- SerB states that the algorithm of the automatic server selection (during login) works so that if the best server (ping-wise) is overloaded (SS: probably like has a queue), it moves you on to the next best (ping-wise) server
- there are no plans to switch tier 9 Object 430 II and tier 10 Object 430
- 150mm (152mm) guns give your position away when firing (SS: as in, they make you lose too much camo)? “Don’t play with 150mm guns” (SS: so, apparently no buffs there)
- Object 430 won’t get the 122mm D-25T gun (Object 430U), SerB states those two tanks were quite different
- SerB states that no polls (or petitions) will make Wargaming do something: “The problem is not the amount of signatures – there will be no “game democracy” in the game unless we get visited by American bombers”
- not so long ago, Storm mentioned that there might be the possibility for a tank to move with one destroyed track implemented into the game, because it’s realistic. SerB states that this will not anytime soon (“Destruction of a roadwheel is in the game also modelled by a detrack. Get the hint?”)
- Q: “Will technical characteristics and guns of tanks be brought to match their real life counterparts in the game in historical battles?” A: “No, there will be no burning gasoline gushing from your screen”
- SerB states that vehicles in historical battles will be just like in random battles, including crews with perks, the only thing will be their module configuration. He adds that he personally is “saving” such vehicles for historical battles.
- T110E3 and T110E4 rebalance in 8.11 is connected with “general TD rebalance”
- SerB confirms that national battles will be a mode in random battles
- SerB states that in national battles, you have to win not by a combination of general tank traits (like in random battles), but by using the strong sides of that respective nation, while compensating for the weaknesses. This is the real reason this mode was developed and SerB thinks it’s going to be interesting
- SerB states that historical battles will not have “mirror” MM (SS: for example one Tiger and two Panthers vs one IS and two T-34/85), because this option gave huge waiting times.
- Japanese tanks are “not a condition” for the historical battles according to SerB
- HE shell splash has the shape of a sphere: if a HE shell explodes above you, you get hit if you are within the splash radius
- when you finish a battle before its over and go play another battle on another tank, the first battle is not “streamed” into your client (SS: as in, the server instructions do not get transferred), you only get notified about the result
- the question whether in national battles two same nations will be able to meet is still being decided according to SerB
- the list of historical battle tanks is “quite long” – it’s “all the vehicles that participated in fighting”
- it’s possible that premium tanks (like Panther/M10) will appear in historical battles
- it’s possible that Tiger P might appear in the Kursk historical battle (with number limitation)
- it’s possible that Chinese and Japanese tanks will eventually appear in national battles, as both nations have potential for full branches of all vehicle types
- apparently, there is a chance that Soviet tanks will have a reduced chance to be dropped into national battles (SS: not sure if trolling), because there are many players playing the Soviets on RU server
Also, new Chieftain’s Hatch video
- SerB states that no polls (or petitions) will make Wargaming do something: “The problem is not the amount of signatures – there will be no “game democracy” in the game unless we get visited by American bombers”
Ah, that would explain why WT has bombers and WoWp does not >_<
…oh wow.. first o_O
Aww Serb’s mentioned getting visited by US bombers before, he’s running out of content D:
I had the same thought as you.
“first o_O”
Ban incoming!
Money makes them do things that’s the oil on serbs rim,
I could get a few B-25′s in the air and headed for the HQ. Would a leaflet drop be legal?
Few B-29s :D
B-25′s are much cheaper and more reliable.
If we talk about “a few” bombers, better go big!
If I want to go big I will use the local Titan II.
It’s basically like saying:
“Fuck you players, we don’t give a fuck about you we want just your money :)”
Bombers? It’s the fucking drones you need to be worried about SerB. Stop living in the past man!
Actually, it means more like “you player don’t know shit about making games, and we do. So fuck you with your opinion, we will make our game the way we want it.”
You forgot to add “…and you will pay us money after you STFU.”
> It’s basically like saying:
> “Fuck you players, we don’t give a fuck about you we want just your money :)”
No it’s not.
It’s like saying: “we made a game so enjoyable that many people are willing to give us lots of money for it, so we’ll consider it safe to assume that we know more about game design that a random person (you), therefore, sorry, we’re not going to let you dictate how we make our game, no matter how many random persons you manage to amass”; while taking an ironic jab at a government one of whose main occupations purportedly is to bring democracy to people, which it does through bombing hatches; thus highlighting by contrast that WG doesn’t /force/ anything on you.
Serb stuck in cold war era..
American bombers bomb some shit like annualy or so.
Yeah, and Russia invades random caucasus country annualy or so (sometimes i actually even support them). Dont get me wrong, i am just tired of those useless remarks… Its that “Stalin summer of rage” rhetorics all over again.
I thought player complaints was most of the reason why the Rising Sun flag isn’t available.
That’s hardly a core game mechanic change. I don’t think they care that much about cosmetic stuff like this or the colour of the Jap tanks.
..or the Stalin slogans?
“Destruction of a roadwheel is in the game also modelled by a detrack. Get the hint?”
In the game, “losing tracks” doesn’t only cover the situation where you throw a track or it gets shot off, but also the situation you lose a roadwheel. Or more. In which case it would be pretty hard to turn I guess.
In the future they might model the roadwheel destruction differently I think, and then you will be able to drive when you are tracked.
So The_Chieftain goes to the Imperial War Museum…
Actually, he was just relating the story of why the Matilda had the light blue color in the camo. That particular Matilda, as he said at the beginning, is at the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation, in Portola Valley, California.
I’d love to see what strenghts french, german low and mid tiers would have to use on most maps in national battles…. Oh, and all brits.
French = armor, German = IDK man :D, British = Nothing
British has accuracy and aim time.
Germans = fucked :P
Brits: Don’t mess with matilda’s, get one clipped by cruiers, one hit derped by cruiser 2, fail to pen a churchill 7 4 times in row before swiching to premium ammo, never be safe from arty(highest trajectory in gaame), Fail to pen AT-2.
Shall I countinue? Though a kw-1 vs at 2 15 vs 15 would be awesome.
Germans are jacks of all trades with nice mobility, the will have to adjust to enemies.
Matilda OP, Cruisers have monster pen with 40mms, no-one uses the Cruiser 2, even though you can’t pen the C7, he can’t pen you :D With T5 tanks it’s easy to pen the weakspot or circle the AT 2. But I gotta admit when writing that earlier comment, I was thinking about the British meds before Matilda, TDs before AT 2, lights and arties before the Bishop.
Um the low tier brit tds are fantastic… If you cant make the fastest and best camo td in game with the ap machine gun off the matilda (alecto) work you might as well give up now.
French: Armor and not much else (save for the TDs, which have stealth and relatively decent guns for the most part) from tiers 1 to 4, guns and mobility for tiers 5-7.
Germans: Mobility for the most part, except perhaps the TDs, which will rely on camouflage and the accuracy of their guns from tiers 1 to 4, while tiers 5 to 7 rely on armor and guns (except the TDs, perhaps with the exception of the Jagdpanther, which rely on camouflage rather than armor)
- the question whether in national battles two same nations will be able to meet is still being decided according to SerB
It will be called Smashing Traitors
Or Civil War ;))
Not a super big history buff, so correct me if im wrong but wasnt the only tiger p not made into the ferni a command vehicle? And didnt it have only 100mm of frontal hull armor? So does that mean that there will be a capped number (1) and it would just have a dummy gun and a nice big radio? Or am i just severely mistaken?
I think one out of the 10 finished Tiger P tanks had 200mm frontal armor as the rest had 100mm. One completed Tiger P served as a command vehicle in Kursk out of the ten completed, so I think the gun was working. 90 leftover turrets were used on the Tiger H. Out of the 100 completed hulls without turrets were 91 Ferdinants/Elefants made with 100mm extra bolted on armor and couple of Berge Panzer VIs. That’s from Doyle.
91 went into Ferdinants/Elefant construction. Of the rest…
5 Tiger P’s were issued to training units. (2 likely stayed there and or were used for testing. 3 of them were converted to Bergepanzer Tiger(P))
3 went into the Ramtiger project. Fate unknown.
1 Command tank seen near Kursk.
(12 Tiger (P)’s were planned for Rommel in NA, they were not completed in time)
So there you are 100 Tiger P Hulls.
Thank you :D
- SerB confirms that national battles will be a mode in random battles
I wonder how want they do that … if he means “mode in random battles” as in assault/standard, …
What if there is platoon of two different nation tanks ?
It is gonna be like Assault or encounter and have same chance of appearing than those two if you have it.
I would think that you can’t play that mode then :D
It’ll just be standard national battle (No assault, and encounter), at least for now.
? I though it was just another randoms battles game mode?
me too, that’s why my question …
It will be as you said. He said the same, only that the flags and spawn points layout will be identical to the layout of standard battle (modes of random right now are: standard, encounter, assault; after patch it will be standard, encounter, assault, national)
there will be no “game democracy” in the game unless we get visited by American bombers”
hahaha nice on serb, it made my day. I have to remember that quote
It is quite old actually.
And it is a parody of some anti vietnam war move quote “We bring democracy by bombs”
there will be no “game democracy” in the game unless we get visited by American bombers”
Awesome. Best quote from serb
in 8.11 TB will become according to tier ?or same?
SerB states that no polls (or petitions) will make Wargaming do something: “The problem is not the amount of signatures – there will be no “game democracy” in the game unless we get visited by American bombers”
Send in the bombers!!!
So, start those B-52s…
I’ll start making sure the chaff is ready while you fuel up the plane.
Roll out the S-300 Grumbles.
>> not so long ago, Storm mentioned that there might be the possibility for a tank to move with one destroyed track implemented into the game, because it’s realistic
While technically possible for some tanks (dual drive prototypes), what you could do is mainly twist and maybe go a bit forward with momentum saved. The problem is that IRL moving with broken track was the LAST thing you wanted to do, never ever you wanted to drive off your track to make it harder to fix it back on – it’s not that track snap on magically in ten seconds, with crew sitting inside tank…
Guys, get some grip on reality, please…
It only takes 25 mins to change from transport tracks to combat tracks on the Tiger I.
1. It was always on track, i imagine it as connecting these two and riding from one to another.
2. Not under fire, in deep mud, with your track laying a few meters behind a tank.
And it wasn’t “only”, it was hard physical work.
“How terrible.”
Perhaps it would be at least somewhat reasonable if you could wiggle about while detracked but doing so would at least reset the track repair process.
Prepare for legions of tomatoes that never fix their tracks because they keep trying to move.
YES YES YES YES!!!!! Gimme them newbies!
- SerB states that in national battles, you have to win not by a combination of general tank traits (like in random battles), but by using the strong sides of that respective nation, while compensating for the weaknesses. This is the real reason this mode was developed and SerB thinks it’s going to be interesting
Because he knows very well that general WoT playstyle suits Soviets much better than any nation in the game(well USA comes to my mind as good nation too), but Soviets are still much easier to play and don’t have any serious drawbacks. I bet it will be interesting for him because everything will be flooded with his beloved russkie stronk tonks. Otherwise this mode would never make to the game.
- apparently, there is a chance that Soviet tanks will have a reduced chance to be dropped into national battles (SS: not sure if trolling), because there are many players playing the Soviets on RU server
Why wouldn’t they play when they are easiest to play. He is not trolling, he is very well aware of it.
It’s okay, my ARL 105 will have fun murdering KV-1s’.
They will autoaim my UFP as usual and bounce all day, and I will put my APCR rounds for 350 damage through their gun mantle.
So you’re one of those who use the APCRs on 105s. Good to know.
You go and do that, incompetent 1S drivers should be put down. The rest of us will enjoy slaughtering your precious ARLols.
lol good luck, your OP-1s can’t stand up to france.
Btw its 330 dmg for 13 TR.
Check ur facts.
I role higher than not. So indeed, I will stand by 350 damage. Are you perhaps a KV-1s driver?
You know, the funny thing about why the game favors the Soviets so much isn’t because of the metagame, or how forgiving they are, but because the maps are too small.
On the Matilda video. Not bad, fairly nice enjoyable video. Loved the phrase “even if you hear it coming, what you going to do?”
However two (very minor niggles)
1: Its not a “Matilda II”, its a “Matilda Senior”
2: Surely the unit at Arras was the 1st tank brigade, consisting on the 7th and 4th RTR’s?
1: I prefer Waltzing Matilda if Matilda II isn’t enough.
EDIT: Got your point
Well… Rommel would likely call up his StPz II for supporting fire. If it happened to be in working order.
Plus if the German happened to capture a Matilda the British could not knock it out with their own guns…
Well a 2Pdr is vastly better than a PAK-36. Some of the latter more advanced rounds could have done it, but Straight AP you’re probably right.
Of course a 3.7″ AA gun would have nailed a Matilda Seniors hat on, without issue, but that’s not really a fair match. But a 25Pdr with a Super AP shell could have done it.
That said a lot of the Matilda Seniors captured by the Germans would have been the Ex-BEF ones, which had several issues with reliability and were also underpowered.
“even if you hear it coming, what you going to do?”
Start shooting at them with 88 mm flak guns, which is exactly what Rommel ordered some flak gunners to do in France.
- SerB states that no polls (or petitions) will make Wargaming do something: “The problem is not the amount of signatures – there will be no “game democracy” in the game unless we get visited by American bombers”
And what about the Korean petition to remove the Rising Sun Flag from WoWS trailer? It got like 40k signatures and the flag got removed. Yeah SerB, if you are at the edge of loosing money, then there surely is democracy.
Letting money decide:
It is not democracy, it is oligarchy.
Plutocracy means rule by the wealthy. Oligarchy means rule by the few. I think the former applies more accurately here.
Thx for correcting me. I have always thought it was the other way around…
I’m sure that they don’t even know about that petition. WG-Korea got the flag removed, not some online petition.
- Object 430 won’t get the 122mm D-25T gun (Object 430U), SerB states those two tanks were quite different
Would have been nice to have a soviet med that isnt exactly like the other two.
Except they’re making the 430U a heavy >_>
I thought 430U was rejected as OP. They could do an IS-7-like nerf to it (high terrain resistance, low rate of fire), but that is ugly and makes the tank’s introduction fairly pointless.
- SerB states that no polls (or petitions) will make Wargaming do something: “The problem is not the amount of signatures – there will be no “game democracy” in the game unless we get visited by American bombers”
So WG doesn’t care about its players’ opinions……fantastic company.
Make meh so sad WahGee no care ’bout meh ;’( ;’( ;’( ;’( ;’(
If wee all votes for free Type 59s we no get them… How Terrible.
If 60% of the people votes to have the P-1000 in game it wont be introduced… How terrible.
If people want gold shells to be fur free they no listen. How Terrible.
Gimme free tier 10 WahGee I demand it fom u! Bad company! hmph!
They do if those players happen to play on the RU server.
- when you finish a battle before its over and go play another battle on another tank, the first battle is not “streamed” into your client (SS: as in, the server instructions do not get transferred), you only get notified about the result
that explains why i have only 2 weeks play time, after playing wot every day for a year
Q: “Will technical characteristics and guns of tanks be brought to match their real life counterparts in the game in historical battles?” A: “No”
Is this a troll answer through and through? Or will the tanks not actually be limited by their historical counterparts? (i.e. will we be seeing Pz3Ns fighting Char B1 bis or Panthers with 75 L/100s?) Will or won’t modules be disallowed based on map/timeline?
The way I’m reading that response is that WG won’t make it a precise simulation, or have this separate game mode run on completely separate game mechanics(i.e. Like how War Thunder has it’s Simulation battles differ from it’s Arcade battles).
Historical Battle mode’s point is to feature contemporary vehicles together, with contemporary loadouts. So if a Char B1 is rolling around, you won’t be seeing Panzer III’s with the 75mm derp gun, and Panthers won’t be in the battle at all
OR it could be referring to how guns in WoT are statistically altered to perform fairly in a battle room, as opposed to real life stats(though they usually have some basis on historical data, cynics aside). One example is accuracy. “Panzer IV Ausf. G, H, and J” by Jentz and Doyle has a table of KwK 40(dunno which) and it’s firing accuracy in a test, and calculated accuracy considering combat conditions. It shows 100% accuracy for the 100m and 500m marks, and 99% a 1000m in the test(100/99/71 for “combat” conditions respectively) for PzGr 39, but good luck hitting stuff like that in WoT with .41 and .39m deviation.
“- not so long ago, Storm mentioned that there might be the possibility for a tank to move with one destroyed track implemented into the game, because it’s realistic. SerB states that this will not anytime soon”
they could even say something like “there will be an option to get all the premium tanks for free in the future, but SerB states that this will not come anytime soon”
What are you gonna do? Call in the Luftwaffe.
Nice video. Reminds I really should go and visit one or two tank museums.
The Ju-87′s really earned their pay in Africa. Along with the mechanics.
Does anyone get the feeling that Serbie is a fascist?
It’s pretty unlikely, fascism never really caught hold in Belarus, for obvious historical reasons. I’m not aware of an even nominally fascist party in their political arena since the curtain fell. If they do exist I imagine they’re pretty small because El Presidente Lukashenko is not known to be at all tolerant of dissent. They don’t call him “Europe’s last dictator” for nothing.
Do you even know the meaning of fascism?
Not about this topic, but, do anyone know why WoT WIKI is not updated with the Japanese tanks? Will there be updates there again?
True. Wiki has been not updated since when pathetic info about new
german TDs appeared here.
I think the lead editors of the wiki have all left… gone to play some other game (they were all volunteers, AFAIK). At least, that is the feeling I get. Maybe they are waiting for the Russian version to update, so they can copy from it.
- Object 430 won’t get the 122mm D-25T gun (Object 430U), SerB states those two tanks were quite different
So we can assume that the Object 430U will be used as a CW reward then yes?
That wouldn’t surprise me :D
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