3, FCM50t, M6A2E1
- research window now has an option to go to that tank you are viewing in the hangar
Too late :S
fixed the way visual camo works: now, if you buy camouflage pattern for gold, it gets stored and you can return to it later if you buy other camo of the same type
I’m confused does this mean we can now have multiple camo types on tanks and choose whichone we want to use? That would be a cool option if that’s what it means and also it would increase revenue for War Gaming if they did that.
the “Sniper” medal was moved from “sniper” to “special” category, in the achievement window you will be able to see how many Sniper medals you got and on what vehicles. It will not be possible to recieve Sniper medals anymore.
This one makes me sad I like getting Sniper medals, why would they take that out???
Not possible to get the extra credits if you lose anymore. (courages resistance)
that was the first thing that came to my mind… :(
- insignia of tankers of all nations brought to one standard
And what does that mean exactly?
“The image displayed next to a crew member(his rank) will have a new standard. All images(emblems indications a crew members’s rank) for all nations will now follow this standard.”
What kind of standard?
Maybe the resolution of the image or the amount of ranks in the line of promotion.
Yeah. SS to the rescue?
- fixed the way visual camo works: now, if you buy camouflage pattern for gold, it gets stored and you can return to it later if you buy other camo of the same type
1. Does this only work for the same tank?
2. If I sell a tank will its Gold Camo be available on other tank of the same of different classes?
3. If I have two Winter Camo patterns for Tank A, can I use the one not mounted on Tank B?
Three ways of asking the same question :)
Camouflage patterns you buy for a tank will only be usable for that tank.
If I sell and re-buy the tank ?
So, Lowe can even make more credits? Wous
I’m missing nerf of is6. It is among the strongest of its tier, even stronger then its equivalent is3. And WG keeps repeating premium tanks should be on the low side of its tier.
IS-6 is damn well balanced with it’s 175 milimetres of pen and shit mobility. IS-3 goes well above 40km/h and has ~220mm pen, IS-6 barely reaches 35km/h and has a stock inaccurate gun. And if you argue that you can always use gold ammo: well if you do shoot gold only, you lose the credits you were supposed to be farming with your premium tank. So no, it does’t have to be nerfed. At all.
That said, I don’t even own one.
I agree that the IS-3 is a lot stronger then an IS-6. That is, I hardly lose to IS-6s in my IS-3. IS-6 is more sluggish, less accurate (?) and has lower pen. The armor is better but still not great if you have to face good players.
- fixed the bugs in size of Type 59, T-54, WZ-120, Nashorn
I smell bullshit in this. Or to say more historical size fixes.
Nashorn enlarged, others made smaller :D
You smell bullshit because that’s the only thing that comes out of your mouth.
Oh, the odour became stronger. I see why. Massive turd just showed on my post. Srsly. Go kill yourself. It’s funny how Nashorn grew to it’s historical size. It’s not like the first time German tanks got bigger for “historical reasons” So FUCK OFF and never ever comment again my posts you retarded piece of shit.
Why no Sniper medal anymore? What was wrong with it? It was nice to have that medal for the Courageous resistance bonus :(.
the implementation SUCKED. they’ve talked about fixing it from time to time since closed beta. now with courageous resistance, the problems really come to the fore. The replacement seems a whole lot more useful.
cause you can get the sniper medal by hugging 2-3 tanks and shooting at point blank range which, let’s face it, doesn’t make you a sniper. the need to make shots at over 300 meters to obtain the sniper medal is a logical step in getting this medal, which I don’t understand why WG didn’t do from the beginning.
what about this ? :)
FIXED.. finally
Really looking good!
“added the option to activate fire extinguisher by left-clicking the fire icon in the left lower corner of the screen”
You what??
So thats quicker, more intuitive and better than instantly pressing “6″ while still firing at the enemy is it?
Waste of fking space… and sack whoever thought of that idea…
I remapped the Fire Extinguisher to the Space Bar
its called options u know
no i don’t, thats why im asking :)
I left my Spacebar as the Halt for thequick stop fire.. can still be usefull in certain tanks…
and I have one of those crappy Wolfman circular gaming keyboards so everything is close.. cost me £10.. but I can’t find any more at that price, I need a replacement as its slowly fking up with sticking keys…
Goodbye French TD superiority, now there’s no competition at all what the best tier 10 TD is
Meh Meh. E3 is still an amazing tank, Same for the 263 but that’s due ppl not knowing where to shoot it. 268 is unique in having the mobility of an IS-8 and great pen. WT-E100 is a glass cannon to the extreme with over the top burst.
And honestly, I had no problems with foch 155s but that’s as I avoided their line of fire when reloaded. Waited for a teammate to die on the burst so I could circle him (detrack to force reps, detrack again – didn’t always work) or I would just complete out ignore and the avoid the 155 the entire game.
[- fixed the replays mechanism (they sometimes were saved with bugs or not at all)]
Bloody bug didnt save my ferdinand mastery game.
What’s the point? Old replays aren’t compatible with new clients anyway. I have shitloads of amazing replays, all useless because WG doesn’t bother with backwards compatibility. There was the compatibility mod, but I couldn’t bother using it anymore just to make some videos.
- fixed the armor of Foch 155, Foch and AMX AC 48
What does it mean ?
Well, fellow Foch 155 drivers, it seems that our enduring ARL v39 has been for nothing afterall…
For nothing, except almost 2 years of the tank not being touched almost at all
Don’t worry, just wait for the geniuses who will think they can roflstomp the foch after the patch and rush you head on muahahaha
You guys made us rage and statpadded for two years, fair enough.
Np, there is still the waffletank to keep the rage burning ( i don’t own one)
In other news ..
Foch players make you rage.
WG for implementing it like this in the first place doesn’t.
I dont mind Waffleträger that much, only when its 1:1 on the end of the battle. Load nonprem hesh and peak and boo it over the ridge, effectively denying its burst dmg advantage. Compared to Foch you dont have to aim for weakspots, only for the gigantic rotating tumor. plus it doesnt have any camo. Foch is a god, WT a demi-god. :)
“fixed the way visual camo works: now, if you buy camouflage pattern for gold, it gets stored and you can return to it later if you buy other camo of the same type”
i wish they ment, if you bought it for gold, you can change the pattern on that tank for free…
now you still have to pay gold in order to get a different pattern. wish they did it slightly different then they plan to do now.
You dont need to wish, this is how it will work in 8.11. Yes you can buy more then 1 cammo/emblems and chnge them when you want, you already payed for them. So you can have 3 desert cammo, and switch between them.
“fixed the bug where you can enter the building inside the cap circle in Himmelsdorf Encounter”
” – added new map “Ruinberg on fire” –Ruinberg with rain and fires going”
Fuck!…I want screenies/movies of it naow!!!…can’t wait for the damn test server to open in order to see it!
Wow…looks like an awesome patch. A lot of things fixed that most have been waiting for.
I personally have been whining daily over the “obsolete” premium T8 heavies for what feels like a year or so. I haven’t bothered writing on the forum, since the problem speaks for itself and i am tired of whining (i always post constructive critiscism, no point in just flaming…ever). Therefore i am quite surprised (and happily so) to see that they finally have done something about this issue. First they ie. buffed Löwe’s armour, then this.
I have no idea when they ninja-nerfed the T8 premiums, but it was a long time ago. In the beginning most T8s could manage +120k in good battles. Now the same battles render like +90k, that is a very big difference. But the problem isn’t really high-end battles, the problem is the overall income which imho is pretty shitty. I can make more or less the same amount of credits (not overall, but good battles) in a good T10 as in a T8 premium, and that is where the whole thing has gone totally broken. It is more or less harder to gain +90-100k in premium heavies than with a very good high-tier standard tank, since you can dominate in certain tanks while you won’t do that in T8 premiums (not overall).
I’ve heard so many selling especially Löwe (why sell a gold-tank?) since it suck so hard. It has very hard MM, and still suck even after the buffs. Making credits isn’t easy in neither Löwe or T34. Even pro-players have a hard time excelling in those tanks since they very often end up in tier 10 battles, you just don’t do enough damage. And as an old player it is annoying to know this since i remember how much you used to earn in these tanks. Most players have stopped playing especially Löwe due to this fact. T34 can still manage itself due to its gun, but same thing applies. You won’t make as much credits, not even close to what it used to be a long time ago. It will be interesting to see how big difference this will make, hopefully back to what it used to be. Otherwise it is just close to pointless.
The Foch 155 nerf was more or less expected, but still welcome. Next thing i’m waiting for is a nerf for the WT E-100, that gun is just too OP by any means. Probably the most “noob” friendly tank in the game. You don’t even have to aim. Just finished a “funny” CW battle where our team was winning big, until a WT shows up and fires away cloaked at the main-force. 22 shots fired, 21 hits and 20 did damage…on a heavy main-force with IS-4/IS-7 in hull down positions. Things like that is just silly, i personally got super-wiped in a IS-4 (which is one hard-ass tough tank to pen) in a hull-down position. Not one ding, and he fired from ~250-300m. As i said, you don’t even have to aim to pen. Anyhow, this isn’t new and we all know how it is.
Finally, overall a very very good patch imho. Although i am a little bit puzzled by the new sniper medals. I suppose we will see people sniping in non-accurate tanks due to this. Not a big deal, but i would be surprised if the amount ofsnipers didn’t increase (i just shiver from the thought of sniping KV-1S tanks etc.). Well, time will tell. Good patch!
having trouble earning credits in Löwe and T34?
u mad?
u can push double r on this tanks and go make coffe and earn some money……
if you have preium running the joining battle bonus of those two is higher than their repair cost….
2. sniping 122mm russian? just play a tier 6 game……
3, agreed on Wt100, no tank should be able to on clip/one shot hit a mouse on a regular base..
mfg eXterminus
PS: agreed that income was nerfed/decreased by game mechanics changing and needed to be buffed.
great patch :D everytime better :D
t34 buff i love Wg :D money money money :D
Fire and rain on Ruinberg??? Guess which map just became my favorite?
SERB / STORM, YOUR ARE BOTH STUPID FOR NERFING THE TDs. Hope WarThunder would capitalize from this idiotic mistake
- added new map “Ruinberg on fire” – Ruinberg with rain and fires going
Welp, kiss your fps goodbye.
- increased the profitability (money-making ability) of following tanks: Lowe, T34, 112, T-34-3, FCM50t, M6A2E1
Looks like I’ll be driving my Lowe more often then.
increased the profitability of tier 8 prems? Hell yeah!
So now in french Td line one should endure 7 shit, 1 mediocre and 1 good to get to mediocre tier 10.
“the “Sniper” medal was moved from “sniper” to “special” category, in the achievement window you will be able to see how many Sniper medals you got and on what vehicles. It will not be possible to recieve Sniper medals anymore.”
wait whaaaaaaaaat?
I hope they rework that stupid defense on Sand River … so fucking balanced.